High Blood Pressure CONTENT 1.INTRODUCTION 2.IMPORTANCE 3.NORMAL VALUE 4.CLASSIFICATION 5.RISK FACTOR 6.SIGN AND SYMPTOM 7.DIAGNOSIS 8.INVESTIGATION 9.COMPLICATIONS 10.MANAGEMENT 11.TREATMENT 12.HOMOEOPATHIC MEDICINES 13.CASE INTRODUCTION Blood pressure is the pressure of blood in your arteries The force that your heart produces in your arteries when it pumps is called your blood pressure The higher your blood pressure the greater your risk of developing heart problems, kidney disease and strokes. IMPORTANCE OF BLOOD PRESSURE High blood pressure is a risk factor for heart disease, stroke, kidney disease and dementia. High blood pressure can also be called hypertension; both words mean the same thing. If your Blood Pressure is consistently more than 140/90 mmHg. then you have high blood pressure NORMAL BLOOD PRESSURE For example 130/80 mmHg – “130 over 80” - The top number, called “systolic pressure”, is pressure in the arteries after your heart pumped out blood through them - The bottom number, “diastolic pressure”, is pressure in the arteries when the heart relaxes. Normal blood pressure range is between 110-140 / 70 – 90 mmHg. BP~120/80mmHg CLASSIFICATION -PRIMARY HYPERTENSION -SECONDRY HYPERTENSION -MALIGNANT HYPERTENSION Types of hypertension If you have hypertension and have no easily identifiable cause you're considered to have primary essential hypertension, while if you have a specific gene or organ directly responsible for your hypertension then you have a secondary hypertension. The most serious type of hypertension is called Malignant hypertension. This is a particularly severe form of high blood pressure where the pressure level is at least 210/120 mm Hg. It occurs in only about 1 of 200 people who have high blood pressure. RISK FACTORS If you have family history of high BP, stroke, heart attack you are more likely to have high blood pressure Diabetes, kidney and heart diseases are also linked to high BP Life style – overweight, eating too much salt, physical inactivity, alcohol and smoking – also affect your BP Blood pressure also goes up as we get older OTHER RISK FACTORS Age Gender Family history Stress Smoking Sedentary life style High Cholesterol (saturated fat) You can’t change some of these factors (age, family history), but it is possible to change other risk factors. SIGN AND SYMPTOMS Most people with primary hypertension don't have any obvious symptoms at all, There are a few of the more common symptoms of hypertension to look out for. One of the symptoms of hypertension is chronic headaches. Dizziness or Vertigo Blurry or double vision. Drowsiness Nausea Shortness of breath. Heart palpitations Fatigue - general tiredness A flushed face Nosebleeds A strong need to urinate often (especially during the night) Tinnitus (a ringing or buzzing in the ears) If you have any combination of these symptoms, then you should get your blood pressure checked by a doctor Secondary hypertension If you have hypertension that is caused by another medical condition, it is called secondary hypertension. This can be caused by many of different illnesses. People with kidney disorders often have secondary hypertension. This is because the kidneys regulate the balance of salt and water in the body. If your kidneys cannot get rid of excess salt and water from the body, your blood pressure goes up. Kidney infections, a narrowing of the arteries that carry blood to the kidneys, and other kidney disorders can disturb the salt and water balance. Kidney problems are by no means the only medical condition that can cause secondary hypertension, there many other conditions the 'side' effects of which can cause hypertension. DIAGNOSIS No signs and symptoms at the beginning High blood pressure sometimes is called “silent killer” The only way to know is to have your BP measured. Know “your numbers” (BP, Height, Weight, Sugar, etc). Know your body mass index (BMI) BMI Categories: Underweight = <18.5 Normal weight = 18.5-24.9 Overweight = 25-29.9 Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater BP is measured by using sphygmomanometers , aneroid or digital BP devices The BP readings should be repeated throughout the day / week. Blood Sugar < 140 mg/dl LDL / HDL INVESTIGATION Fasting Blood Sugar check Fasting Total Cholesterol