2.2 Conditional Statements

DAILY - Quiz
Given: Collinear points X, Y, Z ;
Z is between X and Y.
Conjecture: XY + YZ =XZ
Determine if the conjecture is true or false.
Give a counterexample if false.
δδ 2.2 Conditional Statements
Learning Objective:
1. Write conditional statements in the form
“If ____, then ____”
2. Write the inverse, converse, and contrapositive of a
conditional statements.
Conditional Statements –
A logical statement that has two parts, a hypothesis
and a conclusion.
A conditional Statement is a statement that can be
written in the form “if p, then q.”
A form of a conditional statement in which the IF
part contains the HYPOTHESIS (p) and the THEN part
contains the CONCLUSION (q).
HYPOTHESIS: is the IF part of a conditional statement.
Label p.
CONCLUSION: is the THEN part of a conditional
statement. Label q.
Identify the parts of a conditional statement. Identify
the hypothesis & conclusion.
(A.) If two angles are adjacent, then the angles
share a common vertex, a side and no common
interior points.
HYPOTHESIS: two angle are adjacent.
CONCLUSION: the angles share a common vertex, a
side and no common interior points.
Identify the parts of a conditional statement. Identify
the hypothesis & conclusion.
(B.) A number is a rational number if it is an integer.
HYPOTHESIS: a number is an integer.
CONCLUSION: the number is a rational number.
Note: The words, “when”, “whenever”, “because”,
“after”, “every time”, “each” and “if” often give
away the hypothesis of a conditional statement.
Identify the p and q, then write an IF-THEN form:
(C.) A number is divisible by 3 if it is divisible by 6.
If p, then q.
If a number is divisible by 6, then the
number is divisible by 3.
Write a conditional statement.
The outer oval
represents the
conclusion q
The inner oval
represents the
Write a conditional statement.
If an animal is a Blue
Jay, then it is a bird.
Write a conditional statement.
X< -1
X< -4
X< -4
X< -1
If _________,
then _____.
Write a conditional statement.
If ___, then ___.
“All triangles have 3 sides.”
If a figure is a triangle, then it has 3
Conditional statements
If ____, then _____.
Worksheet 2.2 Part 1
(1 - 18)