HITRA Transition Slidepack 4

HITRAs 10 Sources of Energy….
Hazard Identification and Task Risk
Assessment (HITRA)
L1 TRA Transition Training
HITRA Transition and Communication Pack 4
• Reasons for changing the Risk Assessment
• New Control of Work requirements
• Basic HITRA requirements
• How to use the new forms:
− Level 1 TRA (replaces the back of the permit)
• L1 & L2 TRA Database
• What Good May Look Like (WGLL)
Alaska Region: Why Change Now?
− To align BPXA Risk Assessment Processes with Upstream practice.
− HITRA is a mindset of how we will conduct risk assessments and is the way
we do business
− Systematic (repeatable and reproducible); common language (uses Task Risk
Assessment Table (TRAT))
− This is how e-CoW documents Risk Assessments; e-CoW will be simpler,
include better options, and one technique covering all tasks;
− L1 & L2 TRA for all permitted work
− Once a L1 or L2 TRA has been created it may be utilized again for the same
or similar task
− Option for low risk (routine) work based on a risk assessed procedure,
approved annually
− Used for Non-permitted work
Risk Assessment is a primary focus area for BPXA.
– CoW incidents are still high as a result of inadequate risk assessment
HITRA Transition and Communication Packs
BPXA HITRA Transition and Communication Packs
• In support of transition from current risk assessment
practices to HITRA or Hazard Identification Task Risk
• To supplement the OE HITRA Training.
These HITRA Transition and Communication Packs include:
− Sources of Energy (SoE)
− Jobs, Tasks, and Task Steps
− Hazards, Consequences, Controls
− HITRA Transition Summary
Today we will cover
We hope to achieve this by…
• Discussing the importance of using Sources of
Energy (SoE) to Identify and Mitigate Hazards
− Please note… the use of SoE is a HITRA expectation
• Demonstrating how to complete a L1 Task Risk
Assessment Form (L1 TRA)
• Explaining your role in the process
• Understand how the HITRA process works as a
stand alone and/or in conjunction with a permit
Training Delivery…
• BPXA is moving from using Decision Point Risk Assessment process for our L1
TRA & L2 TRA to the BP Group Hazard Identification Task Risk Assessment
(HITRA) Process.
• Operation teams (IA’s) will be required to attend the OE HITRA 1 day Course.
− Currently there are multiple HITRA 1 day courses being scheduled
throughout 2014 and beyond which will be delivered by the OE Team. Final
details & location will be worked through and agreed by site leadership.
• Personnel who initiate permits (Performing Authorities/PA’s), consisting of BP
Maintenance Techs and Contractor Leads will be required to attend the 8 hour
Performing Authority (PA) Course delivered by OE or OE approved BP trainers.
− Currently there are multiple PA Courses being scheduled throughout 2014
and beyond. Final details & location will be worked through and agreed by
site leadership.
• In the interim, this training is all that is required for transitioning from
current RA process to HITRA for all CoW Roles.
Why Change?
• To align BPXA Risk Assessment Processes as per the current HITRA
• Risk Assessment is a primary focus area for BPXA to help reduce incidents
related to CoW.
• The L1 TRA or L2 TRA will form the primary communication foundation of
the task, hazards and what must be done to control them to every person
involved (including affected workforce not directly involved in the task).
− All workforce personnel will use the BP HITRA process.
» Contractors should utilize BP HITRA as their risk assessment process
when conducting jobs on BP controlled sites.
● Once a L1 TRA or L2 TRA has been created it may be utilized again for the
same or similar task as long as it is reviewed, verified and re-authorized
with all necessary changes (edits, additions) are incorporated into it.
L1 TRA and
L2 TRA databases
created for utilization
L1 TRA forms could
be utilized in
document or pdf
Once a good quality RA is created for tasks… we
have to reinvent
the wheel…X (Lessons)
X (Knowledge)
although we shall
>>> review, re-verify,
X (Re-verification)
re-authorize, re-issue, and re-accept
L1 & L2 TRA Database
New and Revisited CoW Terms
Hazard Identification and Task Risk Assessment. A systematic
method of analyzing individual tasks to identify all energy sources
and resulting hazards and identify suitable controls.
• Hazard
Anything that has the potential to result in undesired events such as
injury, illness or damage.
• Control
Precautionary measure taken to affect a consequence to be less
severe, eliminated or occur less often.
• Job Tasks
Individual steps required to complete a job for an overall project.
