Herbs That Eliminate Gu Toxins

Herbs That Eliminate Gu Toxins
Sammanfattning av örten FEISHI: Enlig TKM är örten
uppfuktande, laxativ och motverkar hosta. Används mest vid
tarmparasiter och parasitos tex. bandmask, hakmask,
springmask, rundmask samt även som stödört vid giardia,
amöba, candiasis. Möjliga symtom: smärta, undervikt speciellt
hos barn, växlande konstipation och diarre,qugu
ovanligt hög aptit,
smak efter ovanlig mat. små röda prickar på tungans spets,
kliande näsa. Även vid torrhosta, hemorroider. Anses pålitlig
och säker att ta vid parasitos och tarmparasiter även för barn
Herbs That Eliminate Gu Toxins
any chronic diseases in the West tend to be
treatment resistant and do not respond favorably
to standard Chinese herbal approaches. These diseases
often involve chronic inflammatory conditions of the
nervous system (such as Lyme disease, babesiosis,
bartonellosis, rickettsia, leptospirosis, West Nile virus,
herpes) and/or the digestive system (protozoan
parasites, worms, yeast, microplasma). Traditionally,
these type of debilitating disorders were often
diagnosed and treated as “Gu Syndrome” (possession
syndrome)—a term for super-infections in immune
compromised individuals that has become forgotten
in modern times. The anti-Gu approach has great
potential for the treatment of chronic diseases in
modern times, yet many of the traditional “anti-demon”
herbs have become forgotten or are no longer easily
available. Classical Pearls therefore makes the following
materials available as single herb powder extracts in
standard 5:1 concentration:
Euonymus alatus
Powdered extract of Burning Bush leaves (Euonymus
alatus)—a safe and effective anti-parasite, antiinflammatory and anti-cancer herb that features
prominently in Daoist Gu prescriptions (literally, “The
Arrow That Slays the Demons”), but that has become
forgotten over time. Coating material: Guijianyu
general state of under-information about the potent
anti-biotic properties of this herb, indigo has recently
disappeared from the Western granule market. Coating
material: Haigefen (cyclina) powder.
Torreya grandis seed
Powdered extract of Torreya seeds—a safe and
effective anti-parasite herb that features
prominently in Daoist Gu prescriptions, but that
has become forgotten over time. Coating
material: Feishi powder.
Ligusticum wallichii leaves
Powdered extract of Ligusticum leaves—a safe
and effective anti-inflammatory herb that features
prominently in Daoist Gu prescriptions, but that has
become forgotten over time. Especially suitable for
chronic headaches due to inflammations of the central
nervous system (Lyme disease, etc). Coating material:
Miwu powder.
Indigofera tinctoria
Powdered extract of Indigo—a most effective antiinflammatory and anti-cancer herb produced by the
hilltribes of the Miao and other minorities in Yunnan,
Guizhou, and Guangxi. Due to supply problems and a
The FDA requires the following statement:
These products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Please note that our products are formulated according to classical
Chinese alchemical principles. References to modern disease names in this presentation are intended to convey a general idea of how these classical
principles might be applied in a modern clinical context. This should not be understood as a claim on our part that the Classical Pearls products treat,
cure, or prevent these conditions.