Text goes here Agenda Welcome to Hardie 101 Basic Training Best Practices Version 6.2 – October 2012 By: Gary Griffiths Senior Installation Specialist James Hardie Installation Team Products & Installation Installation Best Practices 6.2 NewTextHardieShingle goes here Agenda Please Follow Along in the Best Practices: Pages 94 – 105 in the US HZ5 Best Practices Guide Version 7.0 Pages 97 – 106 in the US HZ10 Best Practices Guide Version 7.0 Pages 77 – 86 in the Canada HZ5 Best Practices Version 6.2 NewTextHardieShingle goes here Agenda New HardieShingle Product Description What is HardieShingle? HardieShingle siding is fiber-cement shingle for sidewall applications. HardieShingle siding is available as StraightEdge Panels (48-in. long by 15.25-in. high) or Staggered-Edge Panels (48-in. long by 15 7/8”-in. high). HardieShingle panels also come as Decorative Half-Round Shingles in some markets. For smaller coverage areas, Individual Shingles are also available in 4.2”, 5.5”, 6.75”, 7.25” & 10” widths. Please see your James Hardie dealer for local availability of these products. HardieShingle siding is available as a prefinished James Hardie product with ColorPlus Technology or in our PrimePlus Technology, Engineered for Climate. All HardieShingle product is installed with a 7”-in. reveal (exposure). See your local dealer for details and availability of products, colors and accessories. NewTextHardieShingle goes here Agenda New HardieShingle Product Options Half-Road HardieShingle Panel NEW Staggered-Edge HardieShingle Panel NEW Straight-Edge HardieShingle Panel NEW Individual HardieShingle NewTextIndividual HardieShingle goes here Agenda New Individual HardieShingle Siding Did You Know? New Individual HardieShingle Product Info – So What’s NEW about the New Individual HardieShingle: 7” Exposure 15.25” Overall Height Individual HardieShingle is now packaged in 2 sq. increments Now available for purchase in 1/3 sq. increments *See local JH Supplier for details Now available in Primed & ColorPlus New Texture Nail Line Height, Width, & the Distribution of Widths NewTextIndividual HardieShingle goes here Agenda New Individual HardieShingle Siding Did You Know? New Individual HardieShingle - (Plan View) Packaging & Pallet Layout 15 pieces per bundle (Wrapped in Plastic) Two layers of (plastic wrapped) bundles per pallet 630 pieces or 2 squares (200sqft) per pallet 7 bundles per row (105 pieces) or 1/3rd of a square (33.3 sqft) NewTextIndividual HardieShingle goes here Agenda Installation of New Individual HardieShingle Siding Did You Know? General HardieShingle Installation Info – Like conventional cedar wood-shingle siding, HardieShingle requires the use of a starter strip and a starter course before installing the first full course of shingle panels or individual shingle. The starter strip establishes the proper angle of the first course of shingle on the wall, and the starter course provides solid backing and keyway coverage for the first shingle course. Also just like conventional cedar wood-shingle siding, HardieShingle is installed with a 7 in. exposure (reveal). When Installing Individual HardieShingles be sure to space shingles no more than a 1/4” in. apart. (A Carpenters Pencil works Great) Spaces between shingles should be offset by 1¼” (measured from outside edge of keyway to outside edge of keyway) between the courses above and below. ¼” Max. 7” NewTextIndividual HardieShingle goes here Agenda Installation of New Individual HardieShingle Siding - Step by Step Installation Procedure – 1. Begin by Installing the Starter Strip. Make sure the bottom edge of the Starter Strip is FLUSH with the mud sill or the bottom edge of the exterior sheathing. The Starter Strip should be Installed over the weather-resistive barrier. Starter Strips can be made by ripping 1 ¼” strips from full or partial HardiePlank or the top portion of the HardieShingle Panels. 2. Measure up 8”-in. from the bottom of the starter strip, and snap a chalk line 3. Install the Starter Course, keeping the top edge of the Starter Course on the chalk line. 3a. Use 8 ¼” HardiePlank Lap Siding for the Starter Course. Optional* The Top portion of the HardieShingle Panel may be ripped down to 8 ¼” and used as a starter course. 2 3a 8 in. 1 NewTextIndividual HardieShingle goes here Agenda Installation of New Individual HardieShingle Siding - Step by Step Installation Procedure Continued – 4. Measure up 7”-in. from the top of the Starter Course and snap your next chalk line. These chalk lines should continue up the wall in 7”-in. increments for successive courses. 7” Every Four (4) courses or so you should check to make sure the shingles are level, & running straight on the wall. ¼” Minimum of 1 ¼” Keyway Stagger – Measured from (Outside Edge to Outside Edge) 1 ¼” 5. The First Course of Individual HardieShingle is then Installed even with the bottom edge of the Starter Course. Make sure you keep a consistent ¼”-in. space at each keyway (no greater) & a min. of an 1 ¼” Keyway Stagger on the exposed 7”-in. HardieShingle face. Vary the sizes of the Individual HardieShingle to achieve a random look to the installed HardieShingle. 