Dreams “Limbic System”

“Limbic System”
By; Jessica Hardy &
Audrey Hall & Ashley Hix
Basic Details:
Limbic system controls peoples
dreams. There are three parts to the
limbic system, Hypothalamus,
Hippocampus, Amygdala. These each
control something different, sleep,
emotions, and the other makes scene
of it all.
The hypothalamus regulates body temperature, blood pressure, heartbeat,
metabolism of fats and carbohydrates, and sugar levels in the blood.
Through direct attachment to the pituitary gland , the hypothalamus also
meters secretions controlling water balance and milk production in the
female. The role of the hypothalamus in awareness of pleasure and pain
has been well established in the laboratory.
The Amygdala is an almond-shaped neural structure in the anterior part of
the temporal lobe of the cerebrum; intimately connected with the
hypothalamus and the hippocampus and the cingulate gyrus; as part of the
limbic system it plays an important role in motivation and emotional
The hippocampus is a complex neural structure consisting of grey matter
and located on the floor of each lateral ventricle; intimately involved in
motivation and emotion as part of the limbic system; has a central role in the
formation of memories.
10 Interesting Facts:
Blind people dream
You forget 90% of your dreams
Everybody dreams
Dreams prevent psychosis
We only dream of what we know
Not everyone dreams in color
Dreams are not about what they are about
People who smoke cigarettes and quite have more vivid
• External stimuli invade our dreams
• You are paralyzed when you dream
Rapid eye movement sleep behavior
disorder (RBD) is a sleep disorder
(more specifically a parasomnia) that
involves abnormal behavior during
the sleep phase with rapid eye
movement (REM sleep). It was first
described in 1986.