İSTANBUL SABAHATTİN ZAİM UNIVERSITY FOOD ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT An Investigation of Antimicrobial Activity of Wheat Grass Juice, Barley Grass Juice, Hardaliye and Boza H.PEHLİVANOĞLU, H.H.GÜNDÜZ, G.ÖZÜLKÜ, M.TOMAŞ OUTLINE Wheat & Barley Grass Juice Hardaliye & Boza • o Introduction of them o Antimicrobial activity of them • • • • • • • • • • B. cereus S. enteridis L. monocytgenes E.coli S.aerus S. pneumonia A. brasilliesis S.cerevisia Total coliform Total bacteria WHEAT GRASS JUICE (WGJ) Vitamins Vitamin A Vitamin C Vitamin E Vitamin B1 Vitamin B2 Vitamin B3 Vitamin B5 Vitamin B6 Green Blood 70% Chlorophyll Isoleucine Leucine Lysine Phenylalanine Threonine Tryptophan Valine Methionine Bioflavonoid Apigenin Quercitin Luteolin Minerals Potassium Phosphorous Calcium Magnesium Sodium Iron Aminoacids Enzymes Super oxide dismutase (SOD) Cytochrome oxidase Transhydrogenase Protease, Lipase, Amylase *Kulkarni, Acharya, Nair and,Reddy, 2006. WHEAT GRASS JUİCE Utilization of wheat grass in clinical conditions • Chlorophyll content; hemoglobin defiency conditions like thalassemia and hemolytic anemia (Fernandes and O’ Donovan, 2005; Marwaha et al., 2004). • The enzymes; anti-cancer approach (Wheat and Currie, 2008) • The vitamin content; anti-allergic and anti-asthmatic (Andrew et al., 2000) • The bioflavonoid content; inflammatory bowel disease (Shah, 2007) Barley Grass Juice (BGJ) •O-glycosyl isovitexin •Caroteonids •Catalase •SOD •Ca, Cu, Mg, K, Zn, •B1, B2, B5, B6, C, E *Droushiotis, 1984; Bamforth, 1983; Aruoma and Halliwell,1987; Acar et al., 2001; Janda et al., 2003. Barley Grass Juice Hardaliye • A kind of traditional fermented beverages which is found in in the Thrace region of Turkey. • is produced by the natural lactic acid fermentation. • • • • • • • Lactobacillus paracasei subsp. paracasei Lactobacillus casei subsp. pseudoplantarum Lactobacillus brevis Lactobacillus pontis Lactobacillus acetotolerans Lactobacillus sanfransisco Lactobacillus vaccinostercus *Arıcı and Coşkun, 2001. Ingredients of Hardaliye Red grapes Black mustard seeds red grape juice with the addition of crushed black mustard seeds is used and cherry leaves are filled in the barrel. The mustard seed’s eteric oils affect the yeasts and also give flavor to the final product. Hardaliye is known as vitamine source Cherry leaves Hardaliye 1839 so far • Beneficial effect to coronary heart disease and digestive system (Prado, 2008). • It has also probiotic characteristic. •Nowadays, the active compound of black mustard seed “Sinigrin” distract the attention of the scientists who work about cancer. Boza • It is a colloid suspension, slightly acidic, low-alcoholic beverage consumed in Turkey and other Balkan countries for ages, especially in winter months. • According to Turkish Standards, boza is defined as: “A product which is made by adding drinkable water to cereals such as millet, maize, wheat, and rice. And then, the sugar is added. • Boza (2-3%) from a previous batch should be used as a starter culture. • The mixture is left to ferment in wooden barrels. • Inoculated mixture is incubated at 15–25 °C for nearly 24 hr. *Arıcı and Dağlıoğlu, 2007 Average Composition of Boza Dry matter Soluble matter Insoluble matter Invert sugar Total sugar Dextrin Nitrogenous matter Ash Raw fiber Crude oil Acidity Volatile acidity Alcohol Vitamins Thiamine (B1) Riboflavin (B2) Pyridoxine (B6) Nicotinamid Average (%) 26,3 19,1 7,2 6,2 15,1 1 1,23 0,15 0,02 0,25 0,3-0,5 0,04-0,13 ˂0,6 mg/100 g DM 0,19-0,25 0,18-0,21 0,32-0,36 0,51-0,6 It is a healthy and nutritious beverage, and its lactic acid content has positive effects on digestion and intestinal flora. The lactic acid bacteria isolated during the fermentation included Leuconostoc paramesenteroides Lactobacillus sanfrancisco Lactobacillus coryniformis Lactobacillus confusus Lactobacillus fermentum Leuconostoc oenos The yeasts isolated contained • • Saccharomyces uvarum Saccharomyces cerevisiae *Hancıoğlu and Karapınar, 1997; Yücel and Otles,1998; Evliya, 1990. Aim Have they got any antimicrobial effect on microorganism we study? MATERYAL & METHOD Barley grass & Wheat grass Hardaliye & Boza was produced as home - made was provided as locally from Thrace Region •Bacterial culture was provided from Tekirdag Food Control Laboratuary of Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock. Air-conditioning unit •Antimicrobial activity was investigated by using disc diffusion method. RESULTS INHIBITION ZONE (mm) WGJ BGJ HARDALIYE BOZA COMPARISION ZONE (Vancomycin) - - - 9 20 S. typhimurium (XLD Agar) 11 11 - - 11 L. monocytegenes (Oxford Agar) 11 11 9 10 18 E.coli (EMB Agar) 11 11 20 15 13 S.aureus (Baird- Parker Agar) 9 9 - - 15 Streptococcus pneumonia (Blood Agar) - - - 10 15 A.brassillesis (DRBC Agar) - - - - - S.cerevisiae (SDA) - - - - - Total coliform(VRBA) 11 15 10 - 10 Total bacteria (PCA) - - 9 16 15 B.cereus (MYP Agar) RESULTS Inhibition zone (mm) Total coliform S.typhimurium L.monocytgenes E.coli S.aureus WGJ 11 11 11 11 9 BGJ 15 11 11 11 9 Inhibition zone (mm) Boza Total Bacteria E.Coli L.monocytegenes S.pneumonia B.cereus 16 15 10 10 9 Inhibition zone (mm) Hardaliye E.coli Total Coliform Total Bacteria L. monocytgenes 20 10 9 9 HARDALİYE BOZA E. C O L I BARLEY GRASS JUICE WHEAT GRASS JUICE BARLEY GRASS JUICE WHEAT GRASS JUICE T O T A L C O L I F O R M HARDALIYE TOTAL BACTERIA HARDALIYE BOZA References Andrew F, Sarah L,Weiss S, Britton J. 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Gelenekscl Fermente Icicegimiz: “Boza”. Dunya Gida 1998, 5,36–38. Shah S, Dietary factors in the modulation of inflammatory bowel disease activity, Medscape General Medicine, 2007; 9(1): 60. Wheat J, Currie G, Herbal medicine for cancer patients: An evidence based review, Internet Journal Of Alternative Medicine , 2008, 5(2). Dr. Pehlivanoglu