Metabolic Disease Ketosis: the convergence of CHO and Lipid metabolism Lipid Metabolism Control • What regulates nutrient partitioning? – Oxidation/catabolism vs. synthesis/anabolism • What ensures lipolysis and lipogenesis are coordinated…instead of competing? Controllers of Nutrient Partitioning Insulin Glucagon Epinephrine Growth Hormone Lipogenesis/Lipolysis Glycolysis/ Gluconeogenesis & Glycogenolysis Protein Synthesis/Proteolysis Ketogenesis Insulin • Secreted from pancreas – Stimulated by the presence of glucose • Stimulates glycolysis • Stimulates glycogen synthesis • Prevents glycogen breakdown (Glycogenolysis) • Stimulates lipogenesis (fat synthesis) • Potent antilipolytic (prevents lipolysis) • Actions primarily counter balanced by glucagon • “I’m full” hormone Insulin Action Insulin binding to the insulin receptor induces a signal transduction cascade which allows the glucose transporter (GLUT4) to transport glucose into the cell. Glucagon • Secreted by the pancreas – Low blood sugar • Stimulates gluconeogenesis • Slows down glycolysis • Stimulates glycogenolysis (glycogen breakdown) • Helps stimulate lipolysis • “I’m hungry” hormone Epinephrine • A catecholamine typically present at most sympathetic synaptic clefts • Also synthesized and secreted by the adrenal medulla • Metabolic Actions – – – – Liver and muscle glycogenolysis Lipolysis Blood lactate Cardiac output Somatotropin (aka growth hormone) • Produced by the anterior pituitary • Protein hormone (~190 amino acids) • Lipid metabolism: – During positive energy balance: • Reduces lipogenesis ( LPL, ACC and FAS) – During negative energy balance: • Increases adipose sensitivity to lipolytic signals Insulin vs. Glucagon pancreas muscle Normal glucose regulation Liver Insulin/glucagon IGF-I Adrenal gland Epinephrine Pituitary Growth Hormone Amino acids Liver Nutrient Directors/Governors Glucose gluconeogenesis & glycogenolysis fat Fatty acids Amino acids Glucose Fatty acids GIT Circulating Nutrient Pool Post-absorptive metabolic regulation muscle insulin fat Liver insulin pancreatic islet b cells Nutrients: glucose fatty acids amino acids GIT meal Glucagon Glucose Insulin Meal Reciprocity in Lipogenic and Liplolyctic absorption Lipogenesis Time after feeding (h) Lipolysis Regulation of lipid metabolism • Well fed: – – – – Insulin lipogenesis & lipolysis (also protein synthesis & proteolysis) glucagon epinephrine somatotropin • Starving: – epinephrine, glucagon, somatotropin lipolysis (also proteolysis) – Insulin lipolysis and proteolysis • Very Low CHO, high PTN diet: – No Insulin lipogenesis – No Insulin lipolysis Adipose Lipogenesis vs. Lipolyis • Both regulated primarily by phosphorylation • ACC and HSL – ACC-P = deactivated – HSL-P = activated • Ensures coordination Epinephrine and Glucagon Somatotropin Adipocyte NEFA Epi NEFA Insulin TG Mammary Gland ATP Ketones Milk Fat Intracellular triglyceride review lipogenesis Lipolysis Lipoprotein lipase Fatty acid oxidation • Sites: Muscle and Liver – Especially important for muscles under aerobic conditions – All cells except for RBCs and brain can use fatty acids for energy • Rate of oxidation is proportional to plasma NEFA concentration • Takes place in mitochrondia and peroxisomes – Discovered in 1949 by Kennedy and Lehninger • Don’t diffuse through mitochrondia membrane • Need transport system ß-oxidation of fatty acids involves successive cleavage with release of acetyl-CoA. Fatty acid oxidase’s are found in the mitochondrial matrix or inner membrane adjacent to the respiratory chain in the inner membrane. Oxidation of Palmitate FADH = 2 ATP NADH = 3 ATP Acetyl CoA = 12 ATP 1. CPT I transfers LCFA to carnitine 2. Acyltranslocase transfers LCFA across innner membrane 3. CPT II re-esterfies LCFA into LCFA-acyl CoA Control of CPT • Fed state: plasma NEFA low, low oxidation • Fed state: insulin, ACC, malonyl-CoA • Malonyl-CoA