WHITE 2014
October 10-11, 2014
Presentation Title
Author 1*, Author 2** and Author 3***
* University 1, ** University 2, *** University 3
“Regular” Presentation format
A regular session lasts 75 minutes. Each presenter will have 15 minutes for their
presentation, followed by 5 minutes of discussion/comments by the assigned paper
discussant. At the end of each session, there will be 15 minutes of Q&A open to all
participants. Audience members will hold their questions to the end of the session.
WHITE discussants are encouraged to coordinate with the presenting authors to
discuss the paper before the workshop, and may arrange to receive advance copies
of the presentation.
Please name the presentation file “WHITE2014-XY-slides” where X is the number of
the session and Y is the number of your paper as found in the workshop program:
For example, session 1, 2nd presentation, the file should be WHITE 2014-12-slides.
Email the presentation in PDF format to whitepaper@rhsmith.umd.edu by deadline
of midnight October 8, 2014 to use slides.
“Cluster” Presentation format
There is a dedicated cluster (short) presentation session. Each presenter
will get 5 minutes and up to 6 slides (1 title slide and up to 5 content
slides). It is important that presenters plan their remarks carefully, as we
will adhere strictly to the timing guidelines.
Please name the presentation file “WHITE2014-CY-slides” where Y is the
number of your paper as found in the workshop program: if your cluster
presentation is 4th, the file should be WHITE 2014-C4-slides.
Please do not make fonts too small and do not overcrowd your slides.
Email the presentation in PDF format to whitepaper@rhsmith.umd.edu by
deadline of midnight October 8, 2014 to use slides.