Learning Objectives: After studying this Power Points Presentation will be able to- Learn about interhalogen compounds Element - The Halogen Electronic Covalent Ionic configuration radius (Å) radius E.A. B.P. E.N. Dissociation energy Hhyd of anion F He 2s22p5 0.72 1.36 -333 -188 4 158 -515 Cl Ne 3s23 p5 0.99 1.81 -348 -35 3 243 -381 Br Ar 4s24 p5 1.14 1.95 -324 58 2.8 192 -347 I Kr 5s25 p5 1.33 2.16 -295 183 2.5 150 -305 At Xe 6s26 p5 1.45 -- -- -- 2.2 -- -- At is radioactive and unstable. Interhalogen compounds IF7 IF5 ICl3 ICl BrF5 BrF3 BrCl BrI ClF3 ClF IBr All are of the type XX’n where n = odd nos. X’ is always the lighter halogen since the smaller halogen X’ are bonded around the larger X. As the ratio of the radius of X to that of X’ increases, n also increases. Preparation The interhalogen compounds can be prepared by direction combination or by the action of halogen on lower interhalogen compounds. The product formed depends upon some specific conditions For example: Properties Some properties of interhalogen compounds are given in Table: Uses These compounds can be used as non aqueous solvents. Interhalogen compounds are very useful fluorinating agents. ClF3 and BrF3 are used for the production of UF6 in the enrichment of 235U. U(s) + 3ClF3 (l) → UF6 (g) + 3ClF(g