Gate - Your Perfect Write

Welcome to
Navis Configurable Gate
Level 3 Training
Course Overview
Lesson 1 – Basics
Lesson 2 – Installation
Lesson 3 – Using the Forms
Lesson 4 – Configuring Forms
Lesson 5 – Configuring Business Processes
Lesson 6 – Support Tips
This training will last about 5 hours and will have a 15
minute break in the morning and a 1 and a half hour
break for lunch.
Lesson 1 – What is the
Navis Configurable Gate?
What is the Navis Configurable Gate?
The Navis Configurable
Gate 1.0:
Replaces Oracle gate forms
Supports all in-gate and out-gate
transactions for one-stage and
multi-stage gates
Provides a central console from
which to access gate forms
Is configured using two XML files
Will be rolled out at 12 Maersk
sites nationally
Will be used throughout the Navis
product line for applications that
require automation of gate
What is the Navis Configurable Gate?
Base configuration:
Chassis operation
Booking/EDO numbers
Bills of lading or groups
are optional for delivery
What are the system requirements?
System requirements:
Application server
Hardware requirements
CPU: Pentium IV, > 1.8 GHz
RAM: > 1 GB
Disk space: > 40 GB
Software requirements
Microsoft Windows 2000 operating
system or Linux Kernel version 2.4.x
Java Developer Toolkit version 1.4.1
or later. You can download Java from
Tomcat 4.x Java application server
Navis Express compatibility
The Navis configurable gate has
been tested for compatibility with
Navis Express version 2.1
What are the system requirements?
System requirements:
Client fileserver or workstation
Hardware requirements
CPU: Pentium III, > 1 GHz
RAM: > 256 MB
Disk space: > 10 GB
Software requirements
Navis recommends that you run
client software for the
configurable gate on Microsoft
Windows 2000 or XP platforms
What is the best deployment
Client Workstation
Express Database
Express Database
Client Workstation
Client Workstation
Client Workstation
Client Workstation
Client Workstation
End of Lesson 1
Lesson 2 – Installing and Configuring the
Navis Configurable Gate
Installing and Configuring
Installation files:
Client software
Server software
Installing and Configuring
Install Java 1.4.x.
Install and test the Tomcat application server.
Copy the JDBC driver to the server.
Deploy the configurable gate server component.
Set up the database connection.
Install and configure the gate client on a client
workstation or fileserver.
Configure Navis Express to launch the configurable
Installing and Configuring
Installing Java
JDK provided for Unix/Linux and Windows
Java needed to run the Tomcat application
Installing and Configuring
Installing the JDBC driver
You must install a version of the JDBC driver
that is compatible with your version of Oracle.
Pre-9.2 and post-9.2 versions provided with
Installing and Configuring
The client component
Install on each client workstation or on a central
If you install it on a fileserver, you must map a
network drive for each client to the directory it is
installed in.
Any number of users can access it, ensuring that all
users are running the same gate forms configuration.
Installing and Configuring
Testing the application
Test the application in stand-alone mode (not
launched from Express).
Configure the cfgate.cmd batch file.
Specifies important information when not running
configurable gate from within Express.
Indicates where to read the cfgate.xml file: from the
client workstation or the application server.
Installing the Configurable Gate
Database user name
Database password
Service URL
(Change the host
name and port only.)
Workstation ID
- path
Relative path from the
current directory to
Determines where to
read the cfgate.xml
Installing and Configuring
About the cfgate.xml file
Specifies the names and locations of
configuration files to load on start-up.
Displays the basic gate console form.
Can be read from the client or application
server depending on –conf setting in
cfgate.cmd file.
Read from application server except for testing.
Installing and Configuring
About the cfgate.xml file
<readConfig file="GuiMetafields.xml"/>
<readConfig file="GuiCompfields.xml"/>
<readConfig file="GuiForms.xml"/>
<readConfig file="CarinaClient.xml"/>
<readConfig file="GuiActions.xml"/>
<logo file="Navis_Marine.png"/>
<run action="ShowForm Stage row1 col0"/>
<run action="ShowForm Search row2 col0"/>
<run action="CarinaLocalStartup"/>
<run action="ApplicationDefaults AppParams" />
Installing and Configuring
Starting the gate
Start the application
Open a command prompt and
start Tomcat by issuing the
following commands:
cd [tomcat.dir]/bin
catalina run
Start the client
Double-click the cfgate.cmd file.
After a few seconds, the main
window appears.
Installing and Configuring
Configuring Express to launch the
configurable gate
You must define two case reference codes:
Specifies the URL of the gate server application.
Specifies the location of the gate client application relative to
the forms executable files.
Installing and Configuring
Launching the configurable gate from
Express launches the configurable gate from a
command on the Gate menu.
The user must log in.
Express and the configurable gate application must
be restarted to allow another user to log in.
Restarting the configurable gate alone will cause
Express to pass the same user name and password
to the configurable gate.
