
By Irene Liu
December, 13th, 2010
(1)One Step Further Towards Critical
(2)To Help or Not to Help?
—Developing Critical Thinking Skills and
Applying Life Education in Witches’ Loaves
(3)Value Ourselves
(2) 崇光參賽作品
One Step Further
Towards Critical Thinking
* 涵蓋所有能力指標
* 調整教學內容與時間規劃
(1) One Step Further
Towards Critical Thinking
1-1 能把各類訊息加以比較、歸類、排序。
graphic organizer
1-2 能根據上下語境釐清不同訊息間的因果關係。
閱讀圖表法: 找出各段key words, 架構, 用一句話
歸納出選文的主要內容(main idea), 回應與評鑑
1-3 能分辨客觀事實與主觀意見。
Factual / Reflectional / Interpretational/ Decisional
(1) One Step Further
Towards Critical Thinking
2-1 能分析、歸納多項訊息的共通點或結論。
2-2 能將習得的原則類推到新情境中,解決問題。
2-3 能綜合現有訊息,預測可能的發展。
2-4 能評估不同資訊,提出合理的判斷或建議。
Factual / Reflectional / Interpretational/ Decisional
(1) One Step Further
Towards Critical Thinking
2-5 能整合、規劃相關資訊及資源,並發揮創意。
(2) 特優作品
To Help or Not to Help?—Developing
Critical Thinking Skills and Applying
Life Education in Witches’ Loaves
1. Reading selection: designs of teaching activities
四格漫畫(making predictions) 課文拼讀結局創作與聯想
2. Asking Good Questions:引導學生進行問題設計競賽
三層次問題(right there / think and search / in your head)
Bloom的教育目標分類: 理解、應用、分析、綜合、評鑑、創造
3. Issue Integration: 生命教育(OMAK)
4. Follow-Up Activities: 延伸閱讀(comparison and contrast /
making connections ) 、 班會議題討論
OMAK 觀功念
Observe Merits and Appreciate Kindness
to transform negative thinking into positive
thinking, to seek out the positive aspects of an
individual or event instead of merely
complaining, and finally to learn to be grateful
(3) Value
-繪本教學You are Special
-電影教學Taare Zameen Par 心中的小星星
(3) Value
2. Compliment card
Write down your compliments to your classmates. Please feel
free to adjust the sentences according to your needs.
________________(Name), I like the way you
__________________________because when you do this I always
______________________.You are welcome.
呼應 Bloom在1956年的認知領域 教
育目標分類(A Taxonomy of
Educational Objectives)中,理解、應
A revised version of Benjamin Bloom's
TC material\Taxonomy of Educational
Questions and examples added by Tom
Allen to make the Taxonomy more useful
for beginning teachers as a tool to facilitate
appropriate questioning.
知識 Knowledge
Exhibiting previously learned material by
recalling facts, terms, basic concepts and
Example Question:
–5W1H Questions
–Who is …? What is…? How is…? Where is…?
–Can you list three special designs of …?
Demonstrating understanding of facts and
ideas by organizing, comparing, translating,
interpreting, giving descriptions and stating
main ideas.
Example Question:
– What is the main idea of this passage?
– Which statements support this main idea?
– How could you define “environmentalism?”
Solving problems by applying acquired
knowledge, facts, techniques and rules in
a different way.
Example Question:
–What other way would you plan to…?
–What questions would you ask in an interview
–What elements would you choose to change…?
Examining and breaking information into
parts by identifying motives or causes;
making inferences and finding evidence
to support generalizations.
Example Question:
– How would you categorize…?
– Can you make a distinction between…?
– What is the function of…?
Compiling information together in a different
way by combing elements in a new pattern or
proposing alternative solutions.
1. produce original communications
– Example Questions:
– What's a good name for this invention?
– Write a letter to the characters in the presenting
your own thoughts and feelings.
– Make a collage of pictures and words that
represents your beliefs and feelings about the
2. make predictions
– Example Questions:
– What would happen if school attendance was
made optional?
– What is the next likely development in future
building designs?
– How would you adapt your life to lead a Green
3. solve problems
– Example Questions:
• How can we raise money for our ecology
Presenting and defending opinions by making
judgments about information, validity of ideas
or quality of work based on a set of criteria .
Example Questions:
– Do you think Gaia Anderson Hotel fit into all the LEED
rating system?
– Based on what you know, how would you explain…?
– Would you recommend people to choose to stay in this
Green Hotel?
創造 Creating
Creating your own stories or works by
recalling and applying facts, terms, basic
concepts and answers from what you have
Example Question:
–Can you create your own ending to this story?
–What Green Building would you plan to design?
一 、教材
“The Gaia Anderson Hotel:
The Eco-Friendliest of Them All”
二、活動說明: A. Warm-Up
Listen to the song
“Mercy, Mercy Me” (Ecology)
and fill in the blanks.
Part I、Q & A
1.What is happening to the Earth in
this song? (1-1, 1-2)
2. We should do something to change
the terrible situation. Can you come
up with some constructive
suggestions to make the earth a
better place to live in?
(1-3, 2-1, 2-4)
二、活動說明: A. Warm-Up
Language In Use (pp.238)
Lifestyles of Health and
B. Reading Selection
Graphic Organization of
Reading Selection (pp.225~227)
Worksheet 1
Part II、Q & A
1. What are some facts and ideas
mentioned in the reading? (1-1, 1-2)
2. What the strong message does the
hotel want to convey? (1-3)
3. What are the features of this
“Green Hotel”? Can you categorize
4. Why do they save a tree on the
hotel site?(2-4)
Part II、Q & A
1. pp.228 Comprehension Check
(1-1, 1-2)
2. What the strong message does the
hotel want to convey? (1-3)
3. What are the features of this
“Green Hotel”? Can you categorize
4. Why do they save a tree on the
hotel site?(2-4)
C. 9 Green Building Targets
Find out the Green Building Rating
System in front of the Domestic
Science Room
Worksheet 2
(1-1, 2-1)
Part III、Q & A
1. What is the definition of “Green
Building?”(1-1, 1-2)
2. Do you like to stay in a hotel like
Gaia Anderson Hotel? Why or why
not? (1-3)
What are the most appealing
features to have you make this
decision? (2-1)
D. 綠建築創意競賽--綠笑園
How many categories does this
project fit into?
ppt / worksheet2
(2-1, 2-2, 2-4, 2-5)
E. Follow-Up Activities
Watching a Film-- An Earthship
(2-1, 2-2, 2-3, 2-4, 2-5)