Recovery Planning and the Colorado Floods

Recovery Planning and
the Colorado Floods
Iain Hyde, Deputy Chief Recovery Officer
Colorado Disaster
• 1997 – Fort Collins Flood
• 1999 – Arkansas River Basin Floods
• 2002 – Wildfires
• 2008 – Windsor Tornado
• 2012 – Waldo Canyon and High Park Fires
• 2013 – Black Forest Fire
• 2013 – September Floods
Recovery Frameworks
• Presence of a framework enhances coordination and
responsiveness, expands conversation beyond standard FEMA
recovery programs
• National Disaster Recovery Framework
• Recovery Support Functions – lead and support agencies
• Coordination with states, support to locals
• Better leverages knowledge and resources across the Federal
• State of Colorado Draft Recovery Plan
Under development before floods; operational
Incorporated lessons from 2012, 2013 wildfires
State Recovery Support Functions – What if FEMA isn’t coming?
Recovery coordination starts at onset of events
Pre-Disaster Planning
• State Agencies needed to be organized for Long Term Recovery
• Function if federal resources are not available
• Align with Federal resources when they do come
• Focus on:
• Capabilities
• Structures and Actions
• Timing and flexibility
• Local Communities pre-flood: Primarily planned for specific capabilities
(debris management, damage assessment, etc.)
• However some starting to develop more comprehensive pre-disaster plans
• Assign responsibilities
• Develop locally appropriate Recovery Support Functions
• Use best practices from other communities, but customize for local
structures, issues, needs, etc.
RSFs in Colorado
September Flood Disaster
By the Numbers
18,147 evacuated
16,557 approved for Individual
479 Families in Transitional Sheltering at
485 miles of damaged or destroyed roads
18 Counties approved for Public
Assistance, 11 for Individual Assistance
NFIP, SBA, Individual Assistance: $430
Public Assistance: Projected $400 Million
FHWA (Roads): Projected $450 Million
CDBG: $262 Million
Local Communities
• Driving forces in recovery
• Ultimately the ones that live
with the decisions made and
actions taken in recovery
• In charge of visioning; Need
to be thoughtful, deliberative
yet move quickly
• Think about steps to reduce
risk from the next event as
early as possible
Post Flood Disaster Recovery Planning
and Visioning
Agencies Involved: Communities(citizens, local
governments, businesses), Department of Local
Affairs, FEMA Community Planning and
Capacity Building, University of Colorado at
Denver, Colorado Office of Emergency
Parallel Processes: Stream Corridor Master
Plans, Stormwater Master Plans, floodplain
mapping/risk assessments
Important Considerations:
• Locally driven
• Community engagement
• Strategic, tangible and achievable
Current Status: Some plans under development,
some just getting started
Considerations for PostDisaster Planning
Considerations for Post
Disaster Planning
• Timing – When is the Community ready? When is it too late?
• Urgency – How quickly do you develop a post-disaster plan?
• Public Engagement – How do you leverage input and
engagement of community members?
• Issues – What sectors impacted? Where are there opportunities
for mitigation, resiliency, enhancements?
• Other Plans – Mitigation Plan, Comprehensive Plan, Capitol
Improvements, Zoning, Sustainability
• Leverage documents that already exist
• Need for tangible actions
Iain Hyde, CFM
Deputy Chief Recovery Officer
Colorado Recovery Office