Advanced Lighting

Advanced Lighting
With Spherical
What Is the
Similar to Light
Light Propagation Volumes
• From Crytek and Used in
Crysis 2 on Pc, Xbox 360, PS3
• Uses Reflective Shadow Maps
• And Propagation Volumes to
Speed up Rendering
• Global Illumination
• The Goal is to have light “Bounce” off of
Surfaces as it does in the Real World
• It allows the environment to look much
more realistic
• It has the greatest effect in environments
with low ambient light
Instant Radiosity
• The father of Reflective Shadow
• The idea is that lights will
“project” more lights onto other
• Has led to many other
Instant Radiosity
• The “projected” lights will
light other surfaces
• The “Bounce” has been
• This is incredibly slow
• Time to calculate becomes, number
of lights multiplied by the number
of projected lights to the power of
the number of bounces multiplied
by the number of surfaces affected
• Plus the position of the projected
lights is determined by ray tracing
Reflective Shadow
Start by Shadow
Shadow Mapping
• Create a Z-buffer or depth
buffer from the perspective of
the light
• Using this information you
can determine if a point of a
surface is in shadow or not
Reflective Shadow Mapping
• Transform Z-buffer to world
space and create lights at the Zbuffer locations
• But we need more information
• So when we render the initial Zbuffer we also render colour and
surface normal
Reflective Shadow Mapping
• Using the colour we can
determine what colour the
newly created light will be
• Using the surface normal we
can determine what direction
the new light should face
Reflective Shadow Mapping
• Removes the Overhead of Raytracing
to find new light positions
• But
• Does not remove the Overhead of
Rendering hundreds or even
thousands of lights
• Adds the Overhead of Rendering
many Z-buffers
Imperfect Shadow
Imperfect Shadow Mapping
• Same steps as Reflective Shadow
• But
• When we are creating a Reflective
shadow map we create many Z-buffers in
many different render targets many of
which are of very low resolution
• Low resolution means less info of the
geometry is needed
Imperfect Shadow Mapping
• Instead render all the small
depth buffers in one large buffer
• The graphics card has to change
state less
• When rendering the Z-buffers
use Stochastic depth Sampling
Stochastic Sampling
• We only need a little information we
can figure the rest out
• So we take less depth samples
• What we end up with is a depth
texture with “holes” in it
• These holes are where we did not
take a sample
Imperfect Shadow Mapping
• Essentially tries to remove the
cost of rendering lots of shadow
• Works well for diffuse surfaces
• Does Not work well for glossy
Many LODs
Many LODs
• A newer technique then
Imperfect shadow mapping
• Again similar to reflective
shadow mapping
• But uses a different way of
reducing the cost of rendering
many depth textures
Many LODs
• Both Imperfect shadow mapping
and Reflective shadow mapping use
level of detail to reduce the cost of
rendering depth textures
• But traditional LOD is good for
displaying high quality
• And Bad at displaying low quality
Many LODs
• To solve this many LODs uses a different
• It renders points instead of triangles
• The points are rendered from a Bounding
Sphere Hierarchy of the geometry
• Think about it the depth texture only cares
about the shape of the object and the depth
textures could be as small as 16 * 16 pixels or
even smaller
Many LODs
• With such a low resolution triangle
rendering becomes inefficient it requires
a pixel to be shaded dozens of times
more than they need to be
• If a triangle is smaller than the size of a
pixel then that pixel is being written to
more than four times
• Point rendering will only render that
pixel once
Many LODs
• Reduces the cost of rendering depth
textures about as much as Imperfect
shadow mapping
• But maintains greater quality
• Works well displaying diffuse
• Works well displaying glossy
Many LODs
• Also is used for rendering lots of
small reflections
• And refractions
• Both of which also require very
small buffers for which point
rendering becomes much more
efficient than triangle rendering
Temporal Coherence
Temporal Coherence
• Lights don’t move around all that
• So why do we need to calculate the
positions, colour and direction of
the extra lights every frame
• Why not keep information from
previous frames
Temporal Coherence
• Due to floating point precision
error a slow moving reflective
shadow map will “jitter”
• Temporal Coherence will stop
• And lower the average cost of
Temporal Coherence
• Will reduce average cost of
rendering depth textures
• Will either increase the memory
requirement or will lower the
quality of the result
• Will not reduce the cost of
Temporal Coherence
• You can either store results from
previous frames (increasing
memory requirements)
• Or you can decide to only
calculate the depth textures
every X frames (reducing the
• All of these extra techniques focus
on reducing the cost of calculating
the depth textures
• This lowers the Overhead of the
creation of the “bounce” lights
• None of these techniques reduce the
Overhead of rendering these lights
Light Propagation Volumes
Light Propagation Volumes
• Aims to reduce the Overhead of
rendering the lights
• Uses reflective shadow mapping to
find locations for the first set of
“bounce” lights
• But instead of creating lights add a
