RSF Animal Facility Manu Sharma, PE Facilities Management Research Support Facility (RSF) (AKA Building 30 or LAR) • • • • KUMC’s largest animal building. Original building with two floors built in 1987. Two other floors added in 2003. Both parts built with separate mechanical, electrical and plumbing (MEP) systems fed from the same sources. No interconnection between the two. • Lower level MEP systems are nearly 25 years old and some are in need of replacement. Understanding the HVAC for RSF • HVAC- Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning • AHU- Air Handling Unit Understanding the HVAC for RSF • Air Terminal- Controls the room temperature by adding heat, meters the air flow to help maintain room pressure M E P System Study • KUMC hired Engineering consultant Brack & Assoc. in October 2011 to – Review the condition of Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing (MEP) systems and assess their reliability – Recommend required replacements – Recommend upgrades to have redundancy of MEP systems, i.e. two separate water supply sources to the building. Study Findings • Lower Level MEP systems are nearing the end of life and need to be replaced, especially the air handling unit (AHU) serving the lower levels (AHU-1) • Lower level air terminals need to be replaced with new digital controls for better performance and monitoring. • Exhaust systems are not fully redundant. • Lack of redundancy if steam or chilled water from power plant is lost. • Heating water and domestic hot water systems on lower level need to be replaced and connected to upper level for redundancy Study Findings (continued) • Emergency power generators and electrical switchboards need replacement • Lack of redundant transformer Our Plan Based on the Study Recommendations • • Phased plan – funding limitations Only Phase 1 and 2 have firm funding commitments, with some of the funds for phase 2 coming from NIH grant (outcome not known) • Phase 1 (Estimated Construction time Early June to December 2013) - Install ductwork and controls to interconnect AHU-1, AHU-2 and proposed AHU-3. • Phase 2 (Estimated Construction time February 2014-November 2014) – Install AHU-3 – Replace AHU-1 – Replace Air Terminals on Ground and First Floor with new controls – Extend south stair to roof level – Install a new water line for RSF, providing a redundant source of water. Our Plan Based on the Study Recommendations (continued) • Phase 3 • • New Emergency Generator New electrical switchgears for normal and emergency power • Phase 4 • • • • • • • New Boiler and Chiller for redundancy New redundant heating system serving all parts of the bldg New redundant domestic hot water system serving all parts of the bldg New redundant exhaust fans for the whole bldg New redundant transformer New Edstrom system for Grd & first floors New Elevators • Phase 5 • • Build out penthouse for storage space Build a barrier suite on second floor AHU-1 Interior Pics Time Line for Phase 1 Work • Complete Design and Bid Documents for interconnecting ductwork – From Now - End of March 2013 • Bid the project – Between April – End of May 2013 • Construction – Between June – December 2013 Proposed Work on Ground Floor Proposed Work on First Floor Proposed Work on Roof Impact of Construction in Phase 1 • Several Air supply shut downs to make modifications to ductwork. Targeted to not last more than 4 hours at a time. All shut downs shall be scheduled with RSF management. • Will create temporary work spaces with partitions on ground and first floor. • Dust and construction traffic shall be controlled. • Expect periodic noise and vibration in areas below, when ducts and pipes are cut or