An Efficient Hybrid Data Gathering Scheme in Wireless Sensor Networks Ayon Chakraborty Swarup Kumar Mitra Mrinal Kanti Naskar Advanced Digital and Embedded Systems Lab MCKVIE, Department of ECE Contents Wireless Sensor Networks Issues in Wireless Sensor Networks Data Gathering Algorithms Efficient Hybrid Data gathering Scheme Simulation Results Conclusion Advanced Digital and Embedded Systems Lab MCKVIE, Department of ECE Wireless Sensor Networks Assembly of sensor nodes for monitoring any physical quantity or phenomenon An Underwater Sensor Network May be data collection or event driven network. Applications of data collection sensor networks vary widely from climatic data collection , seismic and acoustic underwater monitoring to surveillance and national security, military and health care. A Simple Sensor Deployment In case of data collection networks, sensor nodes are required to transmit periodically to the Base Station generally located far off from the sensed region. Advanced Digital and Embedded Systems Lab MCKVIE, Department of ECE Contents Wireless Sensor Networks Issues in Wireless Sensor Networks Data Gathering Algorithms Efficient Hybrid Data gathering Scheme Simulation Results Conclusion Advanced Digital and Embedded Systems Lab MCKVIE, Department of ECE Issues In Wireless Sensor Networks Delay in the Network Data from sensor network are typically time sensitive , so it is important to receive the data in a timely manner (delay). Limited –Energy in Batteries These networks should function for as long possible .But it may be inconvenient or impossible to recharge node batteries Therefore ,all aspects of the node ,from the hardware to the protocols must be designed to be extremely energy efficient Advanced Digital and Embedded Systems Lab MCKVIE, Department of ECE Energy Constraints in Sensor Nodes A Wireless Sensor Nodes are inherently batterypowered Since the nodes are deployed in inaccessible regions, battery replenishment is not possible Performance parameter like Network Lifetime and Delay becomes important “Energy x delay” product is one of the keys for prolonging network lifetime Sensor Deployment for volcano monitoring Hence Data Collection Schemes to be devised Advanced Digital and Embedded Systems Lab MCKVIE, Department of ECE Contents Wireless Sensor Networks Issues in Wireless Sensor Networks Data Gathering Algorithms Efficient Hybrid Data gathering Scheme Simulation Results Conclusion Advanced Digital and Embedded Systems Lab MCKVIE, Department of ECE Data Collection Algorithms Several Data Collection algorithms have been devised Direct Scheme LEACH (Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy) PEGASIS (Power Efficient Gathering in Sensor Information Systems ) Hierarchical Binary PEGASIS LBEERA (Load Balance and Energy Efficient Routing Algorithm) SHORT (Shortest Hop Routing Tree for Wireless Sensor Networks ) Advanced Digital and Embedded Systems Lab MCKVIE, Department of ECE Direct Scheme BS Node Deployment Scenario C1 C0 C2 Advanced Digital and Embedded Systems Lab C3 MCKVIE, Department of ECE First Order Radio Model ξ elec ξ amp k d = electronics energy per bit , = amplification energy per bit per area (meter square) = Total no of bits = distance between nodes or between node and base station Advanced Digital and Embedded Systems Lab MCKVIE, Department of ECE LEACH BS N N N CH N N N N N N N N CH CH N N N N N=Sensor Nodes, CH=Cluster Head, BS=Base Station Advanced Digital and Embedded Systems Lab MCKVIE, Department of ECE PEGASIS Round 0 BS Node Deployment Scenario C1 C0 C2 Advanced Digital and Embedded Systems Lab C3 MCKVIE, Department of ECE Hierarchical Binary PEGASIS BS C0 C0 C0 C2 C1 C1 Advanced Digital and Embedded Systems Lab C3 MCKVIE, Department of ECE Contents Wireless Sensor Networks Issues in Wireless Sensor Networks Data Gathering Algorithms Efficient Hybrid Data gathering Scheme Simulation Results