4th Biennial International Conference on Business, Banking and Finance Credit Unions in the ECCU—Opportunities and Challenges Yu Ching Wong International Monetary Fund June 22, 2011 Views expressed are those of the speaker alone and should not be reported as representing the official position of the International Monetary Fund. 2 Outline • Recent developments of credit unions in the ECCU • Are credit unions different from commercial banks? • Challenges in reducing vulnerabilities • Policy recommendations and conclusions 3 Key questions/motivations • Small as a percentage of assets in the financial system, the credit unions have been expanding steadily in recent years , providing important financial intermediation, particularly for middle and lower income groups • Increasing overlapping of financial services with banks but “credit unions are not banks”? • Challenges faced by credit unions ▫ Spillover effects of the global financial crisis and economic downturn and the BAICO/CLICO collapse on financial sectors in the ECCU? ▫ Improving data disclosure; operational efficiency; corporate governance • What needs to be done in terms of strengthening regulation and supervision to reduce vulnerabilities? 4 Credit union membership in the ECCU is very high in global comparison Share of credit union members to total population, 2008 (in percent) 90 84.1 79.6 80 67.3 70 60 52.8 50 46.0 ECCU average:42 percent 38.2 40 37.2 35.6 35.5 32.7 30 Global average:10 percent 29.6 28.8 27.8 26.7 23.0 22.5 BEN SEN 20 10 0 MSR DMA IRL BRB VCT LCA GRD BLZ JAM CAN USA KNA ATG TTO Sources: World Council of Credit Unions, 2008 Statistical Report; World Bank, World Development Indicators 2010; International Monetary Fund, World Economic Outlook 2010; and Fund staff calculations. Note: Antigua and Barbuda (ATG), Barbados (BRB), Belize (BLZ), Canada (CAN), Benin (BEN), Dominica (DMA), Grenada (GRD), Ireland (IRL), Jamaica (JAM), Montserrat (MSR), Senegal (SEN), St. Kitts and Nevis (KNA), St. Lucia (LCA), St. Vincent and the Grenadines (VCT), Trinidad and Tobago (TTO), and United States (USA). 5 Membership increased steadily in most ECCU jurisdictions despite a decline in the number of credit unions Number of credit union members in the ECCU, 2005-10 Number of credit unions 2005 2010 Number of members 2005 2010 Annual growth (in percent) Antigua and Barbuda Dominica Grenada Montserrat St. Kitts and Nevis St. Lucia St. Vincent and the Grenadines 5 16 19 1 3 15 10 5 10 13 1 4 15 9 14,751 74,974 28,702 4,500 7,823 50,964 40,815 26,575 61,695 41,686 4,308 17,055 73,343 53,815 12.5 -3.8 7.7 -0.9 16.9 7.6 5.7 ECCU 69 57 222,529 278,477 4.6 Sources: World Council of Credit Unions; and Caribbean Confederation of Credit Union. 6 Steady growth of assets, deposits and loans Total assets size of the credit union sector almost doubled… …similar upward trends in deposits and loans ECCU: Total Deposits and Loans of Credit Unions, 2005-10 ECCU: Total Assets of Credit Unions, 2005-10 750 20 700 In millions of US 650 In percent of GDP (right scale) 15 600 550 500 750 20 700 Loans (in millions of US$) 650 Deposits (in millions of US$) 600 Loans (in percent of GDP, right scale) 550 Deposits (in percent of GDP, right scale) 15 10 500 450 10 450 400 5 350 400 5 350 300 250 0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 300 250 0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 7 Large variations in concentration and size • The lack of timely data (e.g., capital, NPL level, provisioning, liquidity) for individual credit unions, in particular for the smaller ones, prevents us from conducting empirical analysis at the firm level • From aggregate data ▫ Dominica, St. Lucia, Grenada, and St. Vincent and the Grenadines represent 80 percent of credit union concentration (assets size) in the ECCU ▫ Dominica has the largest credit union sector-1/4 of the region’s total assets and 40 percent of its GDP 8 ECCU: Selected Indicators of Credit Unions, end-2010 (In millions of U.S. dollars; unless noted otherwise) ECCU Antigua and Barbuda Dominica 62 1.2 57 278,477 50 7.1 4.0 37 3.0 36 2.9 3 0.2 5 26,575 183 26.2 38.2 126 26.3 153 32.0 10 2.2 10 61,695 123 17.6 15.3 95 11.9 100 12.5 6 0.7 13 41,686 24 3.5 40.7 19 31.7 20 32.9 1 2.3 1 4,308 69 9.9 10.2 45 6.5 47 7.0 7 1.0 4 17,055 156 22.3 14.4 111 10.3 127 11.7 22 2.1 15 73,343 94 13.4 13.6 67 9.7 93 13.4 13 1.8 9 53,815 Average assets per institution Average deposits per member (U.S.