SERVFL Notification System

Responding to an
Everbridge Notification
SERVFL Notification System
• Internet based notification system available 24/7/365
• Multijurisdictional emergency and non-emergency notifications
• Broadcast messages to multiple communication devices including email,
phones, text and fax
• Requests confirmation that message has been received
• This system replaces the FDENS system
• If you do not confirm a message, you will be notified again.
Notification by Email Sample Alert
To confirm this alert, click on
the link.
Alert by Telephone
 The general Caller ID is 8502454600.
 This number may be changed for local calling
 “Please stand by for an important message”
 Press 1 to hear the message
 Listen to the message
 Press 1 to confirm the message
 Thank you, your response has been received, Good bye
 Press 2 to replay the message
 Message begins again
 Once you have confirmed the message, hang up and take any action
indicated in the message.
Voice Mail
If you do not answer a phone alert, you will receive a voice mail. Remember a
voice mail is just a recorded message.
• You hear the message
• Check your email for a message to confirm
• Your message may contain a call-back number (888-677-4911) and
Message ID number for confirmation only. You will have to go to email to
read the message.
• Call the number and enter message ID number to confirm the message
If you wish to be Notified by
text message, you must add
the number to your profile in
the Member Portal.
To confirm a text, reply with
yes and send.
We are now allowed to use
text messaging on our state
Install & Set Up for Mobile App
To use the mobile application , you must first register in the Member Portal.
Your Group Manager will send you an email with a registration link.
The Everbridge Member App (approved for state devices) is available for
download from the App Store or Google play or Apple iTunes. Search on
Everbridge to find the App.
Enter the Username and Password you created for the Member Portal.
Mobile Member Continued
The first time you login, the Setting for your account appear.
Tap the ON/OFF switch to change the settings.
• Always Share My Location = OFF-You can set the app to share your
location by default. If you share your location, then your organization
knows from where you are sending information. This can be extremely
valuable during the response to an incident.
• Allow Push Notifications = ON – Allowing push notifications will allow
your organization to reach you quickly. A push notification is a way of
communicating with a mobile device that goes directly to the
application, not through email or some other path. You do not have to
request the message. It simply arrives on your device, even if you are
not in the Mobile Member app.
• Tap DONE to save your initial settings.
• To change your settings in the future, from the Menu, tap Manage
Accounts, and tap your name. Make the changes then tap Settings.
Using the Mobile App
• Once the Mobile App is installed, you can receive a
notification. Tap on the App to see the list of
messages. You may need to refresh the Unread
messages screen to see new messages. Tap the
message to open.
• Click Yes to confirm that you received the message.
• The top of the message
shows that you
confirmed the
message. If the
message contains a
poll, click on your
response. If there is a
recording attached,
click on the recording
to hear the message.