CDI Module 19: Behavior Change Communication ©Jhpiego Corporation The Johns Hopkins University A Training Program on CommunityDirected Intervention (CDI) to Improve Access to Essential Health Services Module 19 Objectives By the end of this module, learners will Define Behavior Change Communication (BCC) Differentiate between BCC and Information, Education and Communication (IEC) Identify reasons why people change or do not change behavior easily Discuss basic issues and concepts in BCC State key BCC-centered messages to promote acceptance of integrated community case management (iCMM) by policymakers, frontline health care providers and community members Identify basic methods of communicating BCCcentered messages to the target audience 2 Basic Issues Basic Concepts and Messages for iCCM Basic BCC Methods for iCCM 3 Basic Concepts 4 Introduction to Behavior Change Learners Brainstorm How can people avoid getting malaria? [Post these as flip chart pages] Are people behaving in these ways? No! But WHY? 5 Why Do People NOT Change Behavior? People may not Understand the message See themselves as vulnerable Trust the bearers of the message People may Think the short-term benefits of current behaviors outweigh the long-term risks Some “healthy choices” are costly Recommended behavior may conflict with beliefs After all, people believe that malaria is a common disease and is not so serious Can you name more reasons? 6 Information, Education and Communication (IEC) IEC is a process of working with individuals, communities and societies to develop communication strategies These strategies support positive behaviors that Promote health Are appropriate to their settings 7 Behavior Change Communication (BCC) BCC Develops communication strategies To promote positive behaviors that are appropriate to their settings AND Provides a supportive environment that Will enable people to initiate and sustain positive behaviors 8 What Makes an Environment Supportive? What can Families do? Local organizations do? Community leaders do? Health workers and managers do? Policymakers do? Who else can contribute to a supportive environment? 9 Therefore, BCC Is … …a process of promoting and sustaining healthy changes in behavior in individuals and communities This process calls for participatory development of appropriately tailored health messages and approaches These messages and approaches are conveyed through a variety of communication channels 10 Using BCC to Promote Malaria Action 11 BCC and Malaria Before individuals can reduce their risk/change behaviors they need to Understand basic facts about malaria Develop favorable attitudes toward preventive interventions Long-lasting insecticide-treated nets (LLINs) Intermittent preventive treatment in pregnancy (IPTp) Indoor residual spraying (IRS) Learn a set of skills to implement interventions Have access to appropriate commodities and services Perceive their social, economic and political environment to be supportive of practicing malaria prevention behaviors 12 What Can BCC Do? Increase knowledge about malaria Stimulate community dialog to stop malaria Promote essential attitude change toward malaria prevention Reduce stigma and discrimination against poor people who suffer frequently from malaria Create demand for information and malaria services Advocate for more malaria resources Promote services for prevention, care and support Improve skills and sense of self-efficacy in using malaria interventions Can you name more? 13 Before We Communicate about and Manage Common Illnesses, We Need to Know Their Local Names Medical Name Local Name(s) How Differs from Malaria Malaria Pneumonia Diarrhea Catarrh/Cold Cough Rashes Measles Others? 14 Prevention Challenges What if people believe that malaria is caused by hard work under the hot sun, and only herbal concoctions can prevent it? What if people think nets are hot and uncomfortable? What can BCC do? 15 More Prevention Challenges What if people use their nets for other purposes? What can BCC do? 16 Treatment Challenges Several Diseases Have Hot Body (Fever) In cases of malaria, the fever comes With chills and aches and At the same time each day, often between late morning and evening In cases of pneumonia, the fever can come With a cough and fast or difficult breathing 17 Many Diseases Can Have Fever… So We Need a Way to Test If we give the wrong medicine for the disease, the child will not get well We can do a special malaria blood test called rapid diagnostic test (RDT) We can do the RDT in the community 18 Using RDTs Your communitydirected distributor (CDD) has been trained to use the RDT correctly and safely Only a few drops of blood are needed to find out if the malaria “germs” are in the blood Most RDT results are