Relative and Absolute Location Where Are WE? How Do We Get There? • There are two ways to answer this question….if you would like to determine a place’s location relative to someplace else, then you are looking at its RELATIVE LOCATION. • For Example: Kentucky is south of Ohio. OR • Meet me at the Starbucks that is next to Izzy’s on Mall Road. Relative Location • We are going to focus on Relative Location for a moment. I would like for you to be able to refer to places on a map in terms of where they are located relative to other places….. And I want you to use your cardinal and intermediate directions correctly. Let’s Review • Cardinal Directions • Intermediate • NORTH Directions • South • East • West • • • • Northeast Southeast Northwest Southwest Your Task • Open you textbook to pages R46-R47. • Use the map on those pages and answer the following five questions: – 1. China is ________________of Thailand. – 2. Libya is _________________ of Egypt. – 3. Peru is _______________ of Brazil. – 4. Spain is _________________ of France. – 5. Yemen is ______________ of Saudi Arabia. Your Task • Using the maps in the back of our textbook write three statements using Cardinal directions and three statements using intermediate directions. • Make sure you write the page number of the map you are using next to each sentence. • Example: • Map Page R49……Honduras is southwest of Cuba. Absolute Location • Where a place is SPECIFICALLY located. • This is done in one of two ways. 1. A person given you an exact address. For example: 2304 Oakview Court Hebron, KY 41048 2. Using imaginary lines of Latitude and Longitude For example: 65°N / 32°W Understanding Latitude and Longitude Let’s SEE what we can LEARN! System of Imaginary Lines • Now let’s look at the grid system that has been created to help us locate any point on a map. • To do this we used lines of Latitude and lines of Longitude. Latitude and Longitude • The earth is divided into lots of lines called latitude and longitude. North, South, East and West on The Earth Y • Let the X axis be the Equator. • Let the Y axis be the Prime Meridian X that runs through Greenwich outside of London. • Latitude and Longitude are the 2 grid points by which you can locate any point on earth. East West, North South on the Earth (N, W) Prime Meridian • That means all points in North America will have a North latitude and a West longitude because it is North of the Equator and West of the Prime Meridian. East West, North South on the Earth Prime Meridian • What would be the latitude and longitude directions in Australia? Lines of Latitude • Lines that run east and west but measure distance north and south of the equator. • Latitudes lines are always written first when given the coordinates of a place. • They will always be either North or South. Where is 0 degree Latitude? • The equator is 0 degree latitude. • It is an imaginary belt that runs halfway point between the North Pole and the South Pole. Equator What is Latitude? 90°N Y X 90°S • Latitude is the distance from the equator along the Y axis. • All points along the equator have a value of 0 degrees latitude. • North pole = 90°N • South pole = 90°S • Values are expressed in terms of degrees. Lines of Longitude • Lines that run north and south around the earth, but measure distance east and west of the Prime Meridian. • They will always be either east or west P Where is 0 degree Longitude? • The prime meridian is 0 degrees longitude. This imaginary line runs through the United Kingdom, France, Spain, western Africa, and Antarctica. M E R R I I D M I E A N What is Longitude? Y 180°W • Longitude is the distance from the prime meridian along the X axis. • All points along the X prime meridian have a value of 0 degrees longitude. • The earth is divided into two parts, or 180°E hemispheres, of east and west longitude. What is Longitude? Y X 180°W 180°E • The earth is divided into 360 equal slices (meridians) • 180 west and 180 east of the prime meridian So Where is (0,0)? • The origin point (0,0) is where the equator intersects the prime meridian. • (0,0) is off the western coast of Africa in the Atlantic Ocean. East West, North South on the Earth N W S • Let each of the four quarters E then be designated by North or South and East or West. East West, North South on the Earth (N, W) (S, W) (N, E) (S, E) • The N tells us we’re north of the Equator. The S tells us we’re south of the Equator. • The E tells us that we’re east of the Prime Meridian. The W tells us that we’re west of the Prime Meridian. See If You Can Tell In Which Quarter These Latitude and Longitude Are Located A C • • B • D • • • 1. 41°N, 21°E 2. 37°N, 76°W 3. 72°S, 141°W 4. 7°S, 23°W 5. 15°N, 29°E 6. 34°S, 151°E • 1. B • 2. A • 3. C • 4. C • 5. B • 6. D