preparatory survey for the integrated regional

II. Planning for Integrated Regional
Development of Southeast Myanmar
June 2013
RECS International Inc.
Nippon Koei Co., Ltd.
Oriental Consultants Co., Ltd.
(Comments in red added by Steve Thompson)
1. Economic Corridors Development
1) East-west economic development corridors: original
alignment designated by ABD and its alternatives for
Southeast Myanmar
2) Southern economic development corridors: original
alignment designated by ABD and its alternative
linking Payathonezu and Thanbyuzayat
3) Economic corridor in northern part
4) North-south economic corridor (National artery)
5) New east-west economic corridor: Walley- SukaliKyaikdon- Kyainsekkyi- Mudon
6) New north-south economic corridor: HpapunHpaan- Kyainsekkyi- Payathonezu
Why does this “integrated” survey “for ethnic minorities” start with promoting big
development projects that take and pollute their land, when it should be addressing
issues of conflict resolution, land, resettlement and rehabilitation? This reflects a
remarkable blindness on the part of the Japanese consultant engineers and JICA.
2. Artery Road Network for Southeast Myanmar
• These roads are a continuing security
threat to ethnic nationality peoples, their
cultures and their environment.
• While the Burmese military continues
to hold and reinforce bases in Karen
lands and remains unanswerable to its’
government, road-making provides it
unacceptable strategic advantage.
• Indigenous land tenure is even less
certain under the 2 Burmese land laws
passed after the 2012 ceasefire. Land
confiscations are widespread
throughout the country. Road-making
further threatens the land and livelihood
security for the Karen people in their
path. Why is this not understood?
• Yet further undermining community
land security, without clear land policy
roads will bring an influx of settlers from
elsewhere, Burmese army families and
3. Industrial Clusters Development
Rubber industrial cluster
Wood and bamboo works industrial cluster
Cashew industrial cluster
Apiculture (bee raising) industrial cluster
5) Other industrial clusters: tourism industry, antimony
industry, wellness industry (i.e. spas, massage,
alternative health) etc.
Some of these (bamboo, cashew, bees, alternative health,
tourism) are basically okay. However the plan only hints at the
real large scale mining agenda. It also promotes unsustainable
mono-culture plantation farming. There is no inclusion of
biodiverse, low input, self reliant and carbon-neutral indigenous
farming practices. Growing rice, pepper & other spices, betel
nut & leaf, and the sustainable cultivation and management of
fuelwood species and high value timber species are all missing
from the plan.
4. Rubber Industrial Cluster
Focus on rubber is economically shortsighted, as most rubber is used in
the transport industry which cannot be sustained without fossil fuels.
These are being quickly depleted and fuel costs already at historic highs.
Not far in the future this will become critical, likely damaging or destroying
the market for rubber. Rubber trees take 7 years to come into production,
so any new planting carries very high risk. Diversifying into food, building
materials, paper and wood energy – where increasing future needs are far
more certain may prove a much better investment.
5. Wood and Bamboo Works Industrial
This makes good sense, as cultivating different kinds of bamboo, rattan canes and
timber can be sustainably productive using local skills and inputs.
Investing in developing local peoples skills for cultivating and enriching forests,
processing bamboo, cane, “non-timber forest products” and wood, and making better
quality furniture and paper is therefore good.
6. Cashew Industrial Cluster
No serious problems foreseen with this; however it may still be too much
of a monoculture though the integrated farming with goats helps to
diversify it. It could be improved by introducing more things to the system
to better meet needs of communities for self sufficiency in food, fuelwood,
7. Apiculture Industrial Cluster
No serious problems foreseen with this…
Integrating this with increasing the number of flowering species and
medicinal herbs in the surrounding forests and farmlands would
improve it.
Reducing pesticide use in the surrounding areas would better
guarantee honey quality and bee survival.
8. River Basins Water Resources
Development and Management Program
1) Megatat River, a tributary of the Zami River, for water supply, mini
hydro power, and flood mitigation
Bilin River for water supply, hydro power development, irrigation
and watershed management. According to the 1994 Norconsult study
for the ADB, this dam will flood a huge area of over 200 km2.
3) Dontami River for water supply, mini hydro power, and watershed
4) Ye River for water supply and mini hydro power
5) Melaga River, a tributary of the Moei River, for water supply,
irrigation and mini hydro power
Yunzalin River, a tributary of Thanlwin River, for water supply,
hydro power and irrigation
These dams will severely disrupt wildlife and local fisheries, and will flood more
villages and much good farm and forest land. These seem like just an excuse fore
more dam building in the interests of the consulting companies.
9. Megatat River Basin Water Resources
Development and Management
This development area and dam
is located in the core area of the
Megatha Wildlife Sanctuary. It
will destroy an exceptionally
beautiful area and will be
devastating for wildlife and the
remaining forests.
10. Bilin River Basin Water Resources
Development and Management
This dam has an extremely big flood area
for the amount of electricity it will generate.
