Pricelist 2014 Books and other media Orders can be submitted to: Jan J. R. Toussaint In de Watermolen 30 1115 GC Duivendrecht Telephone: 020-4160316 1/4 Sales prices in € (EURO) Mailto: Titles (highlighted if new/price changed) Excl. BTW Books A Class After A Class A Gem For Women A Matter Of Health Alpha and Omega Of Trikonasana Art Of Yoga Asta Dala-1 Asta Dala-2 Asta Dala-3 Asta Dala-4 Asta Dala-5 Asta Dala-6 Asta Dala-7 Asta Dala-8 Basic Guidelines For Teachers Of Yoga Chitta Vijanyana of Yogasanas Discourses on YOG Fundamentals of Patanjalí Philosophy Growing Young Guruji Uvacha Illustrated Light On Yoga Iyengar - His Life and Works Light on Astanga Yoga Light on Life Light On Pranayama Light On Yoga Light On Yoga Sutras Of Patanjali Organology and sensology in Yogashastra 4,72 14,15 45,28 8,49 14,15 15,09 16,04 16,04 16,04 16,04 16,04 16,04 16,04 8,49 4,72 16,98 13,21 5,66 8,49 11,32 14,15 10,38 14,15 11,32 16,04 11,32 5,66 BTW Incl. BTW 0,28 0,85 2,72 0,51 0,85 0,91 0,96 0,96 0,96 0,96 0,96 0,96 0,96 0,51 0,28 1,02 0,79 0,34 0,51 0,68 0,85 0,62 0,85 0,68 0,96 0,68 0,34 5,00 15,00 48,00 9,00 15,00 16,00 17,00 17,00 17,00 17,00 17,00 17,00 17,00 9,00 5,00 18,00 14,00 6,00 9,00 12,00 15,00 11,00 15,00 12,00 17,00 12,00 6,00 B.K.S. Iyengar Yoga Vereniging Nederland Onbekende Gracht 3hs KvK 40538941 IBAN: NL68TRIO0254806562 1018 XN Utrecht Btw nummer: NL803388081B01 BIC: TRIONL2U Pricelist 2014 Books and other media Titles (highlighted if new/price changed) 2/4 Excl. BTW BTW Incl. BTW Books - continued Prashant Uvacha Prashantji's Yogasanas and Adhyyamatik science Tree Of Yoga Understanding Yoga Through Body Knowledge Yaugika Manas Yoga als Levenskunst (paperback editie) Yoga And The New Millenium Yoga Dipika Yoga For Children Yoga In Action - Preliminary Course Yoga in Action - Intermediary Course Yoga Pushpanjali Yoga Rahasya A + B Yoga Rahasya C + D Yoga Rahasya - Therapy Compilation Yoga - The Path To Holistic Health Yogadhara Yogasanas 18 Maha Kriyas Yogashashtra Tome 1 Yogashashtra Tome 2 Yogashashtra Tome 3 Yogashashtra Tome 4 Patanjala Yoga Sutra Patricya 15,09 5,66 10,38 11,32 7,55 26,37 7,55 27,83 10,38 8,49 9,43 16,98 13,21 13,21 14,15 37,74 19,81 9,43 6,60 6,60 6,60 8,49 8,49 0,91 0,34 0,62 0,68 0,45 1,58 0,45 1,67 0,62 0,51 0,57 1,02 0,79 0,79 0,85 2,26 1,19 0,57 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,51 0,51 16,00 6,00 11,00 12,00 8,00 27,95 8,00 29,50 11,00 9,00 10,00 18,00 14,00 14,00 15,00 40,00 21,00 10,00 7,00 7,00 7,00 9,00 9,00 Geeta S. Iyengar/Rita Keller/Kerstin Khattab Iyengar Yoga for Motherhood 35,85 2,15 38,00 Loren Martin Fishman & Eric Small Yoga and Multiple Sclerosis (Book) 25,47 1,53 27,00 Rita Keller Yoga kennt kein Alter (Book) Yoga kennt kein Alter (DVD) 9,91 18,77 0,59 3,45 10,50 19,90 Silva, Mira and Shyam Mehta Yoga - The Iyengar Way 18,87 1,13 20,00 Elise Miller Yoga for Scoliosis (Book) Yoga for Scoliosis (DVD) 18,87 27,36 1,13 5,03 20,00 29,00 Marcia Monroe and Loren Martin Fishman Yoga and Scoliosis (Book) 