2015 Municipal Budget Overview Borough of Montvale April 14, 2015 Key Questions What are the sources of revenue that the Borough expects in 2015? What are the Borough’s key expenses and significant expenditures in 2015? How will this affect our municipal tax rate? What is the current financial state of the Borough? What challenges do we face, and what is our strategy to build upon Montvale’s strong financial footing? 2015 Budget Summary Revenues Budget Year (2015) Proposed Surplus Anticipated (Utilized) Prior Year (2014) Adopted Change Percent 4,750,000 2,800,000 1,950,000 69.64% 486,450 478,450 8,000 1.67% 1,262,378 1,262,378 0 0% Construction Code 210,000 225,000 <15,000> <6.67>% Interlocal Agreements 166,427 166,381 46 0.03% Public & Private Revenue 685,600 18,577 667,023 3590.59% Special Items 329,305 300,744 28,561 9.50% Delinquent Tax 210,000 215,000 <5,000> <2.33>% Municipal Tax 11,839,107 11,499,918 339,189 2.95% 19,939,267 16,966,448 2,972,819 17.52% Local State Aid TOTALS 2015 Budget Summary Appropriations Budget Year (2015) Proposed Salary and Wages Prior Year (2014) Adopted Change Percent 4,445,012 4,245,485 199,527 4.70% 992,956 952,199 40,757 4.28% Other Appropriations 7,931,257 7,640,232 291,025 3.81% Debt Service 1,824,105 1,823,305 800 .04% Capital Improvements 3,166,958 786,100 2,380,858 302.87% Reserve for Uncollected Taxes 1,578,979 1,519,127 59,852 3.94% TOTALS 19,939,267 16,966,448 2,972,819 17.52% Deferred Charges & Statutory Expenditures Significant Expenditures Road Resurfacing Fire Engine Replacement Sewer Line Project at Pascack Brook Planning, Design, & Engineering Costs for replacement of Montvale Firehouse While capital expenditures, the Borough is paying for these projects and items with current funds, not additional debt. Property Tax Levies 2015 2014 2013 2012 11,839,107 11,499,918 11,181,960 10,767,930 102,808 100,465 100,623 118,762 Regional School 12,196,368 11,841,134 11,270,846 10,919,352 Local School 15,523,031 15,070,904 14,645,752 14,217,867 5,449,701 5,290,972 4,960,331 4,961,331 45,111,015 43,803,393 42,159,512 40,985,242 (Projected) Municipal Open Space County Total Levy 2015 Projected Tax Levy 0.23% Percent 12.08% 24.61% Borough Library Local School 1.63% 27.04% Regional School County Open Space 34.41% Tax Rate Comparison 2015 2014 Change Percent (Projected) County .265 .264 .001 .38% Regional School .593 .590 .003 .51% Local School .755 .750 .005 .67% Open Space .005 .005 0 0% Library .036 .038 <.002> <5.26>% Municipal .540 .534 .006 1.12% Total Municipal .576 .572 .004 .70% Total 2.194 2.181 .013 .60% The average assessed value of a residence is estimated at approximately $514,300. The projected increase in the 2015 municipal portion of tax for an average residence is estimated at approximately $31. Montvale Surplus Overview Surplus plays two important roles for the town: 1) it serves as a cushion against the impact of negative financial events; and 2) it provides liquidity for cash flow. Year Utilized in Budget 2008 $2,325,000 2009 $1,800,000 2010 $1,800,000 