The Age of Absolution 1550-1800

A. A government leader should never have absolute
B. A government leader can exercise absolute
authority if it will help advance a country’s economy.
C. A government leader can exercise absolute
authority when a country is under attack.
D. A government leader can exercise absolute
authority whenever is advances a country’s interest.
Spain- The first modern European Power
 France-The world of the Sun King
 England-Civil War and the Rise of Parliament
 Austria and Prussia-The rise of the German states.
 Russia-From Middle Ages to Modern Times
“All I say is, Kings is Kings and you got to make
-Mark Twain, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
King of Spain and the Hapsburg Empire(Holy
Roman Empire)
The most powerful man in Europe from 1516-1556.
Fought against Protestantism in German states and
the Muslim Ottoman Empire in the Balkans.
The stress of these struggles caused him to divide up
his empire in 1556.
Spain- 29 year old Philip II
Hapsburg Empire- brother Ferdinand
Ruled for 42 years and Spain dominated Europe.
Workaholic, Strong Catholic, and lived more like a
monk in his isolated, somber palace.
Married a total of four times.
Claimed Divine Right over his subjects and attacked
Protestantism everywhere.
Fought many wars in Europe against Muslims in the
Mediterranean and Protestants in the Netherlands.
Launched the Spanish Armada in 1588 against
Elizabeth I of England.
Spanish Armanda 1588
Major Victory- Defeated the Ottoman empire fleet in
Major Defeats- The loss of the Northern provinces of
the Netherlands and the defeat of the Spanish
Armada against England.
The defeat of the Spanish Armada marked the
beginning of decline for Spain after Philip’s death.
Weak rulers, costly wars, and the neglect of farming
and commerce were the causes.
Final Thoughts: By the mid 1600s, others had
surpassed Spain.
Why did France become the leading power
in Europe during the Age of Absolutism?
From 1560s-1590s, religious wars between Catholics
and Huguenots (French Protestants) tore France
In 1589, Henry IV became King.
Edict of Nantes 1598: granted Huguenots( French
protestants) religious toleration.
Under Henry, France was rebuilt.
Henry was killed by an assassin in 1610.
Louis XIII 1610-1643
Inherited a divided and
violent France.
Cardinal Richelieu (chief
minister)-crushed the
power of the nobles &
Protestants and made
Louis XIII the absolute
monarch of a unified and
peaceful France.
Face of The Age of Absolutism: France’s Louis XIV
“The Sun King”
5 year old inherited a powerful/unified France & made it a
superpower. Ruled for 72 years, longest European reign in History.
Cardinal Jules Mazarin appointed by Richelieu to be chief minister
Louis XIV made France the center of wealth, power, culture, and
intellectual study.
The Main Entrance
The Apollo Drawing Room
The King’s Bedroom
The Queen’s Bedroom
The Hercules Drawing Room
The Hall of Mirrors
The Chapel “Took 28
years to build”.
The Dauphin’s Bedroom
King’s Private Library
The dauphine's bedroom
Palace of Versailles=most extravagant palace in
Europe housed 10,000 people so Louis could directly
control the lives of the feudal nobility
War of Spanish Succession=Philip V, a grandson of
Louis XIV, inherits the throne of Spain, so Louis XIV
declares France & Spain united, but England goes to
war to keep them separated to maintain a “balance
of power”
Louis XIV’s luxury & wars put France in debt so
taxes rose.
Never consulted Estates General about spending of
tax money.
1.Do you think Louis XIV’s reign was good for
France? Explain 2 paragraphs a piece of paper
2. Define terms on pg. 516 (all of them) for tomorrow
as well.
Began developing Limited Monarchy since Magna
Carta of 1215 & slowly moving toward democracy.
Trade/Colonies with New World is making England
Island geography provides great defense from Spain
& France & encourages a strong navy which will
make Britain the world superpower until 1918.
James I 1603-1625
 Scottish Stuart dynasty inherits throne promoting Catholicism &
 Argued over Royal Power and the right to tax its subjects.
