THE STATE OF MIND THAT AFFECTS FOETUS The life of a man starts while he is still in the uterus,where he can experience emotions both painful and pleasant which will ultimately condition his state of mind. Dr. Samuel Hahnemann had some knowledge of the above principle and hence he was the first to realize that a a specific therapy during pregnancy could positively affect the foetal development. With advanced scientific techniques, it is now possible to understand continuous interaction between mother and foetus and that every event is closely connected to this relationship to which both of them contribute to the same extent. Dr.Massimo Polidoro of Napoli, Italy, has beautifully studied with the help of real-time ultrasonography, the various embryo-foetal movements, communication and foetal behaviour. Focussing on CNS It is very useful to outline the embryological development to understand the complex mechanism of transmitting this state to the child from the mother. During oncogenesis, early neuronal circuits develop on the basis of strict co-ordination of various complex events in space and time. Any alteration of this complex coordination will modify the precision of the neuronal circuits, such a damage, most probably cannot be repaired afterwards because neurons are not able to multiply. The genetic patrimony regulates only a few aspects of neuronal formation, migration, maturation and death, while epigenetic factors have an enormous importance in determining both their extension and chronology. AGE TYPICAL MOVEMENTS TRIMESTER-1 6 - 8 weeks 9 weeks Vermicular motility Reflex of headbending opposite to stimuli in the perioral zone 11 - 12 weeks Prebension reflex AGE TYPICAL MOVEMENTS TRIMESTER-2 15 weeks Suction and deglutition mechanisms are completed 20 weeks Co-ordination reflexes AGE TYPICAL MOVEMENTS TRIMESTER-3 28 weeks Bending and stretching of limbs;jumping, crawling, climbing, propulsion. AGE TYPICAL MOVEMENTS FOLLOWING WEEKS Behavioral patterns become more refined. Breathing like movements increase. OBSERVATION Foetal suffering is expressed both with a numerical reduction of movements and with a regression towards primitive behavioral patterns and extension of the gestational age. Example During sudden fright on the pregnant mother, the foetus reacts with an enormous hyperexcitability with convulsive movements. During severe depression in the pregnant mother, there is markedly reduced motility. Example Dancing foetus - CARCINOSIN Excessive foetal movements - CROCUS SATIVUS Poor Foetal movements – MEDORRHINUM , OPIUM , CAULOPHYLLUM , SILICEA , THUJA , NAJA, CARCINOSIN , LYSSIN , HURA BRASILIENSIS. THE STATE OF MIND Every human being in this world has some state of mind. What is this state of mind ? This state of mind consists of a group of symptoms, which has a hidden meaning if one carefully interprets them. E.g.. A young man has a strong anxiety in a dark room, strong anxiety in the presence of strangers. He is very cautious, he clings to persons or furniture, he has a strong desire for company, especially in the night. Delirium in the dark Delusion he is alone in the wilderness, Delusions frightful Delusions of impressions of danger Delusions he was about to die Delusions that dogs attack him Fear of being alone at night, Fear of evil, Fear of being injured. The above state indicates to you a state of fright. Now, in reality, if there is a cause, i.e., an exciting cause, this state of mind is quite reasonable, I would say it is directly proportionate to the cause. But suppose there is no cause and suddenly you find this state. Where has it come from ? Definitely, it has come from the patient’s past experience. This man either had a very frightful experience in the past, either as a child or as an infant. When the exciting cause persists for long, the reaction to the state somewhat becomes permanent. The person feels it is his normal state !! This state of mind I will now call as ARTIFICIAL STATE. This artificial state was indirectly described by Dr. J.T.Kent in his Materia Medica, 2nd edition, published by Boericke & Tafel, on page 249 under Borax. I quote : “This is a constitutional state, and Borax, if given in the beginning of pregnancy, to a Borax patient, will so change the milk as well as the rest of the constitution, that the mother will be able to nurse the child. I have a number of times, when a mother has brought forth several children that she was unable to nurse, given Borax and it has so affected the case that she could nurse the next child.” “ If the mother was a Borax mother, the child is very likely a Borax child, it is not an uncommon thing for the mother and baby to need the same remedy, Many times I have medicated the child through the mother’s milk if both needed the same remedy.” Transmission of the Artificial State takes place under following circumstances: 1.Prolongation of the exciting cause which ultimately continues. 