LAB 6A - OBJECTIVES • Name (Compare and contrast) the four major types of tissues in the human body and the major subcategories of each. • Identify (Differentiate) the tissue subcategories through microscopic inspection or inspection of an appropriate diagram or projected slide. • State the location of the various tissue types in the body. • Relate the general functions to the structural characteristics of each of the four major tissue types. • Name the four major types of tissues in the human body and the major subcategories of each. 1. Epithelial 2. Connective 3. Muscle 4. Nervous All have distinctive structures patterns functions • Name the four major types of tissues in the human body and the major subcategories of each. 1. Epithelial Classification based on cell shape 1. Squamous - width of the cell is greater than its height 2. Cuboidal - width, depth, and height are approximately equal 3. Columnar - height appreciably exceeds its width • Name the four major types of tissues in the human body and the major subcategories of each. 1. Epithelial Classification based on number of layers In a stratified epithelium, the shape of the cells forming the surface layer is used in classifying the epithelium. Epithelial Tissue 1. Cellularity – composed almost entirely of close-packed cells 2. Specialized contacts – tight junctions and desmosomes 3. Polarity – apical (free surface to which no cellular or extracellular elements adhere) and basal surfaces 4. Supported by connective tissue; rest on a basement membrane 5. Avascular (nourished by diffusion) but innervated 6. Regeneration Epithelia Simple Squamous Cuboidal Stratified Columnar PseudostratifiedC olumnar Epithelia Simple Squamous Stratified Cuboidal Columnar Rare – usually in ducts, and usually only two layers Rare – usually only apical layer is columnar Transitional Two simple squamous epithelia have “special” names that reflect their locations endothelium mesothelium Lymphatic vessels and all hollow organs of cardiovascular system – blood vessels and heart Found in serous membranes lining ventral body cavity and covering its organs pleurae pericardium peritoneum Marieb; Fig. 19.1 White arrow – simple squamous endothelial cell lining a blood vessel Green arrow – simple cuboidal cell lining nephron collecting tubules Yellow arrow – columnar cell lining the gall bladder Note how the nuclei are virtually in the same plane, as characterized by the green line. Green arrow – simple columnar cell (cells are taller than they are wide) Simple columnar cells appear as an orderly single row of tall cells reaching from the basement membrane to the free surface • Kidney tubules made up of epithelia that are all simple • Most are cuboidal • Some are characterized as low columnar, which suggests they are “half way” between cuboidal and columnar Cells in a pseudostratified columnar epithelium vary in height BUT all of them touch the basement membrane. Marieb; Fig. 4.2e Inner lining of the esophagus with an excellent example of a thick stratified squamous epithelium. Green arrows – squamous nucleated cells (if they are nucleated, that means nonkeratinized) Blue lines – depth of the stratified squamous epithelium (cells near basement membrane [basal cells which are stem cells capable of undergoing mitosis] start off round and become more squamous as they migrate upwards) Green arrows – squamous nucleated cells (if they are nucleated, that means nonkeratinized) Yellow lines – depth of the stratified squamous epithelium (cells near basement membrane [basal cells which are stem cells capable of undergoing mitosis] start off round and become more squamous as they migrate upwards) EYELID (external surface) (internal surface) The eyelid has two surfaces. 1. Outside is covered with skin with keratinized (anucleated) stratified squamous epithelium. 2. The side against the eyeball, called the conjunctiva, has a nonkeratinized (nucleated) stratified epithelium. Stratified squamous epithelia can develop a specialization of their surface cells, called keratin, to make them more resistant to stresses. In this slide you see keratinized stratified epithelium covering the outer surface of the eyelid, just as it covers the entire outer surface of the body as the epidermis of skin. To form keratin, the upper layers of cells dispose of all of their organelles, fill up with fibrous proteins and become extremely flattened. The cells are so tightly bound to the ones above and below them that the boundaries are invisible. This is the inner surface, or conjunctiva of the eyelid. Its epithelium also is stratified but with only 2-5 layers of cells and no keratin layer. Note that this epithelium is primarily made up of cuboidal and columnar cells. EPITHELIUM OF THE CORNEA Green line – depth of the stratified squamous epithelium Red arrow – nucleated (nonkeratinized) squamous cell STRATIFIED SQUAMOUS EPITHELIUM OF THE SKIN Green line – nucleated non-keratinized cells Yellow line – nonnucleated keratinized cells Blue line – depth of entire epithelium