virtual point light to a volume
A Volume you say
• Imagine a 3D grid and at each
cell on that grid you
determine what light enters
and exits it
• You could use that grid to
determine what light hits a
surface within that grid
• The only way to truly know what light
enters each cell is to render the entire
environment into a cube map
• Meaning for every cell on the grid you
have to render the entire environment
• And then when you want to use that data
for each pixel you are shading you have
to read each and every pixel and average
out the results
• So instead of averaging out half an
entire cube map per pixel we use
Spherical Harmonics
• We then have four numbers per
colour channel so the equivalent of
three pixels
• And there is a simple directX call
that will convert our cube map into
the Spherical Harmonics
• However we still have to render the
entire environment into each grid cell
• So instead we forget about getting
perfectly accurate light flow we just
worry about the lights that are generated
from the reflective shadow map
• We still want to end up with spherical
harmonics at the end but we don’t want
to have to render cube maps
• So instead of cube maps we create
three Volume textures (think of
them as 3d arrays of floats)
• And perform a pixel shader on them
• Then perform the math to create a
light in Spherical harmonics and
then add it to the grid
• We have then essentially
rendered to spherical harmonics
• But lights will now only affect
surfaces in the same cell of the
volume as they are in
• So we must Propagate
• If we use the values in the
neighbouring cells we can
calculate what light from that
cell should flow into this cell
• If we do this multiple times then
the light will flow as far as it
normally would
• As we propagate the light we can also check
if there is any geometry that would block
the flow between two cells
• Giving you a shadowing effect
• And if you knew the average surface normal
for that geometry then you can “bounce” the
light into a corresponding cell
• This bounce would also have an altered
colour based off of the average colour of the
blocking geometry
• The get the blocking geometry we
use the geometry shader and
compare each triangles world space
position against the positions of the
cells of the volume
• This is done on the geometry shader
and not the vertex shader because
the vertex shader does not give a
surface normal
Ok so we have a Light
• When we have to shade a surface
we now have the lighting info
(and we didn’t have to render
the entire world multiple times)
• Find the closest cell to the point
you are shading (pixel shader)
grad the spherical harmonic
coefficients and .....
• What does the Spherical harmonics
actually give us?
• The Spherical harmonics is a low
frequency representation of the
light coming from all directions
• Think of being in a blurry glass ball
that would be a good representation
of what the Spherical harmonics
gives us
• So all we need to know is
what light is coming in the
direction of the surface
normal we are shading
• Or for specular the reflection
angle based on viewing angle
and surface normal
So why is this faster than
lighting normally
Light Propagation Volumes
• When rendering many lights we normally
use deferred rendering
• In light propagation volumes if we wanted
to add another light all we have to do is add
it to the list and then on the GPU calculate
Spherical harmonics in the pixel shader and
that is the only extra overhead of adding an
extra light (we do have the base cost of
propagation though)
Light Propagation Volumes
• In deferred lighting if we want to add a
new light then for every surface it
touches per pixel we need to calculate its
effect and add it to the light currently
effecting that pixel
• With light propagation volumes adding a
new light is basically only writing to
three pixels where as deferred could
potentially cover hundreds of pixels
Light Propagation Volumes
• Since we now have a 3d volume telling us
how light is travelling in our scene we can
also do other effects very easily such as
• True specular lighting: normaly the
specular materials are faked like in old
games like doom 3. true specular is used in
battlefield 3 (they also use a grid of
spherical harmonic coefficients to do their
Light Propagation Volumes
• Also we can do light volumes (also in
Battlefield 3) which is the beam of
light you see in a really dusty room
• We can also properly light particles
(also used in Battlefield 3) if the
smoke is thicker then less light
would pass through it and more will
bounce off it
Light Propagation Volumes
• A issue with light propagation volumes is
that is it an approximation of the lighting
and so it will never result in the perfect
raytraced lighting
• But most people would not be able to tell
the difference
• The error of the approximation will
increase if the resolution of the volume
texture is low
Light Propagation Volumes
• Also if the resolution of the reflective
shadow maps is low then more error is
• The other issue is that the Spherical
Harmonic coefficients are a low frequency
approximation of light flow
• Only low frequency details are captured
• Greater resolution of the grid means higher
frequency details are captured but a lot of
overhead is introduced
Light Propagation Volumes
• So what crytek did was use an
average resolution volume and for
high frequency details they use
