I SLAMIC M EDICINE WH AT IT IS & W H AT IT IS NO T INSANIAH COLLEGE UNIVERSITY LECTURE: First yr Medical Students COURSE: Islamic Revealed Knowledge OMAR ZAID, M.D. Dec 2012 – Mar 2013 Islamic Medicine is defined as an approach to Medical Care whose basic paradigms, concepts, values and procedures conform to or do not contradict the Qur’an and Sunnah. It is characterized by being value-based, by being holistic under the tauhidic paradigm, and by conforming to the five purposes of the Law, maqasid al shari’at. IT IS NOT specific medical procedures or pharmacopeia of therapeutic agents used in a particular place or a particular time. Islamic Medicine is universal, allembracing, flexible, and allows for growth and development of various methods of investigating and treating diseases within the frame-work described above. The Islamic approach to medicine has reintroduced the human element in medicine without denying the benefits of modern medical technology. It is a process of conceptual transformation called the Islamization of Medicine. The end-result of the Islamization process WILL NOT BE a medical system FOR M USLIMS ONLY but for the whole of humanity because Islam is a set of universal and objective values. Islamization is not theologizing, or localizing of parochial medicine but is rather a rocess that makes an objective, universal, value-based and systematic scheme of excellence for all. Prof Omar Hasan Kasule Sr. MB ChB (MUK), MPH (Harvard(, DrPH (Harvard) Professor of Epidemiology and Islamic Medicine Universiti Brunei Motivating Factors By denying a religious and moral dimension, European medicine operates in a presumed moral vacuum. An unacceptably high number of patients are being treated for side effects of modern therapeutic agents All this is the result of 1. Materialist Reductionism Narrow specialization leads to lack of a holistic approach to the patient 1. lack of tauhid or wholism. 2. 3. Greed due to consumerism. Fear of Death is manipulative. Application of laws that govern the mineral kingdom to man. Physicians behave as a technician and turn a blind eye to moral and social issues that affect the health of his patients 'Evidence-Based' Medicine: A Coin's Flip Worth of Certainty … http://www.activistpost.com/2012/11/evidence- Secularized medicine has no consistent set of ethics leading to malpractice, fraud, and bias in research Hence: Muslims wish to practice M EDICINE not M EDI - SIN based-medicine-coins-flip.html 90% of the peer-reviewed clinical research, the holy grail of the conventional medical system, is exaggerated, or worse, completely false? The concept of tauhid motivates looking at the patient, the disease, and the environment a singularity or single system in equilibrium and continuum with the unseen. Thus all factors involving (affecting) all three elements are taken into consideration while making medical decisions. Tauhid motivates the Physician to view the patient as one organism rather than a client with a conveniently packaged combination of organs and pathologies ripe for exploitation. The patient has physical, social, psychological, and spiritual dimensions that must be considered in synthesis with an integrated, holistic approach. Balance = middle path = moderation The principle of tauhid requires an overall comprehensive ‘birds-eye’ view of the patient’s disease, their physical constitution, their environment (physical & social), their mental capacity and knowledge base, and their belief system. The Western allopathic system pays lip service to these realms by merely recording on paper some of the pertinent data, but takes little of initiative or action to modify medical treatments accordingly. Essentially, Western medicine and society, in its pursuit of profit, has been reduced to recipe makers and vendors whereby technicians (the doctor) prescribe and treat according ly without taking or affording the time, resources or concern for a more comprehensive approach. The Muslim Doctor’s Responsibility is to PROTECT & ACTIVATE the Purpose of Shari’ah in the realm of medical