SWEAT GLAND DUCT Yellow arrows – stratified cuboidal epithelium SALIVARY GLAND DUCT Green line – top layer of stratified columnar epithelium Red line – bottom layer of stratified columnar epithelium; notice how this bottom layer looks cuboidal in nature but because the top layer is columnar, and it is the apical (top) layer which determines the classification, this is called stratified columnar Transitional Epithelium- stratified tissue that is found only in the urinary bladder and ureters. The apical layer has the ability to stretch (distend) and the appearance of these cells will depend on the degree of stretch imposed on the tissue. The apical surface will often look “hilly” GLANDS Epithelial cells specialized to synthesize and secrete a certain product Exocrine – externally secreting Endocrine – internally secreting Unicellular Goblet cell Multicellular Duct structure Simple Compound Secretory units Tubular Alveolar (acinar) Tubuloalveolar Marieb; Fig. 4.3 • Name the four major types of tissues in the human body and the major subcategories of each. 1. Epithelial 2. Connective 3. Muscle 4. Nervous All have distinctive structures patterns functions Connective Tissue Connective Tissue Proper Loose Connective Tissues Cartilage Dense Connective Tissues Bone Blood Connective Tissue Proper Loose Connective Tissues Dense Connective Tissues 1. Areolar 1. Dense Regular 2. Adipose 2. Dense Irregular 3. Reticular Connective Tissue Cells Fibers Extracellular Matrix Ground Substance Connective Tissue Proper Loose Connective Tissue Dense Connective Tissue 1. Areolar 1. Dense Regular 2. Adipose 2. Dense Irregular 3. Reticular 3. Elastic Areolar Connective Tissue Cells 1. Fibroblasts 2. Macrophages 3. Mast cells 4. WBCs Fibers loosely arranged; thin and relatively sparse Extracellular Matrix Ground Substance abundant; occupies more volume than fibers; viscous or gel-like consistency Marieb; Fig. 4.8b Stained Fibroblasts Fibroblasts are responsible for the synthesis of collagenous, elastic, and reticular fibers and the complex carbohydrates of the ground substance. Size will often reflect whether the fibroblast is in the process of active synthesis. Fibroblasts Fibroblasts will also look different depending upon the ‘view’ – if you are looking at them “from the front”, or “from the side”. Areolar Connective Tissue Red arrows – fibroblasts Blue circles – mast cells Yellow arrows – elastic fibers Green lines – collagen fiber Areolar Connective Tissue Areolar Connective Tissue Connective Tissue Proper Loose Connective Tissue Dense Connective Tissue 1. Areolar 1. Dense Regular 2. Adipose 2. Dense Irregular 3. Reticular Adipose Connective Tissue Cells Adipocytes – usually large in size due to accumulated lipid mass in cell Extracellular Matrix Very little Marieb; Fig. 4.8c Adipose Connective Tissue Blue circles – adipocytes Green arrow – nuclei of adipocytes which are flattened and displaced to one side of the cells by lipid mass Red arrows – fat droplet “space” Adipose Connective Tissue Adipose Connective Tissue It should not surprise you to see vessels associated with adipose tissue since it has a high metabolic activity. e/wp_images/2_adipose_cells.gif Connective Tissue Proper Loose Connective Tissues Dense Connective Tissues 1. Areolar 1. Dense Regular 2. Adipose 2. Dense Irregular 3. Reticular Reticular Connective Tissue Cells Fibroblasts called reticular cells Extracellular Matrix Reticular fibers arranged in mesh-like pattern or network Marieb; Fig. 4.8d Reticular Connective Tissue Reticular Connective Tissue Reticular Connective Tissue Reticular Connective Tissue Reticular Connective Tissue Red arrows – reticular fibers Connective Tissue Proper Loose Connective Tissues Dense Connective Tissues (all have fibers as their predominant element) 1. Areolar 1. Dense Regular 2. Adipose 2. Dense Irregular 3. Reticular Connective Tissue Proper Loose Connective Tissues Dense Connective Tissues (all have fibers as their predominant element) 1. Areolar 1. Dense Regular 2. Adipose 2. Dense Irregular 3. Reticular Dense Regular Connective Tissue Cells Fibroblasts Extracellular Matrix Ordered and densely packed fibers (primarily collagen) 1.Tendons 2.Ligaments 3.Aponeuroses Marieb; Fig. 4.8e Dense Regular Connective Tissue Tendon Yellow lines – collagen bundles Blue arrows – fibroblast nuclei Dense Regular Connective Tissue Tendon Yellow arrows – parallel collagen bundles Dense Regular Connective Tissue Tendon Connective Tissue Proper Loose Connective Tissues Dense Connective Tissues (all have fibers as their predominant element) 1. Areolar 1. Dense Regular 2. Adipose 2. Dense Irregular 3. Reticular Dense Irregular Connective Tissue Cells Fibroblasts Extracellular Matrix Thicker collagen bundles arranged irregularly 1. Dermis 2. Fibrous joint capsules 3. Fibrous coverings of some organs Marieb; Fig. 4.8f Dense Irregular Connective Tissue Dermis Blue arrows – collagen bundles NOTE that this tissue looks DENSE, and that there is no particular pattern to the arrangement of the collagen fibers (hence irregular). Dense Irregular Connective Tissue Dense Irregular Connective Tissue Dermis Green arrows – elastic fibers Yellow line – collagen bundle Loose Connective Tissue Dense Irregular Connective Tissue So, compare the three basic types of connective tissue proper. 