CPR Introduction: High School Beginners Guide

CPR Introduction
A High School beginners guide to
How Do I get Certified?
 Certification for CPR and First Aid is easy to obtain! Just find
your local Canadian Red Cross or St. Johns Ambulance
center and sign up for the basic training course!
Brainstorming Questions
What does CPR stand for?
When would you perform CPR?
What do you know about CPR?
 Cardio – Having to do with the heart
 Pulmonary - Having to do with the lungs
 Resuscitation - The act of reviving a person
and returning them to consciousness
 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GbttJ-5do9M
When to Perform CPR?
No breathing
No pulse
Heart Attack/Cardiac Arrest
 Heart Attack –Reduced level of oxygen to the heart muscle
 Cardiac Arrest – Heart stops beating
 Signs and Symptoms – Pale, chest pain, pain moving to left
arm, upset stomach, shortness of breath, tired, denial
 Risk Factors – Age, cholesterol, weight, heredity, diet,
smoking, fitness, high blood pressure, stress
The first important steps in giving
CPR are….
The three C’s!!
Is the scene safe?
 Check to make sure that the scene is safe!!! Fire, wires, gas,
glass, spills, traffic, falling objects etc.
 Make sure you are also taking care of yourself!
 Assess what might have happened
 Is there anyone around who can also help? Ask others around
the scene for as much help as they can offer!
Calling for help is often the most important action you can take
to help an ill or injured person.
 Call 911 or the local emergency number (If there are other
people at the scene, ask someone else to call for you to help!)
 If you’re by yourself, call 911 and/or get AED before you
start CPR
 Give the 911 operator the correct information about your
location, victim, what happened and any other information
you can. Be the last to hang up!
Once you have followed the first two C’s, you may need to give
care until EMS personnel arrive. Follow these guidelines:
 Do no further harm.
 Monitor the person’s breathing and conciousness.
 Help the person rest in the most comfortable position.
 Keep the person from getting chilled or overheated.
 Reassure the person.
 Give any specific care needed.
Primary Survey
D – anger
R – esponse
A – irway
B – reathing
C – irculation
 1 – Make sure scene is safe
 2 – Check responsiveness of victim – Pinch shoulders –
speak loudly in both ears
3 – Call 911 or have someone call 911
4 – Check Airway, Breathing Circulation – Head tilt chin lift
look listen and feel for 10 seconds
5 - Give 2 breaths
6 – Give 30 compressions – in center of chest
7 – Continue steps 5 and 6 until…victim recovers,
emergency help arrives, you are exhausted, someone else
who is trained takes over, AED arrives
This Video is from the British Red Cross. It will take you
through the important steps of CPR for a child!
Click to watch the video!
Here are some key points to Child CPR in case you missed
 The same first 3 steps apply for children as adults when
giving CPR. (check for consciousness, call for help, open
airway check for signs of life)
 After opening the airway, give 5 rescue breaths
 Check for signs of life
 If there are no signs of life, follow with 30 chest
compressions with only one hand.
 Continue 30 to 2 ratio until EMT arrives.
This Video is from the British Red Cross. It will take you
through the important steps of CPR for an infant!
Click to watch the video!
Important things you need to know about Infant CPR!
 Checking for conciousness on a baby is different from an
adult or child, you must tap their foot.
 Check for consciousness, call for help, open airway check for
signs of life.
 Give 5 rescue breaths then listen for signs of life. Follow
with 30 chest compressions with only 2 fingers and not as
much force.
 Continue 30 to 2 ratio until EMT arrives.
Now we will learn how to treat an adult, child, and infant who
are choking and not able to cough, speak, or breathe.
Step 1
Check scene, then check person.
Step 2
Have someone call 9111
Step 3
Obtain Consent to care for the person.
Step 4
Give 5 quick, upward abdominal thrusts.
Stand behind victim with one leg between theirs
Find hips, and make fist where belly button should be
Pull in and up at about 60% of strength
Step 5
Continue abdominal thrusts until object is forced out
 person can breathe or cough forcefully
 person becomes unconscious
Follow the same 1-6 steps of a choking adult for a choking
child, and infant. REMEMBER TO CALL 911!!
This is a video that takes you through the entire process of CPR
and use of an AED on an adult. Pay close attention to make
sure you remember all this important information!
Click here to watch video!
Step 1-3
Turn on AED
Wipe chest dry
Plug in connector if necessary
Step 4
Make sure no one, including yourself, is touching the victim
Say “everyone stand clear!”
Push shock button if necessary
WHAT TO DO NEXTAfter shock, give 5 cycles or about 2 minutes of CPR.
 The three C’s- Check, Call, Care!
 We learned how to perform CRP on an adult, a child, and an
 We learned how to treat a choking adult, child, and infant.
 We also learned how to use the AED!
Being certified in CPR and First Aid doesn’t only benefit
yourself, but everyone around you because you never know
when CPR will be needed.
The American Red Cross has trained millions of people in first
aid and CPR. These are the people who are dedicated to
making the world a safer place for everyone!
I hope you learned some important information about CPR and
hopefully you want to get certified!
 Videos from www.youtube.com
 Pictures on slides 2,5,19, and 20 are from
 All other pictures courtesy of clipart
 All information about CPR, AED, Choking, and the three C’s
from 3rd Edition Participants Manual provided by American
Red Cross Title: First Aid/CPR/AED for Schools and