Supervised Function Approximation
In supervised learning, we train an ANN with a set of
vector pairs, so-called exemplars.
Each pair (x, y) consists of an input vector x and a
corresponding output vector y.
Whenever the network receives input x, we would like
it to provide output y.
The exemplars thus describe the function that we
want to “teach” our network.
Besides learning the exemplars, we would like our
network to generalize, that is, give plausible output
for inputs that the network had not been trained with.
September 21, 2010
Neural Networks
Lecture 5: The Perceptron
Supervised Function Approximation
There is a tradeoff between a network’s ability to
precisely learn the given exemplars and its ability to
generalize (i.e., inter- and extrapolate).
This problem is similar to fitting a function to a given
set of data points.
Let us assume that you want to find a fitting function
f:RR for a set of three data points.
You try to do this with polynomials of degree one (a
straight line), two, and nine.
September 21, 2010
Neural Networks
Lecture 5: The Perceptron
Supervised Function Approximation
deg. 2
deg. 1
deg. 9
Obviously, the polynomial of degree 2 provides the
most plausible fit.
September 21, 2010
Neural Networks
Lecture 5: The Perceptron
Supervised Function Approximation
The same principle applies to ANNs:
• If an ANN has too few neurons, it may not have
enough degrees of freedom to precisely
approximate the desired function.
• If an ANN has too many neurons, it will learn the
exemplars perfectly, but its additional degrees of
freedom may cause it to show implausible behavior
for untrained inputs; it then presents poor
ability of generalization.
Unfortunately, there are no known equations that
could tell you the optimal size of your network for a
given application; there are only heuristics.
September 21, 2010
Neural Networks
Lecture 5: The Perceptron
Evaluation of Networks
• Basic idea: define error function and measure
error for untrained data (testing set)
• Typical: E 
 i i
where d is the desired output, and o is the actual
• For classification:
E = number of misclassified samples/
total number of samples
September 21, 2010
Neural Networks
Lecture 5: The Perceptron
The Perceptron
unit i
threshold 
net input signal
net   wi xi
i 1
September 21, 2010
f (net )  1, if net  
 1, otherwise
Neural Networks
Lecture 5: The Perceptron
The Perceptron
x0  1
unit i
W0 corresponds to -
threshold 0
net input signal
net   wi xi
i 0
f (net )  1, if net  0
 1, otherwise
Here, only the weight vector is adaptable, but not the threshold
September 21, 2010
Neural Networks
Lecture 5: The Perceptron
Perceptron Computation
Similar to a TLU, a perceptron divides its n-dimensional
input space by an (n-1)-dimensional hyperplane defined
by the equation:
w0 + w1x1 + w2x2 + … + wnxn = 0
For w0 + w1x1 + w2x2 + … + wnxn > 0, its output is 1, and
for w0 + w1x1 + w2x2 + … + wnxn  0, its output is -1.
With the right weight vector (w0, …, wn)T, a single
perceptron can compute any linearly separable function.
We are now going to look at an algorithm that
determines such a weight vector for a given function.
September 21, 2010
Neural Networks
Lecture 5: The Perceptron
Perceptron Training Algorithm
Algorithm Perceptron;
Start with a randomly chosen weight vector w0;
Let k = 1;
while there exist input vectors that are
misclassified by wk-1, do
Let ij be a misclassified input vector;
Let xk = class(ij)ij, implying that wk-1xk < 0;
Update the weight vector to wk = wk-1 + xk;
Increment k;
September 21, 2010
Neural Networks
Lecture 5: The Perceptron
Perceptron Training Algorithm
For example, for some input i with class(i) = -1,
If wi > 0, then we have a misclassification.
Then the weight vector needs to be modified to w + w
with (w + w)i < wi to possibly improve classification.
We can choose w = -i, because
(w + w)i = (w - i)i = wi - ii < wi,
and ii is the square of the length of vector i and is thus
If class(i) = 1, things are the same but with opposite
signs; we introduce x to unify these two cases.