7” NewTextIndividual HardieShingle goes here Agenda Recommended Fasteners for New Individual HardieShingle Siding Fastener Specifications – The Recommended Fastener for Fastening New Individual HardieShingle is an (11 ga) 0.121” x .371” x 1.25” Corrosion Resistant Roofing Nail. An .091” x 221” x 1.5” Siding Nail may also be used into a Min. 7/16” APA Rated Exterior Sheathing. Text goes here Agenda New HardieShingle Straight Edge Panel NewTextHardieShingle Panel goes here Agenda New HardieShingle Panel Did You Know? HardieShingle Panel Product Info – So What’s NEW about the New HardieShingle Panel: 7” Exposure 15.25” Overall Height Five (5) different shingle widths instead of seven (7) Nail Line Location vs. Text Location Reduced Waste when combined with Individual HardieShingle Nail Line HardieShingle Text HardieShingle Straight Edge Panel HardieShingle HZ5 HardieShingle HZ5 HardieShingle HZ5 HardieShingle HZ5 HardieShingle HZ5 HardieShingle HardieShingle Individuals 15.25” Tall just like Individuals & 48” Wide. Installed with a 7” Exposure Increased Install Speed & Efficiency when both HardieShingle Panels & Individuals are used together. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 48” Panel Width 48” NewTextHardieShingle Panel goes here Agenda New HardieShingle Panel Did You Know? New HardieShingle Panel Packaging & Pallet Layout 200 SqFt of Wall Coverage per Pallet So What’s NEW about the New HardieShingle Panel Packaging: HardieShingle Panels are packaged in 2sq (200sqft) increments Two Panel Designs on the same pallet (“A” Panel & “B” Panel) The ability to go up to 7 courses without the pattern repeating HardieShingle HZ5 HardieShingle HZ5 HardieShingle HZ5 HardieShingle HZ5 HardieShingle HZ5 “A” Panel - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mirror Images of Each Other HardieShingle HZ5 HardieShingle HZ5 HardieShingle HZ5 HardieShingle HZ5 HardieShingle HZ5 Up to 7 Courses without a repeatable pattern “B” Panel - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - NewTextHardieShingle Panel goes here Agenda Installation of New HardieShingle Panel Did You Know? General New HardieShingle Panel Installation Info – HardieShingle Panels just like our individual shingles, requires the use of a starter strip and a starter course before installing the first full course of shingle panels. HardieShingle Straight Edge Panel is installed with a 7 in. exposure & Staggered Edge a 6 in. exposure (Measured from the top edge to the top edge of the HardieShingle Panel) 7” 1 ¼” Min. Fasteners going into just a min. 7/16” APA rated Exterior Sheathing must be installed no greater than 13 ¾” in. apart. Fasteners are secured through the HardieShingle Panel on the Embossed Nail-line located just above the keyways. (through top panel and through top edge of lower shingle panel) Offset the HardieShingle keyways from course to course by a minimum of 1 ¼”(measured from outside edge of keyway to outside edge of keyway) between the courses above and below. NewTextHardieShingle Panel goes here Agenda Installation of New HardieShingle Panel (Direct To Stud Application) - Step by Step - Installation Procedure – 1. Just like the Individual HardieShingle installation process, begin by Installing the Starter Strip. The bottom edge of the Starter Strip should be FLUSH with the mud sill or the bottom edge of the exterior sheathing. The Starter Strip should be Installed over the weather-resistive barrier. 2 3a Starter Strips can be made by ripping 1 ¼” strips from full or partial HardiePlank or the top portion of the HardieShingle Panels. 2. Measure up 8”-in. from the bottom of the starter strip, and snap a chalk line 3. Install the Starter Course, keeping the top edge of the Starter Course on the chalk line. 3a. Use 8 ¼” HardiePlank Lap Siding for the Starter Course. Optional* The Top portion of the HardieShingle Panel may be ripped down to 8 ¼” and used as a starter course. 8 in. 1 NewTextHardieShingle Panel goes here Agenda Installation of New HardieShingle Panel (Direct To Stud Application) Installation Procedure Continued – 4. - Step by Step - Measure up 7”-in. from the top of the Starter Course and snap your next chalk line. These chalk lines should continue up the wall in 7”-in. increments for Straight Edge HardieShingle Panel. 4a. **Measure up 6”-in. from the top of the Starter Course if Installing Staggered Edge HardieShingle Panel. 5. TIP: A Straight Edge Panel can be used on the bottom course if desired 6. 7 in. ¼” Measure and Cut the First HardieShingle Panel to make sure the end of the panel falls Over Framing. Keep the bottom edge of the first panel flush with the bottom edge of the corner trim. Make sure you leave a min. 1/8” gap for the 3/8” bead of permanently flexible caulking to be applied between the HardieShingle Panels & the Trim. Using the Chalk lines snapped in step 4 - position panels along the first course and secure with suitable fasteners & spacing for your application into the framing as noted in the ESR 1844 & 2290 Reports. 