REDUCING READMISSIONS “Taking it to the Next Level” Amy E Boutwell, MD, MPP Collaborative Healthcare Strategies Lexington, Massachusetts Objectives 1. Describe the impact of your hospital’s current readmission reduction efforts. 2. Describe 3 specific opportunities to expand your hospital’s current readmission reduction efforts. 3. Model and estimate the impact of an expanded portfolio of readmission reduction efforts. Roadmap 1. Cases: Are These Patients Served by Your Readmission Project? 2. Will Today’s Efforts Get Us Out of the Penalty Zone? 3. Moving From Pilot to Portfolio 4. Recommendations 5. Discussion Active participation and discussion are encouraged! CASES Are these patients served by your current readmission projects? Caught in a cycle….. • 77F recently hospitalized for an infected dialysis catheter returns to the hospital 8 days following discharge with shortness of breath. • 61M with 8 hospitalizations this year for shortness of breath returns to the hospital 10 days after discharge with shortness of breath. • 86M with cancer hospitalized for constipation and abdominal pain returns to the hospital 1 day after discharge with abdominal pain. 77F recently hospitalized with sepsis returns 8 days later with shortness of breath • 1st hospitalization • Tunneled catheter placed to initiate dialysis • Acquired blood stream infection (sepsis) • All anti-hypertensives and diuretic held • Stabilized in ICU; transferred to floor; 14 day hospitalization • At discharge • BP stable x 24 hours “off pressors” • Felt fine; eager to go home • Readmission • Progressively short of breath days 3-7 • Volume overloaded • Never resumed diuretics after d/c • Patient demoralized to be back in hospital 61M with 8 hospitalizations this year for SOB returns to hospital 10 days post d/c with SOB • 1st hospitalization • Isn’t really “first” hospitalization is it? • Intern H&P covers issues as if first presentation of HF • Recognized marginal housing issues • Recognized personality issues (inappropriate with staff) • Refuses to work with PT • At discharge • Patient can not be placed in SNF due to criminal history • Readmission • Gained 30 lbs in 8 days • “oh honey, it always takes them about a week to tune me up” • Grabs remote, turns on TV and orders dinner 86M with metastatic cancer presents with abd pain and constipation, returns 1 day later with abd pain • 1st hospitalization • Constipation x 8 days with abdominal pain • Resolved in ED; ED concerned pain was due to cancer • Observed, felt fine, started on bowel regimen • At discharge • Family eager to take him home • Readmission • Recurrent abdominal pain • Family concerned it was due to cancer • Family eager to “do everything” to have dad comfortable • Patient clearly did not want to be there; didn’t argue with family READMISSIONS: VITAL STATS FOR KY Dartmouth Atlas: All-cause Medical Readmissions #43 THE COMMONWEALTH FUND 54 hospitals penalized 20 penalty >0.9-1% What is Your Hospital’s Readmission Reduction Aim? What is Your Current Strategy? • “Discharge Advocate” for HF patients • “Coleman Coach” for high risk d/c to home • Pharmacist-conducted medication management for high risk • Nurse-conducted follow up calls for high risk • Teach-back for high risk • Make follow up appointments prior to discharge for high risk • Link HF patients to outpatient HF clinic • Others….. WILL TODAY’S EFFORTS GET US OUT OF THE PENALTY ZONE? ….and how quickly? Structure of CMS Readmission Penalties • Readmission performance based on observed to expected readmissions for HF, AMI, PNA discharges • Rolling 3-year average; FY13 based on 2008-2011 readmissions • Adjustment factor 0.1-1% reduction in DRG payments 2%, 3% • 2,217 hospitals; $280 million total; average penalty $125k 7/12-6/13 7/13-6/14 Care Transitions in Medicare VBP Jan 1 2013 1/3 of HCAHPS Questions 1. Preferences re: d/c plan 2. Good understanding… 3. Understand each med HCAHPS (30%) Core Measures HAI 1. CAUTI 2. Cdiff 2015 Inpatient Quality 1. MI- asa rx @ d/c 2. MI-statin rx @ d/c 3. HF d/c instructions 4. HF- LVEF function 5. HF-ACE/ARB rx @ d/c 6. CVA- anti-coag for AF 7. CVA-statin rx @ d/c 8. CVA education 9. CVA asses for rehab 10. VTE- anti-coag overlap 11. VTE d/c instructions HCAHPS Survey Questions How often did nurses/ doctors treat you with courtesy and respect? 