practice with regard to : Physical Health Spiritual Health Progeny Mental Health Wealth The Physician’s role is integral to these purposes which are P REVENTATIVE as well as C URATIVE Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said that: Allah did not reveal any disease without also REVEALING ITS CURE . H ENCE , A S M USLIM P HYSICIANS , OUR DUTY IS TO : SEEK , FIND AND APPLY THESE REVEALED CURES. Hence also, the Muslim Physician’s responsibility is not to blindly follow the West (taqlid) because WESTERN ALLOPATHIC MEDICINE IS NOT CURATIVE WHICH DENIES AL’QUR’AN The West is destroying their people’s health, progeny, spirits and wealth by treating symptoms in a non-wholistic, non-tauhidic / non-Islamic manner: a neo-Medical Norm this is the result of Secular Humanism which has lead to Scientific Reductionism. Below are profit making, chemo-synthetic treatments for the palliation of symptoms and are useful.. BUT T HEY CANNOT AND DO NOT CURE . Pill-Popping is a delusion of the Modern Age that aids hegemony of the NWO and the human denial syndrome when uninhibited by Revelation & Taffakur. It represents the medical paradigm of Mc Medicine that allows doctor and patient to continue the pretense of success both physically and spiritually == The above substances are Curative, Divinely Created, and Imbued with the living and dynamic formative word of Al’Mussawir Sincere Muslim Physicians will not ignore their value as Allah’s gift for curative purposes. Most of tibb nabawi [Prophetic Medicine] is preventive medicine and must have been divinely inspired. H ENCE W E ARE INSTRUCTED BY THE PROPHET HIMSELF IN Diet, fasting, nutrition and exercise Quarantine for epidemics; P REVENTATIVE & C URATIVE M EDICINE PALLIATIVE Forbidding urination in stagnant water, Hygiene; Precautions to prevent fire and pests, MEDICINE IS A THIRD AND LAST PRIORIT Y In the Islamic scheme of medicine. Nevertheless it has become the primary focus of research, education and practice, all of which ignore the search and discovery of revealed curative measures and agents. leaving a country because of its water and climate. Spiritual Aspects of Healing and Recovery.: Prayer, dua, recitation of the Qur’an and the Remembrance of Allah play a central role fever; constipation; incontinence; dropsy (heart failure); wounds; epilepsy; sciatica; skin itch; pleurisy; headache; inf lammation of the throat; enlargement of the heart; ophthalmia; catalepsy; acne; skin eruptions; food poisoning; witchcraft; head lice, etc. The Qur’an is the best medicine . Dua is medicine. Asking for protection from Allah, isti’adhat, is medicine. A strong iman and trust in Allah, tawakkul, play a role in the cure of diseases. Salat is a cure . BUT: THERE ARE CONTINGENT CONDITIONS e.g. Un-forgiveness will inhibit curative results which are dependent upon Allah’s Mercy. Secret Sin for which the patient remains unrepentant; involvement with haram activities; Continuation of Bad habits (smoking) … drinking, bad food, gluttony (obesity), etc. Lack of sincerity … lack of faith … poor physical constitution, anorexia, drug use … Ibn al Qayyim mentioned three therapeutic modalities used in Prophetic Medicine: Natural;: Most important ly, diet and moderation We now know of specific diets for the blood types which are curative when followed. Spiritual: Mixture of Both: as mentioned above, but one must be careful of Shirk. unfortunately, addiction to modern lifestyles and weakened iman may inhibit all of these. Scientist Prove DNA Can Be Reprogrammed by Words and Frequencies http://www.wakingtimes.com/2012/10/29/dna-is-influneced-by-words-and-frequencies/ Prohibition of shirk in seeking a cure: Shirk arises when people seek and expect cures from anything other than Allah. Manifestations of shirk include: amulets, tamaim; divinations; and worshipping or asking a cure from humans called saints, or from bomohs, shamans, awliyaa, or by visiting their graves, etc. Other superstitious practices : claiming knowledge of the unseen or supernatural powers by any human. Many people with disease conditions