2011 $1,800,000 2012 $1,800,000 2013 $2,100,000 2014 $2,800,000 2015 (proposed) $4,750,000 Balance at Year End $3,058,780 $2,190,087 $2,955,738 $3,672,643 $4,448,600 $5,686,888 $6,707,625 $4,572,090 Municipal Debt Year Bonds Notes Authorized But Not Issued Total 2010 10,198,000 1,900.000 46,616 12,144,616 2011 12,663,000 0 1,528 12,644,528 2012 11,175,000 0 0 11,175,000 2013 9,685,000 0 0 9,685,000 2014 8,155,000 0 0 8,155,000 Debt Service: Current Schedule Year Principal 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 $ 1,575,000 1,595,000 1,630,000 1,625,000 875,000 425,000 430,000 Combined Existing Interest $ 249,100 200,950 152,450 105,900 47,563 21,375 10,750 Total $ 1,824,100 1,795,950 1,782,450 1,730,900 922,563 446,375 440,750 Outstanding Debt At End of Year $ 6,580,000 4,985,000 3,355,000 1,730,000 855,000 430,000 0 Municipal Debt The Borough’s bond rating is a AAA with a stable outlook. The following factors (among others) were considered in determining the rating: - Surplus and the ability to replenish - Outstanding debt and the ability to pay - Tax Base - Strong financial management practices and a stable financial position Surplus vs. Municipal Debt If Montvale has a significant Surplus, why don’t we just pay off our Municipal Debt? • Our current debt is at advantageous rates that might be difficult to replicate in the future • We are careful about economic changes that may place a call on our surplus • In a sense, we are holding down additional debt by paying for capital items with surplus this year • Also: the “fairness” issue… Long-term Investments: Who Should Pay? For major projects that will serve Montvale for 50+ years, like the new firehouse, financing a large part of it through debt shares the financial burden of paying for it between today’s taxpayers and future Montvale residents. Challenges Ahead Upcoming Infrastructure Investments – Firehouse Replacement – Road Maintenance; Aging Sanitary Sewer System – Fieldstone Turf Replacement Changing Corporate Real Estate Environment – Are Large Corporate HQs Going to Continue? – Will Tax Appeals Increase in Frequency and Size? Employee Pension and Health Benefit Liabilities – Much of this Driven by Trenton & Overall Economy – Continue Offering Services While Managing Salaries and Benefits Strategies: Infrastructure Firehouse Replacement – Explore financing that dovetails with paydown of existing Borough debt – Timing: Spring, 2016 Road Program – Develop a multi-year schedule and treat as a regular line in operating budget Fieldstone Turf Replacement/Sanitary Sewers – Projects require study – Pursue Grants when Available Strategies: Corporate Real Estate Evaluate Current Zoning – Review Master Plan Continue Outreach to New Corporate Tenants – Expand Scope to Nontraditional Tenants – Target Entities with Strong Ties to Specific Location Infrastructure Establish Increased Reserve for Tax Appeals Strategies: Salary & Benefit Costs Manage Health Costs; Explore Alternative Plan Designs – Reduced Costs by Approximately 8.2% in 2014 