Design and Simulation of an 8-bit Memory

Design and Simulation of an 8-bit Memory-less
Pipelined Full Adder
Ayswarya Kulasekaran, Advisor :Dr.Xingguo Xiong
Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Bridgeport, Bridgeport, CT 06604
Pipelining can effectively cut short the critical path of a VLSI circuit and improve its
throughput. As a result, it has been widely used in modern VLSI design, especially for
microprocessors and other high-performance computing applications. However,
intermediate buffer stages are needed between two neighboring pipeline stages to
temporarily hold the data when it is being moved from one stage to another. These
pipeline registers increase the hardware implementation cost and degrade the system
performance due to their internal delays. In order to overcome this hardware overhead,
a novel memory-less pipeline architecture has been reported. Such memory-less
pipeline architecture ingeniously replaces the intermediate buffer stages with a special
clocking phase called the memory phase in addition to the pre-charge and evaluation
phase that exist in the clocking scheme. By introducing a memory clock phase, it
eliminates the need for intermediate buffer stages. This greatly reduces the hardware
overhead in pipeline structure and improves the performance of the circuit. In this
poster, we applied this memory-less pipeline architecture to the implementation of an 8bit NORA full adder. The 8-bit memory-less pipelined NORA full adder is designed and
simulated in PSPICE. In order for comparison, a traditional pipelined NORA full adder
without memory-less architecture is also designed. Simulation results verify the correct
function of the memory-less NORA full adder. Compared to the traditional NORA full
adder design, memory-less architecture leads to less hardware implementation cost
and better performance.
Memory-less Circuit Design
Pipeline architecture divides the signal flow into separate stages, hence reducing the
critical path length of a VLSI circuit, and leading to effective improvements in its
throughput. As a result, it has been widely used in modern VLSI design, especially for
microprocessors and other high-performance computing applications. Pipelining can
also be used in NORA (NO-Race logic) CMOS dynamic logic based on C2MOS latches.
An example NORA CMOS dynamic pipelined
circuit is shown in Figure 1. The first stage is
a Φ’ block and the second stage is a Φ block,
with a C2MOS latch pipeline register in
between. When CLK’=1, the first block is in
pre-charge phase and the second block is in
evaluation phase. While CLK’=0, the first
block is in evaluation phase and the second
block is in pre-charge phase. A pipeline
Figure 1: NORA CMOS pipeline circuit
register is inserted in between to ensure that
signal can pass only one stage in each clock cycle. The data from the output of
the previous stage will be temporarily latched in the pipeline register, and applied
to next stage in next clock cycle. That is, the pipeline register (C2MOS latch) acts
as an intermediate buffer between the pipelined stages of the circuit. However,
these pipeline registers increase the hardware implementation cost and degrade
the system performance due to their internal delays.
In [1], a novel memory-less architecture is introduced to eliminate the need of
pipeline registers, but maintain the same pipeline data path by introducing speciallydesigned clock signals. This greatly reduces the hardware overhead, and leads to
improved circuit speed. Memory-less pipelined architecture (shown in Figure 3)
effectively eliminates the pipeline registers. This is accomplished by applying special
clocking scheme different from the one applied to the original circuit in Figure 1. The
new clocking scheme which is used to eradicate the pipeline registers is depicted in
Figure 4. Compared to the clock signal applied to original NORA pipeline structure
(Figure 2), the new clocking scheme has an additional phase named the Memory
phase apart from the pre-charging and evaluation phases respectively [1]. This
memory phase plays the role of an intermediate buffer stage. That is, it holds the
computed output of one pipelined stage and passes it on to the other stage down
the pipeline at the specified clock interval.
Figure 6. PSPICE schematic design of original
8-bit NORA CMOS full adder circuit
2. Memory-less Pipeline Architecture Circuit Design
The memory-less pipelined architecture
has some significant modification over
the original circuit. It has been designed
with the constraints of reducing the
transistor count and avoiding the use of
buffer registers. Further, the even blocks
should be designed differently from the
odd blocks in the carry propagation
stages because they take inverted inputs.
As a result, Demorgan’s rule is used to
derive the design for even blocks. An
example PSPICE schematic design of
even block for carry-out propagation
Figure 8: Demorgan circuit design
stage is shown in Figure 8.
