Bulls, Bears, and Pigs

Bulls, Bears, and Pigs
“Bulls make money, bears make
money, and pigs get slaughtered.”.
. . . Old Wall Street Adage
The Animals of Wall Street
• Bull – thinks stock prices will go up
• Bear – thinks stock prices will go
• Pig – is very greedy so “stays too
long at the trough” or engages in
high risk
• Chicken – is scared to be in the
market and reverts to CD’s and
money market funds
Chart from June, 2010
Important Investment Concept:
The risk-return
tradeoff says
that in order to
increase return,
an investor must
increase risk.
The Ups and Downs of Making
Money in the Market
How do you increase return in a bull market?
Buy on margin
Questions about Margin:
• What is “buying on margin”?
• How much of the purchase price
must be put up?
• Who determines that percentage?
• Why is the percentage borrowed
• What is the advantage of buying
stock on margin?
• What are the disadvantages?
What is buying on margin?
• Buying on margin is buying stock
on credit.
• You actually borrow funds from the
• Why would a brokerage do that?
They earn more in fees from
selling more stock.
• Not all stocks are “marginable.”
• Not all investors can buy on credit.
How much of the purchase price
must be put up?
• 50% is the margin on stock
• (Margin on bonds, etc. is lower)
• In the Stock Market Game,
students have $100,000 to invest;
however, the game allows players
to margin stocks, so teams can
effectively buy $200,000 of stock
(less broker’s fees and interest
Who determines the margin
• The Federal Reserve determines
the percentage.
Why is the percentage borrowed
• High borrowing can lead to high
• When the stock market crashed in
1929, high losses on margin
accounts were a cause.
What are the advantages of buying
stock on margin?
• A buyer can buy more stock and
make higher returns.
• In other words, returns are
What are the disadvantages of
buying on margin?
• Losses are magnified just like the
gains are.
• Interest must be paid on
• The SMG charges 7% interest.
• In finance, the rate that is charged is
referred to as the “call money” rate,
and the rate is currently 2%.
• In a declining market, you could
get a margin call.
Sample problem:
Mrs. Jones buys on margin 100 shares of
Coca-Cola at $30 per share.
1. The total market value of the stock Mrs.
Jones buys is $ _______.
2. The amount of money that Mrs. Jones must
pay for this purchase (her initial margin
requirement) is $_______.
3. The maximum amount of money that the
brokerage firm could lend Mrs. Jones (her
debt) is $ _______.
4. Mrs. Jones’s equity is $ _______.
Sample problem:
Mrs. Jones buys on margin 100 shares of
Coca-Cola at $30 per share.
1. The total market value of the stock Mrs.
Jones buys is $3000.
2. The amount of money that Mrs. Jones must
pay for this purchase (her initial margin
requirement) is $1500.
3. The maximum amount of money that the
brokerage firm could lend Mrs. Jones (her
debt) is $1500.
4. Mrs. Jones’s equity is $1500.
Mrs. Jones (cont.):
• The value of Mrs. Jones’s 100 shares of
Coca-Cola rises to $40 per share.
Calculate the following:
1. The market value of Coca-Cola in Mrs.
Jones’s account is now $ _______.
2. The amount of money she owes the
brokerage firm (her debt) is $ _______.
3. Mrs. Jones’s equity is $ _______.
Mrs. Jones (cont.):
• The value of Mrs. Jones’s 100 shares of
Coca-Cola rises to $40 per share.
Calculate the following:
1. The market value of Coca-Cola in Mrs.
Jones’s account is now $4000.
2. The amount of money she owes the
brokerage firm (her debt) is $1500.
3. Mrs. Jones’s equity is $2500.
Mrs. Jones (cont.):
• The value of Mrs. Jones’s 100 shares of
Coca-Cola falls to $20 per share.
Calculate the following:
1. The market value of Coca-Cola in Mrs.
Jones’s account is now $ _______.
2. The amount of money she owes the
brokerage firm (her debt) is $ _______.
3. Mrs. Jones’s equity is $ _______.
Mrs. Jones (cont.):
• The value of Mrs. Jones’s 100 shares of
Coca-Cola falls to $20 per share.
Calculate the following:
1. The market value of Coca-Cola in Mrs.
Jones’s account is now $2000.
2. The amount of money she owes the
brokerage firm (her debt) is $1500.
3. Mrs. Jones’s equity is $500.
How does margin magnify returns?
• Price goes from $30 to $40:
• Return if not margined:
$40 - $30 / $30 = 33.3%
• Profit on margined account:
$4000 - $3000 = $1000
• Return on margined account:
$1000 / $1500* = 66.67%
* $1500 is the investor’s equity
How does margin magnify returns?
• Price goes from $30 to $20:
• Return if not margined:
$20 - $30 / $30 = (33.3%)
• Profit on margined account:
$2000 - $3000 = ($1000)
• Return on margined account:
($1000) / $1500* = (66.67%)
* $1500 is the investor’s equity
Margin Summary for SMG:
• Initial margin is 50%
• Maintenance margin is 30%
• Players will receive a margin call if total
equity in the portfolio falls below 30%.
• If the margin call is not met by the end of
the 3rd consecutive week, SMG will
automatically liquidate holdings beginning
with the least expensive stock based on
price per share.
• Interest is charged at the rate of 7%.5-22
The Ups and Downs of Making
Money in the Market
How do you increase return in a bear market?
Sell short
Questions about Short Selling
• What is a short sale?
• Why is a short sale the reverse of the
usual stock trade?
• What is a “short cover”?
• Why do people sell stock short?
• Why might the price of stock drop?
• Why is selling short so risky?
• What costs are involved in selling short?
• Why is a margin account a must?