potent allosteric inhibitor of CPT • Minimizes futile cycle Peroxisomes oxidize very long chain fatty acids: • Very long chain acyl-CoA synthetase facilitates the oxidation of very long chain fatty acids (e.g., C20, C22). • These enzymes are induced by high-fat diets and by hypolipidemic drugs such as Clofibrate. Peroxisome Oxidation Only ½ has efficient as mitochrondia FADH = energy is lost as heat NADH, can diffuse out and enter mictochrondia And contribute to the ETC Doesn’t go to completion: just shortens so the FA can enter the mitochondria Fate of acetyl-CoA isn’t known 10% of all fatty acid oxidation Excessive fatty acid catabolism in the liver. Conditions that lead to ketone body synthesis: 1) Uncontrolled diabetes mellitus reduced insulin action results in uncontrolled lipolysis 2) Starvation 3) Early lactation 4) High protein/low CHO diet Hormonal environment: 1) Insulin levels are low (or ineffective) 2) Glucagon levels are high Acetyl-CoA formed from fatty acid ßoxidation is either: 1) oxidized in TCA 2) repackaged 3) forms ketones KETOGENESIS • It occurs when there is a high rate of fatty acid oxidation in the liver • Directly proportional to b- oxidation • These three substances are collectively known as the ketone bodies (also called acetone bodies or acetone). Enzymes responsible for ketone bodies formation are associated with mitochondria. Ketosis • Ketones can be oxidized by most tissues • Formed in the liver from fat oxidation – Most tissues can directly oxidize fatty acids – Red blood cells and the CNS ca not • Require the fatty acids to be converted into ketones – Can provide 75% of CNS energy supply during starvation • Very important in the conversion of adipose tissue into available energy – Not as much energy in ketones as from fatty acids • Costs ATP to convert ketones into usable energy • Occurs during: – – – – Starvation Diabetes Low carbohydrate diet Early lactation Fatty Acid Oxidation/Gluconeogenesis and Ketone Synthesis • FA oxidation generates a lot of acetyl CoA • An animal oxidizing fatty acids is in need of energy… also need for gluconeogenesis • oxaloacetate leaves TCA • No carbon molecule for acetyl CoA to combine with in order to enter TCA • Acetyl CoA build up NADH Gluconeogenesis Glucose GAP Pyruvate Glycerol Lactate Acetyl CoA OAA TCA Cycle Amino Acids Propionate (from rumen fermentation) Ketones Fate • Conversion of ketone bodies to acetyl-CoA requires ATP – – • not as efficient as just oxidizing fatty acids But, this is tolerated as the alternative is death. Taken up by tissues and catabolized for energy – – Rates of their metabolism is directly related to plasma concentration Liver doesn’t oxidize ketones • Lacks succinyl CoA:3 ketoacid transferace – Necessary to activate acetoacetat to acetoacetyl CoA • Exhaled by the lungs • Secreted in sweat • Secreted in urine – Causes the loss of Na+ KETOGENESIS IS REGULATED AT THREE CRUCIAL STEPS: 1. Adipose tissue: Factors regulating mobilization of free fatty acids from adipose tissue are important in controlling ketogenesis 2. Liver: After acylation, fatty acids undergo ßoxidation or esterified to triacylglycerol or ketone bodies. a. CPT-1 regulates entry of long-chain acyl groups into mitochondria prior to ß-oxidation. Its activity is low in the fed state, and high in starvation. 2 a) continued Fed state: Malonyl-CoA formed in the fed state is a potent inhibitor of CPT-1. Under these conditions, free fatty acids enter the liver cell in low concentrations and are nearly all esterified to acylglycerols and transported out as VLDL. Starvation: Free fatty acid concentration increases with starvation, acetyl-CoA carboxylase is inhibited and malonyl-CoA decreases releasing the inhibition of CPT-I and allowing more ßoxidation. These events are reinforced in starvation by decrease in insulin/glucagon ratio. This causes inhibition of ACC in the liver by phosphorylation. In short, ß-oxidation from free fatty acids is controlled by the CPT-I gateway into the mitochondria, and the balance of free fatty acid uptake not oxidized is esterified. 