
By Gordon Korman
pg: 230
By Camden B.
• Griffin Bing – a 10 or 11 year old boy “ Man
With a Plan”.
• Ben – Griffin’s best friend.
• Savannah – animal expert.
• Logan – actor.
• Pitch – climber.
• Melissa – computer export.
• Darren – bully.
• Bing’s House
• School
• zoo
Zoobreak – The Plot
• An animal is stolen by a bad zookeeper. A group
of six friends go to find the animal, a money
named Cleopatra. At first it was going okay but
then everything started to go wrong and the kids
had to free a bunch of other animals in getting to
free the monkey. They decide to take the animals
to a zoo that was different from the one they
were stolen from. The kids take some brand new
scooters that one boy’s dad invented and ride
them to the new zoo with all the animals.
Zoobreak – The Plot, Continued
• When they get to the zoo, it was pretty easy to
break in. They were able to open all the animal
cages and got all the animals put away but when
they were headed back to where they were all
supposed to meet, two of the kids were caught
by the bad zookeeper. The security guards heard
all the racket from outside of where they were
and everyone was taken to the police station.
The kids got off the hook because everything they
were doing was for the right reasons, but the bad
zookeeper was taken under arrest for stealing
Zoobreak – Main Conflict & Resolution
• The Conflict: Savannah’s monkey, Cleopatra,
was stolen by a rotten zookeeper.
• The Resolution: Savannah and her friends
break into the zoo boat and steal Cleopatra
Zoobreak – Good-Bye
• I rate this book Wikitastic WWWW!
• It was a great read, and even better than the
first book in this series, Swindle.
• Thank you for watching!