Non-Emergency Patient Transport Service Commissioner Perspective Claire Strawbridge Head of Contracts and Performance NHS Hull 15th June 2011 Contents • • • • • • • Background Public Engagement Priorities Eligibility Screening Information Leaflet Quality Standards Monitoring Quality Background • NHS Hull and NHS East Riding planned to tender all PTS in 2010/2011 • An independent Impact Assessment indicated that there MAY be risks to the ambulance emergency response reliance if YAS lost the PTS provision • Commissioners decided to implement a managed change process and contract with YAS for all PTS requirements of Hull and East Riding communities Public Engagement • Joint public engagement with NHS East Riding February to July 2010 • Aims: • Understand local needs • Inform quality standards and monitoring systems • Inform eligibility criteria • Develop service specifications that meet community’s needs How did we reach people? • Information to Overview and Scrutiny Committees • Letters to local MPs • Local Involvement Network • North Bank Forum • Hull CVS • Local Media • Diverse groups/HANA • NHS Hull Members • Local Healthcare Providers • Hull Carer’s Centre • Hull Libraries • GPs • RNIB • Hull City Council Responses • • • • • 643 responses received 40% responses from patients 31% of Reponses from members of the public 45% of responders had used the service in last 12 months The full report can be found at: spx?id=5828 Engagement Outcome Praise towards the PTS crews Comfort of the vehicle Cheerful staff Positive feedback Felt safe whilst on the vehicle Treated with dignity Engagement Outcome – Priorities Improve Call Handling Ensure patients arrive on time for their appointment Promote eligibility and PTS alternatives Priorities Ensure used by people that have a medical need Reduce waits after appointments Communicate changes, delays and expected time of collection to patients Eligibility • PTS is designed for people whose health would suffer if they travelled by other means • Normally a healthcare professional assesses eligibility before booking • Unique locally – patients can book their own transport • Dilutes the service when too many people use it • Need to give the service back to those it was originally designed for • Not a cost cutting exercise – efficiencies are to lead to increased quality • Criteria developed in public focus groups • Decided ALL renal dialysis patients are eligible in first instance • Will be reviewed Eligibility Does the patient need physical or emotional support to travel? How does the patient normally get out and about? Does the patient have a friend or relative who could assist? Escort Eligibility Under 16 years old Needs constant attention Sight, hearing or speech impairment At risk or vulnerable if travelling alone Physical or mental health problems that prevent travelling alone Communication difficulties Chaperone for cultural or religious reasons Information Leaflet • • • • • • What is PTS? Who is PTS designed for? Why is it designed for those that have a medical need? How to book PTS When can an escort travel? Other travel options, such as taxis, buses, community transport • Healthcare Travel Cost Scheme Quality Standards Ensure patients arrive on time for their appointment • <5% arrive 31 to 60 mins late • 0% more than 60 mins late <5% arrive 31 to 60 mins late 0% more than 60 minutes late 14.00% 14.00% 12.00% 12.00% 10.00% 10.00% 8.00% 8.00% 6.00% 6.00% 4.00% 4.00% 2.00% 2.00% 0.00% 0.00% Actual (%) Target (%) Actual (%) Target (%) Reduce waits after appointments • 90% patients collected within 60 mins of booked ready time • 0% wait more than 60 mins 90% collected within 60 mins of booked ready time 0% wait more that 60 mins 35.00% 30.00% 30.00% 25.00% 25.00% 20.00% 20.00% 15.00% 15.00% 10.00% 10.00% 5.00% 5.00% 0.00% 0.00% Actual (%) Target (%) Actual (%) Target (%) Improve Call Handling – Calls should be answered within 5 minutes Average Answer Delay • 48 seconds Maximum Answer Delay • 26 minutes Abandoned Calls • 9% Maximum abandoned delay • 51 minutes Monitoring Quality • • • • Monthly Quality Reports Quality Review Group bi-monthly Priority Patient Working Group PTS User Group, facilitated by Hull and East Yorkshire hospitals • If YAS are likely to breach quality standards, it is their responsibility to facilitate alternative transport to ensure healthcare services and patient experience are not adversely affected. • 6 months to show demonstrable improvement or NHS Hull and NHS East Riding will seek an alternative provider ANY QUESTIONS?