attached to structure Areas That May Experience Construction Noise/Vibration- Ground Floor Areas That May Experience Construction Noise/Vibration- First Floor Areas That May Experience Construction Noise/Vibration- Second Floor Areas That May Experience Construction Noise/Vibration- Third Floor IACUC Chair/Regulatory Veterinarian Update Who am I and What can I provide to the Research Community? Nathan C Culley, DVM, DACLAM Functions • Provide assistance to the Office of Animal Welfare on IACUC policies/procedures and regulations. • Chair the IACUC • Pre-review protocols for submission to the IACUC. – Assist new investigators on the review process and protocol development. • Communication/consultation with the IO on the Animal Care and Use Program – Program needs/improvements – Compliance issues • Work together with The AV, Executive Director of the LAR, and the Research Community to assure a compliant Animal Care and Use Program at KUMC. Upcoming Changes to the Program • Occupational Health – Update categories for all animal users. • In person annual screening vs. on-line questionnaire – Risk assessment to determine needs/services per protocol • Protocol Review Process Changes – 3 tier review process-Pre-review, Vet review, IACUC review • Goal is to have the protocol polished prior to IACUC review – Drop Vet Pain and Distress Consult form-Vet review will satisfy regulations and provide “consult” – Hard dead-lines • New policies/procedures based on the New Guide and improvement in the Animal Care and Use Program. Changes to the Animal Care and Use Program Scott Bury, Ph.D. Director, Office of Animal Welfare Upcoming Changes to Program • Up coming AAALAC inspection – June-July 2013 – Updated policies on OAW and LAR sites – Draft Policies for Review • Triennial Training – Discontinued annual online refresher – Every 3 years, must attend LAR Animal User Training Session (status determined at time of de novo) • New ACUP Forms – Drafts Posted on OAW website – March and April Training Sessions – April 1st old forms will no longer be accepted (addendum and ACUP) Upcoming Changes to Program • LAR Advisory Committee – Dr. Warren Nothnick, Scientific Director of LAR – Reinstitute the LAR advisory committee – Communicating research communities concerns and insights with LAR, OAW, IACUC and Senior Administration • Research Staff Training by PI – New requirement to document protocol specific training by lab – Records must be maintained by PI • Call for topics for upcoming OAW seminars Attending Veterinarian Services Doug Brandt, DVM Attending Veterinarian Laboratory Animal Resources Veterinary Services • Responsible for the overall health and welfare of all animals on KUMC campus • Clinical and surgical care of animals • Rodent Health monitoring • Assist with Model Development – Surgical Assistance – Anesthetic Support – Biotechnical Services – Other veterinary procedures Veterinary Services • • • • • Animal procedure training Controlled Drug dispensing Pharmaceutical dispensing Protocol development Pain and Distress consultation Pathogen Outbreak Management in Rodent Colonies • Recommendations will be made by the Veterinary Staff to help contain the outbreak as well as eliminate the pathogen – Depopulation – Rederivation – Colony wide treatments – Extended quarantine without breeding – Others Pathogen Outbreak Management in Rodent Colonies • When an outbreak is confirmed the affected rooms will be placed on quarantine status until it is lifted by the Veterinary Staff – Enhanced PPE – Cage handling techniques – Quarantine Per Diem rates • Veterinary Staff will have final authority on how the colony will be managed Operational Updates Vilma