EN 81-20 / 50 Revision

EN 81-20 / 50
Effects on lift products by EN 81-1/2 re-drafting
Asansor Istanbul 2011
April 15th, 2011 Istanbul
Convenor CEN/ TC10/WG1
The revision of EN 81 Parts 1 & 2 to become
EN 81 Parts 20 and 50 will be the greatest
change to the lift design standards in the last
20 years.
They contain many changes which will effect
lifts manufacture.
This presentation gives a brief overview of
some of the major anticipated changes to the
lifts design.
Text marked in blue is foreseen to
effect the manufacturers.
Text marked in green is foreseen as
effecting the selling company as
information which may be needed to be
provided to others.
Warning !
 This presentation only shows what has been agreed
so far by CEN/TC10/WG1.
 Nothing has as yet been approved by the National
Standards Bodies.
 Therefore persons should not take the content of this
presentation as a means to start to change their
product or even to consider that all of the content
will be approved.
 This presentation only shows some of the major
changes. There are many other alterations to the
previous EN 81-1 an EN 81-2 requirements.
Scope, Definitions
and EN 414
 Forces which a person might be expected to exert :
• 300 N under normal conditions
• 1000 N for impact (person falling against) unless specifically
specified elsewhere in the standard.
 Requirement to discuss with the user the type of device
used for loading and unloading the lift.
 It is now assumed that all hydraulic fluid used complies
with ISO 6743-4. (specification for hydraulic oils)
 The machinery spaces containing hydraulic equipment
are designed such that they will contain any spilt fluids.
 Requirements to ventilate the well and machinery
spaces have been moved to the assumptions with then
a large section of text in the new informative annex to
give some guidance on this subject.
 Therefore the responsibility to ventilate the well, with
information provided by the lift installer, becomes the
responsibility of the building designer/architect.
 This is due to the wide coverage of the subject in
National Building regulations which would otherwise
conflict with the requirements of the new standards.
Scope + Definitions
Only change from EN 81-1/2 + A3 is to exclude
all hydraulic product where the setting of the
relief valve is greater than 50 Mpa.
New definitions are given for :
Authorized persons
Competent persons
Rescue Operations
Special Tools
EN414 Requirements
 A new table is given for significant hazards accounted
for in the standard using the list found in EN 14121-1,
in accordance with the new EN 414 layout of the
 Due to this standard, all the clauses previously
numbered from 5 to 16 will now be covered in a new
Clause 5.
This will mean nearly all clauses are renumbered from
those that exist today.
 In addition some chapters will be split to make them
easier to understand.
The Well
The well
 Where there is more than 11 m between consecutive floors there
is now an option to have :
• Intermediate emergency doors.
• Adjacent lift cars with emergency doors
• Electrical emergency operation.
 Glass panels used in the construction of the well must be able to
withstand 300 N applied over an area of 0,3 m x 0 3 m.
 Where there are accessible spaces under the pit and a suitable
pier is used as a means of protecting against a falling
counterweight, the kinetic energy forces must be communicated
to the builder.
The well (continued)
Protection in the well:
New requirements changing the dimensions of
counterweight screens and a requirement to
withstand 300 N without deflecting into the path of
the counterweight.
The requirement for shaft division screens has now
been changed from 500 mm from the side of the
car to the nearest moving part, to 500 mm from the
handrail to the nearest moving part.
The well (continued)
 Headroom and Pit Safety Spaces
 There must be standing areas for the number of persons
anticipated to work on the car and in the pit and clear
signage stating how many persons are permitted to work
 Each person must have their own safety space available.
 Clearance over fixed equipment increased to 500 mm with
exception of the handrail
 Handrails to have 400 mm horizontal clearance to items
outside the projected area of the car.
 New requirements for clearances around guide rails for
the pit.
The well (continued)
 New requirements for pit access ladders and to
provide them with a safety contact where necessary.
 Normative text in clause 5, combined with a new
normative annex giving the possible ladder types.
 1,10 m
 1,10 m
“Movable” ladder fastened (1) in the pit
and can be placed in climbing position (2).
Ladder fixed in the pit (1) and always
placed in the climbing position (2).
Fixation of ladder feet for
preventing tripping over
The well (continued)
New requirement for a pit inspection control
This shall be interlocked with the one on the
car roof to prevent confusion between which
device takes priority.
• In the event of persons on the car roof and in the
pit the car shall only move when the same button
is pressed on both units.
i.e. to move the car up the “UP” button must be
pressed simultaneously on both control stations.
