Serving Students Displaced by Natural Disasters: McKinney

Serving Students Displaced by
Natural Disasters
McKinney-Vento Liaison Meeting 10-22-13
The McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act
Students who lack a fixed, regular and adequate primary nighttime residence due to a disaster (flood, fire,
hurricane, tornado, etc.) are considered homeless under the McKinney-Vento Act. They are entitled to the
same legal protections and services as other students experiencing homelessness. For more information on
the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act and the educational rights of students experiencing
homelessness, please visit:
Liaison Panel and Housing Presentation
District Natural Disaster Response: Discussion and Planning
What resonated with you about today’s panel discussion and housing presentation?
Has your district been directly impacted by a natural disaster?
If Yes:
1) Who did you contact first to begin your district’s disaster response?
2) What resources were utilized to expedite McKinney-Vento initial identifications and follow-up
3) Who were your primary collaborators at the district and school levels?
4) What worked well? What have been lessons learned? What advice would you give others?
5) Were the immediate student and family needs different from current needs?
6) What outside agencies were critical referrals to help meet needs?
7) Based on today’s panel, what would you anticipate the needs to be in the coming months?
If No:
8) What would be your first steps in your district’s response to a natural disaster?
9) Who would be on your district’s disaster response team?
10) How would you expedite McKinney-Vento initial identifications? What processes can you put in
place now?
11) What district and school collaborations are important to have in place?
12) With which outside agencies should you connect with now to know more about their work?
13) What are other key steps that you can take now to help prepare in case of a natural
Helpful Resources
Colorado Department of Education: resources and materials specific to flood response for the September 2013 floods
Colorado United: Colorado website for recovery information and resources
State of Colorado: there are fourteen Recovery Support Functions (RSF) utilized by the State of Colorado: ◦ Assistance for
Individuals, Households and Small Business ◦ Behavioral Health Services ◦ Consumer Protection ◦ Damage Assessment ◦
Debris Management ◦ Donations Management ◦ Economic and Community Recovery ◦ Environmental Recovery ◦ Hazard
Mitigation ◦ Historic and Cultural Resources ◦ Housing ◦ Infrastructure Systems ◦ Public Health ◦ Volunteer Coordination
This website is organized by these RSFs.
FEMA: the Federal Emergency Management Agency website provides information on disaster declarations, public
assistance, individual assistance and other services.
For a current list of FEMA Disaster Recovery Centers:
National Center for Homeless Education: resources related to homeless education and natural disasters