Zolynas, DVM, MBA, MHRM Executive Director Laboratory Animal Resources TOPICS 1. Critical Animal Life Safety 2. Housing of Animals Exposed to Chemical Hazards 3. Rat Space Provisions and Cage Change Frequency 4. LAR Financial Data 5. Study Budget Estimate CRITICAL Animal Life Safety LAR Emergency Preparedness Plan • If a disaster occurs within the animal facility, such as fire, excess heat, or chemical spill, and the animal facility becomes a harmful environment, then animals shall be moved to a safe location to the extent possible. • Reasonable and valid attempts will be made to recover animals by the best means possible. If personnel have limited time to move or otherwise take care of animals, then the animals shall be helped in with the following priority: -Attempts will be made to save all the USDA regulated species -Critical/irreplaceable to the study animals participating in grant-funded research (bar code cage card marked with a red dot). PIs should mark only a few mice breeding pairs per line that cannot be replaced -Non-critical animals • If animals cannot be successfully evacuated, they will be humanely euthanized. • Mark cages with red dots by April 1st. Upcoming Changes ‘Chemical Hazards SOP’ • Chemicals that are toxic, known or suspect carcinogens, reproductive hazards, teratogens, mutagens and antineoplastic agents may be used in animal protocols. All chemicals being used must be documented in an Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee approved protocol. • Two separate SOPs: PROG 28 is Biological Hazards and PROG 48 is Chemical Hazards • Two procedure rooms will be equipped with Class II Type B hoods • Training will be provided to researchers on as needed basis. LOCATIONS: • RSF procedure room G033 (234 sq. ft.) with dedicated animal room G040 (111 sq. ft.) • RSF procedure room 3011 (145 sq. ft.) with dedicated animal room 3016 (225 sq. ft.) • No animal transfer charges RATS: Primary Enclosures and Space Provisions Species Dimensions of Enclosure Space requirement based on animal size Maximum Number Animals/Enclosure Guiding Document Enclosure Composition Minimum height 7 inches in2 20 x 10.5 = 210 8 inch height BREEDING CAGE 11.5 x 12 = 138 in2 7 inch height GREEN LINE CAGE Rats Weight, g <100 Up to 200 Up to 300 Up to 400 Up to 500 >500 Floor Area, in2 17 23 29 40 60 70 14.25 x 8.25 = 118 in2 7.25 inch height BLUE LINE CAGE 17 x 10 = 170 in2 7 inch height METABOLIC CAGE 3 or M + F + Litter Polysulfone, automatic watering, open top, cage 1 if over 500 g 2 if 400 – 500 g 3 if less than 400 g or 1 F + Litter Green Tecniplast IVC Polysulfone The Guide, internal SOP 2 if up to 400 g 1 if over 400 g Blue Tecniplast IVC Polysulfone 2 Stainless Steel, wirebottom suspended, open top Minimum height 7 inches RAT HUSBANDRY SOP: All rat cages are being changed twice a week. If the cage is clean (singled housed, newly split animals and weaned litters), LAR technician will not change such cage to avoid unnecessary animal handling. LAR Historical Financial Data FY2009-FYTD December 2012 Actual Revenue Internal KUMC Department Generated - (Per Diems, Recharges, & Charges for Services) Actual Actual Actual Projected FYTD December31, 2012 FY2013 FY2009 FY2010 FY2011 FY2012 $1,326,397 $1,397,221 $1,608,302 $1,732,838 $826,753 61,533120,214 $1,387,930 $1,517,435 60,940 $1,669,242 59,951 $1,792,789 74,457 105,000 $901,210 $1,681,753 1,047,752 1,182,092 External Customer Generated - (Per Diems, Recharges, & Charges for Services) Total LAR Generated Funds Research Overhead Fund - Institutional Departmental Indirect 853,056 966,432 State Appropriations 116,021 172,939 Grant-Shared Equipment Total KU & State Funds