Achieve Greater Efficiency though Continued Successful Shared Services – Realized Savings of Over $300,000 in 2014 through Pascack Valley DPW – Consolidated Municipal Court continues to produce savings Continue to Pursue Flexible Employment Approach in Administration, etc. Questions? APPENDIX & EXHIBITS Grants Received Clean Communities – 2012 $13,601.29 – 2013 $15,976.00 – 2014 $14,984.21 Recycling Tonnage Grant – 2012 $6,892.00 – 2013 $12,143.68 – 2014 $10,627.30 Medical Benefits Comparison of Health Insurance Costs for 2014 and 2013 Difference Actual Cost Group Insurance Increase 2014 2013 (Decrease) Medical 631,079 690,014 (58,935) Prescription 217,357 229,447 (12,090) 43,312 52,100 (8,788) 891,748 971,561 (79,813) Dental Total % Decrease 8.20% SHARED SERVICE ANALYSIS BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 2014 (INCREASE)/ DECREASE ROAD REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE: SALARIES AND WAGES OTHER EXPENSES $599,735 $306,525 $0 $10,000 $599,735 $296,525 PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS: SALARIES AND WAGES OTHER EXPENSES $101,426 $121,567 $25,000 $40,000 $76,426 $81,567 $60,000 $10,000 $50,000 RECYCLING: SALARIES AND WAGES OTHER EXPENSES $8,550 $120,000 $0 $5,000 $8,550 $115,000 MAINTENANCE OF ALL VEHICLES: OTHER EXPENSES $123,000 $34,000 $89,000 $31,000 $23,899 $0 $0 $31,000 $23,899 $56,664 $33,399 $70,377 $217,104 $4,500 $535 $1,913 $1,051 $2,730 $0 $0 $0 $54,752 $32,348 $67,647 $217,104 $4,500 $535 $60,000 $0 $60,000 $0 $1,503,000 ($1,503,000) $1,938,281 $1,632,694 $305,587 SEWER SYSTEM: OTHER EXPENSES OPEN SPACE: SALARIES AND WAGES OTHER EXPENSES OTHER EXPENSES - OTHER: FICA WORKERS COMPENSATION PENSION HEALTH VISION LIFE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS SHARED SERVICE AGREEMENT: RIVERVALE BOROUGH OF MONTVALE CURRENT FUND ANALYSI S OF REVENUES AND EXPENDI TURES 2011-2016 2011 AUDITED 2012 AUDITED 2013 AUDITED 2014 UNAUDITED 2015 PROPOSED/PROJECTED 2016 PROJECTED REVENUES SURPLUS LOCAL REVENUES STATE AI D UNI FORM CONSTRUCTI ON I NTERLOCAL SERVI CE PUBLI C AND PRI VATE OTHER SPECI AL I TEMS DELI NQUENT TAX AMOUNT TO BE RAI SED EXCESS REVENUES MRNA RESERVES LAPSED OTHER $1, 800, $535, $1, 262, $404, $81, $47, $359, $289, $11, 632, 000 317 378 853 165 322 545 677 913 $623, 008 $518, 774 $4, 005 $593, 843 $808, 966 $9, 945 $782, 510 $797, 608 $10, 415 $537, 452 $743, 307 $26, 401 $500, 000 $850, 000 000 450 378 000 710 $0 $320, 000 $210, 000 $12, 243, 938 $1, 250, 000 $500, 000 $750, 000 $17, 558, 957 $18, 193, 243 $19, 519, 639 $21, 052, 105 $22, 553, 732 $20, 150, 476 $4, 204, 649 $6, 465, 775 $4, 460, 047 $7, 038, 105 $25, 000 $1, 855, 175 $1, 090, 674 $1, 399, 648 $1, 131 $25, 000 $1, 820, 788 $943, 978 $1, 435, 562 $3, 806 $4, 734, 276 $6, 532, 074 $330, 219 $350, 000 $1, 825, 290 $918, 864 $1, 479, 943 $10, 685 $4, 245, 485 $5, 804, 571 $1, 850, 881 $1, 023, 698 $1, 823, 305 $952, 199 $1, 519, 127 $12, 102 $4, 445, 012 $6, 057, 830 $1, 873, 427 $3, 166, 958 $1, 824, 105 $992, 956 $1, 578, 979 $15, 042, 052 $15, 727, 286 $16, 181, 351 $17, 231, 368 $19, 939, 267 $17, 650, 476 $2, 516, 905 $2, 465, 957 $3, 338, 288 $3, 820, 737 $2, 614, 465 $2, 500, 000 0. 