 James eventually gave in.
 Many Protestants flee to America to escape unpopular James.
Charles I 1625-1649
 Parliament demands that he had to sign Petition of Right (1628), which
gives full power of taxes to Parliament
 Charles refuses to sign & dismisses Parliament(twice) so he can rule as
an absolute monarch.
 Recalls Parliament in 1640 but problems led to Civil War from 16421649 between Charles and Parliament.
The Commonwealth 1649-1660
 Parliament abolishes monarchy & Cromwell attempts to form republic.
 Charles I is executed in 1649 by Parliament.
 The Commonwealth rule was very strict and demanding on peoples
 England was lost after having continuous kings since William (1066).
The Restoration
 Parliament offers Charles II the throne to restore tradition.
 Shared his family’s beliefs but avoided conflict with Parliament.
James II
 Threatens return to Catholicism & Absolutism.
Parliament forced James II to flee to France in 1688.
Parliament invites William & Mary to rule England.
On the Condition that they sign the English Bill of
Rights 1689. (They did)
Permanently makes Parliament supreme authority of
England. (Still is Today)
Final Thoughts: Britain is the greatest power in the
World until the 20th Century.
 Describe
living under such
conditions for 30 years.
 Why would it be hard for a
society to recover from this
level of devastation?
Thirty Years War 1618-1648- Holy Roman Emperor
with Spain/other Catholicism states vs. Protestant
countries. Countries often switched sides for their
own benefit.
Peace of Westphalia 1648-ended the war.
Result1.German states were ruined and divided.
2. France became strong.
3. The Holy Roman Empire focused its attention on
its own lands (Austria)
The Hapsburg Family (Austria) created an empire
that included many diverse peoples.
These included Germans, Magyars, Slavs, etc.
The German speaking peoples controlled the empire
but Austria lacked a central government.
Maria Theresa-1740-1780
Recognized the bureaucracy and tax collection.
Fought Prussia during the War of the Austrian
Final Thoughts: Strong European power in the 1700s1800s but very diverse(future issues).
Hohenzollern Prussia
Emerged as a strong Protestant power.
Frederick William I 1713-1740
Made the army one of the best in the World.
Gained the loyalty of the Junkers(nobles).
Frederick II the Great 1740-1786
Great military leader who fought Austria.
Final Thoughts: Strong ,Protestant, Militaristic,
German state. (Plenty to come 4th Quarter).
Dance of Cossacks
Russia- a Huge Medieval state that was always
behind the rest of Europe.
Untouched by the Renaissance and Reformation.
Peter the Great 1682-1725
Became tsar in 1682 at age 10.
Determined to make Russia like Western Europe.
Left Russia in 1697 to learn Western Ways himself.
Traveled everywhere and brought back many ideas
to Russia
Upon his return, Peter embarked upon of policy of
westernization: adoption of Western ideas,
technology, and culture.
To impose his will, Peter became the most autocratic
of Europe’s absolute monarchs.
He forced the Russian Orthodox Church and
Boyars(nobles) to westernize or face punishment.
Result- Russia was westernized by force within a few
Peter’s Wars and Russian Expansion:
Wanted a Warm-Water Port for Russia. Failed during
his reign.
In 1700- began a long war with Sweden for the Baltic
region. Won in 1709 and won territory along the
Baltic Sea.
Built the new capital city of St. Petersburg along this
land in the Western European style.
Expanded Russia’s borders to the Pacific Ocean.
Legacy: Peter died in 1725. Made Russia an European
Power but due to his stern nature. The Gap only
widened between Russia and Western Europe.
Catherine the Great 1762-1796
German princess by birth who married into the
Russian royal family at age 15.
Took over in 1762 when her husband, Tsar Peter III
was murdered by army officers.
Catherine embraced Western ideas and was a
follower of the Enlightenment.
However, Catherine was ruthless and expanded
Russia’s border’s. (Took part in the Partition of
Final Thoughts: Russia is a huge, formidable, but
backward on technology and government. (More to
come 4th Quarter)