Confidential to Trianz Inc. •1 • Introduction to Unix and its architecture • Learn to use basic Unix commands • Learn to use vi editor • Learn to write shell scripts • Learn to register and run shell scripts from oracle applications Confidential to Trianz Inc. •2 What is UNIX ? UNIX is an operating system co-created by AT&T Bell Labs researchers Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson in the late 1960s. Unix is a multitasking, multiuser, programming environment. Confidential to Trianz Inc. •3 Confidential to Trianz Inc. •4 Kernel – is the single large program which resides in the memory which is the operating system. It manages File system, Memory, I/O and Processes. Shell – is a command interpreter which provides the user interface for the UNIX operating system. Confidential to Trianz Inc. •5 HP-UX - HP UNIX developed by HP SunOS and Solaris – Developed by Sun Microsystems AIX – Developed by IBM SCO Unix – Developed by SCO Linux - Free Source code BSD – Berkley Software Design Confidential to Trianz Inc. •6 Bourne shell (sh) C shell (csh) TC shell (tcsh) Korn shell (ksh) Bourne Again SHell (bash) Confidential to Trianz Inc. •7 Bourne C TC Korn BASH Command history No Yes Yes Yes Yes Command alias No Yes Yes Yes Yes Shell scripts Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Filename completion No Yes* Yes Yes* Yes Command line editing No No Yes Yes* Yes Job control No Yes Yes Yes Yes * not the default setting for this shell Confidential to Trianz Inc. •8 There are three types of file access supported by UNIX. r – read, view the contents of a file or a directory w – write, edit file/directory contents x – execute, run executable file Confidential to Trianz Inc. •9 For example: Suppose you type in ls -l and the result is - rwx r-x r-- 1 user1 oracle 858 Feb 22 22:28 file1.txt owner type File name links User permissions Group permissions Modification date/time group size Other Permissions Confidential to Trianz Inc. •10 ls - List directory contents cd - Change the current directory cp - Copy files and directories mv - Move (rename) files mkdir - Make a directory rm - Remove files or directories (Use with Caution) rmdir – Delete a directory (Use with Caution) echo – Display a line of text Confidential to Trianz Inc. •11 cat – Concatenate files and print on the std output date – Print the system date and time head – Output the first part of files tail – Output the last part of files pwd – Print name of current/Working Directory man – Format and display the on-line manual pages who – Show who is logged on chmod - Change file access permissions Confidential to Trianz Inc. •12 grep – Print lines matching a pattern find – Search for files in a directory hierarchy diff – Find differences between two files ps - Report process status cut – Remove sections from each line of files su – run a shell with substitute user and group IDs wc - Print the number of bytes, words, and lines in files ln - Make links between files Confidential to Trianz Inc. •13 alias/unalias - Shorthand for a command or commands sort - Sort lines of text files exit – Exit the current shell with status shift – Shift positional parameters env – Display the environment variables logout - Exit a login shell Confidential to Trianz Inc. •14 There are 2 types of variables in Unix. Environment variables Shell variables As per conventions environment variables will be in uppercase and Shell variables will be in lowercase. Example : APPL_TOP=/srv/115102/inst/visappl pathseg=/home/oracle/bin today=`date` export – to export the variable to the environment Confidential to Trianz Inc. •15 Redirection operators: Output redirection : >, |, >> Input redirection : < Example: cat test1 test2 > test3 cat test2 >> test1 ls –l | grep new sort < test.txt > sortedtest.txt Confidential to Trianz Inc. •16 vi – Visual text editor vi <file_name> - to open the any text file in vi editor. Two modes of vi Command mode – Esc key Insert mode – a or i Confidential to Trianz Inc. •17 a - enter append mode i - enter insert mode h - move cursor left j - move cursor down k - move cursor up l - move cursor right x - delete char under cursor r - replace one character under the cursor u - undo the last change to the file Confidential to Trianz Inc. •18 ^ - Goto the beginning of the line $ - Goto the end of the line [n]dd - delete line/lines from the cursor position [n]yy - yank (copy) line/lines from the cursor position p - paste the yanked line/lines below the cursor position ctrl-f - Scroll forwards one page ctrl-b - Scroll backwards one page :w - Save the file :q - quit vi Confidential to Trianz Inc. •19 Conventionally, a shell script should start with a line: #!/bin/ksh Example shell script #!/bin/bash echo “Hello $USER” echo “Today is “ `date` echo “You are in directory $PWD” exit 0 Confidential to Trianz Inc. •20 Ex: ls –lrt, oracle $1 to $9 – will give the arguments 1 to 9. To get remaining we need to use shift command. $@ - will give the complete list of all the arguments to that shell. Confidential to Trianz Inc. •21 Conditionals, if/then/elif if list then list [elif list then list] ... [else list] fi Example: if [ $x -lt $y ] # is $x less than $y ? then echo “$y is greater than $x” fi Confidential to Trianz Inc. •22 For loops for name in w1 w2 ... do command-list done Example: for X in red green blue do echo $X done Confidential to Trianz Inc. •23 While Loops while command-list1 do command-list2 done Example: x=0 while [ $x -le 20 ] do echo $x x=`expr $x + 1` done Confidential to Trianz Inc. •24 $? - returns 0 if the last command is executed successfully, else non zero. $# - returns the number of arguments. $! - returns the last command PID run in bg (using &) $$ - returns the current shell PID Confidential to Trianz Inc. •25 sqlplus -s <userid>/<passwd>@<dbsid> @<filepath>/<filename> Example 1: sqlplus -s $UID/$PWD@$CONSTR@$EXECDIR/sql/oa_com_monitor_cmrun Example 2 : st_date=`sqlplus -s $UID/$PWD@$CONSTR << EOF set head off set feedback off select to_char(sysdate-15,'DD-MON-YYYY') from dual; EOF` Confidential to Trianz Inc. •26 The shell script can have either of the 2 extensions. .prog or .sh .prog : 1. Create a soft link to the shell without extension to $FND_TOP/bin/fndcpesr Ex: ln -s $FND_TOP/bin/fndcpesr $FND_TOP/bin/TEST 2. Grant execute permission to the both the files (.prog and the file without extension) Ex: chmod +x TEST.prog TEST .sh : No need to create a soft link. Confidential to Trianz Inc. •27 Differences b/w .prog and .sh .prog: will get the following parameters as default to the shell. $1 - Connection string (userid/passwd@dbsid) $2 - Fnd user id $3 - Fnd user $4 - Request id .sh : will only get one parameter which as all the above along with some additional ones. Ex: FCP_REQID=250898 FCP_LOGIN="APPS/APPS" FCP_USERID=1117 FCP_USERNAME="SRVCMGR" FCP_PRINTER="noprint" FCP_SAVE_OUT=Y FCP_NUM_COPIES=0 Confidential to Trianz Inc. •28 QUESTIONS ?? Confidential to Trianz Inc. •29