21,70 1,30 23,00 Christian Pisano The Hero's Contemplation 27,36 1,64 29,00 B.K.S. Iyengar Yoga Vereniging Nederland Onbekende Gracht 3hs KvK 40538941 IBAN: NL68TRIO0254806562 1018 XN Utrecht Btw nummer: NL803388081B01 BIC: TRIONL2U Pricelist 2014 Books and other media Titles (highlighted if new/price changed) 3/4 Excl. BTW BTW Incl. BTW Chris Saudek Yoga Kurunta 18,87 1,13 20,00 Eyal Shifroni A Chair For Yoga 22,64 1,36 24,00 Linda Sparrowe/Patricia Walden Women's book of Yoga and Health Yoga for Beginners (DVD) 26,42 14,05 1,58 2,95 28,00 17,00 Lois Steinberg Manuals Geeta S Iyengar's Guide to a Woman's Yoga Practice Iyengar Yoga Cancer Book Iyengar Yoga Therapeutics - Neck and Shoulders (new ed.) Iyengar Yoga Therapeutics - Overview Iyengar Yoga Therapeutics - Lower back Women's Intensive Notes 51,89 39,62 37,74 19,81 22,64 14,15 3,11 2,38 2,26 1,19 1,36 0,85 55,00 42,00 40,00 21,00 24,00 15,00 Mary Stewart Yoga Over 50 18,87 1,13 20,00 6,93 6,93 6,93 6,93 6,93 6,93 6,93 6,93 6,93 1,43 1,43 1,43 1,43 1,43 1,43 1,43 1,43 1,43 8,25 8,25 8,25 8,25 8,25 8,25 8,25 8,25 8,25 15,13 10,08 16,81 16,81 21,01 24,37 3,12 2,08 3,47 3,47 4,34 5,03 18,00 12,00 20,00 20,00 25,00 29,00 109,24 14,29 193,28 14,29 117,65 96,64 22,56 2,95 39,92 2,95 24,30 19,96 130,00 17,00 230,00 17,00 140,00 115,00 Audio (CD-ROM) 5 pearls from the Sutras Anatomy & Physiology Chakras Esoteric Phusiology Hanuman and Hanuman Yoga Lyricised Yogasutras Pranayama 1 Yoga and the New Millennium Yogasutra Recitation CD-ROM (Instructional) An interview with Guruji Iyengar Yoga For All Yoga For Asthma Yoga For Blood Pressure Yoga For Stress Yoga For You Video CD's Atmajnana Yoga - B. K. S. Iyengar's 85th Birthday Celebrations Atma Darsana - Reflection of the Soul B.K.S. Iyengar 80th Birthday Celebrations Dialogue between Dalai Lama and Guruji YOG - Sadhana - Geeta S. Iyengar's 60th Birthday Celebrations Yoganganusthana on Pranayama B.K.S. Iyengar Yoga Vereniging Nederland Onbekende Gracht 3hs KvK 40538941 IBAN: NL68TRIO0254806562 1018 XN Utrecht Btw nummer: NL803388081B01 BIC: TRIONL2U Pricelist 2014 Books and other media Titles (highlighted if new/price changed) 4/4 Excl. BTW BTW Incl. BTW Video CD's - continued B.K.S. Iyengar - Leap of Faith DVD B. K. S. Iyengar - Light on China DVD Box Iyengar Yoga Convention 2009 - Cologne Iyengar Yoga Convention 2009 - London The Breath of the Gods 14,29 92,44 54,62 54,62 24,37 2,95 19,09 11,28 11,28 5,03 17,00 110,00 65,00 65,00 29,00 Brochures and T-shirts Brochure Mobility in Stability The practice of women during the whole month B.K.S. Iyengar - 90th Birthday Celeberation Presentation Light On Bellur Prayers & Invocations for Chanting Light-On T-shirts Signature T-shirts Trikonasana T-Shirts 5,55 4,20 5,88 4,20 12,61 10,08 10,92 10,08 1,15 0,87 1,21 0,87 2,60 2,08 2,26 2,08 6,60 5,00 7,00 5,00 15,00 12,00 13,00 12,00 B.K.S. Iyengar Yoga Vereniging Nederland Onbekende Gracht 3hs KvK 40538941 IBAN: NL68TRIO0254806562 1018 XN Utrecht Btw nummer: NL803388081B01 BIC: TRIONL2U