screen space ambient occlusion
• This gives the scene the micro
shadows that it would other wise
Screen Space Ambient Occlusion
• A post process pixel shader technique
• First used in crysis
• It has as many different variants as there
are different kinds of Anti Aliasing
• But the general idea is to use the depth
buffer to determine how much geometry
is occluding that pixel from its
Screen Space Ambient Occlusion
• In recent games the shader will also take
into account the surface normal so the
scene looks more detailed
• The performance limiting factor is the
number of samples each pixel takes from
the depth buffer
• Some games make the SSAO buffer a
quarter of the size to increase
Screen Space Ambient Occlusion
• Also one of the gears of war games uses
temporal coherence to build up the SSAO
over multiple frames
• A general rule is that roughly 100
samples will be needed for good results
(which is completely unpractical)
• But instead the games that use SSAO take
between 8 and 16 samples and blur the
Screen Space
Directional Occlusion
Screen Space Directional Occlusion
• Instead of doing 8-16 samples we do 410 and add a Raytrace in the direction of
the surface normal
• Overhead ends up being just a little more
than Screen Space Ambient Occlusion
• But normal mapping the result is
automatic and you can grab the colour
from the raytrace and the light that has
hit that surface
Screen Space Directional Occlusion
• This can be used to replace the high
frequency light bounces
• It is not 100% accurate but it is effective
at faking the extra precision
• For real time rendering it is a fair
• Plus just about every triple A game uses
it of late (the list of game is to big for this
My Prototype
I am not doing the exact
same thing as Crytek or
My Prototype
• I recently worked on Spelunking Club
Session in unity
• I was asked if I could make the glowing
dance floors cast light onto other objects
• Propagation volumes is perfect for that it
could hand the large number of lights
needed to approximate a surface casting
My Prototype
• So I decided to prototype the
propagation volumes part without
the reflective shadow map part
• Then just place lots of lights on the
dance floor prefab
• And pass those into the volume
Problems though
• Volume textures were introduced in
directX 10, Unity only supports
directX 9
• To add occlusion during propagation
you need the geometry shader, the
geometry shader was introduced in
directX 10...Dam
Problems though
• The Volume texture can be replaced by
offsetting your logic on a large 2D texture
• But the benefit of the built in Volume
texture is that when you sample the
volume texture it returns a filtered result
(the average of a bunch of pixels)
• If I wrote my own it would add more
complexity and would take more time
but it is not insurmountable
Problems though
• Geometry shader is needed
for the occlusion of light
• You could instead do this
on the vertex shader right?
Problems though
• The vertex shader does not give us a surface
• On directX 9 and opengl equivalent have
low performance for texture fetch on the
vertex shader (which was fixed in directX
• So we could not even check the colour of the
• So I decided that occlusion was not feasible
How Mine works
• Create three RGBA render targets, RGBA
gives us four floats which is equivalent to
four coefficients per colour channel
• The three targets each represent a
different colour (RGB)
• The coefficients are zonal harmonics
• Which means that they are aligned
around an axis (usually Z)
How Mine Works
• Add the information for each light to an
array that is sent to a pixel shader that
runs on these render targets
• Problem
• The number of lights in the scene varies
but you cannot pass a non fixed length
array to a shader in unity
How Mine Works
• Solution
• Unity uses the cg runtime (Nvidia’s
shader language)
• The cg runtime allows dynamic
recompilation of shaders
• This means we can recreate the shader at
How Mine Works
• This is done by physically changing the
text of the shader and then recompiling
• This sounds hefty but we only need to
change a few numbers (length of the
fixed length array)
• And we only need to do this when a new
light is created or a light is destroyed
How Mine Works
• To inject we create a
Spherical Harmonic
representation of the light
colour facing in all directions
• Then create a spherical
harmonic representation
visibility which is a cone
How Mine Works
• Then rotate that visibility function
to the direction of the light we are
• To combine these we perform the
spherical harmonic dot product on
• This gives us the Spherical
Harmonic representation of this
How Mine Works
• Combining this with the other lights from
that cell will give the full light from that
• To propagate we have to avoid light
flowing backward into its original cell
which would cause brightening artefacts
• So we need to propagate only the light
going in the direction of the cell we are
propagating to
How Mine Works
• To do this we dot product the visibility to
that cell by the light in that cell and then
• This ensures light never flows back
• Then finally to sample we write a unity
surface shader which is put on all
surfaces in the world
How Mine Works
• With the light coefficients we do a simple
dot product between the coefficients and
the surface normal to get the light
flowing in that direction