Total Revenue Actual 24,8651,135 $993,942 $1,140,506 $2,381,872 $2,657,941 320,324 $1,368,076 $3,037,318 495,372 $1,677,464 $3,470,253 $1,576,753 473,908 947,473 245,931 489,658 $719,839 $1,621,049 $1,437,131 $3,118,884 •Revenue represent cash flow from Per diems - collection from services runs on average 60 days from when service provided. •LAR started FY2013 with 4 external customers. As of the end of December we are down to 3. •Over the last year, LAR has self funded around 54% of operations and received no outside funding for capital equipment replacement. Major maintenance repairs are addressed by KUMC facilities, but LAR must fund any outside contractor or equipment purchases required. •We continue to see a slow steady decrease in animal numbers. LAR Historical Financial Data FY2009-FYTD December 2012 Actual FY2009 Percent Funds received from KU & State Percent of Total Expenditures Funded by KU & State (Including funded Deficit Funds) Benefits Contractual Services Maintenance Travel Telephone & Networking Supplies Capital Outlay Total Expenditures Ending Available (Deficit Funds) FY2010 41.73% 42.91% 48.81% 50.73% Actual Expenditure Payroll & OT Actual Actual Actual FY2011 Actual Actual Projected FY2012 FYTD December31, 2012 FY2013 45.04% 48.34% Actual Actual FY2011 $1,820,322 FYTD December31, FY2012 2012 $1,737,949 $842,822 FY2009 $1,498,905 FY2010 $1,650,451 375,366 509,724 573,013578,616 82,729 147,773 124,767 137,376 127,129 129,252151,853 5,852 19,379 23,306 15,341 527,017 542,219 64,442 63,982 $2,711,066 $3,079,925 ($329,194.00) ($421,984.00) 44.41% 23,476 19,514 288,352320,972 Actual 46.08% Projected FY2013 $1,685,644 292,943 585,886 75,733 62,040 130,645 137,153 174,000 18,8875,149 23,894 12,824 21,180 26,000 173,313 329,525 31,308427,699 183,749 313,749 $3,010,003 $3,335,603 $1,709,993 $3,266,629 $27,314.76 $134,650.00 ($88,944.00) ($147,745.00) Note: In FY2012-FY2013, LAR invested substantial funds in upgrading facilities and equipment. Upgrading LAR Facilities and Equipment FY2012-FY2013 Building Equipment/System RSF Animal Transfer Stations* 4 $32,703.74 RSF Racks for Non-Human Primates 5 $46,125 RSF Individually Ventilated Racks with Automated Watering* 13 $456,809 RSF Automated Watering Cages for Rats 360 $20,120.40 RSF Edstrom Automated Watering System Replacement 1 $149,761.99 RSF Watering System Installation 1 $115,305.54 RSF-Smith East Storage Racks for Cage Wash Area 22 $34, 500.50 RSF Class II Type B Biochemical Hoods 2 $22,500.00 RSF Installation of Biochemical Hoods 1 $47,000.00 RSF Sound Insulation Project (Large Animal Rooms, RSF 1st Floor) 1 ~$50,000.00 Grand Total Quantity Amount $ 974,586.60 * Two animal transfer stations and ten individually ventilated racks were purchased from non-LAR funds. Total: ~$368,000 LAR Historical Financial Data FY2009-FYTD December 2012 Staff Information Payroll FTE's-Budgeted Payroll FTE's-Actual Revenue - LAR Animal Animal Census Service & Supplies* Total FY2009 50.5 45.5 FY2010 50.5 47.5 FY2011 48.5 42.5 FY2012 44.5 39.5 Dec. 2013 42.5 38 $1,277,332 $110,598 $1,387,930 $1,460,853 $56,582 $1,517,435 $1,575,431 $93,811 $1,669,242 $1,572,971 $219,818 $1,792,789 $815,126 $86,084 $901,210 15,816** 15,819* 4,738 4,492 4,022 Projected FY2013 42.5 38 $1,519,669 $162,084 $1,681,753 Animal Cages\Billing Unit Per Month Mice - Starting in FY2011 mice billed by cage Rats Non-Human Primates Other 1,219 757 539 432 538 103 62 53 45 40 54 11 12 14 14 5,342 4,983 4,614 Total Animal Care Days Mice - Starting in FY2011 mice billed by cage Rats Non-Human Primates Other Total - 5,783,791 445,368 37,702 5,815,573 276,969 23,907 1,733,523 206,748 19,388 1,678,360 179,089 16,495 