2. How often did nurses / doctors listen carefully to you? 3. How often did nurses / doctors explain things in a way that you could understand? 4. Before giving you any new medicine, how often did hospital staff tell you what the medicine was for? 5. Before giving you any new medicine, how often did hospital staff describe possible side effects in a way you could understand? 6. Did the doctors, nurses, or other hospital staff talk with you about whether you would have the help you needed when you left the hospital? 7. Did you get information in writing about what symptoms or health problems to look out for after you left the hospital? 8. Staff took my preferences and those of my family/caregiver into account in deciding what my healthcare needs would be when I left the hospital 9. When I left the hospital, I had a good understanding of the things I was responsible for in managing my health. 10. When I left the hospital, I clearly understood the purpose for taking each of my medications. 1. HAC 1% to start FY15 VBP Readmissions Core/HAI/HCAHPS 1% FY13 to 2% FY17 AMI/HF/PNA/CABG + 1% FY13 to 3% FY15 3,000 hospitals $1 BILLION Medicare Reimbursement 2,114 hospitals $280 MILLION MOVING FROM PILOT TO PORTFOLIO Process improvements, targeted services & aligned efforts within and across settings Are We Adding New Work > Δ Daily Work? • A lot of focus on NEW work and NEW tools • Transitional care coaches • Transitional care Nurse Practitioners • Disease-specific clinics • Pharmacists and pharm techs for medication management • Medical home care managers • Tele-monitoring • We have a lot of opportunity to improve our DAILY work: • 81% of patients requiring assistance with basic functional needs failed to have a home-care referral • 64% said no one at the hospital talked to them about managing their care at home • 42 million family caregivers; 50% perform nursing tasks; 75% manage meds; 33% do wound care…2/3 without skilled home care Clark PA. Patient Satisfaction and the Discharge Process: Evidence-Based Best Practices.Marblehead, MA: HCPro, Inc.; 2006. AARP . Home Alone: Family Caregivers Providing Complex Chronic Care. November 2012. Let’s Run the Numbers: One Strategy Won’t Get Us There Number Medicare admits/year 5,000 admissions Medicare RA rate 20% # Medicare RA /year 1,000 readmissions Pilot project 200 high risk patients Pilot group RA rate Expected # RA pilot Rate 25% 50 Expected effect of pilot 20% # RA reduced by pilot 10 # Medicare RA/year =1000 – 10 = 990 1% © Amy Boutwell 2013 Cross-setting Portfolio F B Hospital A “Home” E D C Skilled Nursing G Improving Transitions from the Hospital to Post-Acute Care Settings to Reduce Avoidable Rehospitalizations Improving Transitions from the Hospital to the Clinical Office Practice to Reduce Avoidable Rehospitalizations Improving Transitions from the Hospital to Home Health Care to Reduce Avoidable Rehospitalizations STAAR Initiative STate Action on Avoidable Rehospitalizations 1. Know your data 2. Form a cross-continuum team 3. Review transitions across settings Available at: Improve standard care for all patients 1. Enhanced Assessment of Patients: Identifying high-risk criteria and meeting needs; engaging pt/family/outpt to identify needs 2. Enhanced Teaching and Learning: change focus from what providers tell patients to what patients/caregivers learn 3. Real-time Communication: timely, clinically meaning information exchange with opportunity for clarification 4. Timely Post Acute Care Follow-Up: clinical contact (call, home health visit, office visit) within 48h or 5 days depending on risk Cross-Setting Portfolio • Improve hospital-specific transitional care process: RED, BOOST, STAAR, H2H, Next Step in Care • Improve SNF and Home Health transitional care processes: INTERACT, front-loading HH episodes • Provide new transitional care services: Self management coaching, nurse navigators, care coordinators • Provide ongoing management for very high risk: High-utilizer, high risk diagnoses population management • Link to community-based supports and services: AAA, ADRC, nutrition programs, respite, faith based services EXAMPLES FROM THE FIELD Baystate Medical Center, MA ' '''''''''''<%)' '''<. )' Outcome