2. Transmission of the mother’s state during pregnancy to the unborn child. Transmission of states from the pregnant woman to the child that will be born Normally the pregnancy is divided into 3 trimesters and one has to determine in what month of pregnancy the state develops. CAUSE EFFECT From the time of conception till 3 months. This is a very crucial period in the life of a mother and hence utmost care should be taken. EFFECT ON CHILD If pregnancy is not planned or unwanted Increased chances of abortion EFFECT ON CHILD If pregnant woman is neglected by the family The child is born with typical Naja, Argentum or Palladium state If she is neglected by the husband The child is born with Stramonium state During pregnancy, if the woman is tormented either by the in-laws or family members The child develops either Lyssinum, China, Hyoscyamus, Naja or Lachesis state. If all the above states described are very severe, then congenital malformation occur. Congenital malformations chiefly form in the first 2-3 months, could be either Neurological, Cardiovascular, & Chromosomal malformations. Also, the malefic influence of parental miasm influences a lot. This can lead to formations of various dyscrasias like tubercular, etc. Effect on Mother Abortion, antepartum hemorrhage, anemia, hyper emesis gravidarum, hydramnios, oligoamnios After Labour Effect on Child Respiratory distress syndrome, neonatal convulsions, neonatal meningitis, atopic eczema. Effect on Mother Post partum haemorrhage, septicaemia, post partum depression, agalactia, venous sinus thrombosis. BISMUTH The basic state of Bismuth is the feeling of isolation and solitude. How does such a state develop in a pregnant woman? This woman comes from a highly protected environment in her childhood. When she gets married she demands the same treatment from her husband. When the ever busy husband fails to meet her needs of emotional dependency, she develops tremendous insecurity and feelings of isolation which get accentuate during the pregnant state This is shown by the following rubrics: • Ailments from, alone, being • Company, desire for Sadness, Despondency, Dejection, Mental depression, Gloom, Melancholy Fear, solitude, of To gain the attention of her husband and other well wishers she keeps complaining about her situation. She becomes totally indifferent to pleasurable things around her and dwells in her own self pity. • Complaining, condition, of his • Aversion, everything, to • Discontented, displeased, dissatisfied, everything, with • Hypochondriasis • Indifference, apathy, everything, to • Indolence, aversion, work, to • Lamenting, bemoaning, wailing • Talk, talking, talks, indisposed to, desire to be silent, taciturn Pathological condition in the Mother:- Hypermesis Gravidarum. Pathological conditions in the Child:- Recurrent vomiting, Cholera infantum, Epilepsy, Attention Deficit Disorder. CALCAREA CARBONICA The Calcarea Carb woman requires very strong emotional and physical security. A woman, getting married, in a new situation or surroundings, requires a lot of protection and the safety of emotional bonds. During pregnancy, the need for emotional support is greater. Inability to get that protection leads to the development of many emotions and strong feelings in the mind of the woman. E.g.., a) The husband is very abrupt in his talk b) Mother-in-law demands respect but when given, treats the woman outrageously c) Her maiden family has been a very loving family but in the new surroundings of her marital home, the people are not as gentle and caring. The following rubrics explain : • Ailments from, insults, offences from • Ailments from, mortification, humiliation, chagrin • Ailments from, rudeness of others • Delusions, weak • Delusions, smaller he is • Delusions, criticised • Delusions, horrible, everything is • Sensitive, reprimands, criticism, reproaches to • Sensitive, rudeness to Also, a Calcarea Carb woman needs a lot of protection physically in the form of company support and assurance. E.g.., a woman whose husband is a sailor, who travels very frequently. The following rubrics explain : • Ailments from, alone being • Biting nails, forsaken feeling, with • Company desire for, alone while agg. • Forsaken feeling, beloved by his parents, wife, friends, feels is not being Also, another typical situation would be when a Calcarea Carb woman marries a drug addict. Then she becomes full of fears, nervous and tense. The following rubrics explain : • Fear, alone of being • Fear, disaster • Fear, evil of • Fear, happen something will family to, or to him • Fear, panic attacks, overpowering The most probable illnesses that Can occur in the mother are: Physical;- Mammary tumors, Osteoporosis, Myaesthenia Gravis, Migraine, Psoriasis, Renal stones, Uterine polyps and Fibroids. Mental:- Depression. The most probable illnesses that Can occur in the child are: Physical:- Obesity, Congenital Malformations, Congenital heart disease, Ehler-Danlos Syndrome, Hydrocephalus, Tabes Mesentrica, Leukemias, Lactose intolerance, Delayed Milestones, Eczemas. In boys:- Hydrocele, Phimosis, Umblical and Inguinal hernia, Growing pains. Mental:- Cretinism. CARCINOSIN The Carcinosin state is the product of a long history dating back to the mother’s childhood. The mother faces a harsh upbringing and strict parentage. When married into a family with a similar dominating set-up, she becomes more timid, mild and submissive. Rubrics : • Ailments from, grief • Ailments from, fright • Ailments from, fear • Ailments from, anxiety, prolonged, from • Ailments from, domination by others, a long history of • Ailments from, reproaches • Ailments from, rudeness of others • Ailments from, anger, suppressed, from • Grief, silent • Mildness • Offended easily • Sensitive, rudeness to Sensitive • Disturbed by noise, light, wrinkled bed – sheet, when going to sleep • To music • To noise – Cheerful when there is lighting & thunder • When hearing of cruelties or sad stories • Sensitive, reprimands, reproaches, criticism • Yielding disposition This state leads to a yearning for affection and love of others. So she goes out of her way to please her family members. This makes her more duty conscious, so much so that she develops undeserving feelings of guilt and wrong-doing towards her family members – • Affectionate • Anxiety, conscience of • Anxiety, family about his • Anxiety, health about, loved ones of • Fastidious • Conscientious trifles about Industrious Responsibility strong Excessive sense of duty The patient finds an escape route from her problems by indulging in other activities like Dancing, Art, Traveling, etc. Her need for bonding and affection is satisfied by expression of sympathy not only towards people but also towards animals. Love for animals /of nature, Travel, desire to Dancing, love for Music ameliorates • Sympathetic, animals towards Artistic aptitude Read, desire to The most probable illnesses that can occur in the child are: Physical:- Recurrent infections, Primary complex, Anemia, Juvenile Diabetes Mellitus, Leukemia, Malabsorption Syndrome, Multiple allergies, Infantile eczemas, Keloids, Warts, Molluscum. Mental:- Dyslexia, Autism. NATRUM MURIATICUM One can consider the case of a woman who has married a person who she imagined herself to be in love with. Then as time passes, she finds the shutters opening from before her eyes and she has to face the reality of being married to someone unsuitable. Ailments from, love, disappointed She realises, her husband does not love her and treats her with derision and contempt. Ailments from, scorn, being scorned Being trapped in such a situation makes her angry and hurt, but she knows she can not do much about it. Ailments from, anger, indignation with Ailments from, anger, silent grief with Ailments from, anger, suppressed She may also have to face taunts and insults from family or neighbours. She may be nagged constantly about her farce of a marriage. • Ailments from, anger, vexation She cannot express this anger that she feels because she realizes that the situation is of her own making. • Reproaches, himself The most probable illnesses that can