756,065 103,190 7,456 1,479,845 206,378 14,296 35,219 6,302,080 4,250 6,120,699 4,420 1,964,079 5,909 1,879,853 2,881 869,592 7,471 1,707,990 * Re-bill of drugs & supplies was 55% in FY 2012 and 60% as of FYTD December 2012. Veterinarians billed 3.6% of their time during FY2012 and 3.4% during FYTD December 2012. Technicians billed 14.7% of their time during 2012 and 6.2% during FYTD December 2012. Balance is from charges for specific service fees as outlined on LAR's rate schedule. ** Mice (not cages) Cost & Rate Analysis for FY 2012: The calculated unit cost below is based on the 2000 edition of the Cost Analysis and Rate Setting for Animal Research Facilities produced by the Cost Manual Revision Committee under the auspices of the Comparative Medicine area of the National Center for Research Resources (NCRR), a component of National Institutes of Health (NIH). Total Accumulated Costs Cost Center Technical Activities $ 272,742.72 $ - *External Rate Survey Calculated # of Units Unit Cost Actual Rate Variance $ 227,868.0 44,874.72 Animal Husbandry $ 1 Lamprey Fish $ $ - 2 Gerbil per diem $ 2,852.34 2,334 $ 1.2221 $ 0.6500 0.5721 $ - 3 Goat per diem $ 16,156.26 848 $ 19.0522 $ 12.3900 6.6622 $ 4 Hamster per diem/Outside patron $ 650.87 357 $ 1.8232 $ 1.7400 0.0832 $ 5 Mice Autoclaved Box per diem $ 789,155.09 593,815 $ 1.3290 $ 0.8190 0.5100 $ 6 Mice Bio-Containment Box per diem $ 39,056.26 23,401 $ 1.6690 $ 1.0300 0.6390 $ 1.150 7 Mice Conventional Box per diem $ 1,023,820.15 851,540 $ 1.2023 $ 0.7100 0.4923 $ 0.930 8 Mice Diabetic Box per diem $ 11,360.29 4,729 $ 2.4023 $ 1.3400 1.0623 $ - 9 Mice Germfree Box $ 1,448.10 4,670 $ 0.3101 $ 0.3101 $ - 10 Mice Outside Patron Box per diem $ 5,717.14 1,890 $ 3.0249 $ 1.2049 $ - 11 Mice Sentinel & Training $ 7,405.05 35,664 $ 0.2076 $ 0.2076 $ 12 Mice Sterile Box per diem $ 232,505.64 158,470 $ 1.4672 $ 0.9200 0.5472 $ 0.990 13 Pigtail Monkey per diem $ 23,997.90 1,451 $ 16.5389 $ 11.0700 5.4689 $ 11.430 14 Rhesus per diem $ 103,604.68 6,337 $ 16.3492 $ 11.0700 5.2792 $ 11.430 15 Squirrel Monkey per diem $ 122,241.94 8,631 $ 14.1631 $ 9.6200 4.5431 $ 11.430 16 Rabbit per diem $ 574.07 104 $ 5.5199 $ 3.0600 2.4599 $ 3.670 17 Rabbit per diem/Outside patron $ 8,301.36 775 $ 10.7114 $ 7.3500 3.3614 $ - 18 Rat Autoclave per diem $ 39,953.75 34,486 $ 1.1585 $ 0.6400 0.5185 $ - 19 Rat Bio-containment per diem $ 8,372.30 6,445 $ 1.2990 $ 0.7500 0.5490 $ 20 Rat Conventional per diem $ 134,638.89 124,288 $ 1.0833 $ 0.5900 0.4933 $ 21 Rat Diabetic per diem $ 1,126.35 605 $ 1.8617 $ 0.8000 1.0617 $ - 22 Rat per diem/Outside patron $ 13,129.02 5,974 $ 2.1977 $ 1.3800 0.8177 $ - 23 Rat Sentinel & Training $ 2,566.50 10,820 $ 0.2372 $ 0.2372 $ - 24 Pig per diem/Outside patron $ 1,041.04 21 $ 49.5732 $ 21.1732 $ - 25 $ - - $ - $ - - $ - 26 $ - - $ - $ - - $ - Total $ - - $ - $ - 1.8200 - 28.4000 - 1.950 - - 0.620 2,862,417.73 Note: Total accumulated costs exclude cost associated with regulatory compliance, purchase of fixed assets and unallowable costs per OMB Circular A-21. *Source: Per Diem Rate Survey included the following institutions: The Ohio State University, University of Colorado Health Science Center, University of Iowa, University of Illinois-Chicago University of Kansas Medical Center, University of Kentucky, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, University of Tennessee-Memphis University of Oklahoma Health Science Center, University of Nebraska Medical Center Peer Group Per Diem Rate Survey FY 2013 SPECIES ► PER DIEM TYPE► Mean Median KUMC 2013 Ranking Pig Dog Rabbit Rat Mouse/Sterile Mouse ABSL2 Guinea Pig NHP Hamster (per animal) (per animal) (per animal) (per cage 