(200 km2 for 400 MW, Norconsult 1994).
Significantly, It will flood critical wildlife
habitat of the KNU Thuplay Wildlife
Sanctuary. It will displace many of the
communities who are key to protecting the
forests and wildlife there.
It will also flood good lowland rice farms
and forest land. Like other big dams this
will only serve to power cities and
industries, mostly foreign owned.
11. Dontami River and Ye River Basin Water
Resources Development and Management
12. Melaga River Basin Water Resources
Development and Management
More dams?!. As with most other
dam plans, no reservoir area is
given – i.e how much Karen land
will be flooded.
Would the hydropower be used to
power the zinc and other resource
mining activities in the area?
13. Yunzalin River Basin Water Resources
Development and Management
Yet more damming of exceptionally
beautiful and clean rivers for a
questionable development
14. Payathonezu Settlement Areas
Provision ofDevelopment
water supply with public
standpipes, power
supply by mini hydro or diesel, branch schools and clinics
(Why no off grid solar power or micro-hydro? What
guarantee of sustainable resourcing of schools and
) Productive re-forestation on hills with fruits and cashew
) Participatory land use planning: residential lots with home
gardens, productive re-forestation areas, paddy fields,
protection areas for water sources
Community organizing: CBO or CDC for community
facilities planning & implementation
They make the “master plan”, allowing actual participation of communities,
in only a few areas after their plan is discussed and approved
15. Returnees Empowerment Center
Stage 1: Information function
1) Provision of audio-visual equipment, computers and associated
2) Support for preparation of promotion materials for settlement
areas, industrial estates, policy and support activities by State
3) Planning for facilities and services for Stage 2 development by
cooperation of KNU, State Government and other stakeholders
Stage 2: Skill training function
1) Adoption of some returnees as trainers and TOT for them
2) Provision of training facilities and equipment
3) Association with industrial estates and related facilities and
enterprises located in those facilities
16. Conciliatory Access Improvement
1) Theinseik – Laykhay road improvement (KNU
brigade No.1)
2) Ye – Joohaproud road improvement (NMSP)
3) Leiktho – Yardo road improvement (KNU brigade No.
4) Kamamaung – Myainggyingu ferry services
improvement with a new ship and landing facilities
(KNU brigade No.2 on Kamamaung side and KNU
brigade No. 5 and DKB-BGF on Myainggyingu side)
17. Water Supply Improvement Program
Development needs
Water source expansion for water supply in the STS center
Development of alternative water sources and complementary use
with mini hydro in the Thauyeka River (Thaukyekhat Dam?)
Development of water sources to expand water supply in the STS
center (Thandaung dam under construction?)
Development of alternative water sources in addition to springs
currently used
Expansion of pumping capacity to pump up Thanlwin River water
Resolution of salt water intrusion into dug wells (This problem will
be created or worsened by dams on Salween, Bilin and elsewhere)
Expansion of water supply by dug wells
Expansion of public water supply by combining tube wells and
planned use of springs
Expansion of public water supply by planned dug wells
Expansion of water supply by dug wella and tube wells
Expansion of public water supply by tube wells
18. Problem Structure Analysis
Poor road
tourism resources
power supply
mineral resources
Weak links with
developed areas
Lack of large & active
urban centers
Extreme maldistribution of
Difficulties in market
Extensive flooding
Insufficient local
Lack of proper
Degrading forest
Inadequate skill &
vocational training
water resources
water supply
Lack of major
port & airport
social facilities &
Degrading traditional
lifestyles & value
Uncertainties due to
security threats
Undiversified crop
Weak livestock
& fishery
Inactive local
Over reliance on
Out-migration &
social disruption
Presence of
armed ethnic
Low paddy
Lack of incenties to
increase production
Labor shortages
Limited indigenous
Low income
19. Objectives for Regional Development
of Southeast Myanmar
1) Economic objective: To diversify employment and
income opportunities to improve livelihood, increase
local capital accumulation, and enhance
competitiveness of regional economy in globalizing
2) Social objective: To revitalize local communities to
initiate new economic activities, effect better
environmental management, and enhance local
governance capacity
3) Environmental objective: To protect and enhance
environmental quality to ensure sustainable
economic development, safeguard traditional
lifestyles and value, and ensure lasting peace
20. Basic Strategy for Regional
Development of Southeast Myanmar
1) Improving security conditions through sharing
development and security related information with all
stakeholders to cultivate mutual trust among them,
2) Establishing mechanism for broad-based
participation of all stakeholders in the process of
development planning and implementation, and
3) Promoting alternative socio-economic activities,
which are less resource intensive and environment
friendly, combining traditional practices and modern
21. Vision for Regional Development of
Southeast Myanmar
 Realization of
robust and resilient socioeconomy open to the global society
supported by abundant natural resources,
diverse economic activities and rich cultural heritage
of ethnic peoples.
