The Reproductive System of a Mare

The Reproductive System of a
Livestock Production, Equine
Science, Advanced Animal Science
Introduction to the Estrous Cycle
• The recurring reproductive cycle in many female
mammals, including estrus, ovulation, and
changes in the uterine lining.
• Differs from the menstrual cycle in that the
endometrium is not shed
• Generally, species with estrous cycles are not
sexually active when they are not in the estrus
phase of their cycle
The Estrous Cycle
• Estrus (Follicular) –
period when mare is
sexually receptive to
stallion, the “heat” stage
• Diestrus (Luteal) –
period when mare is not
sexually receptive
The Estrous Cycle (cont.)
• Helps the mare
physically prepare for
• Generally, the cycles
occur between spring
and fall (when the days
are longer)
• 18 - 21 days long
• Anestrus – complete absence of estrus, prevents
mares from conceiving during the winter
• Seasonally polyestrus – mares go through
regular estrus cycles during part of the year
The Parts
• Vulva – the external opening of the reproductive
• Vagina – 6-8 inch long muscular membrane
connecting the vulva to cervix; tissues are elastic
to accommodate penis during breeding and foal
during birth
• Cervix – about 4 inches, elastic muscle, located
behind vagina
• Uterus – contains 2 branches
that are referred to as “horns”;
protects and nourishes the
• Oviducts –attached to each
uterine horn; transports the
discharged egg from the
ovaries; the mare’s Fallopian
• Ovaries – 2-3 inch beanshaped organs; contains
follicles that hold the mare’s
egg cells
Reproductive Anatomy
During estrus…….
• Vagina becomes relaxed
and secretions increase
• Vulva relaxes
• Cervix increases
secretions, opens, and
• Uterus becomes heavier,
losing its tone, due to
increased levels of
Signs of Estrus
Frequent urination
“Squatting” posture
Winking of labia
Raising of tail
Receptive toward stallion
Discharge from vagina
Breeding Tips
• Have a vet examine the mare and stallion for
diseases and evaluate the chances of conceiving
• Wash the mare’s (and stallion’s) genitals with
warm non-soapy water to minimize the chances
of dirt and bacteria entering during the mating
• Wrap the upper 1/3 of mare’s tail with a clean
wrap so that there is a smaller chance of it
getting in the way
Breeding Methods
• Live Cover – methods in which mare and
stallion are physically brought together to breed
▫ Hand Mating – most widely used; people handle
both mare and stallion
▫ Corral Mating – mare and stallion are turned into
a paddock where they mate naturally
▫ Pasture Mating – stallion is turned out with a
group of mares for the entire breeding season
Alternative Breeding Methods
• Artificial
Insemination (AI) –
mare is inseminated by a
• Embryo Transfer –
removing the embryo
from a mare and
transferring it to a
surrogate mare
Artificial Insemination (AI)
• Semen sample from stallion
can be used for more than one
• Frozen semen can be stored
for long periods of time,
making international breeding
• Chances of contamination in
the mare is reduced
• Smaller chance of injury to
both the stallion and mare
• Humans handle every step of
this process, so there is a
higher chance of human error
• Various competition
organizations, such as The
Jockey Club, does not allow
competing horses to be bred
through AI
Important Hormones
• Estrogen –
▫ Secreted by follicles
▫ Hormone that causes the
pituitary gland to secrete
more LH
▫ Makes mare more receptive
toward stallion
▫ Prepares mare for conception
▫ Peaks 1-2 days before
• Progesterone –
▫ Prevents conception and
decreases the receptiveness of
the mare to the stallion
▫ Causes cervix to close
▫ At its lowest level during the
estrus phase
▫ Suppresses hormonal activity
to maintain pregnancy (if
mare is pregnant)
▫ If mare is not pregnant, the
estrous cycle will continue
More Hormones
• Luteinizing hormone (LH) –
▫ Secreted by the pituitary
▫ Assists the maturation of the
• Follicle stimulating hormone
(FSH) –
▫ Secreted by pituitary,
transported through
bloodstream to ovaries
▫ Stimulates the production of