2.66) (per cage 5) (per cage 5) (per animal) (per animal) (per cage 3.8) Colorado $33.10 Iowa $22.32 Kentucky $21.42 Illinois-Chi $19.70 $16.96 Iowa $20.91 Kansas $16.09 Colorado $14.63 Oklahoma $13.07 $12.61 Colorado $5.18 Kentucky $5.05 Oklahoma $4.64 *Ohio State $4.39 $3.67 Kentucky $2.79 *Ohio State $2.12 Iowa $1.73 Minnesota $1.70 $1.68 Tennessee $1.31 Kentucky $1.23 Minnesota $1.10 Oklahoma $1.09 $0.99 Tennessee $1.57 *Ohio State $1.40 Minnesota $1.40 Oklahoma $1.32 Kentucky Kentucky $2.36 *Ohio State $2.12 Tennessee $1.96 Iowa $1.85 Kansas Kentucky $18.10 Minnesota $13.10 *Ohio State $12.06 Iowa $11.66 Kansas Kentucky $3.76 *Ohio State $2.74 Iowa $2.62 $1.95 Minnesota $1.70 Kansas Minnesota Iowa Kansas Kansas $1.23 $1.82 $11.63 Illinois-Chi $14.91 Minnesota $14.00 Oklahoma $13.58 *Ohio State $12.39 Tennessee $9.70 UNMC $9.22 $12.38 Illinois-Chi $11.13 *Ohio State $10.76 Kentucky $10.45 UNMC $9.12 Tennessee $7.67 $3.55 Kansas $3.21 UNMC $3.14 Minnesota $2.84 Illinois-Chi $2.77 Tennessee $1.97 $1.64 Colorado $1.60 UNMC $1.38 Oklahoma $1.31 Tennessee $1.30 Illinois-Chi $1.25 $0.97 *Ohio State $0.95 Colorado $0.94 UNMC $0.93 Illinois-Chi $0.80 Iowa $0.59 $1.15 Kansas $1.08 Illinois-Chi $1.02 UNMC $0.96 Colorado $0.94 Iowa $0.59 Oklahoma $1.81 $1.80 Colorado $1.75 Minnesota $1.60 UNMC $1.41 Illinois-Chi $1.35 Illinois-Chi $11.55 $11.43 UNMC $9.12 Oklahoma $8.09 Tennessee $7.59 Colorado No Rate $1.48 UNMC $1.46 Tennessee $1.24 Oklahoma $0.62 Colorado No Rate Kansas No Rate Participants: The Ohio State University, University of Colorado Health Science Center, University of Iowa, University of Kansas Medical Center, University of Kentucky, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, University of Tennessee-Memphis, University of Illinois-Chicago, University of Oklahoma Health Science Center, University of Nebraska Medical Center * The Ohio State University will adjust rates in October, 2012 Information Needed For Study Budget Estimate • LAR will not prepare a budget estimate if PI presents only study design described in the ACUP. PI should prepare detailed study flow chart/plan. • Supplies Grand Total $ 41413.57 • Animals Grand Total (add 20% $ 49696.29 • Labor buffer) • Housing • Equipment • Price list of PPE, drugs, and expendables is posted on LAR website Note: For example, the budget estimate for study is about ~42,000. This is the best approximation of the costs involved for LAR to support the study. Studies usually do not go as planned and contingencies should be built into study budget. If investigator decides to change the original study design, the study budget estimate should not be relied upon when submitting to funding agency. Study Information Animal quantity Example Of Study Budget Estimate Cohort 1 (12 weeks) Cohort 2 (6 weeks) Cohorts 1 and 2 15 15 30 Room # Number of Rooms Rabbit PerDiem (rate per rabbit per day) 3017 RSF 1 3.06 Animal Procurement and Disposal Room and Per Diem Labor Rates Tech rate per hour (regular) 44.00 Tech rate per hour (overtime; after 3:30 pm on 66.00 weekdays; any time weekends) Veterinarian rate per hour 80.00 Per Diem Rate Per Rabbit Price per 30 rabbits Shipping (29 rabbits at one time) 90.00 Single Rabbit (animal, tattoo, shipping crate and 171.75 diet gel) 2610.00 5152.50 Shipping (Shipping single rabbit for pilot imaging) 530.00 530.00 Procurement (applies to 30 rabbit order) Set-up per rabbit (1 time only) Incineration per rabbit Room fee (rate per month; 30 rabbits will fit into a single room; study + acclimation time is >3 mo) 22.77 180.00 300.00 84.00 Rate Per Rabbit Price per 15 rabbit cohort Per diem rate of 3.21(cohort 1 of 15 rabbits--> 1 292.11 week acclimation + 12 weeks on study = 91 days 4381.65 Per diem rate of 3.21(cohort 2 of 15 rabbits--> 1 157.29 week acclimation + 6 weeks on study = 91 days 2359.35 22.77 6.00 10.00 21.00 Labor Rate Per Rabbit Price per 30 rabbits Veterinarian Anesthesia Monitoring (7 hours for 112.00 5 rabbits = 1.4 hours per rabbit) 3360.00 Vet Tech Surgical Room Clean-Up (1.5 hours; 6 total clean-ups) 66.00 396.00 Vet Tech Surgical Room Set-Up (1.5 hours; 6 total set-ups) 66.00 396.00 Vet Tech Surgical Prep (7 hours for 5 rabbits = 1.4 hours per rabbit) 61.60 1848.00 Example Of Study Budget Estimate (cont.) Extra Post-Op Labor and Supplies Description Rate per Rabbit Rate per 30 rabbits Buprenorphine (4 doses 0.1 mg/kg) Baytril (5 doses 20 mg/kg) 3 cc syringe with needle (9 per rabbit) Vet Tech Post-Op Drugs (9 injections; 4 buprenorphine and 5 Baytril at 3 minutes per injection = 27 minutes per rabbit 54.80 1.05 1.44 19.80 1644.00 31.50 43.20 594.00 Drugs Ketamine (100mg/ml) dose 50 mg/kg Xylazine (100mg/ml) dose 10/mg/kg Buprenorphine SR (1 dose at 0.1 mg/kg) Bupivivcaine 0.75% dose 4mg/kg Lidocaine 2% dose 3.5 mg/kg Baytril 100 dose 20 mg/kg Glycopyrolate (0.2 mg/mL) 0.01 mg/kg Meloxicam (compounded 2.5 mg/mL; 50mL 139.95 1.04 0.17 6.0375 0.01 0.74 0.22 0.90 31.05 5.22 181.13 0.00 0.32 22.05 6.51 27.05 Example Of Study Budget Estimate (cont.) Expendables and Fees 3cc syringe with needle (5) 1cc syringe with needle (2) 4x4 gauze (approx 15 for each rabbit - skin prep, surgical pack, catheter placement) 0.80 0.46 0.75 24.00 13.80 22.50 Chucks (approx 3 for each rabbit - prep, surgical table, recovery) 54.00 1620.00 Light handle covers (2 per table with 2 tables; 4 per day; 24 used over 6 surgery days) 2.17 65.04 IV catheter IV set 500ml Saline Warming blanket (BAIR HUGGER - one may last for every day of 5 rabbits; need 6 blankets to cover 6 surgery days) 1.40 1.33 1.43 5.58 42.00 39.90 42.90 167.40 Suture scaffold (4-O PDS Maxon 231.25 per box; 1 pack per rabbit; 1 box should cover 30 rabbits) 7.71 231.25 Suture (muscle, SQ, skin - 2 pack of 2-0 vicryl per rabbit) 14.54 436.20 Bouffont cap (5 personnel; surgeon, assistant surgeon, anesthetist, preptech, post-op monitor) 0.04 1.20 Tie-on facemask (5 personnel) 0.15 Non-sterile gloves (3 personnel; anesthetist, preptech, post-op monitor; 10 1.68 changes per staff member per day = 30 pairs) 4.50 50.40 Sterile surgical gown (2 personnel; 1 change per day = 4 gown per surgery day Sterile gloves (2 personnel; 2 pairs per surgery X 5 surgeries = 10 pairs + 2 extra for = 12 pairs per 5 rabbits = 2.4 pairs per rabbit. Shoe covers (5 personnel; 1 change per day = 10 pairs per day) 9.46 283.92 2.42 72.72 0.56 16.80 Thermovent hepa filter (1 per animal) Suture surgical pack (1 per animals) Mayo stand cover Isoflurane (7 hours for 5 rabbits = 1.4 hours per rabbit) 3.52 11.00 3.06 38.56 105.60 330.00 91.80 1156.68 OR equipment and room fee Needles (misc use; drug draws, fluid draws, etc) 5 per rabbit 100.00 0.50 600.00 15.00 Example Of Study Budget Estimate (cont.) Bronchoscopy and IVIS Description Rate per rabbit (single Rate for 90 scans Notes bronchoscopy and IVIS (15 rabbits scoped scan) and scanned on wks 3, 6, 9, 12; 15 rabbits scoped and scanned on weeks 3 and 6) IVIS pilot study (approx 2 hours; include isoflurane, vet tech time, 436.29 durgs, IVIS room fee, IVIS technician, etc) Single rabbit 436.29 Ketamine (100mg/ml) dose 50 mg/kg Xylazine (100mg/ml) dose 10/mg/kg 3 cc syringe with needle (2 per rabbit scope and scan for ketamine/xylazine sedation) 1 cc syringe with needle (1 per rabbit scope and scan for meloxicam) Vet Tech Time IVIS scan week 0 (10 rabbits in 1 day - approx 40 minutes per rabbit