Submitted To Md.Jakir Hossain Lecturer of Finance BUBT Submitted By Ali Imam (ID - 122) Syed Azim al khair Kowshik (ID-124) Shujauddin (ID 139) Syeda Chowdhury Daina (ID- 142) Khairul Alam (157) Kamrul Islam (Intake - 18) (ID - 255) Presentation Topic Money laundering, the cause & consequence. The case of Bangladesh. General procedure of sanctioning loan The following procedure is applicable for giving advance to the customer. These are: A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. Party’s application Filling form-A Collecting CIB report from Bangladesh Bank Processing loan proposal Project appraisal Head office approval Sanction letter Documentation Disbursement Lending and investment Products A Bank invests its funds in many ways to earn income. The bulk of its income is derived from loan. In 2011, total advance stood at Tk. 72733.54 million against Tk63230.14 million in 2010. It is a good indication that interest income getting greater and greater every year from this source. Distribution of loan for last four years is given following slide - year wise laon and advances (tk in million) 72733.54071 63230.14 50387 46332 2008 2009 2010 Figure- Loan & advances (Tk. in millions) Sources: Annual Report (2008-2011) 2011 Sector wise distribution of loan National Credit & Commerce Bank Ltd. Distribute the loan on the basis of their credit policy. NCC Bank provides loan to the following area: Agriculture & agro based ventures Trade & commerce Consumer financing Real estate & civil construction Industry Business Lease financing Housing Loan scheme Sector wise distribution of loan (2011) has been illustrated below: Sectoral Distribution of Advances Industry 40.87% Construction 1.77% Transport and Communication 0.63% Business 17.48% Storage 0.48% Agriculture 0.83% Others 37.94% Figure : Sector wise Loan distribution (in 2011) Source: Annual Report 2011 Lending Products NCC Bank is one of the esteemed Banking Institutions in Bangladesh. It has been serving the people proudly with its different products since 1993 when it entered into the Banking Arena first. Different credit products offered by this Bank are very lucrative to its client. There are two types of credit products available in the Branch: I) Loans & II) Advance. Loans are of two types, I) Long Term Loans II) Short Term Loans. Again, there are several types of lending products offered by NCC Bank to its valued clients just as bellow: Loans have primarily been divided into four major groups: 1. Continuous loan 2. Term loan 3. Demand loan 4. Loan under SME •Continuous Loan : •Secured overdraft against Financial obligation •Secured overdraft against Work Order/Real Estate •Cash credit Hypothecation •Cash credit pledge Fig: Continuous Loan (in million) Sources: Annual Report (2008-2011) Term Loan •Project Loan •Transport Loan •House Building Loan •Lease Finance •Loan under Syndication Fig- Term Loan (in million) Sources: Annual Report (2008-2011) Demand Loan •Loan General •Demand Loan against Ship-breaking (LAS) •Payment against Documents (PAD) •Loan against imported merchandise (LIM) •Loan against Trust Receipt ( LTR) •Forced Loan •Packing Credit •Secured overdraft against Cash Incentive •Foreign Documentary Bill Purchased (FDBP) Fig: Demand Loan (in million) Sources: Annual Report (2008-2011) SME Loan •Small Business Loan •Consumer Finance Loan •Lease Finance •Personal Loan •House Repairing & Renovation Loan •Working Capital Loan •Festival Business Loan •Festival Personal Loan •Car Loan Scheme Figure- SME loan (Tk. in million) Sources: Annual Report (2008-2011) Year wise Lending & Recovery From the graph we see, the disbursement of loan gradually increase year by year. Year 2008 2009 2010 2011 Disbursement (Million) Recovery 46332 44430.1 50387 48967.1 63230.14 61804.9 72733.54 70522.43 Year wise advances and Recovery 160000 140000 120000 Axis Title 100000 80000 60000 40000 20000 0 2008 2009 2010 2011 recovery 44430.11 48967.11 61804.86 70522.43 advsnces 46332 50387 63230.14 72733.54071 Figure : Year wise disbursement & Recovery of NCCBL. Sources: Annual Report (2008-2011) From the graph we can see that loan and advance increases gradually year by year. Recovery amount also increases year by year in 2011 the total advances was tk 72733.54 and recovery amount was tk 70522.43, which maximum amount of total advances. From the graph we found that percentage of recovery is higher in 2011 Non Performing Loan Analysis A loan is nonperforming when payments of interest and principal are past due by 90 days or more, or at least 90 days of interest payments have been capitalized, refinanced or delayed by agreement, or payments are less than 90 days overdue, but there are other good reasons to doubt that payments will be made in full. (IMF) Year Non- Performing Loan (%) 2008 4.17 2009 4.14 2010 2011 2.84 2.27 Non performing loan 4.5 4 3.5 Figure in percent 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 Series1 2008 4.17 2009 4.14 2010 2.84 Figure : Non Performing Analysis. Source: Annual Report (2008-2011) 2011 2.27 From the graph we can say, the nonperforming loan of NCC bank is low. The industry average of non-performing loan in the year 2011 was 9.25%. But the non-performing loan of NCC bank is below industry average. It is positive sign for the bank. Only the nonperforming loan of NCC bank was high in the year 2008 than any other year. Major Findings Loan disbursement is increasing year by year. Recovery of the Bank is increasing. It was increased from 95.05% to 97.73%. Non-performing loan of the Bank is decreasing. It was decreased from 4.95% to 2.27%. NCC bank set a target to 95% recovery of disbursed loan. NCC Bank is able to recover the loan more than their target of about 95%. Recommendations NCC bank should remove complexity and reduce time to sanction loan. If they can remove complexity & reduce time, they will be able to disburse more loans. The bank should try to increase its loan quality by accelerating its recovery policy. Nonperforming loan should be increased. To Fulfill a target 95% recovery of disbursed loan. Thank You All 24