occur in the mother are: Physical:- Addison’s disease, Anemia, Chorea, Diabetes, Herpes, Hodgkins disease, Hypothyroidism, Hyperthyroidism, Leukemia, Multiple Sclerosis, Megrim, Neuralgias, Protracted lochia, Abortion, Vaginismus, Warts. Mental:- Depression. The most probable illnesses that Can occur to the child are: Physical:- Anemia, Canker sores, Delayed milestones, Emaciation, Fistula dentalis, Hay fever, Megrim, Herpes of lips, Whooping cough, Worms. NAJA The state of the mother who requires Naja is typically known as The Daughter-in-law syndrome According the Indian culture and tradition the daughter is taught to be meekly complaint. After marriage she is taught to be patient, tolerant and to fulfill all her duties without questioning. The conflict arises after marriage when the mother-in-law comes in, who is very dominant and subjugates the daughter-in-law. The daughter-in-law is subjected to a lot of harassment but still she performs her duty without complaining. The daughter-inlaw feels a lot of anger and resentment and broods a lot about it and makes herself miserable but ends up performing her duty. This is primarily because Naja is very CONSCIENTIOUS & DUTYBOUND. This is because of the conflict on inside her mind whether to do or not to do. Rubrics which indicate the above state: • Anxiety, others, for • Delusions, neglected, duty, he has neglected his • Delusions, neglected, he is • Delusions, being injured, surrounding, by his • Delusions, troubles, broods over imaginary • Delusions, suffered wrong • Confidence, want of self • Confidence, failure, feels herself her • Despair • Irresolution • Fear, Failure of • Timidity And the most important symptoms • Will, contradiction of • Will, loss of • Will, two sensation as if he had • Antagonism, with herself When this state continues for a long time, the Naja individual develops a lack of confidence and irresolution. She becomes very sad and gets suicidal thoughts and loathing of life. She starts remaining depressed and morose with no inclination to talk to anyone. She also feels worthless. Rubrics which indicate the above state: Brooding, sadness with Loathing life Moods, alternating • Sadness, despondency, dejection • Self-deprecation Sadness, Suicidal disposition with Sadness, wrong way, as if having done everything in • Talk, indisposed to • Weary of life • Weeping, emotion, after slight The most probable illnesses that can occur to the mother are: Physical:- Agalactea, Cardiac Arrhythmia, Cardiac asthma, Eclampsia, Hypertension, Hypotension, Megrim, Ovarian neuralgia, Rheumatism, Septicaemia, Vertigo. Mental:- Depression. The most probable illnesses that can occur to the child are: Physical:Congenital heart disease, Hay fever, Asthma, Otitis, Broca’s aphasia. PULSATILA Pulsatilla persons are very sensitive, mild and affectionate and hence they can be suppressed or injured emotionally very easily. Affectionate Affectionate, children kiss and caress Mildness Sensitive, oversensitive children • Servile, obsequious, submissive • Timidity, bashful • Yielding disposition This state becomes very exaggerated, especially in a pregnant woman. Hence, slightest conflict can lead to various emotions like anger with anxiety, anger with grief, disappointment, fear, indignation and mortification. • Ailments from, anger, anxiety, with grief, with silent • Ailments from, disappointment, deception • Ailments from, fright, fear or anxiety Ailments from, indignation Ailments from, mortification, humiliation, chagrin This happens because they are emotionally very weak and are unable to express their own will to others. Also, they allow themselves to be used or sometimes abused by the persons in their life and hence they can be deceived very easily. Ailments from, disappointment, deception Impressionable, susceptible • Mildness • Will, weakness of • Yielding disposition The most probable illnesses that Can occur in the mother are: Physical:- Abortion, Agalactia, Eclampsia, Gestational Diabetes Mellitus, Hypermesus Gravidarum, Insomnia, Megrim, Prolonged labour, Recurrent UTI, Rheumatism, Varicose veins. Mental:- Depression. The most probable illnesses that Can occur in the child are: Physical:- Asthma, Congenital cataract, Food allergies, Malabsorption syndrome, Megrim, Ophthalmia neonatrum, Recurrent Infection (measles, mumps, tonsillitis), Urinary tract