The circuit in the even block is designed by applying Demorgan’s rule to the circuit in
the odd block. This is done because the output produced by the carry unit in the odd
block will not be inverted. As a result we need to design a circuit that could possibly
accept inverted inputs directly. The data flow in the memory-less pipeline structure is
controlled by four clock signals. Each clock signal consists of three phases: Precharge, Evaluate and Memory phase respectively. Each clock signal is delayed by 1/3
of its cycle time. During the pre-charge phase the PMOS transistor is active, during
the evaluation phase the NMOS transistor is active. Finally during the memory phase
both PMOS and NMOS are inactive leading to no switching activity in the circuit. The
purpose of the memory phase is to hold the value computed during the evaluation
phase of previous stage and simultaneously pass it on to the next stage as input and
to the sum circuitry within the block before any change in the clock signal could occur.
The PSPICE schematic design and power simulation of the 8-bit memory-less full
adder is shown in Figure 9 and 10 separately. Based on simulation, the average
power of memory-less pipelined adder circuit for the same given input pattern
sequence (t=0~2400ns) is found to be: Pmemory-less(T)= 109.54 µW.
Figure 9: PSPICE schematic design of
8-bit memory-less pipelined full adder
Figure 2: The clock signal
applied to original circuit
Figure 3: Memory-less
pipelined architecture [1]
Figure 4: Clock signals applied
to memory-less circuit [1]
Results and Discussion
Figure 7. PSPICE power simulation curve of
original 8-bit NORA CMOS full adder circuit
Fig 10: PSPICE power simulation of 8-bit
memory-less pipeline full adder
A comparison of the power consumption between original NORA CMOS pipelined full
adder and memory-less pipelined full adder is shown in Table 1. From the result, it
shows that the Memory-less pipeline architecture leads to a significant power saving
(33%) compared to the original circuit for the given input pattern sequence. Furthermore,
memory-less pipeline architecture leads to 20.8% transistor count saving compared to
NORA CMOS pipeline full adder design.
Table 1. Power/Energy comparison of original and memory-less pipeline architectures
Comparison Item
Original NORA
CMOS adder
Memory-less full
1. Original Circuit
A non-pipelined dynamic NP-CMOS full adder design is shown in Figure 5 (only 2 bit
slices are shown here). The alternating even and odd carry stages are realized using
NMOS and PMOS networks respectively. The original pipelined NORA CMOS full
adder is constructed by adding pipeline registers (C2MOS latches) between
neighboring stages.
PSPICE schematic design of the
original 8-bit pipelined NORA CMOS full
adder circuit is shown in Figure 6. We
B1 Ci1
selected 24 random input patterns (each
pattern lasts for 100ns) for power
simulation. To ensure fair comparison,
the same input pattern sequence will
also be used for the memory-less
design. The PSPICE power simulation
A 0 B0
curve of the original pipelined NORA
CMOS full adder circuit for the given
input sequence is shown in Figure 7. As
shown in the figure, the average power
Carry Path
of original 8-bit pipelined NORA CMOS
Figure 5: Dynamic NP-CMOS full adder
full adder circuit for given input pattern
design (only 2 bits are shown)
sequence (t=0~2400ns) is found to be:
PNORA(T)= 253.21 µW
Average Power
Energy Consumption
Saving (memoryless compared to
original design)
253.21 µW
109.54 µW
6.077x10-10 J
2.629x10-10 J
Conclusions and Future Work
In this poster, the design and simulation of a memory-less 8-bit pipelined full adder
circuit is proposed. Memory-less pipeline circuits utilize specially-designed clock
scheme to eliminate the need of pipeline registers. As a result, this leads to effective
power savings and reduced hardware cost. Simulation results demonstrate that
compared to the original NORA pipelined design with pipeline registers, memory-less
pipeline full adder shows significant power savings of 56.7% for the given input pattern
sequence. It also provides a transistor count savings of 21%. In the future, we will
further look into the ways to reduce the hardware overhead in memory-less pipeline
architecture, so that even more power saving can be achieved.
[1] Themistoklis Haniotakis, Zaher Wwda,Yiorgos Tsiatouhas, “Memory-less pipeline dynamic
circuit design technique", Proceedings of 2010 IEEE Annual symposium on VLSI.