End of Lesson 2
15 minute Break
Lesson 3 – Using the Forms
Using the Forms
The standard gate forms
Truck visit form
The form that displays truck visit information and
information for related truck transactions.
Stage form
A menu that displays a list of gate stages and forms.
Transaction form for each transaction type
A form in which transaction information can be
entered and/or edited.
Using the Forms
The standard gate forms
Truck visit list form
A form displaying a list of visits for each gate stage.
Chassis/container damage list
A form displaying a list of damaged containers or
Search form
A form in which to search for truck visits and
Using the Forms
The standard gate forms
Chassis/container damage form
A pop-up form in which to enter chassis or container
Trouble list
A form displaying a list of trouble transactions.
Trouble form
A pop-up form in which to edit trouble information for
a transaction.
Using the Forms
Interface elements
Truck transactions
User info
Truck visit information
Search Box
Navigation Buttons
Using the Forms
Ingate processing
Two-stage gate begins with a
precheck followed by a booth.
Gate stages appear in the
Stage menu.
Begin by selecting New Visit
in the Stage menu to display
the base Truck Visit form.
Using the Forms
Truck Visit form
Using the Forms
Entering truck visit information at precheck
At the precheck you enter truck visit information
in the Truck Visit form.
Using the Forms
Entering truck transaction information at
From the Add Transaction menu, select a
transaction type.
Using the Forms
Entering container ID
A dialog box appears in which to enter a
container number.
Enter a container number and click Submit.
Using the Forms
Entering transaction information
The right form appears in which to enter
transaction information.
Using the Forms
Entering transaction information
Enter container information and click Submit.
Using the Forms
Submitting transaction information
Container data is validated and errors appear in
dialog box.
Click OK to return to the transaction form and
correct container information or click the
TROUBLE button to put the transaction into
trouble status.
Using the Forms
When a container is in trouble status, it
appears in the Truck Visit form with ERR in
the OK field.
ERR indicates trouble status
Using the Forms
Processing a truck visit at the booth
Display the Booth Stage Queue by clicking
Booth in the Stage menu.
Click Booth
Using the Forms
Processing a truck visit at the booth
Identify the truck license number for the current
Using the Forms
Processing a truck visit at the booth
Double-click to display the truck visit.
Using the Forms
Processing a truck visit at the booth
Double-click a truck transaction to display it
in a transaction form.
Using the Forms
Processing a truck visit at the booth
Enter additional information for the container
and click the Submit button.
Using the Forms
Processing a truck visit at the outgate
Display the Outgate Stage Queue by clicking
Outgate in the Stage menu.
Click Outgate
Using the Forms
Processing a truck visit at the outgate
Identify the truck license number for the current
Using the Forms
Processing a truck visit at the outgate
Double-click to display the truck visit.
The previous stage is either booth or precheck.
Using the Forms
Processing a truck visit at the booth
Double-click a truck transaction to display it
in the appropriate transaction form.
Enter the necessary information and click
Using the Forms
Processing a truck visit at the booth
When a outgate transaction commits, its status
changes to outgate.
Using the Forms
Displaying a trouble transaction
Display the Trouble Transactions form by
clicking Trouble in the Stage menu.
Click Trouble
Using the Forms
Processing a trouble transaction
Double-click to display a truck visit with a trouble
ERR indicates trouble status
Using the Forms
Processing a trouble transaction
Double-click a trouble transaction to display it
in the appropriate transaction form.
Using the Forms
Processing a trouble transaction
Correct or enter the necessary container
information and click Submit.
Using the Forms
Processing a trouble transaction
Its status changes to the stage it was in when
the trouble condition occurred.
Using the Forms
Performing a search
Disabled in 1.0
Search criteria
Using the Forms
Connect a network drive
to \express\gemini\mcsc
For example, g:
The gate application
Using the Forms
Process an ingate transaction
Export Receival
Create a new container ID
DNBK01 booking number
DNTC1 truck company
Any truck license number
Any driver’s license
Any ISO code
End of Lesson 3
Lunch – Back at 1:15 PM
Lesson 4 – Configuring Forms
Configuring Forms
You use the GuiForms.xml file to create all
gate forms
The GuiForms.xml ships with a default twostage gate configuration.