444 $1, 800, $531, $1, 262, $376, $156, $379, $433, $247, $11, 593, 000 209 378 931 071 888 126 685 201 0. 453 $2, 100, 000 $569, 432 $1, 262, 378 $310, 703 $150, 321 $194, 189 $444, 506 $587, 019 $12, 310, 558 0. 555 $2, 800, 000 $584, 621 $1, 262, 378 $235, 186 $157, 538 $271, 394 $368, 976 $364, 103 $13, 700, 747 0. 572 $4, 750, 000 $550, 250 $1, 262, 378 $225, 000 $155, 000 $685, 600 $386, 397 $250, 000 $12, 939, 107 $2, 750, $486, $1, 262, $210, $167, 0. 576 EXPENDITURES OPERATI ONS: SALARI ES OTHER EXPENSE INTERLOCAL SERVICE CAPI TAL DEBT SERVI CE DEFEERED/ STATUTORY RESERVE FOR UNCOLLECTED OTHER ADJ USTMENTS $4, 533, $6, 168, $1, 922, $560, $1, 795, $1, 042, $1, 627, 200 729 710 000 955 000 882 $110, 000 SURPLUS 1/ 1 $2, 516, 905 $2, 955, 738 $2, 575, 957 $3, 672, 643 $3, 338, 288 $4, 448, 600 $3, 820, 737 $5, 686, 888 $2, 614, 465 $6, 707, 625 $2, 500, 000 $4, 572, 090 SURPLUS ANTICIPATED $5, 472, 643 $1, 800, 000 $6, 248, 600 $1, 800, 000 $7, 786, 888 $2, 100, 000 $9, 507, 625 $2, 800, 000 $9, 322, 090 $4, 750, 000 $7, 072, 090 $2, 750, 000 SURPLUS 12/ 31 $3, 672, 643 $4, 448, 600 $5, 686, 888 $6, 707, 625 $4, 572, 090 $4, 322, 090 0. 596 BOROUGH OF MONTVALE ANALYSIS OF BUDGET REVENUES FIVE YEAR CATEGORY SURPLUS LOCAL REVENUE STATE AID 2011 2012 INCREASE/ <DECREASE> PERCENT 2012 2013 0 0.00% 1,800,000 2,100,000 467,100 (2,400) -0.51% 467,100 1,262,378 1,262,378 0 0.00% 1,800,000 1,800,000 469,500 INCREASE/ <DECREASE> PERCENT INCREASE/ <DECREASE> PERCENT 2014 CUMULATIVE INCREASE/ INCREASE/ PROPOSED <DECREASE> <DECREASE> 2015 PERCENT PERCENT 2013 2014 300,000 16.67% 2,100,000 2,800,000 700,000 33.33% 2,800,000 4,750,000 468,450 1,350 0.29% 468,450 478,450 10,000 2.13% 478,450 1,262,378 1,262,378 0 0.00% 1,262,378 1,262,378 0 0.00% 1,950,000 69.64% 2,950,000 163.89% 486,450 8,000 1.67% 16,950 3.61% 1,262,378 1,262,378 0 0.00% 0 0.00% UNIFORM CONSTRUCTION CODE 225,000 225,000 0 0.00% 225,000 225,000 0 0.00% 225,000 225,000 0 0.00% 225,000 210,000 (15,000) -6.67% (15,000) -6.67% INTERLOCAL SERVICE AGREEMENTS 134,375 161,606 27,231 0.00% 161,606 156,719 (4,887) 0.00% 156,719 166,381 9,662 0.00% 166,381 166,427 46 0.03% 32,052 100.00% 29,069 28,992 (77) -0.26% 28,992 24,359 (4,633) -15.98% 24,359 18,577 (5,782) -23.74% 18,577 685,600 667,023 3590.59% 656,531 2258.53% OTHER SPECIAL ITEMS 288,422 366,155 77,733 26.95% 366,155 376,970 10,815 2.95% 376,970 300,744 (76,226) -20.22% 300,744 329,305 28,561 9.50% 40,883 14.17% DELINQUENT TAXES 250,000 205,000 (45,000) -18.00% 205,000 205,000 0 0.00% 205,000 215,000 10,000 4.88% 215,000 210,000 (5,000) -2.33% (40,000) -16.00% 10,563,924 10,767,930 204,006 1.93% 10,767,930 11,181,960 414,030 3.85% 11,181,960 11,499,918 317,958 2.84% 11,499,918 11,839,107 339,189 2.95% 1,275,183 12.07% 16,966,448 19,939,267 PUBLIC AND PRIVATE (GRANTS) AMOUNT TO BE RAISED 15,022,668 15,284,161 15,284,161 16,000,836 16,000,836 16,966,448