1. Densely or loosely packed? 2. If dense, does it have an irregular or regular pattern? Dense Regular Connective Tissue Connective Tissue Connective Tissue Proper Loose Connective Tissues Cartilage Dense Connective Tissues Bone Blood Cartilage Connective Tissue Cells Chondroblasts/cytes They are “blasts” until they become enclosed within lacunae. Extracellular Matrix Firmly bound collagen fibers, and some elastic fibers Also contains considerable fluid (80% water) 1. Hyaline 2. Elastic 3. Fibrocartilage Marieb; Fig. 4.8g Hyaline Cartilage in Trachea Blue arrow – chondrocyte (if it were not sitting in a lacuna, it would be called a chondroblast) Green circles lacunae Green arrows – matrix associated with individual chondrocytes (sometimes called ‘territorial’) Red arrows – interstitial matrix Hyaline Cartilage Hyaline Cartilage Hyaline Cartilage /I-81%20Hyaline%20cartilage.jpeg Nasal SeptumHyaline Cartilage Marieb; Fig. 4.8h Elastic Cartilage in External Ear Blue arrows – perichondrium Green arrows – chondrocytes (because they are IN lacunae) Red arrows – elastic fibers Marieb; Fig. 4.8i Fibrocartilage at Pubic Symphysis Blue arrows – developing pubic bones Black arrows – tinted fibrocartilage Red arrows – pubic symphysis Fibrocartilage at Annulus Fibrosus of Intervertebral Disc White arrows – chondrocytes in lacunae Yellow dotted line - fibrocartilage Connective Tissue Connective Tissue Proper Loose Connective Tissues Cartilage Dense Connective Tissues Bone Blood Bone Connective Tissue Cells Osteoblasts/cytes They are “blasts” until they become enclosed within lacunae. Extracellular Matrix Calcified by deposition of bone salts Marieb; Fig. 4.8j Bone Yellow arrows – osteons or Haversian systems Bone Blue arrows – central or Haversian canals that house blood supply to the osteocytes Yellow dotted lines – concentric lamellae White arrows – osteocytes in lacunae Green dotted line – cement lines with outline a Haversian system White dotted line – interstitial lamellae which are remnants of old osteons Bone (near outside edge) White arrows – osteocytes in lacunae Green lines – circumferential lamellae which surround entire bone Bone Blue arrows – Haversian system Red arrows – Volkmann’s canal which runs perpendicular to the Haversian systems Bone Blue arrow – osteocyte in lacuna Yellow arrows – canaliculi (tiny tunnels in the bone) through which osteocytes send cellular projections so that they may contact other osteocytes by gap junctions Compact Bone Tissue canaliculi central (Haversian) canal osteocytes in lacuna central (Haversian) canal Connective Tissue Connective Tissue Proper Loose Connective Tissues Cartilage Dense Connective Tissues Bone Blood Blood Connective Tissue Cells Many different types of blood cells Extracellular Matrix Nonliving fluid plasma Fibers of blood are soluble protein molecules Marieb; Fig. 4.8k • Name the four major types of tissues in the human body and the major subcategories of each. 1. Epithelial 2. Connective 3. Muscle 4. Nervous All have distinctive structures patterns functions Muscle Tissue highly specialized to contract Skeletal Cardiac Smooth under voluntary under involuntary under involuntary control control control visceral muscle, found moves limbs and found only in the mainly in walls of hollow organs cells are long, cylindrical, striated, and multinucleate cells are branching, striated, uninucleate, and “fit together” at junctions called intercalated discs typically has two layers other external body parts heart that run at right angles to one another cells have no visible striations, are spindleshaped, and uninucleate Muscle Tissue highly specialized to ?????? Skeletal Cardiac Smooth under ????? control under involuntary under involuntary control moves ????? cells are ????, ????, ????, and ???? control visceral muscle, found found only in the mainly in walls of hollow organs cells are branching, striated, uninucleate, and “fit together” at junctions called intercalated discs typically has two layers heart that run at right angles to one another cells have no visible striations, are spindleshaped, and uninucleate Marieb; Fig. 4.11a Skeletal Muscle Longitudinal Section White arrows – muscle fiber or muscle cell Yellow arrows – skeletal muscle fiber nuclei “pushed to side” Note striations, and nuclei “pushed to the side” Note striations, and nuclei “pushed to the side” Skeletal Muscle Cross-Section Blue arrows – muscle cell or muscle fiber Red arrows – nuclei of muscle fiber or muscle cell “pushed to the side” Black arrows – endomysium which is the connective tissue covering of a muscle cell Muscle Tissue highly specialized to ????? Skeletal Cardiac Smooth under voluntary under ????? under involuntary control control control visceral muscle, found