• Task Steps
The sequential activities required to complete a Job Task.
• Task Risk Assessments (TRA)
Risk assessment of the individual task step and the associated
New and Revisited CoW Terms
• Task Risk Assessment Table (TRAT)
BPXA document that describes typical high, medium, low tasks
− including the minimum requirements for risk assessment
− permits and supplementary certificates required
− required approvals levels
• Level 1 Task Risk Assessment (L1 TRA)
Is a systematic method of risk assessment with no risk scores that
identifies hazards using energy sources to identify suitable control
measures required to perform the task safely.
• Level 2 Task Risk Assessment (L2 TRA)
Is a systematic semi-quantitative risk assessment method used for
higher risk tasks to identify hazards using energy sources to identify
suitable control measures required to perform the task safely.
Approvals are based on actual risk scores that correlate to residual
risk based on the HITRA risk matrix.
Current L1RA Form (Back Page of Permit)
A n y i n d i v i d u a l m a y i n v a l i d a te th i s work p e rm i t a t a n y ti m e i f th e y c on s i d e r c on d i ti on s or work m e th od s to b e u n s a f e .
An yon e stop p in g work mu st:
In f orm th e PA d oin g th e work, remove th e site cop y of th e p ermit an d retu rn it to th e IA g ivin g reason s f or th eir action s.
N O T E : A n y G R A Y s e c ti on s re q u i re s a m a n d a tory L e v e l 2 R i s k A s s e s s m e n t ( L 2 R A )
I s s u i n g A u th ori ty c om p l e te s th e b e l ow b ox e s
H 2 S D e s i g n a te d A re a W ork
1. Does area h ave d esig n ated H 2 S warn in g sig n s?
2. Are workers H2 S train ed ?
3. Do workers h ave p erson al H 2 S mon itors?
4. Are workers aware of th e H 2 S emerg en cy p roced u re?
5.T est well h ou se p rior to en try? (Req u ired if >300 p p m H 2 S)
For work in well h ou se >300 p p m H 2 S, en ter well n u mb er
an d H2 S con cen tration f rom th e list of wells >100 p p m.
W ell Nu mb er ____________________ H 2 S Con c._______________________
F l a m m a b l e & C om b u s ti b l e F l u i d T ra n s f e r I te m s to C on s i d e r
1. W in d d irection f or vap ors?
2. Eq u ip men t sp acin g (min imu m 25 f eet) an d p osition in g ad eq u ate?
3. Emerg en cy eq u ip men t access / f ire extin g u ish ers?
4. Remote sh u td own cap ab ility?
5. Su p ersu cker” , 40 d eg rees b elow f lash p oin t?
6. Gas test con sid ered ?
7. Perf ormin g Au th ority u n d erstan d s North Slop e En viron men tal Flu id T ran sf er Gu id elin es?
8. En su re electical b on d in g strap s / g rou n d ed h oses are con n ected b etween eq u ip men t?
I s s u i n g A u th ori ty C ri ti c a l A c ti v i ty or C on s i d e ra ti on s ( C h e c k a l l th a t a p p l y a n d l i s t s a f e g u a rd s ta k e n i n s p e c i a l p re c a u ti on s s e c ti on b e l ow)
Asb estos
Barricad es / Sig n s
Ben zen e
Ch emical Con tact (Review MSDS)
Commu n ication s Verif ied
Emerg en cy Rep ortin g / Saf e Area
En erg ized Electrical System >150v
En erg y Isolation Comp lete
En viron omen tal Con cern
Eq u ip men t correctly id en tif ied ? (i.e. correct lin e)
Erg on omics / Bod y Position
Eye W ash / First Aid L ocation
Face to f ace commu n ication taken p lace
Grou n d Distu rb an ce / Excavation
Job walk d own b een comp leted ?
L ead Pain t
L if tin g Op eration s (Critical / Blin d L if t)
Nitrog en Use (N2)
Noise (Hig h )
Overh ead work / Drop p ed Ob jects
Prop er PPE?
Rad iation (Ion izin g , NORM, UV)
Scaf f old In sp ected & L ad d ers p rop erly set?
Severe W eath er (W in d , T emp eratu re, Etc)
SIMOPS / Mu ltip le, Comp lex Job s
Sp ill Preven tion measu res in p lace?