infection. SULPHUR A sulphur woman can face the following situations: I shall mention them from the most important to least important 1.) Situation of being disgraced Here the female is being put down by her dominating husband or in-laws whereby instances of being disgraced openly are very characteristic. This later on can invite a very poor confidence and wounded honour. • Ailments from, embarrassment, mental symptoms from • Ailments from, insults, offences, from Ailments from, mortification, humiliation, chagrin Ailments from, scorn, being scorned Confidence, want of self Confidence, want of self, failure, feels himself a Delusions, disgraced, she is 2.) Situation of being embarrassed This embarrassment can come in the form of loss of reputation, or disappointment in love or from insults. This builds up a lot of suppressed anger which later on gets transmitted to the foetus. 3.) Situation of broken relationships Sulphur and Sulphuricums are known to act in those patients who have problems with relationships, especially with their partner or friends. • Ailments from, reputation, loss of • Ailments from, love, disappointed, unhappy • Ailments from, insults, offences, from • Ailments from, anger, vexation • Ailments from, discords between, chief and subordinates • Ailments from, discords between, relatives or friends • Ailments from, friendship deceived The most probable illnesses that can occur in the mother are: Physical:- Asthma, Eclampsia, Gestational Diabetes Mellitus, Hypertension, Lichen Simplex Chronicus, Neuritis, Peptic ulcer. Mental:- Depression. The most probable illnesses that Can occur in the child are: Physical:- Alopecia areata, Bedwetting, Dwarfishness, Juvenile Diabetes Mellitus, Lichen Planus, Marasmus, Psoriasis. Mental:- Attention Deficit Disorder, Dyslexia, Temper tantrums. TUBERCULINUM THE MOTHER’S STATE DURING PREGNANCY: It may be a first pregnancy or a pregnancy after a long time or a precious pregnancy. This leads to a lot of excitement and also anticipation. • Ailments from, anticipation, foreboding, presentiment • Ailments from, excitement, general symptoms from It could also be the case of a working woman, who, because of her socio-economic conditions is not able to take enough rest and hence has to do tremendous amount of mental and physical work. It could also be useful for mothers who are appearing for exams. •Ailments from, work, mental There may also be an impending threat which a woman may face about her family • Delusions, people, behind him, someone is • Fear, evil, of, family, impending on his • Fear, happen, something will, family, to, or to him Even though there is no direct abuse, but in my Tuberculinum series, I have witnessed many abuses against the woman during her pregnancy. During the pregnancy, some common dreams encountered are: Dreams, animals, dogs, black Dreams, animals, snakes Dreams, fire Dreams, prude, being Dreams, robbers Dreams, shameful Dreams, robbers Dreams, shameful Dreams, animals, snakes Dreams, fire Dreams, animals, dogs, black If we try to interpret these dreams, we find that these dreams have a lot to do with ‘ expressing one’s inner feelings’ Dreams of Dogs This is an easy expression of our own aspects like aggression, sexuality, friendship; an expression of easy flowing natural feelings. Dreams of snakes – Snakes depict the life process. The snake actually depicts the force behind a person’s purposiveness and movement. Dreams of fire – Fire stands for expression of passion, sexuality, anger, desire, resentment and frustration. Dreams of robbers – Indicates fears or difficult emotions arising from the unconscious, neglected parts of oneself, which if met with can lead to self-improvement. Also, it is essential, many times there is a family history of tuberculosis in either parent. The most probable illnesses that Can occur in the mother are: Physical:- Abortion, Genital Toxoplasmosis, Induration of Glands, Mammary swellings and Tumors, Menorrhagia from fibroids, Recurrent infections, Recurrent Herpes Zoster Infection, Tubercular diathesis. The most probable illnesses that can occur in the child are: Physical:- Bedwetting, Delayed Milestones, Eczema, Emaciation, Epistaxis, Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lymphadenitis, Molluscum contagiosum, Recurrent Bronchopneumonia and Hay fever, Recurrent infections, Tubercular