Conclusion Advanced Digital and Embedded Systems Lab MCKVIE, Department of ECE SHORT 4 1 2 5 3 6 7 Communication Pairs in the first slot,,node 2 is the leader Advanced Digital and Embedded Systems Lab MCKVIE, Department of ECE SHORT 4 1 2 5 3 6 7 Communication Pairs in the second slot, node 2 is the leader Advanced Digital and Embedded Systems Lab MCKVIE, Department of ECE Proposed Scheme SHORT Fig 3(a) Communication Pairs in the first slot,,node 2 is the leader Fig 3(b) Communication Pairs in the second slot ,node 2 is the leader HYBRID =SHORT + LBEERA Fig 3(c) Communication Pairs in the third slot ,node 2 is the leader Advanced Digital and Embedded Systems Lab MCKVIE, Department of ECE Hybrid Data Collection Scheme For Round i d =Distance between the node and the Base Station (BS) E residual = Remaining energy of the node BS 2 SL=Super Leader L=Leader L=Max (Pi) = E residual / di2 and SL=Max( L) SL 2 7 5 1 7 7 7 L2 L2 7 4 3 7 7 7 6 7 7 7 Advanced Digital and Embedded Systems Lab 7 7 MCKVIE, Department of ECE Parameters Used in Simulation Assumption We consider the first order radio model In our simulations we take ξ elec = 50 nJ/bit, ξ amp= 100 pJ/bit/m2 and ξ elec = ξ amp as mentioned in with k = 2000 bits. Sensor nodes are homogeneous and energy constrained with uniform energy It is assumed that the channel is symmetric so that the energy spent in transmitting from node i to j is the same as that of transmitting from node j to located at (25,150). Energy of 0.1J/node No mobility of the Sensor Nodes i. Base Station is Sensing Area Advanced Digital and Embedded Systems Lab MCKVIE, Department of ECE Calculation of Delay, Message Complexity, Energy* Delay product and Mean Delay • Thus message passing complexity is linear, i.e. O(N ) • Thus ‘energy x delay’ product have a complexity of O(NlogN). • Delay N1+N2 + … + NM =N nodes 1st Slot (N1 /2 + N2 /2 + … + NM /2) groups. Delay of (log(MNi) + 1) time slots to Base station tth slot each of the (N1 /2t + N2 /2t + … + NM /2t) transmitter nodes delay of (log(MNi) – t + 1) time slots • MEAN DELAY= MD l o g N l o g M i { ( N j [ l o g N i i 2 ] / 2 ) } MD= i 1j 1 N Advanced Digital and Embedded Systems Lab MCKVIE, Department of ECE Contents Wireless Sensor Networks Issues in Wireless Sensor Networks Data Gathering Algorithms Efficient Hybrid Data gathering Scheme Simulation Results Conclusion Advanced Digital and Embedded Systems Lab MCKVIE, Department of ECE Simulation Results Comparison of "Energy x Delay” of different algorithm vs different nodes Advanced Digital and Embedded Systems Lab Comparison of network lifetime of different algorithm vs number of nodes MCKVIE, Department of ECE Simulation Fraction of Packets Successfully reaching the Base station with Retransmission attempts the upper dark portion of the Bars shows the range of the fraction ,the tips indicating maximum and minimum fraction ( Simulated In TOSSIM ) Advanced Digital and Embedded Systems Lab MCKVIE, Department of ECE Simulation Results Performance Comparison of different Routing Schemes (a) Performance Metrics Network of 50 nodes PEGASIS BINAR Y SHORT LBEERA FND 705 510 1482 1143 HND 2182 1432 2169 2160 LND 2575 1897 2413 Energy Consumption (*10^-3 Joule per round) 11.5 15.54 Delay 31.20 0.36 Network Lifetime (rounds) (slots per round) Mean Energy*Delay (Joule*slot) (a) HDS 1511 PEGASIS BINARY Network of 100 nodes SHORT LBEERA HDS 849 514 1427 1377 1455 2177 2587 1744 2533 2400 2583 2533 2613 2945 2271 2992 2504 2989 12.31 13.96 12.07 20.12 25.87 19.85 24.42 19.46 6.30 6.82 8.42 6.85 66.02 7.38 7.71 17.82 7.74 0.097 0.084 0.117 0.082 1.328 0.19 0.153 0.435 0.145 Advanced Digital and Embedded Systems Lab MCKVIE, Department of ECE Conclusion Our proposed algorithm overcomes the losses incurred from all other data gathering schemes, hence the network lifetime override its performance. 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