resort to shirk due to satanic misguidance. These practices nullify ‘aqidat al tauhid because they attribute disease and its cure to other than Allah. They may also distract or delay people from seeking cures through rational scientific ally based medicine. A GOOD M USLIM SHOULD NOT BE INVOLVED WITH JINN AND SHOULD ASK A LLAH FOR PROTECTION AGAINST THEM The Problem of Definitions: I SLAMIZING THE PHYSICIAN ? Al Tabari described the Islamic code of medical ethics in 970 AD to include the following: a) personal characteristics; b) obligations towards patients; community; colleagues; assistants. Values alone are not enough to change reality. A physician may be good and ethical but if the system he/she is working in is unethical, he/she will be ineffective Islamically. We therefore cannot define a medical system by ethics alone. It is not enough to say Islamic medicine is what good Muslim physicians practice. Islamic Code of Medical Ethics International Organization of Islamic Medicine Kuwait 1981. Revised by Amine and El Kadhi (Azhar, 1993) “the physician must believe in God, and in the Islamic teachings and practice it in private and public life; be grateful to his parents, teachers, and elders; be humble, modest, kind, merciful, patient, and tolerant; follow the path of the righteous; and always seek God’s support. The Muslim physician must stay abreast of current medical knowledge, continuously improve his skills, seek help whenever needed, and comply with legal requirements governing his profession; realize that God is the maker and owner of his patient’s body and mind and treat him within the framework of God’s teachings; realize that life was given to man by God, that human life starts at the time of conception, and that human life cannot be taken away except by God or with His permission; realize that God is watching and monitoring every thought and deed; follow God’s guidelines as his only criteria, even if they differ with popular demand or the patient’s wishes; not recommend nor administer any harmful material; render needed help regardless of financial ability or ethnic origin of the patient; offer needed advice with consideration for both the patient’s body and mind; protect the patient’s confidentiality; adopt an appropriate manner of communication; examine a patient of the opposite sex in the presence ot a third person whenever feasible; not criticize another physician in the presence of patients or health personnel, refuse payment for treatment of another physician or his immediate family; and strive to use wisdom in all his decisions”. Some Question on I SLAMIZING M EDICINE ? C AN THE P RACTICE OF M EDICINE OR M EDICINES BE I SLAMIZED ? A RE A LL R EMEDIES ( I . E . MEDICINES ) INHERENTLY I SLAMIC ? A RE THE WORDS ‘M USLIM ’ AND ‘I SLAMIC ’ SYNONYMOUS ? I SN ’ T THE PROBLEM RATHER THAT OF THINKING ( IDEAS ) AND DOING ( ACTION ) CORRECTLY ACCORDING - TO AND IN SUBMISSION - TO D IVINE L AW ? I S C REATION INHERENTLY I SLAMIC ? I S PHYSIOLOGY INHERENTLY I SLAMIC ? I S THERE I SLAMIC P HYSIOLOGY AND N ON -I SLAMIC P HYSIOLOGY ? A RE DIVINE LAWS THAT GOVERN THE MINERAL KINGDOM ( INORGANIC & CHEMISTRY ) THE ONLY LAWS THAT GOVERN ANIMAL ORGANIC & HUMAN KINGDOMS ?? I S MEDICAL SCIENCE CORRECT WHEN IT APPLIES SCIENTIFICALLY BASED LAWS THAT GOVERN NON - LIVING SUBSTANCE TO THE LIVING SUBSTANCE OF HUMANS AS THE SOLE BASIS FOR CURATIVE THERAPY ? I F NOT, WHAT THEN IS MISSING ? F INDING AND DEFINING THIS MISSING COMPONENT IS WHAT WILL MAKE M EDICAL S CIENCE TRULY I SLAMIC . I GNORING THIS REALM IS THE CHIEF ERROR OF M ODERN MEDICAL SCIENCE ; THERE ARE OTHERS . ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE “Islamic Medicine” is not a reaction-to or a complete rejection-of modern Western Medicine. Natural therapeutics such as nutritional supplements and indigenous, unprocessed foods or folk medicines, chiropractic, naturopathy, homeopathy, acupuncture, Chinese and Auruvedic medicines, etc., are included here as being encouraged by Islam -- BUT NOT AS ALTERNATIVES to allopathic drug therapy. Why? Because the word ‘alternative’ implies that Western Medicine is not Islamic, which is not entirely true at all. Western medicine is, however, an incomplete system with many serious flaws, not the least of which is top-heavy administration and their profit motifs guided by an extremely corrupt Pharmaceutical industry. As you study Western medicine you will come to realize it is more about DISEASE MANAGEMENT rather than disease cure. Islamic Medicine is about both cure and prevention in addition to well defined moral & ethical values and guidelines. Hence, it is a balanced tauhidic (wholistic) scientific approach to mankind’s illnesses. Islamic Medicine is defined as a medical practice whose basic paradigms, concepts, values and procedures conform to or do not contradict the Qur’an and Sunnah. It is not specific medical procedures or therapeutic agents used in a particular place or a particular time. Islamic Medicine is universal, all-embracing, flexible, and allows for growth and development of various methods of investigating and treating diseases within this frame-work. I SLAMIZATION IS NOT THEOLOGIZING or sectarian-parochial medicine (Chinese, Malay, Arab or MB Medicine or Education) but rather it is a process that makes for overall universal excellence. In other words, the epitaph (obituary) should read: Dr. ‘so and so’was an excellent physician, and by the way, he/she was a Muslim. [a Muslim who became and died an excellent physician]. The two sources of knowledge in Islam are Revelation (traditional Islamic soft sciences) and the Empirical world or universe (material science). M USLIM PROFESSIONALS MUST KNOW BOTH ‘Intellect’ is a tool given to the human race to use both sources R EAD, CONTEMPLATE & ACT Western epistemology denies revelation as a source of knowledge.* Its scientific epistemology is solely based on matter and is therefore incomplete as stated earlier. Furthermore, it denies religion and/or is sometimes actively anti-religion. It does not officially accept the unseen, al ghaib, although several governmental programs are based on occult knowledge (spiritual science and the paranormal) Western science also denies morality as a factor in its work. It operates in a presumed moral vacuum where there is no recognition of absolute morality. ** * Largely due to the Catholic repression and persecution of science and scientists ** Largely due to Illuminati occult influences that occurences with the so-called ‘Enlightenment’ Baby monkeys develop autism symptoms after obtaining doses of popular vaccines http://www.pakalertpress.com/2012/11/05/vaccine-bombshell-baby-monkeys-develop-autism-symptoms-afterobtaining-doses-of-popular-vaccines/ Table Of Iatrogenic Deaths In The United States (Culture of Collateral Damage) http://www.ourcivilisation.com/medicine/usamed/deaths.htm Has the CDC lost its collective mind? In India an estimated 50,000 people have succumbed to vaccine induced polio paralysis http://www.alt-market.com/articles/1103-has-the-cdc-lost-its-collective-mind Vaccines not responsible for halting infectious diseases of 20th century http://www.naturalnews.com/037883_vaccines_infectious_disease_20th_century.html#ixzz2BmWOJWyO Vaccines and the Peanut Allergy Epidemic http://www.thedoctorwithin.com/allergies/vaccines-and-the-peanut-allergy-epidemic/ Roundup and other pesticides directly linked to Parkinson's, neurodegenerative disorders http://www.naturalnews.com/037786_Roundup_pesticides_Parkinsons.html#ixzz2BsQ9DveY Scientists Create GM Corn Which Prevents Human Conception http://www.biotech-info.net/conception.html Near-death experiences occur when the soul leaves the nervous system and enters the universe http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2225190/Can-quantum-physics-explain-bizarre-experiencespatientsbrought-brink-death.html Eat Right for Your Blood Type http://www.dadamo.com/ International Institute of Islamic Medicine http://www.iiim.org/mscholar7.html Dr Rebecca Carley's Website - Dr Carley Is One Of Our Greatest Anti-Vaccination Campaigners http://loveforlife.com.au/node/5455