including sedation, placement in IVIS scanner, IVIS scanner, recovery) includes overtime = ~6.67 hours 1.04 0.17 0.32 93.15 15.66 28.80 0.23 20.70 29.48 884.40 Vet Tech time Bronchoscopy and IVIS scan weeks 3,6,9,12 (5 36.61 rabbits in 1 day - approx 50 minutes per rabbit including sedation, bronchoscopy, placement in IVIS scanner, IVIS scanning, recovery) includes overtime = ~4.16 hours for 5 rabbits in one day 3294.72 Room rate (85.00/hr) ~4.16 hours for 5 rabbits in one day 6364.80 70.72 IVIS technician 61.00/hr (required for first few sessions; may not 50.75 be needed for later sessions if PI/research lab gets training from LAR and IVIS technician) 1 rabbit only 30 scans (10 rabbit done on 3 separate days) 761.28 Assuming 3 sessions (15 scans prior) Lab may be trained and operate scanner after this period LAR Budget Estimate Agreement for Biotechnical Services I __________________________________(PI name) have read the budget estimate provided by LAR for the animal study slated to begin approximately (date) __________________ and end approximately (date)________________under ACUP#_____________. I understand that this is the best approximation of the costs needed for LAR to support my study. While the fixed prices for labor (technical service rates) and supplies (supply price list) and animal housing (per diem rate) have been provided, I also understand that the costs may differ (actual cost may be higher or lower than initial estimate) based on and not limited to the actual time needed to complete various services provided by LAR and the actual number of supplies needed for the procedures. Additionally, if animals suffer post-operative complications, there will be additional costs associated with the labor and supplies needed to perform treatments and observation to address those complications. If on-going or intense technical support is needed, it may be more cost-effective to hire a dedicated technical support person for my laboratory. I have also discussed details related to animal caging needed for this study, and I am satisfied with the caging supplied by LAR for this particular study. • • • • Provisions of LAR Biotechnical Services: Biotechnical services are provided by LAR on an ‘as available’ basis without warranties of any kind, either expressed or implied (For example, if an LAR employee, who provides technical support for the study, gets sick or resigns, there may be resulting delays for the study. However, LAR and the lab may work together to procure replacements for such staffing positions). LAR will not issue credits for lab animals that are not suitable for study. LAR will make every effort to ensure animals are healthy prior to shipment into LAR facilities. Furthermore, if animals are deemed unhealthy or unsuitable upon arrival, with input from the lab, LAR may seek animal replacements from the animal vendor. However, no such replacements are guaranteed Also, LAR will not issue credits for services (i.e. per diem accrual) due to decisions made by the lab. (For example, if a lab chooses to delay procedure in order to work with a specific LAR staff member when an adequate alternative staff member is available, LAR will not be responsible for the additional per diems associated with the study delay). If the PI is dissatisfied with LAR technical service or any terms, guidelines, or practices, the sole and exclusive remedy is to discontinue using the services. If the investigator decides to change the original study design, this budget estimate is automatically invalid and should not be used for submission to funding agency. _______________________________ ____________________ Signature of PI/Investigator Date