CPSC431 Lecture 10 PHP's mysqli Extension Connecting to the MySQL Server $mysqli = new mysqli("localhost", "siteuser", "secret", "book"); Or $mysqli = new mysqli(); $mysqli->connect("", "siteuser", "secret", "company"); Selecting a MySQL Database $mysqli->select_db("book") or die("Can't select db!"); Closing a MySQL Connection $mysqli->close(); PHP's mysqli Extension Query Execution <?php $mysqli = new mysqli("", "siteuser", "secret", "company"); $query = "SELECT productid, name, price FROM product ORDER by name"; $result = $mysqli->query($query, MYSQLI_STORE_RESULT); // Cycle through the result set while(list($productid, $name, $price) = $result->fetch_row()) echo "($productid) $name: $price <br />"; // Free the result set $result->free(); ?> PHP's mysqli Extension $mysqli->real_query() and $mysqli->store_result() <?php $mysqli = new mysqli(); $mysqli->connect("", "siteuser", "secret", "company"); $query = "SELECT productid, name, price FROM product ORDER by name"; $mysqli->real_query($query); $result = $mysqli->store_result(); while(list($productid, $name, $price) = $result->fetch_row()) echo "($productid) $name: $price <br />"; $result->free(); ?> PHP's mysqli Extension $mysqli -> fetch_array() $query = "SELECT productid, name FROM product ORDER BY name"; $result = $mysqli->query($query); while ($row = $result->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC)) { $name = $row['name']; $productid = $row['productid']; echo "Product: $name ($productid) <br />"; } PHP's mysqli Extension $mysqli -> fetch_object() $query = "SELECT productid, name, price FROM product ORDER BY name"; $result = $mysqli->query($query); while ($row = $result->fetch_object()) { $name = $row->name; $productid = $row->productid; $price = $row->price; echo "($productid) $name: $price <br />"; } PHP's mysqli Extension $result->fetch_row() <?php ... $query = "SELECT productid, name FROM product ORDER BY name"; $result = $mysqli->mysqli_query($query); while (list($productid, $name) = $result->fetch_row()) { echo "($productid) $name: $price <br />"; } ... ?> PHP's mysqli Extension $mysqli->multi_query($query) <?php $mysqli = new mysqli("", "root", "jason", "company"); // Retrieve the userID from some session ID $userid = $_SESSION['userid']; // Create the queries $query = "SELECT lastname, firstname FROM user WHERE userID='$userid';"; $query .= "SELECT product_count, CONCAT('$',total_cost) FROM sales WHERE userID='$userid'"; if($mysqli->multi_query($query)) { do { $result = $mysqli->store_result(); while ($row = $result->fetch_row()) echo "$row[0], $row[1] <br />"; if ($mysqli->more_results()) echo "********** <br />"; } while ($mysqli->next_result()); } ?> PHP's mysqli Extension Executing a query with different parameters <?php $mysqli = new mysqli("", "siteuser", "secret", "company"); $query = "INSERT INTO product SET rowID=NULL, productID=?, name=?, price=?, description=?"; $stmt = $mysqli->stmt_init(); $stmt->prepare($query); // prepare the statement and bind the parameters $stmt->bind_param('ssds', $productid, $name, $price, $description); $productidarray = $_POST['productid']; $namearray = $_POST['name']; $pricearray = $_POST['price']; $descarray = $_POST['description']; $x = 0; while ($x < sizeof($productidarray)) { $productid = $productidarray[$x]; $name = $namearray[$x]; $price = $pricearray[$x]; $description = $descarray[$x]; $stmt->execute(); } $stmt->close(); $mysqli->close(); ?> PHP's mysqli Extension Binding Results with the mysqli Extension <?php $mysqli = new mysqli("", "siteuser", "secret", "company"); $query = "SELECT productid, name, price, description FROM product ORDER BY productid"; $stmt = $mysqli->stmt_init(); $stmt->prepare($query); $stmt->execute(); $stmt->bind_result($productid, $name, $price, $description); while($stmt->fetch()) { echo "$productid, $name, $price, $description <br />"; } $stmt->close(); $mysqli->close(); ?> PHP's mysqli Extension $stmt->affected_rows() $stmt->free_result() $stmt->num_rows() $stmt->errno(mysqli_stmt stmt) $stmt->error(mysqli_stmt stmt) PHP's mysqli Extension Database Transactions $mysqli->autocommit() mysqli_commit(): commit the present transaction to the database $mysqli->rollback(): roll back the present transaction Stored Routines – the Proc table Column Datatype Null Default db char(64) Yes No default name char(64) No No default type enumtype No No default specific_name char(64) No No default language enum('SQL') No SQL sql_data_access enumdataaccess No CONTAINS_SQL is_deterministic enum('YES', 'NO') No NO security_type enumsecurity No DEFINER param_list blob No No default returns char(64) No No default body longblob No No default definer char(77) No No default created timestamp Yes Current timestamp modified timestamp Yes 0000-00-00 00:00:00 sql_mode setsqlmode No No default comment char(64) No No default Stored Routines – the Procs_priv