$) Reserve/Assets (in percent) Reserve/Loans (in percent) 12 2,065 8.9 12.4 10 1,345 5.5 7.3 18 2,484 5.7 8.3 9 2,394 4.7 6.0 24 4,538 5.6 7.2 17 2,781 10.2 15.8 10 1,727 14.4 20.1 10 1,719 13.4 18.6 Memorandum item: Nominal GDP 5,317 1,245 479 801 59 680 1,082 690 Assets (in percent of total) (in percent of GDP) Loans (in percent of GDP) Deposits (in percent of GDP) Reserves (in percent of GDP) Number of credit union Members 698 100.0 13.1 500 9 575 Grenada Montserrat St Kitts and Nevis St Lucia St Vincent and the Grenadines Sources: World Council of Credit Unions; Caribbean Confederation of Credit Unions; ECCB and Fund staff estimates. 9 ▫ The largest three credit unions account for about onethird of the total credit union asset size …comparable in size to some of the indigenous banks ECCU: Selected Indicators of Major Credit Unions, end-2009 1/ (In millions of EC dollars, unless noted otherwise) Roseau CCU Share in (in percent) Dominica Assets Loans Deposits Statutory reserve Members 260 170 211 12 24,542 60.9 62.5 56.1 55.2 42.1 Civil Service CCU Share in (in percent) ECCU 16.4 15.2 15.7 5.3 9.6 St. Lucia 131 91 108 15 12,237 37.8 36.8 45.0 10.6 18.6 ECCU 6.9 7.5 7.6 6.5 1.7 General Employee CCU Share in (in percent) St. Vincent & the ECCU Grenadines 143 78 131 6 32,263 58.6 44.3 56.6 17.9 62.8 Sources: Annual Reports of Roseau Cooperative Credit Union (CCU); Civil Service Cooperative Credit Union; General Employee Cooperative Credit Union; World Council of Credit Unions. 1/ Data for Roseau CCU are as of end-2008. 7.6 6.5 9.3 2.4 4.6 10 Are credit unions different from commercial banks? • Proponents of the credit union movement have long viewed that credit unions are better suited in providing smaller value uncollateralized consumer loans at lower interest rates ▫ Credit unions are not-for-profit financial institutions; tax exempted, owned by members from a restricted customer base, focus on small consumer loans, source their funding from member savings, and share their dividends among their member shareholders ▫ Commercial banks pay taxes on profits, owned and controlled by stockholders, open to the public, focus on lending to businesses and consumers with collateral, and distribute their dividends to their shareholders 11 In comparison with commercial banks… ECCU: Assets of Commercial Banks and Credit Unions (in percent of GDP) 300 274 268 Assets of commercial banks Assets of indigenous commercial banks Assets of credit unions 250 237 200 190 200 171 152 150 144 131 127 124 106 100 75 79 68 59 41 38 50 13 0 ECCU 25 0 Anguilla 4 Antigua and Dominica Barbuda 15 Grenada 38 10 14 Montserrat St. Kitts and St. Lucia Nevis Sources: Caribbean Confederation of Credit Unions; EECB; and Fund staff calculations. 14 St. Vincent and the Grenadines 12 ECCU: Credit Unions versus Banks • Despite these differences, credit unions and commercial banks compete in the market for deposits and consumer loans • Remarkable expansion of the ECCU credit union sector exceeding the growth of assets, loans and deposits in commercial banks • Credit unions absorb close to 12 percent of total private sector deposits and provided about 10 percent of private sector deposits Credit Unions Versus Commercial Banks (In percent of GDP; unless noted otherwise) 2005 Credit Unions Assets Loans Deposits Commercial Banks Assets Private Sector Loans Private Sector Deposits 2010 Annual growth (In percent) 9.1 6.4 7.6 13.1 9.4 10.8 12.4 12.8 12.0 148.8 68.0 78.7 171.0 87.8 83.3 7.3 9.9 5.6 Share of Credit Unions to Deposit-taking institutions (In percent) Assets 5.8 7.1 Loans 8.6 9.7 Deposits 8.8 11.5 Sources:World Council of Credit Unions; Caribbean Confederation of Credit Unions; ECCB; and Fund staff estimates. 