What is a short sale?
• A sale of stock borrowed from a
broker . . .
• . . . borrowed with the intent of
purchasing the same number of
shares later to replace the
borrowed stock
Why is a short sale the reverse of
the usual stock trade?
• Normal trade
1. Buy stock at lower price
2. Sell stock at a higher price
• Short sale
1. Sell stock at a higher price
2. Buy stock at a lower price
What is a short cover?
• Buying back stock originally
borrowed from the broker in a
short sale
• Where does the broker get the
stock to loan? Brokers use stock
in their own accounts or stock “in
street name” in other accounts.
Why do people sell stock short?
• Selling short is a way to make
money when a stock price falls
• Even in a general bull market,
some stocks may decline
Why might the price of stock drop?
• Bad macroeconomic news
• Bad company-specific news
• Geopolitical events
• What John Maynard Keynes once
called “animal spirits”
Why is selling short so risky?
• Although the investor is betting
price will go down, if it goes up
instead, the stock must be bought
back at a higher price.
• When prices increase, there is
theoretically no ceiling.
What costs are involved in selling
• A broker’s fee is paid when the
stock is sold and then again when
it is bought back.
• In the SMG, the brokerage fee is
always 2% of the price.
Why is a margin account a must?
• For the broker, the risk is that the stock
price will increase and the investor will
not be able to afford to buy back stock
for replacement.
• So, investors must place 50% of the
stock price in a margin account to use for
stock replacement.
• The money originally generated by the sale is
not made available to the investor—it is also
left in that account.
• Dividends that would have been paid by the
borrowed stock must also be replaced.
Sample problem: Situation 1
• A stock owner sells short 200
shares of a stock at $50 per share.
He buys them back for
replacement (short covers) at $40
per share. Did he make a gain or a
loss? (Include both 2% broker’s
• How much?
Sample problem: Situation 1
• A stock owner sells short 200 shares
of a stock at $50 per share. He buys
them back for replacement (short
covers) at $40 per share. Did he
make a gain or a loss?
both 2% broker’s fees.) Gain
• How much?
$50 - $40 = $10 per share excluding
broker’s fees
$10 x 200 = $2000 – broker’s fees
Sample problem: Situation 1
• How much? Considering broker’s fees
Short sale (200 x $50) =
Broker’s fee ($10,000 x .02) - $200
$ 9,800
Short cover (200 x $40) =
Broker’s fee ($8,000 x .02)
$ 8,000
+ $160
$ 8,160
Proceeds from short sale
- Cost of short cover
$ 9,800
- 8,160
Sample problem: Situation 2
• A stock owner sells short 100
shares of XYZ Corporation at $20
per share and has to short cover
them at $40. Did she make a gain
or loss? (Include both 2% broker’s
• How much?
Sample problem: Situation 2
• A stock owner sells short 100
shares of XYZ Corporation at $20
per share and has to short cover
them at $40. Did she make a gain
or loss? (Include both 2% broker’s
fees.) Loss
• How much?
$20 - $40 = ($20)
($20) x 100 = ($2000) + broker’s fees
Sample problem: Situation 2
• How much?
Short sale (100 x $20) =
Broker’s fee ($2,000 x .02)
- $40
$ 1,960
Short cover (100 x $40) =
Broker’s fee ($4,000 x .02)
+ $80
Proceeds from short sale
- Cost of short cover
$ 1,960
- 4,080
Sample problem: Situation 3
• A stock owner sells short 100
shares of Apple Pie Corporation at
$50 per share. The initial margin
requirement is 50%. How much
money must be deposited in the
margin account?
Sample problem: Situation 3
• A stock owner sells short 100
shares of Apple Pie Corporation at
$50 per share. The initial margin
requirement is 50%. How much
money must be deposited in the
margin account?
100 shares x $50 = $5000
$5000 x .50 = $2500
Sample problem: Situation 4
• The SMG requires that the equity in
a portfolio must be equal to 30%
of the market value of the short
sale. How much equity is needed
in the portfolio if $5000 worth of
stock is sold short?
Sample problem: Situation 4
• The SMG requires that the equity in
a portfolio must be equal to 30%
of the market value of the short
sale. How much equity is needed
in the portfolio if $5000 worth of
stock is sold short?
$5000 x .30 = $1,500
• Underlying the ability to gain on
margin trading or short selling is
the idea that the market must
move up or down.
• A stock which just sits there and
doesn’t move is counterproductive.
• How do you judge the likelihood
that the stock will move? BETA
As the market moves,
beta measures stock
movement compared to
the market.
Theoretically, when
beta is 2.0 and the
market moves 5%, the
stock would move
(2.0 x 5% = 10%)
When beta is 1.0 and
the market moves 5%,
the stock would move
(1.0 x 5% = 5%)
When beta is .5 and the
market moves 5%, the
stock would move
(.5 x 5% = 2.5%)
• Therefore, high beta stocks move more
than low beta stocks.
• Here is a major difference between real
life, and the SMG: when students are
playing a 10-week game, they often
look for high-beta stocks that will
move more than the market.
• It is very important to explain the
difference between “game playing”
versus long-term investing.
Examples of beta: (from finance.yahoo.com)
Sterlite Industries
Stock Selection Ideas
• Students learn about the global
economy through focusing on where
the good investment opportunities are.
• Search out investment ideas in the
BRIC countries:
• Brazil
• Russia
• India
• China
Stock Selection Ideas
• Avoid investments in the PIIG
• Portugal
• Ireland
• Italy
• Greece
Stock Selection Ideas
• Technology stocks to analyze:
• Cloud computing
• Companies that feed the mobile device
market (3G or 4G networks, etc.)
• Cisco
• Broadcom