StabCad Introduction StabCad has a ship stability package providing an interface to model the hull, simulate various (intact and damaged) conditions of floatation on it. 1. *Hydrostatic Curves 2. *Cross Curves of Stability and Curve of Static Stability 3. Floodable length, permissible length & Factor of subdivision 4. Many more Learn how to use StabCad 1. Read help Manual 2. Practicing 3. Examples 4. Input file ( key to the HW) 5. Design Courses and Future Work Input File •STABOPT - Stability options •JOINT - Define the joint coordinates •DRAFT - Define the vessel drafts •CROSS - For the cross curves of stability •INTACT - For the intact stability •HULL - Hull definition by offset method •HULLPAR - Particulars of the hull •STAT - Station definition •OFFS - Offsets •ENDHULL - The end of hull definitions •For an example in using the offset method in StabCad refer to the example file “STABEX2”.