Public Employees Retirement Association of Minnesota Public Employees Retirement Association of Minnesota Serving Minnesota’s Serving Minnesota’s public Publicemployees Employees for Over 80Years Years for more than 80 Public Employees Retirement Association of Minnesota Statistical Data 2,100 Employers Public Employees Retirement Association of Minnesota Statistical Data General Active Members 143,385 Vested Deferred Members* 48,548 Benefit Recipients 86,911 Total 279,844 Grand Total P&F 10,879 1,481 10,039 Correctional 3,603 2,380 769 22,399 6,752 308,995 * Includes approximately 5,000 members now in other PERA plans, including most Correctional members. PERA also administers a Defined Contribution Plan with approximately 6,200 members. Source: 7-1-2014 Financial Report Public Employees Retirement Association of Minnesota Types of Retirement Plans Traditional Pension Plan (Defined Benefit Plan) Individual Account Plan (Defined Contribution Plan) Public Employees Retirement Association of Minnesota DC Plans: Your Individual Investments What’s the bottom line? Public Employees Retirement Association of Minnesota DB Plans: What’s defined is the benefit What’s the bottom line? Public Employees Retirement Association of Minnesota Contributions Coordinated Correctional Police & Fire Ee: 6.50% Ee: 5.83% Ee: 10.8% Er: 7.50% Er: 8.75% Er: 16.2% + Social Security + Medicare (If hired after 3/31/86) Ee: 7.45% Ee: 1.45% Er: 7.65% Er: 1.45% Public Employees Retirement Association of Minnesota SBI – Diversified for the Long Term Alternative Assets 20% SBI Investment Returns FY 2014 Cash 2% ---------------------- Bonds 18% International Stocks 15% * Source: 2013 Annual Financial Report Domestic Stocks 25.9% International Stocks 21.4% Bonds Domestic Stocks 45% Alternative Investments 5.0% 18.9% ----------------------------------------Total Combined Funds 18.6% Public Employees Retirement Association of Minnesota Revenues (1995-2014) 16¢ Employers 13¢ Employees 71¢ Investment Earnings * Revenue last 20 years for 3 statewide plans (Source: Annual Financial Reports) Public Employees Retirement Association of Minnesota Expenses (1995-2014) 95.6¢ Benefits 3.3¢ Refunds 1.1¢ Admin. Public Employees Retirement Association of Minnesota What’s the payback? 2-3 years All your contributions 5-7 years All your contributions + all your employer’s contributions Remainder of your life Paid by PERA investments Public Employees Retirement Association of Minnesota Life Expectancy (Current PERA Tables) Present Age 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 Life Expectancy Males Females 82.2 84.5 82.4 84.6 82.5 84.7 82.6 84.7 82.8 84.8 82.9 84.9 83.0 85.0 83.1 85.1 83.2 85.2 83.4 85.3 83.5 85.5 83.6 85.6 83.7 85.7 83.9 85.9 84.0 86.0 Present Age 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 Life Expectancy Males Females 84.2 86.2 84.4 86.4 84.6 86.6 84.8 86.8 85.0 87.0 85.3 87.2 85.5 87.5 85.8 87.7 86.0 88.0 86.3 88.3 86.6 88.6 Public Employees Retirement Association of Minnesota Building Your Pension Your pension is built on a formula using: Age at Retirement Years of Service High-5 Average Salary Public Employees Retirement Association of Minnesota Combined Service Service in your PERA plan can be combined with service under 14 other MN plans Pension from PERA Pension from other retirement plan Both benefits based on high-5 salary (no matter when credit earned) Public Employees Retirement Association of Minnesota Benefit Options % of Single-life Member (63) Survivor (61) Single-life 100% $1,079 $ 0 25% 97% $1,047 $262 50% 94% $1,014 $507 75% 92% $ 993 $745 100% 89% $ 960 $960 * If other than spouse, survivor may not be more than 10 years younger for the 100% or 19 years younger for the 75% option Public Employees Retirement Association of Minnesota Decisions . . . Decisions Public Employees Retirement Association of Minnesota Your Options What if you leave public service before retirement? Public Employees Retirement Association of Minnesota Refunds Take the $ and run! Contributions + 4% Interest - 20% Federal Withholding - 10% Federal Penalty (until age 59½ if leave before 55) Refund Public Employees Retirement Association of Minnesota Refunds Rollover You do it 20% Federal Withholding Direct Rollover We do it No Withholding No Penalty Public Employees Retirement Association of Minnesota Deferred Pension If vested, you qualify for a pension any time after age 55 The longer you defer, the larger the monthly benefit until full retirement age You may not defer past age 70½ Public Employees Retirement Association of Minnesota Repaying a Refund * Total Repayment (Lump sum) Must return to public service minimum 6 mos. Refund + 8.5% interest compounded annually Partial Repayment Must be active public employee Refund must cover at least 