table Column Datatype Null Default Host char(60) No No default Db char(64) No No default User char(16) No No default Routine_name char(64) No No default Routine_type enumroutine No No default Grantor char(77) No No default Proc_priv procset No No default Timestamp timestamp Yes Current timestamp Stored Routines Creating a Stored Routine mysql>CREATE PROCEDURE get_inventory() ->SELECT 45 AS inventory; That's it. Now execute the procedure using the following command: mysql>CALL get_inventory(); Executing this procedure returns the following output: +---------------+ | inventory | +---------------+ | 45 | +---------------+ Stored Routines Creating a routine syntax CREATE PROCEDURE procedure_name ([parameter[, ...]]) [characteristics, ...] routine_body Three types of parameters: IN: intended solely to pass information into the procedure. OUT: intended solely to pass information back out of the procedure. INOUT: can pass information into the procedure, have its value changed, and then be called again from outside of the procedure Stored Routines Characteristics of routines LANGUAGE SQL | [NOT] DETERMINISTIC | { CONTAINS SQL | NO SQL | READS SQL DATA | MODIFIES SQL DATA } | SQL SECURITY {DEFINER | INVOKER} | COMMENT 'string' Stored Routines Multistatement Stored Routines DELIMITER // CREATE FUNCTION calculate_bonus (employee_id CHAR(8)) RETURNS DECIMAL(10,2) COMMENT 'Calculate employee bonus' BEGIN DECLARE total DECIMAL(10,2); DECLARE bonus DECIMAL(10,2); SELECT SUM(price) INTO total FROM sales WHERE employee_id = employee_id; SET bonus = total * .05; RETURN bonus; END; // DELIMITER ; mysql>SELECT calculate_bonus("35558ZHU"); Stored Routines BEGIN and END BEGIN statement 1; statement 2; ... statement N; END IF-ELSEIF-ELSE IF years_employed < 5 THEN SET bonus = total * .05; ELSEIF years _employed >= 5 and years_employed < 10 THEN SET bonus = total * .06; ELSEIF years _employed >=10 THEN SET bonus = total * .07; END IF Stored Routines CASE CASE state WHEN "AL" THEN: SET tax_rate = .04; WHEN "AK" THEN: SET tax_rate = .00; ... WHEN "WY" THEN: SET tax_rate = .04; END CASE; Stored Routines LOOP DELIMITER // CREATE PROCEDURE service_info (client_id INT, services varchar(20)) BEGIN DECLARE comma_pos INT; DECLARE current_id INT; svcs: LOOP SET comma_pos = LOCATE(',', services); SET current_id = SUBSTR(services, 1, comma_pos); IF current_id <> 0 THEN SET services = SUBSTR(services, comma_pos+1); ELSE SET current_id = services; END IF; INSERT INTO request_info VALUES(NULL, client_id, current_id); IF current_id = 0 THEN LEAVE svcs; END IF; END LOOP; END// DELIMITER ; mysql> call service_info("45","1,4,6"); Stored Routines REPEAT DELIMITER // CREATE PROCEDURE test_data (rows INT) BEGIN DECLARE val1 FLOAT; DECLARE val2 FLOAT; REPEAT SELECT RAND() INTO val1; SELECT RAND() INTO val2; INSERT INTO analysis VALUES(NULL, val1, val2); SET rows = rows - 1; UNTIL rows = 0 END REPEAT; END// DELIMITER ; Stored Routines WHILE DELIMITER // CREATE PROCEDURE test_data (rows INT) BEGIN DECLARE val1 FLOAT; DECLARE val2 FLOAT; WHILE rows > 0 DO SELECT RAND() INTO val1; SELECT RAND() INTO val2; INSERT INTO analysis VALUES(NULL, val1, val2); SET rows = rows - 1; END WHILE; END// DELIMITER ; Stored Routines Calling a Routine from Within Another Routine DELIMITER // CREATE PROCEDURE process_logs() BEGIN SELECT "Processing Logs"; END// CREATE PROCEDURE process_users() BEGIN SELECT "Processing Users"; END// CREATE PROCEDURE maintenance() BEGIN CALL process_logs(); CALL process_users(); END// DELIMITER ; Stored Routines Modifying a Stored Routine ALTER (PROCEDURE | FUNCTION) routine_name [characteristic ...] mysql>ALTER PROCEDURE calculate_bonus SQL SECURITY invoker; Deleting a Stored Routine DROP (PROCEDURE | FUNCTION) [IF EXISTS] sp_name mysql>DROP PROCEDURE calculate_bonus; Viewing a Routine's Status SHOW (PROCEDURE | FUNCTION) STATUS [LIKE 'pattern'] mysql>SHOW PROCEDURE STATUS LIKE 'get_products'\G Stored Routines Integrating Routines into Web Applications <form action="viewbonus.php" method="post"> Employee ID:<br /> <input type="text" name="employeeid" size="8" maxlength="8" value="" /> <input type="submit" value="View Present Bonus" /> </form> <?php // Instantiate the mysqli class $db = new mysqli("localhost", "root", "jason", "corporate"); $eid = $_POST['employeeid']; $result = $db->query("SELECT calculate_bonus('$eid')"); $row = $result->fetch_row(); echo "Your bonus is \$".$row[0]; ?> Stored Routines Retrieving Multiple Rows CREATE PROCEDURE get_employees() SELECT employee_id, name, position FROM employee ORDER by name; This procedure can then be called from within a PHP script: <?php $db = new mysqli("localhost", "root", "jason", "corporate"); $result = $db->query("CALL get_employees()"); while (list($employee_id, $name, $position) = $result->fetch_row()) { echo "$employeeid, $name, $position <br />"; } ?>