2 - Fresno County

PG&E Pipeline Safety
Enhancement Program
For Fresno County Board of Supervisors
Jeanette Ishii
Sr. Government Relations
January 29, 2013
Todd Hogenson
Director, PSEP Engineering
Pipeline Safety Enhancement
Program - PSEP
PG&E Proposed a Multi-Phase Program
• Phase 1 2011-2014
• Phase 2 would begin 2015
Pipeline Modernization
• Strength Testing
• Pipeline Replacements
• ILI Upgrades & Inspections
Valve Automation
• RCV/ASV Valve Installation & Automation
• SCADA Enhancements
Pipeline Safety Enhancement
Program - PSEP
2012 PSEP Results
• Pressure Testing: Tested 175 segment miles of
• Pipeline Replacement: Replaced/Installed 40
miles of new gas transmission pipeline
• Valve Automation: automated 46 valves
• In Line Inspection: Retrofitted 78 miles of pipe
to accommodate ILI tools
PG&E Gas System Overview
Projects Completed 2012
Projects Planned for 2013
Pipeline Replacement
PG&E is replacing gas transmission pipelines in more
parts of our service area than ever before:
Engineer & permit the new pipeline
Inform the community
Construct & strength test the new line
Isolate the old pipeline
Connect the new line
Pressurize the new line
Release to Operations
Pipeline Replacement
Gas Transmission Projects in Fresno County
• 2012, total miles installed = 16.2 miles
• 2013, forecasted miles to be installed = 9.1 miles
Line 138……Installed 6.2 miles of pipe in 2012
Line 138……Installing 0.3 miles 2013
Line 111A……Installed 8.6 miles of pipe in 2012
Line 111A……Installing 1.6 miles 2013
Line 138D……Installed 1.56 miles of pipe in 2012
• Line 118 A …Installing 7.24 miles of pipe in 2013
Hydrostatic Pressure Testing
PG&E is pressure testing gas transmission pipelines
in more parts of our service area than ever before:
Inform the community
Isolate the pipeline
Clear the pipeline
Test the pipeline strength
Reconnect the gas system
Pressure Testing
Projects in Fresno County
Line 138 (13.5 miles)…….hydro-tested in 2012
Line 138 ( 3.4 miles)…….planned hydro-test in 2013
Line 118A (0.2 miles)……hydro-tested in 2012
Line 138D (1.5 miles)………hydro-tested in 2012
Total of 18.6 miles of pipeline pressure testing
Valve Automation
We have several types of automation projects:
replacing existing valves, adding or changing
automation for existing valves, or installing valves in
new locations:
• Inform the community
• Prepare the pipeline
• Install valve automation
• Test and connect the valve
Valve Automation
Plan to automate 3 valves within Fresno County in 2013
• Line 300A, 1 valve
• Line 300B, 1 valve
• L-138, 1 valve
Pipeline Retrofits
Many of our pipelines were designed and constructed
before modern inspection tools called “smart pigs” were
developed. These important devices travel through large
pipelines to inspect welds and pipeline thickness, and
identify any weaknesses such as dents or corrosion:
Inform the community
Install the access point
Clear the pipeline:
Modify the pipeline
Test the new features
Pipeline Retrofits for ILI
The upgrading of pipelines will include the
installation of Launchers and Receivers and
removing un-piggable features (plug valves) to
accommodate In-Line Inspections (Smart-pigs).
Line 300A (39 miles) was
upgraded in 2012 for an ILI
in 2013
Line 300B (39 miles) was
upgraded in 2012 for an ILI
in 2013
Pipeline Safety Enhancement
Program - PSEP
2013 PSEP System-wide Goals;
• Pressure Testing: Test 190 segment miles of
• Pipeline Replacement: Replace/Install 64 miles
of gas transmission pipeline
• Valve Automation: automate 75 valves
• In Line Inspection: Retrofit 120 miles of pipe to
accommodate ILI tools, Inspect 78 miles
Where to go for more
• Online information about PG&E’s Natural Gas
Transmission System and our Pipeline Safety
Programs at: www.pge.com/gassystem.
Thank You