Respiratory Disorders and Disease

Chapter 6 passage2
Respiratory Disorders
and Disease
Various disorders and diseases of the respiratory
Their definitions,causes and treatment
Detailed description of the signs and symptoms of
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease(COPD)
Medical terms pertaining to the disease of
respiratory system
Influenza and pneumonia
What is Influenza?
 What is pneumonia?
Influenza is a disease of the
respiratory system which have
caused serious epidemics in
the past.
Pneumonia represent any
inflammation of the lungs
caused by several different
also named pneumonitis.
Lobar pneumonia(大叶性肺
pneumonia usually involves
one or more lobes of the lung
Bronchopneumonia: A kind of
pneumonia in the bronchial
Pleurisy (胸膜炎)is
an inflammation of
the pleura, which is
the moist, doublelayered membrane
that surrounds the
lungs and lines the
chest cavity. The
Cause :
It can attend
condition can make
pneumonia or result
breathing extremely
from direct infection
of the pleura.
Resulting form the rise of AIDS and the appearance of
resistance to antibiotics(抗生素)
The most common symptoms and signs of TB are
fatigue(疲劳), fever, weight loss, coughing, hemoptysis(咯
血) and night sweats(盗汗).
The tuberculosis skin test is a test used to
determine if someone has developed an
immune response to the bacterium that causes
tuberculosis (TB). This response can occur if
someone currently has TB, if they were exposed
to it in the past, or if they received the BCG
vaccine against TB . The tuberculosis skin test is
also known as the tuberculin test or PPD test
The WHO estimates that 2 billion people
worldwide have latent TB, while around 3
million people worldwide die of TB each year.
What Is Asthma?
Asthma is a chronic (long-term) lung disease
that inflames and narrows the airways.
Leading to wheezing, shortness of breath,
chest tightness, and coughing. The coughing
often occurs at night or early in the morning
Figure A shows the location of the lungs and
airways in the body. Figure B shows a crosssection of a normal airway. Figure C shows a
cross-section of an airway during asthma
Common asthma causes include:
Animals (pet hair or dander)
Changes in weather (most often cold weather)
Chemicals in the air or in food
Respiratory infections, such as the common cold
Strong emotions (stress)
Tobacco smoke
The goal of treatment is to avoid the
substances that trigger your
symptoms ,control airway inflammation ,
administration of bronchodilators to
widen the airway and administration of
Respiratory distress syndrome
Respiratory distress syndrome is a breathing disorder of
premature newborns in which the air alveoli in a newborn's
lungs do not remain open because the production of a
substance that coats the alveoli is absent or insufficient.
Respiratory distress syndrome is a
potentially life-threatening medical
condition where the lungs cannot
provide enough oxygen for the rest of
the body.
 Symptoms of respiratory distress include:
 blue-coloured lips, fingers and toes
 rapid, shallow breathing
 rapid heartbeat
Treatment may involve cutting a hole through the
windpipe and passing a tube attached to a mechanical
respirator through the hole.
The patient may be placed on a heat and lung machine
that maintains respiration and heartbeat
Baby special care
Find out about special care
given to babies born early, or
those who are sick, jaundiced
or born with a disability.
Acute Pulmonary Oedema
It occurs when fluid quickly accumulates in the
lungs and fills the alveoli(肺泡)
This can cause problems with the exchange of
gas (oxygen and carbon dioxide), resulting in
breathing difficulty and poor oxygenation of blood.
Treatment:oxygen, digitalis(洋地黄),diuretics
What is a pneumothorax?
 A pneumothorax is a collection of free
air in the chest outside the lung that
causes the lung to collapse.
What causes a pneumothorax?
Pneumothorax is caused by a wound in the chest ,such
as a knife wound,or after a sudden tear in the lung.
Infection of the pleural space by gas -producing microbes
can also cause pneumothorax. Pneumothorax can also
develop as a result of underlying lung diseases, including
cystic fibrosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
(COPD), lung cancer, asthma, and infections of the lungs.
1 Removing the gas by suction(抽吸)
2 Surgically repairing the chest and lung
3 Antibiotics (抗菌药)
Pneumoconiosis 尘肺病
also known as "black lung"
 Pneumoconiosis: The deposition of
particulate matter such as asbestos and
silicon in the lungs
Emphysema 肺气肿
Emphysema is included in a group of diseases called chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease or COPD.
Cigarette smoking is by far the most dangerous behavior that causes
people to develop emphysema, and it is also the most preventable
cause. Other risk factors include a deficiency of an enzyme called
alpha-1-antitrypsin, air pollution, airway reactivity, heredity, male sex,
and age.
Chronic obstructive pulmonary
Learn about COPD
 chronic bronchitis
 chronic obstructive bronchitis
 asthmatic bronchitis
 emphysema
Simple chronic bronchitis
A syndrome characterized primarily by a
chronic productive cough,is the low-grade
exposure to bronchial irritants in a individual
without hyperreactive airways.
Clinical terms
1 Excessive production of mucus
2 Presence of symptoms,large cough,on most
days for at least three months annually during two
or more successive years
3 Exclusion of bronchiectasis ,tuberculosis,or
other causes of these symptoms
Chronic obstructive bronchitis
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
(COPD) is a progressive and debilitating
lung disease. The disease is
characterized by irreversible airflow
limitation in the lungs.
Espiodic airways obstruction is common in
individuals with chronic bronchitis. this
combination ,called asthmatic bronchitis,
may closely resemble classic asthma. the
term chronic asthmatic bronchitis is applied
in patients with persistent airways
obstruction, a chronic productive cough, and
a major problem of opisodic bronchspasm.
Emphysema is a long-term, progressive disease of
the lungs that primarily causes shortness of breath
due to over-inflation of the alveoli (air sacs in the
lung). In people with emphysema, the lung tissue
involved in exchange of gases (oxygen and
carbon dioxide) is impaired or destroyed.
Type A 、B
Breathing With Emphysema
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