check Blood Lipids profile Kidney function tests (urinalysis, blood nitrogen, and etc) X-RAY CHEST URINE COMPLICATIONS CARDIAC- HYPERTENSIVE HEART DISEASE 1 MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION 2 VENTICULAR ARRHYTHMIA 3 CCF 4 DYSPNOEA 5 PULMONARY CONGESTION CEREBRAL CEREBRAL HAEMORRHAGE CEREBRAL THROMBOSIS LACUNAR INFARCTION HYPERTENSIVE ENCEPHALOPATHY RETINAL DIMNESS OF VISION HAEMORRHAGE AND EXHAUDATES DETOUCHMENT OF RETINA RENAL RENAL ARTERIOSCLEROSIS UREAMIA RENAL INFARCT AORIC DISSECTION MANAGEMENT 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Know your numbers (get your BP check regularly) Eat less salt (no more than 6g a day) Eat more fruit and vegetables (at least 5 portions a day) Be as active as you can (aim for 30 minutes five times a week) Drink alcohol in moderation Keep to a healthy weight (lose weight if you have to) To lower risk of heart attack and stroke: 1. Give up smoking 2. Eat less fat 3. Deal effectively with your stress Changing life style Salt and high Blood Pressure High salt intake can retain fluids in the body and cause high BP - The more salt we eat, the higher our blood pressure Reduce the amount of salt intake in three common steps: •Avoid manufactured or processed foods that have salt added •Do not add salt to your food at the table •Do not add salt to cooking Changing life style Fruits and Vegetables Fruit and vegetables are a good natural source of potassium. This has the opposite effect to sodium/salt and will help to lower your blood pressure Fruit and vegetables also contain anti-oxidants, for example vitamins C and E, which may play an important role in preventing heart disease Fruit and vegetables are very low in salt, usually contain little fat and are a good source of fiber Vegetables are easy to cook and fruit does not need preparation Changing life style Physical activity – they way to reduce the risk of heart attacks and stroke by: Lowering your blood pressure Improving your blood cholesterol levels Losing weight or to maintain a healthy weight Helping to control and prevent diabetes GENERAL TREATMENT If the BP is between 140-160/90 mmHg: Cut down on your salt Eat more fruit and vegetables Be more active Find and reach your ideal weight Stop smoking Drink alcohol only in moderate amounts If the BP more than 160/100mmHg: Consult your physician Follow lifestyle changing advices You may need to take medicines to lower and maintain normal BP. HOMOEOPATHIC MEDICINE NAT MUR GELSIMIUM NAJA TRIPUDIANS BELLADONNA RAULFIA SERPENTINA ACONITE BARYTA MUR CREATEGEUS CAL. ARS. IODUM GELSIMIUM DULLNESS DIZZINESS DROWSINESS AND TREMBLING IS THE KEYNOTE OF THIS DRUG, SENSETION AS IF IT WERE NECESSORY TO KEEP IN MOTION OR ELSE, HEART ACTION WOULD CEASE PULSE SLOW SOFT AND WEAK BUT ACCELERATED ON MOTION , DEPRESSION FROM HEAT OF SUMMER AND THIRSTLESSNESS, HEADACHE FROM HEAT AND FRIGHT, OCCIPITAL HEADACHE, DULL HEAVY HEADACHE, BRUISED SENSETION IN HEAD AND DIMNESS OF VISION. NAT MUR FLUTTRING SENSATION OF THE HEART, WEAK FAINT FEELING HEART PULSATION SHAKES THE WHOLE BODY MAPPED TONGUE WITH RED INSULER PATCHES LIKE RING WORM INTENCE CRAVING FOR SALT BITTER THINGS FISH MILK AVERSION TO BREAD COFFEE AND RICH THINGS HEADACHE DUE TO SUN, EYE STRAINS AND TAKING TO MUCH SALT AND LOSS OF VITAL FLUID, SENSATION AS IF LITTILE HAMMERS ARE KNOCKING ON BRAIN, HEADACHE WITH BLINDNESS AND DIMNESS OF VISION TACHYCARDIA INTERMITS ON LYING DOWN BELLADONNA CONGESTION ON ALL OVER BODY, HOT RED AND FLUSHED FACE, RESTLESS SLEEP DRYNESS OF MOUTH BUT AVERSION OF WATER HEAT REDNESS THROBBING AND BURNING VERTIGO WITH FALLING OF LEFT SIDE OR BACKWARD CONGESTION IN HEAD SUDDENLY AGGRAVATION FROM LIGHT, NOISE, JAR, VIOLENT PALPITATION, LABOURED BREATHING, HEART SEEMED TOO LARGE RAPID, BUT WEAK PULSE. CALCARIA ARS THE SLIGHTEST EMOTION CAUSES PALPITATION OF HEART CONSTRICTION AND PAIN IN HEART REGION SUFFOCATIVE FEELING OPERATION AND THROBBING RUSH OF BLOOD TO HEAD AND LEFT CHEST EPILEPSI WITH VALVULAR DISEASE OF THE HEART, HEART BEAT IS MISSING EVERY FOURTH BEAT CRAVING FOR ALCOHOL PAIN IN HEAD BETTER BY LYING ON PAINFUL SIDE. BIBLIOGRAPHY WILLIUM BORIEK MATERIA MEDICA www.hypertension.com ALLENS KEY NOTE A SELECT HOMOEOPATHIC MATERIA MEDICA GOLWALLA TEXT BOOK OF MEDICINE P.C.DAS TEXT BOOK OF MEDICINE