2 yrs. service Repayment must be at least 1/3 of refund you received (Total refund + interest) x Service wish restored Total service lost * You may roll over tax-deferred investments, like deferred comp., to repay a refund Public Employees Retirement Association of Minnesota Other Benefits Disability Survivor Public Employees Retirement Association of Minnesota Disability Benefits (Qualification) Coordinated Total and Permanent (At least one year) P&F and Correctional Unable to perform duties of your position Common to All Plans Active public employee when disabled (Must apply w/in 18 months of leaving) May not be collecting a retirement benefit Less than age 65 (Age 55 for P&F & Correctional) Must supply medical evidence of disability Public Employees Retirement Association of Minnesota Survivor Benefits (Coordinated/Correctional) Must be vested for a future benefit 100% option pension Term-certain spouse benefits - 10 years - 15 years - 20 years If no spouse, term-certain benefits for dependent children Refund of member deductions plus interest Public Employees Retirement Association of Minnesota Survivor Benefits (P&F) Benefits: 50% of average salary of last six months for spouse and 10% for each child (60% if death result of hazardous duty) or 100% option pension payable to spouse if member reaches age 50 with 3 or more years of service or any age with 30 years of service or Refund of member deductions plus interest (Maximum monthly family benefit is 70% of average salary / 80% if result of hazardous duty /Minimum benefit 50% & 60%) Public Employees Retirement Association of Minnesota Pension Increases? Benefits will increase by 1% every January until plans are 90% funded for 2 years, and then at 2.5% Public Employees Retirement Association of Minnesota Applying for Retirement Termination Verification • Sent to member before retirement • Filled out by employer Know Your Pension Options • Review pension estimates • Make sure all your questions are answered Apply for Retirement • • Choose option Signed by member & spouse Retirement effective first of month following termination Required Documents • Proof of age* • Proof of name change* * If choosing survivor option, PERA needs same info. for survivor Public Employees Retirement Association of Minnesota You Must Really Retire! Requirements Resignation or dismissal Not just a leave of absence No prior agreement, written or verbal, to be rehired in any capacity 30 day break in service This includes work as an independent contractor or consultant Does not apply to elected service Public Employees Retirement Association of Minnesota Member Information, Marital Information, and Direct Deposit Public Employees Retirement Association of Minnesota Benefit Selection & Notarized Signatures Public Employees Retirement Association of Minnesota Federal & State Tax Withholding Public Employees Retirement Association of Minnesota Termination Verification Form Public Employees Retirement Association of Minnesota Birth and Marriage Documents / Passport Public Employees Retirement Association of Minnesota Earnings limits only apply if you return to PERA-covered employment Earnings Limit Timeline (2015)* Annual Limit Jan. 1 year you reach full S.S. retirement age $15,720 $41,880 Month you reach full S.S. retirement age No limit Reduction* $1 for every $2 over or suspension of benefit * Reduction placed in escrow. Available one year after leaving job. If work extends past end of year, available one year later. Public Employees Retirement Association of Minnesota Taxes Most, if not all, of your PERA pension is taxable income If you were hired after Dec. 31, 1982, your entire benefit is taxable If you were a member prior to 1983, you will receive your after-tax contributions back over your estimated lifetime, or the estimated lifetime of both you and your survivor Public Employees Retirement Association of Minnesota PERA Office Retirement Systems of Minnesota Building 60 Empire Drive St. Paul, Minnesota Public Employees Retirement Association of Minnesota On-line Resources Public Employees Retirement Association of Minnesota 9 0 Public Employees Retirement Association of Minnesota MY PERA Public Employees Retirement Association of Minnesota Our newest feature Public Employees Retirement Association of Minnesota And now a word from our attorneys . . . This presentation is intended to provide general information; the rights and obligations of PERA members are governed by state and federal laws, rules and regulations. The Minnesota Legislature or the federal government may change the statutes, rules and regulations governing PERA at any time. If there is a discrepancy between the law governing PERA and the information contained in this presentation, the statutes and regulations shall govern.