Improvements !! Baystate Medical Center, MA ! ! ! ! Outcome Improvements ' <+)''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''<%)' ' <0)'''''' ' ' ' ' '''<. )' Engaging the Patient and Caregiver • >80% of patients requiring assistance with basic needs failed to have a home-care referral • >60% said no one at the hospital talked to them about managing their care at home Clark PA. Patient Satisfaction and the Discharge Process: Evidence-Based Best Practices. Marblehead, MA: HCPro, Inc.; 2006. Engaging the Caregiver • 42 million family caregivers • 46% perform nursing tasks • 75% of them manage medicines • 33% of them do wound care • 66% of the patients had no VNA Available at: “We ask caregivers to do things that would make even nursing students tremble……. … caregivers are responsible for medical and nursing care including medication management and wound care.” ~ Susan Reinhard SVP & Director, AARP Public Policy Institute “Despite frequent encounters with the acute care system, family caregivers were not prepared for the medical and nursing tasks they were expected to provide at home… “We asked family caregivers how they learned to manage their family members’ medications and 61 percent said, ‘I learned on my own.’ Clearly, professionals need to do a better job of training family caregivers.” ~ Carol Levine Director of Families and Health Care Project United Hospital Fund Next Step In Care- a guide for caregivers Carolinas HealthCare “SNF Circle Back” • • • • Multi-hospital system in North Carolina Pilot in one hospital; commitment to spread system-wide if effective Problem: early readmissions from SNF Test: • warm handoffs to SNF • Call back to SNF 3-24 hours after transfer to answer questions • Details: • RCA revealed SNF-readmission patters • Hospital readmission champion met with SNFs to discuss shared goals • Hospital (with some leadership effort) asked SNF to participate in this communication • RN calls nurse at SNF • SW or care coordinator calls for follow up clarification 3-24 hours after transfer • Daily workflow (with some modifications for weekends, done next business day) • Follow up calls are scripted and documented in Allscripts system • Pilot on paper with 1 RN and 1 SW • Pilot expanded to RN call report to SNF • Pilot expanded to add follow up calls • Pilot expanded to build questions into Allscripts • Expand to all; new standard of practice Source: Emily Skinner, Carolinas Healthcare System Carolinas HealthCare SNF Circle Back -2SNF Circle Back Questions 1. Did the patient arrive safely? 2. Did you find admission packet in order? 3. Were the medication orders correct? 4. Does the patient’s presentation reflect the information you received? 5. Is patient and/or family satisfied with the transition from the hospital to your facility? 6. Have we provided you everything you need to provide excellent care to the patient? Insights • Transitions are a PROCESS (forms are useful, but only a tool to achieve intent) • Best done ITERATIVELY with COMMUNICATION Source: Emily Skinner, Carolinas Healthcare System Interacting with Your Hospitals INTERACT Information Transfer From the Hospital INTERACT has a sample Hospital to Post-Acute Care Transfer Form that puts the data into a format that is easy to read and flows logically for a receiving clinician. Interacting with Your Hospitals INTEARACT Information from the NH to Hospital The NH to Hospital Transfer Form has two pages. The first page has information that ED physicians and nurses identified as essential to make decisions about the resident. Interacting with Your Hospitals INTERACT Transfer Checklist This Transfer Checklist can be printed or taped onto an envelope, and is meant to compliment the Transfer Form by indicating which documents are included with the Form Hennepin County Medical Center • 2007, medication events, patient complaints re: d/c process • Evaluated medication orders • Found that only 8% of their patients had NO errors Medication reconciliation was complete >90% of the time! • Common medication errors: • Formulation errors • Duplicates • Incorrect dose • Missing medications • Insulin dosing errors Bruce Thompson, AHRQ Innovations Exchange Hennepin County Medical Center- experience • New Process: Enhanced