ready in only 15 minutes 19 Positive and Negative RDT Results Lines in “T1” and “T2” and a line in ‘C’ means C T1 T2 Pf or Mixed + the patient DOES have falciparum malaria monoinfection or a mixed infection NO LINE in “T1” or “T2” but a line in “C” means C T1 T2 Negative the patient DOES NOT have either falciparum malaria or non-falciparum malaria 20 Treatment We only give malaria medicine when the RDT is positive New malaria medicine should not be wasted when the person does not have malaria If the test is negative, we look for another disease and treatment 21 The Communication Challenge What if the RDT says the person does not have malaria, but she believes she has it and demands malaria medicine? What can we do? How can we use BCC to solve this problem? 22 Basic BCC Methods 23 Different BCC Methods Address Different Challenges Method How Method Helps Change Behavior Posters, counseling cards, brochures Provide information Remind people about malaria Radio, TV, songs action Present role models for Stories, dramas, plays behavior change Provide opportunities to plan Discussions for solving problems Peer groups Provide encouragement 24 Using Visual Aids Visual aids help to enhance understanding Visual aids include Posters Counseling cards Flip charts Videos 25 Community Counseling Card Use artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT) when you have malaria fever Give all pregnant women 3 SP tablets beginning from 4 months (MUST be given after baby started moving in mother’s womb) Every member of your household (especially pregnant women and children under the age of five years) MUST sleep under insecticide-treated 26 26 nets Telling Stories Stories facilitate understanding and are used to pass down a society’s traditions, values and norms to future generations Stories could include Folktales relating to malaria disease, (e.g., how misunderstanding the cause of malaria led to the death of a child or pregnant woman) Testimonials (e.g., how RDTs helped to confirm malaria and aided treatment to prevent death) Cartoon stories 27 Composing Songs Songs reinforce knowledge and help to internalize understanding Adapting or composing songs about RDT use can help villagers Understand how they can benefit from using RDTs and accept use Feel comfortable being tested with RDTs Songs composed in the local language convey ownership and make issues indigenous 28 Role Play and Drama Theories about behavior change, for example, propose that people develop confidence and willingness to perform a new behavior when they can observe others in their community doing the same Therefore, role play and drama can build people’s confidence in performing a new skill or practice 29 Community Discussion and Planning Communities need to be actively involved in solving their own malaria problems Communities can plan how to distribute nets Communities can select volunteers to treat malaria What else can your communities do? 30 Reminder: Some Basic Information Understanding the signs and symptoms of a disease may enhance its prevention and treatment In cases of malaria, fever may come with chills and aches; malaria fever comes at the same time each day, often between late morning and evening In cases of pneumonia, fever can come with a cough and fast or difficult breathing If we give the wrong medicine for the disease, the child will not get well This is why we carry out a special malaria blood test, called RDT, at the facility and community levels 31 Reminder: More Basic Information This test (the RDT) will help us to know the cause of fever so that we can give the appropriate medicine to your child The test is safe, and your CDD has been trained to carry out the test correctly and safely Be sure to complete the dosage of artemisininbased combination therapy (ACT) given to you or your ward, even though the fever has stopped This new medicine is safe for everyone 32 Reminder: With BCC, Information Alone Is Not Enough We can help create a supportive environment by Holding community meetings to plan malaria control activities Ensuring that the health services have adequate supplies of nets and medicines Advocating with decision-makers at district, regional and national levels to make funds available to control malaria Making sure that malaria interventions do not cost more than people can afford 33 Small Group Activities Divide the learners into three groups that will focus on Promoting use of insecticide-treated nets (ITNs)/LLINs Seeking prompt diagnosis and correct malaria treatment Getting IPTp as part of antenatal care (ANC) Ask each group to plan a BCC program on their topic using locally available materials and media Groups will report back by sharing their plan and showing examples of their BCC activities 34