Eukaryote Cell-briar

Eukaryote Cell
Analogy- Hotel
By: Briar Greene
A vacuole is the place in the
cell where they store water.
The nucleus is the
brain of the cell.
Analogy- A well or water tank.
Analogy- hotel manager.
Golgi bodies- these guys sort
and package molecules.
Rough E.R moves proteins in the cell.
Analogy- the letter box in a hotel.
Analogy- luggage cart
Smooth E.R. makes lipids,
or fats.
Ribosome's make proteins.
Analogy- Chef
Cell membrane – controls what
goes in and out of the cell.
A Lysosome is where all
the trash or waste goes.
Analogy- The dumpster.
Analogy- Security
Centriole’s help the cell reproduce.
Analogy- back up generator
Cytoplasm is a gel like substance
that holds things in place.
Analogy- Jell-O convention!
Animal Cell
Plant cell
These turn food into energy.
Analogy- ME or US!