Kevin Roche Presentation

• Born June 14, 1922
• He is Irish American and was born in Dublin
• Went to Dublin University College, worked for a while then went to Illinois Institute
of Technology
• He works with glass to make his buildings visually appealing and he is known for
• He joined a firm with Euro Saarinen and associates
• He worked with John Dinkeloo and were associates until John died
• A lot of the work he made was with his partner John Dinkeloo
Convention Centre Dublin
Dublin Docklands, Ireland
Completed in- 2010
Shiodome City Centre
Tokyo, Japan
Completed in- 2003
The Pyramids
Indianapolis, Indiana
Completed in- 1972
Bank Of America Plaza
Atlanta, Georgia
Completed in- 1975
Knights of Columbus Building
New Haven, CT
Completed in- 1969
• He uses line in his work especially
in his Knights of Columbus Building
where there are vertical lines for
supports and horizontal lines going
up across the building.
• He uses balance in his architecture
mainly in his Knights of Columbus
Building and the Bank of America
Plaza because their sides are
• He uses unity in his architecture
specifically in his Bank of America
Plaza because it looks like one
How are mathematical concepts used in Kevin Roche’s
architectural designs?
Symmetry- Kevin Roche uses symmetry in some of his works. For example
his Knights of Columbus Building. Symmetry is important in his architecture.
It is aesthetically pleasing as the human eye looks for patterns.
Translations- Kevin Roche uses translations in one specific piece. It was the
Pyramids. He uses Translations in this piece because every triangle tilts a
little each time. Translations are essential in this piece because it makes it
Transformations/Patterns- Kevin Roche uses transformations and patterns
in his Pyramids piece. He uses transformations because if it was only one
triangle it would look dull.
Kevin Roche uses geometric shapes a lot in his work because in most of his
buildings (for example the Bank of America Plaza and The Pyramids) there
are vertical and horizontal lines.
Kevin Roche uses repeated shapes to define space. For example, his
architectural design named “The Pyramids.”
He also combines shapes to create interesting space. Such as the Dublin
Convention Centre. In this piece of architecture Kevin Roche has combined a
cylinder, a few triangles, a number of rectangles, and many other shapes.
Kevin Roche uses movement in specifically two of his architectural pieces. One
being the Dublin Convention Centre where it looks like the cylinder is moving
because of the angle and the abnormality of glass in concrete. Two being his
piece named “The Pyramids” where there is a slight sense of movement
because of the repetition of triangles.