medication review • • • • • • • • MD orders Pharm D and CCSNF Identify patients being d/c to SNF When bed available, MD, Pharm D and CC paged MD has 4 h to enter d/c orders CC scans orders hourly; paged Pharm D when entered Pharm D & CC have 2 hours to review; clarify with MD When errors are noted, resident AND attending are paged Outcomes: intervention group had 5.7% readmissions v. 10.2% High patient satisfaction, high physician satisfaction Bruce Thompson, AHRQ Innovations Exchange Baylor • Consistently lowest HF readmissions in US past 3 yrs • How? • Standardize processes for all • Advanced practice nurse follow up for high risk • Hospital-medical home joint review of every readmission • Goal: “zero defects” Source: Paul Convery MD, CMO Baylor • “Supplemental care bundle” by hospital staff 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Medication review & evaluation by clinical pharmacist Condition-specific education by care coordinator Enhanced discharge planning by care coordinator Follow up call Personal health record & supplemental d/c form to pt and PCP • Medication Review & evaluation 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Med rec at admission Daily medication review and education Additional medication change recs as indicated Med rec at discharge Counseling on d/c medications Follow up call at 5-7 days Koehler et al Journal of Hospital Medicine 2009 Baylor- experience • 120 patients were approached • 60 declined to give consent • 56 unable to give consent 2/2 mental status, dementia & no proxy • N=41 • Among 41 patients served, average age 78 • ~25% live alone; ~60% live with family; 15% AL • Dx: Pna, HF, syncope, COPD, cellulitis, GI, GI bleed, UTI, AF, CVA • Readmission rate for “bundle” group 10% v. 38% control • Those that had readmission had longer time to RA 36 days v. 15 • No readmissions occurred due to medication issues Koehler et al Journal of Hospital Medicine 2009 3-Part Strategy Improve standard hospital-based care for all Identify risk Identify learner Teach-back Early follow up Collaborate with receivers to improve transition “SNF Circle Back” INTERACT Warm handoffs Provide enhanced services for high risk Nurse follow up calls Pharmacist/tech medication CTI coach HF clinic © Amy Boutwell 2012 Let’s Run the Numbers: Three-part strategy Number Medicare admits/year Rate 5,000 admissions Medicare RA rate 20% # Medicare RA /year 1,000 readmissions 1. Improve standard care 5,000 admissions Expected effect (20% RA rate) 10% Expected # RA reduction 100 RA avoided 2. Collaborate with receivers 1650 admissions (1/3 total) Expected effect (30% RA rate) 20% Expected # RA reduction 99 RA avoided 3. Enhanced Service for Pilot 200 admissions Expected effect (25% RA rate) 20% Expected # RA reduction 10 RA avoided Total (*illustrative) 209 RA avoided* 209/1000 = 20% overall* © Amy Boutwell 2012 5 RECOMMENDATIONS Recommendations 1. Know your data (perform a root cause analysis) 2. Know your partners (meet them and work together) 3. Know what’s going on (align within and across orgs) 4. Know your high risk patients (identify and manage) 5. Know the best practices & start testing (don’t delay) Step 1: Know your Data Example Insights from running your own data • Payer • Primary and secondary diagnoses • Discharge disposition • Time to readmissions; average # days between RA • High utilizing patients Step 1: Know your Data Example Insights from running your own data • 6,478 Medicare FFS admissions among 4,732 people • 6,148 Medicare FFS alive discharges (some exclusions) • 908 30-day readmissions; 14% all cause readmission rate • Reducing readmissions by 20% = 180 avoided RA • 50% 30-day readmissions <10 days of d/c; 25% <96h • Top 10 RA dx: HF, RF, UTI, sepsis, GIB, arrythmia, COPD, syncope, gastritis/esophagitis, PNA/respiratory infection • 369 people (8%) hospitalized >3 times; used 1339 H (22%) • Among high utilizers, 495 30-d RA; rate 38% • Among high utilizers, 55% d/c to home with no services (N=716) • Top 10 dx: same HF, RF, UTI, COPD, GIB, sepsis, esophagitis Step 1: Know your Data Example Insights of Community-based RCA • Patient/ Family interviews • Did not understand d/c instructions; felt rushed • Did not understand doctor • Felt “lost” when returned to home • No time to fill new medications • Provider interviews • MD: Did not know patient was in hospital • MD: Did not have any information from hospital re: tx/rx • HH: Called MD, directed patient back to ED • SNF: Change in clinical status, no MD to evaluate There Is No Silver Bullet….. • 523 readmissions: • 250 (47%) deemed potentially preventable • Found an average of 9 factors contributed to each readmission • Assessed factors relating to 3 phases of care: • 57% readmissions involved an issue of care during 1st hospitalization • 67% involved an issue during the discharge process • 79% involved an issue relating to follow up care • Assessed factors related to 5 domains of quality improvement: • 73% - care transitions planning & care coordination • 80% - clinical care • 49% - logistics of follow up care • 41% - advanced care planning & end of life • 28% - medications • 250 readmissions identified 1,867 factors! Feingenbaum et al Medical Care 50(7): July 2012 Step 2: Know your partners Available from your state Quality Improvement Organization Cross-Continuum Team “We were working on improving processes within the hospital but we also know that because hospital stays are short and patients typically are not fully recovered when they are discharged, we had to involve other providers in the community.” Kris Zitrick, Director of Quality Management Charles Cole Memorial Hospital “At the first meeting we realized that the community partners had no knowledge of what we were doing as a hospital to prevent readmissions and that we needed to be educated about the role of the post-acute providers about what happens when they take over the care of the patients.” Bonnie Kratzer, Director of Case Management, Charles Cole Memorial Hospital Specific actions: share information about efforts, educate about capabilities of organizations, decrease silos, form relationships, sense of teamwork and putting patients first, standard transition forms Step 3: Inventory and Align Efforts Practices & VNA: Essential info: meds, goals ED: 1. CM in ED 2. Treat & return to SNF “Home” Hospital Hospital: 1. Early follow up & med rec 2. Refer to AAA 3. Clarify goals of care SNF: transition improvement Targeted transitional care services “Skilled Nursing” 1. Standardize process for all 2. Target: high risk, high utilizer SNF/NH: INTERACT INTERACT forms Fill in Your Own Cross-setting Portfolio F B Hospital A “Home” E D C Skilled Nursing G Improving Transitions from the Hospital to Post-Acute Care Settings to Reduce Avoidable Rehospitalizations Improving Transitions from the Hospital to the Clinical Office Practice to Reduce Avoidable Rehospitalizations Improving Transitions from the Hospital to Home Health Care to Reduce Avoidable Rehospitalizations Step 3: Inventory and Align Efforts Partner to improve shared processes Shared patient education materials 2. Consistent use of teach-back & teaching points 3. Medication management across settings 4. Timely communication between providers 5. Consistent caregiver engagement in care plan 6. Warm handoffs 7. Notification of PCP of ED visit/admission 8. Use Next Step in Care Resources for Shared Patients 9. Use INTERACT forms to improve transitions with SNF 10. Awareness of & linkage to community resources 1. Step 4: Identify High Risk Patients • Identify based on hospital data • Collaborate among hospitals in a community • Pilot proactive outreach and optimize resources • Identify the individuals returning to ED/obs/inpatient >3 times annually and target efforts Step 5: Move from Pilot to Portfolio • Avoid looking for one single solution – develop portfolio • Don’t overplan – iterate as you go • Standardize improved transitional care process for all • Collaborate to deliver transitional care services for target populations The majority of success stories to date would say they built on the set of existing recommendations but ultimately theirs is a unique solution DISCUSSION What are the next steps for your hospital? What successes and challenges have you had? What is your hospital’s plan to expand efforts in 2013? What 1 idea will you bring back to your readmission team? Thank you! Amy E. Boutwell, MD, MPP Co-Founder, STAAR Initiative Collaborative Healthcare Strategies, Lexington, MA 617-710-5785