Machinery Spaces
 New rules with regard to differences in floor levels and
gaps in floors resulting in the possible need for
additional ladders and barriers.
 Modified rules for lighting levels in machinery spaces :
• 200 lux where work is carried out and for movement between
work areas.
 New rules for guarding of pulleys in the well and the
ability to access them in safety for maintenance.
Machinery Spaces
Where work is required to be carried out from
the car roof and the position is assured by fixed
mechanical devices, where these cannot be
disengaged under loss of power due to the
forces applied to the car a means of escape
must be assured.
• Exit via a space between car roof and underside of
landing door
• Exit via the car through a trapdoor
• Exit via an emergency door in the well.
Landing & Car
Landing / Car Doors
 The clauses for landing and car doors have been combined
 All fire test certification of lift landing doors shall be to
EN 81-58.
 All doors in future, including their frame, will be subject to
soft and hard pendulum impact testing at their weakest
• The details of the tests will be found in EN 81-50.
Landing / Car Doors
New requirements for strength / forces :
1000 N force applied over an area of 100 cm2 shall
cause no permanent damage.
Retaining devices are to be provided should the
main guiding elements fail, and these also to be
impact tested.
New requirement to remove lift from service or
lower door force to 4 J should the
detecting/reopening device fail. Also audible
warning in this mode.
New requirement for 1000 N and 300 N forces
applied to doors and locks to act simultaneously for
design and test purposes.
Landing / Car Doors (continued)
New design requirements :
 New requirements for protection of children's
fingers on glass doors.
Making the glass opaque on the side exposed to the user by
the use of either frosted glass or the application of frosted
material to a height of minimum 1,10 m;
Sensing the presence of fingers at least up to 1,6 m above
sill and stopping the door movement in opening direction;
Limiting the gap between door panels and frame to
maximum 4 mm at least up to 1,6 m above sill. Recesses
(framed glass, etc.) shall not exceed 1 mm. The maximum
radius on the outer edge of the frame adjacent to the door
panel shall not be more than 4 mm.
Landing / Car Doors (continued)
New design requirements :
Car door not to be able to be opened
more than 100 mm under manual effort
when outside of unlocking zone.
New requirements for fire/smoke
labyrinth design on closing edges of doors
and frames.
Door leading edge not to be less than
20 mm thick if made from glass.
Landing / Car Doors (continued)
New design requirements :
If lowest landing door lock is not within 1m of
pit access ladder a means to be provided to
unlock the doors from the pit.
New rules for the maximum height of the
unlocking mechanism from the landing floor,
depending if in the vertical or horizontal plane.
Lift Car
Lift Car
Car Loading:
 Load will continue to be calculated at 75 kg per person.
 Car area to be calculated as from wall to wall body inner
dimensions. Finishes are excluded.
 Areas which cannot accommodate a person due to their
size need not be included in the floor area calculation.
 Door entrance recesses of less than 100 mm depth need
not be included in the floor area calculation.
 A new sample calculation, including loading devices is
 New requirement for combustibility of car materials to
EN 13501-1.
Lift Car
New design requirements :
Loads to test for permanent deflection to now be
applied from outside and inside the car.
New requirements for car to car rescue and the
provision of a portable bridge.
Surface of car roof where persons work to be
made from non-slip material.
Modified requirements for normal car lighting
and emergency lighting lux levels.
Lift Car
New design requirements :
New requirement for the car apron
• Must withstand a horizontal force of 300 N without
deflection greater that 25 mm.
New requirements for the balustrade.
• All lift cars regardless of well clearances to have a “toe
board” around the car roof edge.
• New requirements for the use of 1100 mm high
• Must also withstand horizontal force of 300 N
Lift Car
> 500
 500
> 300
> 300
 300
≤ 150
No balustrade required but
needs toe board 100mm
Balustrade Required
Height ≥ 700 mm
≤ 150
Height ≥ 1100 mm
Means of suspension
No new technologies such as belts or
alternative forms of ropes have been
incorporated at this time.
This is due to concerns over the inclusion
of patented or copyright protected
It is however likely that future revisions
would include such materials.
Means of suspension
 All ropes to be to EN 12385-5 (Harmonized under
Lifts Directive)
 No longer possible to use rope grips as a means of
rope termination. Terminations shall be to EN 134113, 6 or 7.
 Rope traction
• Either ropes shall slip if car or counterweight is blocked, or
• Drive system to limit motor torque.