22. Factors Supporting the Regional
Development Vision
1) Transport and logistic infrastructure of the first quality
linking the Southeast Myanmar to neighboring regions
and countries
2) Industrial clusters to produce a variety of products having
comparative advantage in the global market
3) Environment friendly socio-economic activities combining
traditional wisdom of peoples with modern technology
4) Active communities of mixed ethnicity with revitalized
conventional cultural activities that residents are proud of
and visitors can enjoy
5) All of the above embraced in rich natural environment
under proper management by local communities and
local governments to ensure sustainability
23. Important Concepts to Support the Regional
Development of Southeast Myanmar
Regional development of
the Southeast Myanmar with Kayin and Mon States
is to be pursued through:
Knowledge development,
Agriculture of high quality,
Youth initiative and participation,
Industrial clusters,
Natural resources management,
Mixed ethnicity, and
Organizational strength, all for
National integration.
24. Development Scenario
Development Phasing
1) Preparatory phase: up to 2015/16
2) Phase 1: 2016/17~2020/21
3) Phase 2: 2021/22~2025/26
4) Phase 3: 2026/27~2035/36
25. Preparatory Phase: up to 2015/16
1) Completion of integrated regional development
master plan with urgent projects
2) Establishment of REC with information function
3) Initial return of refugees and IDPs on voluntary base
4) Pilot implementation of participatory mechanism to
plan and implement community facilities
5) Initiation of productive re-forestation
6) Preparatory works to establish new economic
activities in agriculture and industry
7) Skill training for new products to be produced by
mixed farming and integrated farming
8) Urgent improvement of key artery roads
9) Selective improvement of urban infrastructure
26. Phase 1: 2016/17~2020/21
1) Conclusion of peace agreement and acceleration of return of refugees
and IDPs
2) Expansion of REC with skill training function
3) Institutionalization of participatory planning and development
4) Expansion of new mixed farming and integrated farming pilot
implemented in preparatory phase
5) Establishment of rubber industrial cluster with diversified final
products (more rubber plantations)
6) Establishment of skills and raw materials collection and marketing
mechanism for cashew industrial cluster
7) Initial formation of other industrial clusters
8) FTZ and IE development in full scale (accelerate to hazardous waste
production. No treatment plan or facilities mentioned)
9) Strengthening of east-west economic corridor and development of
branch arteries
10) Initial improvement of access to settlement sites from western side of
Dawna mountain range (obvious priority: open up the secure areas to
neutralize resistance…..)
27. Phase 2: 2021/22~2025/26
1) Increasing return of migrant workers (under what pressure?)
2) Production increase from productive re-forestation areas
3) Full establishment of cashew industrial cluster
4) Diversification of industries in FTZs and I.E.s (Dawei and other
polluting Industrial Estates)
5) Formation of full transport and logistic network with Kyaikkami regional
port, FTZs and I.E.s (based on unsustainable growth model and
heavily extractive industries)
6) Establishment of urban hierarchy for effective urban services delivery
7) Initiation of joint development and management of border areas with
8) Completion of physical integration of Southeast Myanmar by resolution
of missing links (not hidden agenda of road building to open up KNU
secure areas)
9) Development and management of tributaries of major rivers to reduce
flooding and improve access (BIG DAMS – HATGYI)
10) More broad based participatory planning and implementation – FPIC?
When? Believe it only when you see credible consultation process….
28. Phase 3: 2026/26~2035/36
1) Completion of return of migrant workers
2) Diversification of export products of agriculture with fruits,
cashew products, goat meat and milk products, bamboo
products, and specialty products
3) Establishment of additional industrial clusters based on mineral
resources, tourism and other resources
4) Completion of fully operational transport and logistic network
linked with neighboring regions and countries
5) Reduction of major flooding to manageable magnitude to
improve further links between different areas in major river
6) Formation of a city network with urban hierarchy extending to
neighboring regions and countries to share higher order urban
functions for mutually complementary development
29. Future Characteristic of Southeast Myanmar
1) In-migrating region with average income higher than national average
& diversified employment opportunities
Model region for alternative socio-economic activities with many viable
industrial clusters and sustainable resource utilization and
management by peoples (to centre it around dams & roads is wrong
Major tourism center with variety of tour itineraries for international and
domestic tourists, embracing rich cultural heritage of ethnic peoples
Center for alternative technology with advanced education and
research facilities (so where is this in their plan?
Agricultural area specialized in mixed and integrated farming to attain
high productivity without relying much on high use of agro chemicals,
fertilizer and other external input (so where is this in their plan?
Regional society open to global society with logistic networks linked to
neighboring regions and countries, city networking to share higher
order urban functions, cosmopolitan atmosphere accommodating
peoples of diverse socio-cultural backgrounds
7) Self-reliant region based on the utilization of indigenous resources by
and for the benefit of local peoples under effective development
administration by public-private partnership