September 21, 2010
Neural Networks
Lecture 5: The Perceptron
Learning Rate and Termination
• Terminate when all samples are correctly classified.
• If the number of misclassified samples has not changed
in a large number of steps, the problem could be the
choice of learning rate :
• If  is too large, classification may just be swinging back
and forth and take a long time to reach the solution;
• On the other hand, if  is too small, changes in
classification can be extremely slow.
• If changing  does not help, the samples may not be
linearly separable, and training should terminate.
• If it is known that there will be a minimum number of
misclassifications, train until that number is reached.
September 21, 2010
Neural Networks
Lecture 5: The Perceptron
Guarantee of Success: Novikoff (1963)
Theorem 2.1: Given training samples from two linearly
separable classes, the perceptron training algorithm
terminates after a finite number of steps, and correctly
classifies all elements of the training set, irrespective of
the initial random non-zero weight vector w0.
Let wk be the current weight vector.
We need to prove that there is an upper bound on k.
September 21, 2010
Neural Networks
Lecture 5: The Perceptron
Guarantee of Success: Novikoff (1963)
Proof: Assume  = 1, without loss of generality.
After k steps of the learning algorithm, the current
weight vector is
wk = w0 + x1 + x2 + … + xk.
Since the two classes are linearly separable, there
must be a vector of weights w* that correctly classifies
them, that is, sgn(w*ik) = class(ik).
Multiplying each side of eq. 2.1 with w*, we get:
w* wk = w*w0 + w*x1 + w*x2 + … + w*xk.
September 21, 2010
Neural Networks
Lecture 5: The Perceptron
Guarantee of Success: Novikoff (1963)
w* wk = w*w0 + w*x1 + w*x2 + … + w*xk.
For each input vector ij, the dot product w*ij has the
same sign as class(ij).
Since the corresponding element of the training
sequence x = class(ij)ij, we can be assured that
w*x = w*(class(ij)ij) > 0.
Therefore, there exists an  > 0 such that w*xi > 
for every member xi of the training sequence.
w* wk > w*w0 + k.
September 21, 2010
Neural Networks
Lecture 5: The Perceptron
Guarantee of Success: Novikoff (1963)
w* wk > w*w0 + k.
By the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality:
|w*wk|2  ||w*||2 ||wk||2.
We may assume that that ||w*|| = 1, since the unit
length vector w*/||w*|| also correctly classifies the
same samples.
Using this assumption and eqs. 2.2 and 2.3, we obtain
a lower bound for the square of the length of wk:
||wk||2 > (w*w0 + k) 2.
September 21, 2010
Neural Networks
Lecture 5: The Perceptron
Guarantee of Success: Novikoff (1963)
Since wj = wj-1 + xj, the following upper bound can be
obtained for this vector’s squared length:
||wj||2 = wj wj
= wj-1wj-1 + 2wj-1xj + xj xj
= ||wj-1||2 + 2wj-1xj + ||xj||2
Since wj-1xj < 0 whenever a weight change is required
by the algorithm, we have:
||wj||2 - ||wj-1||2 < ||xj||2
Summation of the above inequalities over j = 1, …, k
gives an upper bound
||wk||2 - ||w0||2 < k max ||xj||2
September 21, 2010
Neural Networks
Lecture 5: The Perceptron
Guarantee of Success: Novikoff (1963)
||wk||2 - ||w0||2 < k max ||xj||2
Combining this with inequality 2.4:
||wk||2 > (w*w0 + k) 2
Gives us:
(w*w0 + k) 2 < ||wk||2 < ||w0||2 + k max ||xj||2
Now the lower bound of ||wk||2 increases at the rate of
k2, and its upper bound increases at the rate of k.
Therefore, there must be a finite value of k such that:
(w*w0 + k) 2 > ||w0||2 + k max ||xj||2
This means that k cannot increase without bound, so
that the algorithm must eventually terminate.
September 21, 2010
Neural Networks
Lecture 5: The Perceptron