Diathesis, worms. Mental:- Attention Deficit Disorder, Dyslexia, Mental retardation, Temper tantrums. HURA BRASILIENSIS The mother’s state during pregnancy: 1. This is a situation where the woman is pregnant and is absolutely insecured about her relationships with her husband, her in-laws and her future. Either her family is trying to disown her or are treating her very shabbily. She has no support from either friends or relatives. The following rubrics confirm this state: • Anxiety, future about. • Delusion, despised she is. • Delusion, alone, world, in the. • Delusion, confidence in him, his friends have lost all. • Delusion, deserted forsaken. • Delusion, imaginations, friend she is about to lose. • Delusion, repudiated, relatives he is repudiated by. • Forsaken feeling, isolation sense of. 2. She feels hopeless and discontented with the entire situation. She feels very unfortunate and sad and is confused about what she should do. Initially she tries to examine her own faults and further reproaches herself for the same. Later on she turns religious and leaves everything to GOD and to her fate. The following rubrics confirm the state: • Ailments from, grief, sorrow, care. • Confusion of mind. • Religious affections. • Reproaches himself. • Sadness, despondency, dejection, mental depression, gloom, melancholy. • Unfortunate feels. Another way in which the woman would react to the above situation is to attract the attention of others because she feels lonely and deserted. This goes to the attract of destructiveness both to self and to others. This state is seen by the following rubrics: • Anger, contradiction from. • Biting hands. • Biting himself. • Break things, desire to. • Contemptuous. • Dreams, building demolished. • Dreams, dead bodies, arm cut off with. • Dreams, gun shots. • Moral affections, want of moral feeling. Her inability to express the contemptuous feelings towards those responsible to her present situation, is expressed in the form of following dreams: • Dreams, body, body parts; head cut off. • Dreams, cutting. • Dreams, crimes. • Dreams, murder. • Dreams, mutilation. 3. As the state of confusion proceeds, the pregnant woman loses touch with the harsh reality of the world around her and dwells in a fanciful state. This state helps the woman to evade the present situation by regressing into a world of her own. The following rubrics confirm the state: • Cheerfulness, gaiety, happiness, mirth. • Delusion, floating in air. • Dreams, feasting. • Dreams, parties, of pleasure. • Dreams, pleasant. • Excitement, excitable, midnight after. The most probable illnesses that can occur in a child are: Physical:- Atopic eczema, Autistic Tendency, Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis, Obstipation, Leprosy. Mental:- Attention Deficit Disorder, Learning Difficulties. STRAMMONIUM The state that fits the situation in the life of a pregnant woman needing the above remedy can be seen in the rubric Delusion, alone in wilderness It means that the person is all alone in a dangerous situation and she is expecting injury from every corner. In real life this could be a woman whose husband dies while she is pregnant or if she is an unmarried mother and the father of her child refuses to accept her. She does not know where to go or whom to turn to. Now she has to face the family and society all alone. It could also be indicated for a person who has witnessed a grave situation like floods, earthquakes, wars, fires, riots, etc., or any life threatening situation. These people feel very deserted and forsaken with no support. The rubrics that indicate this state are: • Delusion, pursued, he is • Ailments from fright • Ailments from, love, disappointed • Ailments from, love, unhappy • Ailments from, mortification, pregnancy in • Anxiety, pursued, as if • Delirium, crying for help • Delusions, alone, always • Delusions, danger, of • Delusions, doomed of being • Delusions, murdered, he will be • Delusions, neglected, husband by her • Delusions, pursued, enemies, by • Fear, alone, of being • Fear, injured, of being • Fear, misfortune, of • Helplessness, feeling, of • Hide, desire, to Common handicaps in children: Physical:- Epilepsy, Febrile convulsions, Chorea, Nocturnal enuresis, Stammering, Strabismus Mental:- Restless child, Slow learner, Attention deficit disorder, Learning difficulties.