 The calculations given in annex M will be move to
EN 81-50. These have been modified slightly from
those in the present standard.
Safety Gear &
Deceleration Rates
After much discussion the decision was taken
not to make any proposals to change
deceleration rates of safety gear and buffers in
the new standards.
Instead CEN/TC10 will work with ISO/TC178 to
elaborate global requirements for safety gear,
buffers and emergency electrical stops, which
may then be incorporated in all lift standards
throughout the world.
The following items are now deleted :
 All references to instantaneous safety gear with
buffered effect.
 All references to energy accumulation buffers with
buffered return movement
Neither of these devices were found to be used by
 All references to Hydraulic clamping devices.
 References to “fly ball” speed governors.
Uncontrolled Movement
Distances between
wall and car sill, when
car is below the floor,
have been changed to
a diagonal to ensure
the gap is properly
covered where doors
are mounted on large
sill angles, etc.
Guide Rails
Guide Rails
 Some small modifications to the guide rail
 Tensile strength used in the calculations
should be given by the guide rail
 Where the lift travel is greater than 40 m the
guide rail buckling calculations shall include
any forces imparted on the rails by the guide
brackets due to settlement of the building
(Also required for all timber framed buildings)
Guide Rails
Annex G
 This annex giving example calculations will now
become part of EN 81-50.
 It will continue to give examples based on the
Omega method but will also state that other
methods of calculation are permissible
Eurocode 3
Finite Element Analysis
 In any case the requirements of EN 81-20 shall be
 Where buffers travel with either the car or
counterweight the position at which they
strike the pit floor must be clearly marked
with a pedestal not less than 300 mm high.
 This is not required for the counterweight if
the screen extends to within 100 mm of the
pit floor.
 For hydraulic lifts with telescopic jacks at
least one stage shall not hit its down travel
mechanical limit when the car is fully
 All buffers, except energy accumulation type,
shall have a label with the type certificate
number, buffer type, and oil details where
 For Accumulation type buffers with non-linear
characteristics the maximum compression
now takes consideration of the fixing element.
 Accumulation type buffers made from
synthetic materials have to be checked
periodically on aging considering instructions
from the manufacturer.
Installation &
Electrical Installation
The AH6 groups task was one of the
longest to complete since the electrical
sections of EN 81-1 and EN 81-2 have not
changed in any substantive way since
All electrical equipment shall now be in
accordance with EN 60204-1 unless
otherwise described.
Electrical Installation
 Dimension now given for position of equipment to
allow maintenance access.
 Labelling now required for electrical and thermal
 Protection against electrical shock shall comply with
IEC 60364-4-41 and EN 50274.
 Socket outlets to be provided with RCD at 30 mA
Electrical Installation
SIL levels of electric safety devices have been
set to be the same in comparative ISO
When the design of a safety device (listed in
Annex A) includes software, it shall be possible
to identify the failure state of the device, either
by built-in system or by an external tool, if this
external tool is a special tool, it shall be
available on the site.
All docking operations are deleted as no
longer being of relevance to the market.
Inspection controls are to stop the lift
with 2 m clearance in the pit and
headroom. Further movement towards
the minimum refuge spaces is then
allowed upon pressing the control button
again at 0,3 m/s.
Push buttons for inspection controls shall comply to
EN 60947-5-1.
Inspection controls on the car top to have a “Run”
button to act with up and down buttons.
The lift shall be provided with a means to
prevent the lift from answering to landing calls,
to disable the automatic door operation and
give at least terminal floor calls for
Landing and Car Door By-pass Control
•It is now allowed to have a feature, accessible to
authorized and competent persons only to by-pass
the locking contacts for maintenance purposes.
The alarm is now specified as that of EN 81-28
& Hydraulic
Traction Drives
 The machine shall be capable of having the brake
released by a continuous manual operation, even in
the case of power supply failure. The operation can be
mechanical (e.g. lever) or electrical by independent
 With the brake manually released and the car loaded
at 80 % of the value of the balanced load of the car, it
shall be possible to move the car to an adjacent floor:
Hydraulic Drives
The dimensions and tolerances of the tubes used
for the manufacture of the jack shall be
according to the applicable standard of EN 10305
Jack calculations have been amended to remove
The restrictor and rupture valves shall be
accessible for inspection directly from the car
roof or from the pit.
Public Comment
When the new draft standard is released for
public comment Turkey is encouraged to
provide its opinions on the new items through
its partnership agreements with CEN.