7. Next, Measure & Cut the First Panel for the Second Course, making sure it lands on a stud, (keep all your cut edges against the trim, factory edges in the field ALWAYS). 1 ¼” Make sure you have a min. 1 ¼” keyway stagger from the shingles below. NewTextHardieShingle Panel goes here Agenda Installation of New HardieShingle Panel - Step by Step - Installation Procedure – Direct to Min. 7/16” APA Rated Exterior Sheathing TIP: Refer to ESR-2290 for allowable wind loads TIP: Panels & Individuals may be mixed together to reduce waste and save time. 1 1. Snap a Line at the Center of the Wall. Measure 16”-in. to the Left & 16”-in. to the Right and snap two more vertical lines. Always work from center of wall to the outside corner trim. 2. Just like the HardieShingle Panel Direct to Stud Application, Cut and Install the 1.25”-in. starter strip and the 8.25”-in. starter course. 3. Snap your horizontal layout lines. 6”-in. for Staggered Edge Shingle Panel, and 7”-in. for Straight Edge Shingle Panel. (Refer to the “Direct to Stud” installation for specifics.) 6 4. 5 5. 4 2 6. 1 ¼” 7. Install the First Shingle Panel, Left Factory Edge to the Left Vertical Snapped Line. Infill the remaining Shingle Panels on either side of the First Panel Installed. All butt joints in the field MUST be Factory Edge to Factory Edge. All Cuts go Towards the Trim. Install the First Shingle Panel on the Second Row with the Left Factory Edge to the Center Line. Infill the remaining Shingle Panels on either side of the First Shingle Panel Installed. Again, Keeping Factory Edge to Factory Edge. Continue the Same Process for the Third Row. Left Factory Edge to the far Right Vertical Line. Make sure the First Shingle Panels Keyways of each course are Staggered by at least 1.25”-in. Repeat Starting Panel on remaining rows using Left, Middle, Right layout lines. NewTextHardieShingle Panel goes here Agenda Installation of New HardieShingle Panel - Step by Step Installation Procedure – Direct to APA Rated Ext. Sheathing - GABLES Step 1 Snap (3) Chalk Lines – Center, 16” to the Left, & 16” to the Right. Step 4 First Row Starts with Left Factory Panel Edge to Left Line - Infill remaining Panels – Snap Horiz. Chalk Line 7” above the First Row. (6” for Staggered Edge Shingle) Step 2 Rip & Install an 1.25” Starter Strip – Don’t Forget the 2” Roof Line Clearance. Step 3 Install 8.25” Starter Course - Snap Horiz. Chalk Line at 15.25” up from bottom of Starter Course. Step 5 Second Row Starts with Left Factory Panel Edge to Center Line – Infill remaining Panels – Snap Horiz. Lines 7” up the Gable for successive courses. (6” for Staggered Edge Shingle) TIP: Use HardieShingle Panels in the Main Body of the Gable – Use Individual HardieShingle Up the Rake to Reduce Waste & Save Time. NewTextHardieShingle Panel goes here Agenda Recommended Fasteners for New HardieShingle Panel Fastener Specifications – The Recommended Fastener for Fastening New HardieShingle Panel is a 0.083” x .187” x 1.5” Corrosion Resistant Ring Shank Nail. New HardieShingle Panel Text goes here Agenda APA Rated Exterior Sheathing Fastening Pattern Overview New HardieShingle Text goes here Requirements Installation Agenda Please Reference the Installation Requirements found on: Pages 100 – 105 in the US HZ5 Best Practices Guide Version 7.0 & Pages 102 – 106 in the US HZ10 Best Practices Guide Version 7.0 & Pages 81 – 86 in the Canada HZ5 Best Practices Version 6.2 Begin the HardieShingle Installation Requirements Knowledge Test Installation Best Practices 6.2 KNOWLEDGE TEST RESULTS Text goes here Agenda HardieShingle Installation Requirements: 1. What material is appropriate to make a starter course from? (check all that apply) 4. When Laying out the wall to install HardieShingle Panel what is the first thing you need to do? a) b) c) d) Lap Siding Vented Soffit Individual Shingles Shingle Panel a) b) c) d) Find the center of the wall and snap a vertical line. Start at the far left with your first shingle panel. Install a starter course. Install a starter strip. 5. A full headed nail must be used to install HardieShingle panels? a) b) True False 6. When installing HardieShingle Panel it is important to always work from the center of the wall out? 2. A starter strip and starter course is required when installing HardieShingle? a) b) True False 3. a) b) c) d) When installing HardieShingle to APA rated sheathing, nails must be placed no greater then what spacing? 6” o.c. 8” o.c. 12” o.c. 13 ¾” o.c. a) b) True False General Installation Text goes here Requirements Agenda 12 Critical Details to a Quality Installation Page 13 in your Best Practices Guide. All 12 items are Critical to the Long Term Quality, Durability and Installation Compliance. Most Important Page in your Best Practices Guide