Su b sid en ce
Veh icle Op s (Heig h t / Backin g / Con g estion )
Ven tilation Ad eq u ate
W alkin g / W orkin g Su rf ace
W eld in g Hazard s (Fu mes, Fire, UV, Etc.)
W ork Close to Halon / Su p p ression Disch arg e Nozzles
W ork on Saf ety Systems
W ork Site T raf f ic Pattern
L if tin g / Rig g in g (All Eq u ip men t In sp ected & Cu rren t?)
N on - H a z a rd ou s C S E
Ad eq u ate ven tilation ?
Area Au th ority n otif ied ?
Rescu e Commu n ication mean s op erab le?
Rescu e Services availab le?
Saf ety n otif ied ?
Sig n In log req u ired ?
Stan d b y atten d an t p resen t?
X - Ray
Non -in trin sically saf e eq u ip men t? HW Permit Req d .
W arn in g sig n s / lig h ts / Barricad es?
Saf e op eratin g limits d elin eated ?
UV' s b y-p assed if n ecessary
P e rf orm i n g A u th ori ty C ri ti c a l A c ti v i ty or C on s i d e ra ti on s ( C h e c k a l l th a t a p p l y a n d l i s t s a f e g u a rd s ta k e n i n s p e c i a l p re c a u ti on s s e c ti on b e l ow)
Barricad es / Sig n s
Ch emical Con tact (Review MSDS)
Decon Station
Does work in volve mod if in g f ixed secon d ary con tain men t?
En erg y Isolation Comp lete
Erg on omics / Bod y Position
Face to f ace commu n ication taken p lace
Hot / Od d Boltin g
Hyd rotestin g in p ermitted areas ab ove (MAOP)
Job walk d own b een comp leted ?
L ad d ers set & scaf f old In sp ected
L if tin g Op eration s (Critical / Blin d L if t)
L if tin g / Rig g in g (All Eq u ip men t In sp ected & Cu rren t?)
Pin ch Poin ts / L in e of Fire
Proced u re in p lace f or th is scop e of work
Prop er PPE
Severe W eath er (W in d , T emp eratu re, Etc)
SIMOPS / Mu ltip le, Comp lex Job s
Pn eu matic testin g ab ove (MAOP)
Veh icle Op s (Heig h t / Backin g / Con g estion )
W alkin g / W orkin g Su rf ace
W eld in g Hazard s (Fu mes, Fire, UV, Etc.)
W orkin g at Heig h ts Un g u ard ed
I s s u i n g a n d P e rf orm i n g A u th ori ty to I d e n ti f y & A d d re s s P ote n ti a l E n e rg y S ou rc e s
Electrical (E)
Gravity (G)
Pressu re (P)
Ch emical (C)
P ote n ti a l E n e rg y S ou rc e s ( E S * )
En erg y of Motion (M)
Heat or Cold (H/C)
Biolog ical (B)
Rad iation (R)
L i s t a n d R e v i e w a n y a d d i ti on a l h a z a rd s i d e n ti f i e d th a t a re n ot l i s te d a l on g wi th s a f e g u a rd s ta k e n
A re a of C on c e rn
P ote n ti a l H a z a rd s
A c ti on s to E l i m i n a te , C on trol or P rote c t
I s s u i n g A u th ori ty & P e rf orm i n g A u th ori ty L i s t a g re e d s p e c i a l p re c a u ti on s a n d s a f e g u a rd s ta k e n :
BP Rev. 09/09
Current Signature Page for workers
All persons working under this permit must sign before commencing work for the first time to show they understand the task/work
scope and have had its associated hazards explained. They must understand the control measures which have been put in place
and the actions they must follow to work safely.
Should any person working on this permit consider that conditions are such that it is unsafe to continue, they should immediately
inform their work team, stop work, make the worksite safe, and then inform the Performing Authority and Issuing Authority.
All Work Team Members
Company Name
Print Name
BP Rev. 09/09
Current Non-Permitted L1RA Form
These will no
longer be used
for Nonpermitted work
L1 TRA Changes - Hazard Terminology
Risk Assessments begin with using the 10 Sources of Energy (SoE)
There are three “types” of hazards you should concentrate on:
 Task Hazards
 Jobsite hazards
 Process Hazards
• Task hazards are hazards associated with the task to be done.
• Jobsite hazards are those additional hazards that are visible to us
during the site visit and may effect the task execution.
• Process hazards are hazards that are not directly visible but are
currently contained within the pipework / equipment around the task
jobsite which if released could be a risk to those working at the jobsite
and/or the environment.