3. Acetyl-CoA formed from ß-oxidation of fatty acids is either oxidized in TCA cycle or it forms ketone bodies. SEVERE Malnutrition: KB ketonuria ketosis ketoacidosis coma Tissue Fuel Usage in Fed and Fasting States in Humans Fed Tissue Liver Kidney GIT used released used released Glucose (glycogen) AA & FA FA, Glucose AA, Lactate FA, Glycerol Glucose, ketone bodies AA, Lactate, FA, glycerol glucose glucose Glucose, Aspartate, Glutamate Asparagine & glutamine Adipose Glucose Muscle Glucose, Glycogen, BCAA Brain Fasting Glucose FA, AA, CHO’s FA, Glycerol Lactate, Alanine, &Glutamine FA, Ketones, BCAA Glucose & Ketones AA, but not BCAA Metabolic Disorders Energy-Related Disorders 1- Fatty Liver Syndrome 2- Ketosis (Acetonemia) 3- Rumen Acidosis 4- Laminitis 5- Displaced Abomasum 6- Milk Fat Depression (rumen lipid issues) Minerals & Vitamins-Related Disorders 1- Hypocalcemia (Milk Fever) 2- Udder edema (protein problem?) 3- Retained Placenta Ketosis Hypoclycemia and insulin insensitivity are primary reasons for ketosis: Body reserve: ~500 g Intake during Dry period: ~0 g/d Lactation: ~0 g/d Glucose lost in feces: ~0 g/d Glucose secretion in milk (as lactose): 2.3 kg/d (for 45 kg/d of milk) Occurrence: Ketosis • Occurs 2 to 4 weeks after calving (peak incidence is about 3 week) • Affect most high producing cows (sub-clinically) in early lactation Symptoms: • “Typical” ketone (acetone) smell in the breath; • Lack of appetite – Decreased rumen mobility and production of “dry feces” • Loss of weight, gaunt appearance, and dullness Detection: • Two changes in the blood related to liver functions – Drop in blood glucose (<50 mg/dl) – Rise in b-hydroxy butyrate (>14.4 mg/dl) • Presence of ketones in urine (“Ketostick”): – b-hydroxy butyrate; Acetone; Aceto-acetic acid. Transition Period Calving Late Lactation Dry Period Gestation Early Lactation Uterine Involution Lactogenesis When Cows Leave the Herd Health Costs = 5x 0.24% 624,614 Cows Leaving 5,749Herds 10% 0.20% Average Risk per Day of Leaving In a Period % Cows Leaving That Left In the Period 12% ~25% of culling occurs prior to 600.16% DIM 8% 6% 0.12% 4% 0.08% 2% 0.04% 0% 0.00% 20 41 62 83 104 125 146 167 188 209 230 251 272 293 314 335 356 377 398 419 440 21- Day Period Ending Day Percent of Cows Leaving Risk of Leaving Source: 2002, Steve Stewart, DVM, Dipl.-ABVP, Univ. of Minnesota, College of Vet. Med. Days Open Phenotypic Trend Days open 160 Parity 1 2 3 4 5 140 120 USA Holstein 100 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 00 Year H.D. NORMAN 2004 USDA Energy Balance EBAL = Feed Intake – (Maintenance (BW0.75) + Milk Production (yield and composition)) Especially fat! OUTPUT ENERGY BALANCE INPUT Estimated Energy Balance Around Calving Balance NEl, Mcal/day (NEl intake - NEl expanded)Drop in DMI 5 Colostrum & milk synthesis 0 -5 -10 -15 -21 Grummer, 1995 -14 -7 0 7 14 Days Relative to Calving 21 DMI, lb/d Feed Intake and Adipose Mobilization During the Transition Period 50 1000 40 800 30 600 20 400 DMI (lbs) NEFA 10 0 -29 -22 -15 -8 -1 6 200 0 13 20 27 Day relative to calving Burhans and Bell, 1998 Plasma NEFA and fat mobilization increases during negative energy balance Dunshea et al (1990b) Plasma GH (g/L) 80 40 25 Dry matter intake (kg/d) 18 Time, P < 0.001 120 Time, P = 0.07 20 16 Time, P < 0.001 14 12 10 8 6 15 4 10 280 5 0 40 Time, P < 0.001 20 0 -20 Plasma insulin (pmol/L) Plasma IGF-I (g/L) 160 Time, P < 0.001 210 140 70 -40 -60 -21 -14 -7 0 +7 +14 +21 +28 Day relative to parturition -21 -14 -7 0 +7 +14 +21 Day relative to parturition +28 Well Fed….Mid Lactation Baumgard and Rhoads, 2007 Transition Cow Metabolic Flexibility: Decreased Insulin Sensitivity Baumgard and Rhoads, 2007