The GuiForms.xml file is located in
Configuring Forms
The GuiForms.xml file depends on three
other files:
Configuring Forms
Main steps to defining gate forms
Specify gate stages
Specify a truck visit form
Specify transactions that can be performed at each gate
Specify the transactions that can be created at each
Create the truck visit form
Create the transaction forms
Create the other forms, such as pop-ups and lists
Configuring Forms
Sample OOG form
<form id="OOG" description="OOG" >
<group outline="box" label="OOG" >
<item fieldid="tranOogFront" label="Front” place="spanning" />
<item fieldid="tranOogBack" label="Back" place="spanning" />
<item fieldid="tranOogLeft" label="Left" place="spanning" />
<item fieldid="tranOogRight" label="Right" place="spanning" />
<item fieldid="tranOogTop" label="Top" place="spanning" />
<item fieldid="tranOogUnits" label="Units" place="spanning" />
<button label="Add” action="AddToTransaction"/>
<button label="Cancel” action="CancelForm"/>
Configuring Forms
Sample Trouble Transactions form
Configuring Forms
Sample Trouble Transactions form
<form id="TroubleTransactions" description="Trouble Transactions">
<group outline="box" label="Trouble Transactions">
<table height="20" place="fullWidth” action="EnterTruckVisit truckvisit row0 col1">
<column fieldid="tvTruckLicenseNbr" label="Truck License"
<column fieldid="tvEntered" label="Truck Entered" usage="hidden"/>
<column fieldid="tranNextStageId" label="Next Stage" usage="hidden" />
<column fieldid="tranNbr" label="Tran"/>
<column fieldid="tranSubType" label="Type"/>
<column fieldid="tranTruckEntered" label="Entered" visibleWidth="12"/>
<column fieldid="tranTruckLicenseNbr" label="Truck"/>
<column fieldid="tranTrkcId" label="Carrier"/>
<column fieldid="tranCtrNbr" label="Container" visibleWidth="8"/>
<column fieldid="tranChsNbr" label="Chassis" visibleWidth="8"/>
<column fieldid="tranEqoNbr" label="Booking" visibleWidth="8"/>
<column fieldid="tranStageId" label="Stage" visibleWidth="8"/>
<column fieldid="tranTrouble" label="OK" />
<button label="Close" action="CancelForm"/>
Configuring Forms
Gate form layout
Forms can be located within a main display
window or can appear as pop-up forms.
Configuring Forms
About GUI actions
Actions are usually associated with buttons and
menu items.
You specify an action with the action attribute
for an item element.
Valid actions are defined in the GuiActions.xml
You can delete GUI actions from the
GuiActions.xml file, however.
Configuring Forms
About lovId function calls
The lovId attribute for the item element
enables you to specify the information that
appears in a list of values.
You specify this information with a function call
to the server.
End of Lesson 4
Lesson 5 – Changing Business
Changing Business Processes
Three types of businesses processes
Business validation rules
Business tasks
Post commit tasks
All are preconfigured but can be changed
All usual Express business rule processing
and parameters remain in effect
Changing Business Processes
Business processes are specified in the
gateconfiguration.xml file
\tomcat 4.1\webapps\marine\WEBINF\classes
Some business processes are optional.
Some business processes have
dependencies and must be entered in a
specific order.
Changing Business Processes
Sample business validation rules
<inStage id="precheck" leg="in" okStatus="YARD" troubleStatus="INGATE">
<readGateLaneDetails/> LA King only
Changing Business Processes
Sample business tasks
<setTransactionKeys fixed="true"/>
<updateInTruckVisit fixed="true"/>
<bookkeepTruck fixed="true"/>
<clearGateLaneDetails fixed="true"/>
Changing Business Processes
Sample post-commit tasks
Changing Business Processes
GateConfig.xsd file used for basic validation of
the gateconfiguration.xml file
End of Lesson 5
Lesson 6 – Support Tips
Support Tips
XML tagging errors
Use an XML editor like XML Spy
Comment out rather than remove existing
Known Issues
Refer to manual for in-depth information
Support Tips
XML tagging errors
Drag and drop an XML file into Internet Explorer
If there is an error in the file, you will see an
error message and the approximate location of
the error.
Support Tips
XML tagging errors
When modifying XML files, comment out rather
than remove blocks and elements.
<!-<stage id="outgate" class="exit" default="truckVisitList"
<transaction id="truckVisitList" formid="OutGateStageVisits"/>
<transaction id="truckvisit"
<transaction id="RE"
<transaction id="RI"
<transaction id="RM"
<transaction id="RC"
<transaction id="DI"
<transaction id="DE"
<transaction id="DM"
<transaction id="DC"
Support Tips
Known Issues
Search functionality does not work
Using the keyboard can be awkward, mouse
often needed
To avoid SPARCS timing out:
TPC_TRY parameter must be set to at least 5
TPCSLEEP parameter must be set to at least 3
Support Tips
Known Issues
When receiving export containers at the
precheck after an MDT check, seal and damage
information do not populate
When driver uses OWN chassis, the user is not
prompted to enter a chassis number
Support Tips
Known Issues
Cannot deliver an import container when
SPARCS/Express connection is down (true for
Express 1.0)
Truck visits without transactions cannot be
viewed if you close the precheck visit form
without committing the visit (click Close rather
than Done)
Double-blind feature for receivals does not work
Support Tips
Refer to manual for more in-depth
See:\Product Home Pages\N4
Gate\Configurable Gate 1.0\User
Documentation\Manuals\Navis Configurable
End of Lesson 6