Combined SoE & HoC
(detachable sheet)
Hierarchy of Controls (HoC)
(included w/ detachable sheet)
L1 TRA Form - SoE Prompt Sheet
(detachable sheet)
Job > Task > Task Steps
JOB – This is what would be on the Work Order Description
For example:
Overhaul Crude Oil Pump P-02-201C
TASKS – This is what would go into the Permit Task Description
For example:
Install Blinds on Crude Oil Pump P-02-201C
TASK STEPS – The sequential activities required to complete
For example:
1. Verify Isolation and Zero Energy. Prepare for task.
2. Unbolt flanges and install suction and discharge
L1 TRA Form - Breakdown
There are six columns that will need to be filled out on this form:
1. Task Steps – This is where you will list the Steps required to
complete the Job Task (work).
2. SoE – This is where you will identify the sources of energy that are
identified as hazards.
3. Hazard Types – This is where you will list the hazard types identified
related to the Task being performed, the Jobsite where the task is
being performed, and/or the Process that is deemed a credible
4. Hazards – This is where you will describe what the hazard is for each
hazard type. Hazards are what can go wrong while performing the
task step such as injury, illness or damage.
5. Consequence – This is where you will describe the harm and
damage that could result from a hazard. For example how bad can I
get; such as a broken leg, x gallons loss of oil to the tundra, fire and
damage to a module/compressor.
L1 TRA Form – Breakdown (cont.)
6. Controls – This is where you will describe the control(s) used to
mitigate each hazard and who is accountable to execute the control.
 When selecting controls it is an expectation that the
Hierarchy of Controls (HoC) be used.
 Preventative (L1 – L3) controls shall be considered first…
before Protective (L4 – L6) type controls are considered.
L1 – Elimination
L4 – Isolation
L2 – Substitution
L5 – Administrative
L3 – Engineering
L6 – PPE
 Controls tell us what we are going to do to stop the bad thing from
Example of Completed L1 TRA
LEVEL 1 Task Risk Assessment (L1 TRA) – Permitted & Non-Permitted Work
Example for training purposes only
Performing Authority / Company:
Task Description:
Russell Wilson, CH2MHill
Install Blinds on P-02-201C for Seal Change
GC-3, Skid 14
Permit Type & Number(s):
(if permitted work)
Breaking Containment –
Permit 00013
Sources of Energy (SoE)
Biological – (B)
Mechanical – (M)
Body Mechanics – (BM)
Noise – (N)
Task Steps
List the main task steps required to complete
the job/work detailed in the Task Description
Chemical – (C)
Pressure – (P)
Electrical – (E)
Radiation – (R)
Describe the hazards for each task.
Describe the consequences.
T- Task
J- Jobsite
P- Process
Hazards - What can go wrong such as injury,
illness or damage (environment or
Consequences - How bad can it get such as
broken leg, X gallon loss of oil to tundra, fire
and damage to module or compressor.
Gravity – (G)
Thermal – (T)
Describe the control(s) used to mitigate
each hazard and who is accountable to
execute the control.
* Use the Hierarchy of Controls:
L1 – Elimination
L4 – Isolation
L2 – Substitution
L5 – Administrative
L3 – Engineering
L6 – PPE
Controls - What are you doing to stop the
bad thing from happening?
1. Apply Isolation.
Electrical exposure (220
volts) from contact with
disconnected wires from
motor LO/TO.
Resulting in electrical
shock/burn type injuries or
250 psig crude oil pressure
hitting personnel or
releasing trapped pressure
after isolation.
Release of process or
trapped pressure resulting
in personal injuries and/or
environmental incident
PA shall verify with IA zero
electrical energy state.
PA together with Isolator to
verify zero energy state
and isolation integrity.
IA shall gas test before
work starts and twice a
shift thereafter.
Example of L1 TRA
- Continuation Page
L1 TRA Form - Signature Page
Russell Wilson / Russell Wilson
Team Inc.
Marshawn Lynch
Marshawn Lynch
Team Inc.
Richard Sherman
Richard Sherman
Artic Waste
Removal Inc.
Wiley E. Fox
Wiley E. Fox
L1 TRA Changes – Help
• Coaching Sessions
 CoW Coaches available to conduct fit-for-purpose
sessions on:
 Sources of Energy (SoE)
 Task Steps
 Hierarchy of Control
 Hazards, Consequences, Controls
 More…