moves limbs and found only in the mainly in walls of hollow organs cells are long, cylindrical, striated, and multinucleate cells are ????, ????, ????, and “fit together” at junctions called ???? typically has two layers other external body parts ???? that run at right angles to one another cells have no visible striations, are spindleshaped, and uninucleate Marieb; Fig. 4.11b Cardiac Muscle Longitudinal Section Note nuclei in the center of the cardiac muscle cells, not “pushed to the side” as we saw in skeletal muscle cells Cardiac Muscle Longitudinal Section Yellow arrows – cardiac muscle fiber Blue arrows – centrally located nuclei Red arrows – intercalated discs Cardiac Muscle Longitudinal Section Yellow arrows – cardiac muscle cell with obvious striations Blue arrow – centrally located nuclei Red arrow – intercalated disc Intercalated disc of cardiac muscle Cardiac muscle So which of these is cardiac muscle and which is skeletal muscle? Skeletal muscle Skeletal muscle So which of these is cardiac muscle and which is skeletal muscle? Cardiac muscle Cardiac muscle So which of these is cardiac muscle and which is skeletal muscle? Skeletal muscle The green arrows are pointing to the centrally located nuclei in the cardiac muscle cells indicated by the yellow arrows. Is this a cross-section of cardiac muscle or skeletal muscle? Muscle Tissue highly specialized to ????? Skeletal Cardiac Smooth under voluntary under involuntary under ????? control control moves limbs and other external body parts cells are long, cylindrical, striated, and multinucleate control found only in the heart cells are branching, striated, uninucleate, and “fit together” at junctions called intercalated discs visceral muscle, found mainly in ????? typically has ??? layers that run at right angles to one another cells have ???? striations, are ???? shaped, and ???? Marieb; Fig. 4.11c Smooth Muscle Longitudinal Section Green arrows – width of smooth muscle cell Yellow arrows – centrally located nuclei Smooth Muscle Longitudinal Section (at higher magnification than previous slide) Blue arrows – centrally located nuclei of smooth muscle cell Yellow dotted line – spindle-shaped smooth muscle cell Smooth Muscle CrossSection Blue arrows – nuclei of smooth muscle cell Remember that smooth muscle cells are spindle-shaped, so their nuclei also take on this shape. When smooth muscle is viewed in cross-section, the spindle shape of the nuclei will make them appear to be of different sizes, or diameters, depending upon where the cut was made. cardiac muscle skeletal muscle So which of these is: 1. cardiac muscle? 2. skeletal muscle? 3. smooth muscle? smooth muscle What can you say about the control of this structure – since it contains both skeletal and smooth muscle? Remember, skeletal muscle is voluntarily controlled, and smooth muscle is under involuntary control. This is a cross section of the esophagus. The skeletal muscle allows you to start a swallow intentionally, but once the swallow is begun, it is no longer under your “control”. • Name the four major types of tissues in the human body and the major subcategories of each. 1. Epithelial 2. Connective 3. Muscle 4. Nervous All have distinctive structures patterns functions Marieb; Fig. 4.10 LAB 6A - OBJECTIVES Hopefully, you have achieved the following objectives now that you have reviewed these slides. Take a look at the next few slides to review your knowledge base. DO not forget to identify the function of any structure which you recognize. • Name the four major types of tissues in the human body and the major subcategories of each. • Identify the tissue subcategories through microscopic inspection or inspection of an appropriate diagram or projected slide. • State the location of the various tissue types in the body. • List the general functions and structural characteristics of each of the four major tissue types. What kind of epithelium is pointed out by the yellow arrows? simple cubiodal epithelium What kind of epithelium is this? pseudostratified columnar epithelium What kind of epithelium is being pointed at by the yellow arrows? Cornified stratified squamous epithelium What kind of epithelium is being pointed at by the yellow arrows? Simple squamous epithelium What kind of epithelium is being pointed at by the yellow arrows? Simple columnar epithelium What kind of epithelium is being pointed at by the yellow arrows? Noncornified stratified squamous epithelium What kind of tissue is this? Dense irregular connective tissue What kind of tissue is this? Adipose connective tissue What kind of tissue is this? Dense regular connective tissue What is the name of the cell at the tip of the yellow arrow? Fibroblast What kind of tissue is between the darkly staining lymphocytes? Reticular fibers What is the name of this cell? Chondrocyte What kind of tissue is “B”? Dense regular connective tissue What is this space called? Haversian canal What are the yellow arrows pointing at? Canaliculi What kind of tissue is this? Skeletal muscle tissue