13 Challenges: Strengthening Regulation and Supervision • Responsibility for the oversight of cooperatives are under the purview of the registrar of cooperatives ▫ Suffers from resource constraints ▫ More focus on promotion than supervision ▫ Supervision of credit unions has been less than effective compared with banks (which compete in deposits taking and lending) ▫ Contingent liabilities to the government (i.e., the lack of deposit insurance) represent a serious challenge given the limited fiscal space and high debt public levels in the ECCU 14 • Inadequately regulated credit unions could potentially undermine financial stability ▫ Growth in membership and market share clearly indicated that credit union supervision needs to be integrated from a macro-prudential perspective ▫ Recent global financial crisis has shown that threats to financial stability can emerge from any parts of the integrated financial system and all financial services should be adequately regulated to minimize spillover ▫ The lack of timely and detailed financial data on credit union’s activities together with insufficient supervision would also rule out the opportunity to implement timely remedial measures 15 • The Caribbean financial crisis of 2009 caused by the failure of the CL Financial Group exposed weaknesses in the region’s regulatory framework for nonbank financial institutions ▫ Question on the extent of the adverse impact of BAICO and CLICO on individual credit union—exposure and provisioning ▫ Risk of spillovers to banks and other countries (e.g., impact on banks through linkages with affected credit unions) ▫ How to recapitalize or provide liquidity support to credit unions? 16 • The BAICO and CLICO debacle has helped accelerate the proposed prudential reforms of the ECCU credit union sector ▫ Prudential supervision aims to protect the savings of the general public and to maintain financial stability ▫ The new cooperative societies legislation aim to enhance licensing requirements, establish prudential standards, enhance reporting requirements and strengthen enforcement actions Capital adequacy requirement ▫ Some progress is made in establishing a single regulatory unit (SRU) within each ECCU member to regulate nonbank financial institutions and harmonizing NBFI legislations 17 Progress in enacting new harmonized legislation ECCU: Status of Harmonized Legislation on Non-Bank Financial Sector 1/ Single Regulatory Units Act Date of I Credit Unions Act Date of legislation enacted legislation s enacted t h Anguilla Antigua and Barbuda Dominica Grenada Montserrat St. Kitts and Nevis St. Lucia St. Vincent and the Grenadines √ √ √ √ √ √ √ x n.a. n.a. n.a. May-06 n.a. Oct-09 Mar-11 - Y Insurance Act x √ √ √ x x x x Sources: The authorities; others. Note: 1/ Enacted (√), Outstanding (x). As of end-March 2011. n.a. Mar-11 Dec-11 - Money Services Act Date of legislation enacted x x x √ x √ x x Mar-10 Mar-09 - Date of legislation enacted √ √ √ √ √ √ √ x 2009 Aug-07 Apr-10 Jun-09 Oct-08 Jul-08 2010 - 18 Some further considerations • To transfer systemically important credit unions to the ECCB ▫ Supervision by bank supervisory authority would have the advantages of integrated supervision thus reducing information arbitrage and making use of existing expertise in the supervision of deposit-taking institutions ▫ Within the Caribbean, Belize, Bermuda, and Haiti have integrated, whereas Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago are in the process of integrating the supervision of credit unions under the central bank/regulator of banks ▫ For the ECCU, considerations including the large number of credit unions may not be feasible for the ECCB to resume this role ▫ Nevertheless, consideration should be given to transferring lead responsibility to the ECCB of systemic important credit unions with significant membership penetration and balance sheet size 19 Some further considerations • Overcome the capacity bottlenecks ▫ the establishment of a center of excellence for the sharing of human resources ▫ creation of a regional regulatory authority for NBFI over the medium term 20 Challenges: Reducing vulnerabilities • Need to include the adaptation of international standards and international best practices including PEARLS and enhancing the scope and frequency of data reporting ▫ PEARLS as a toolkit to improve operational efficiency for credit union managers and as a supervisory tool by regulators. ▫ Timely publication of these PEARLS indicators would also facilitate data comparison and performance assessment in comparison with the banks 21 Selected PEARLS Indicators Key PEARLS Indicators Standards of Excellence P1. Allowance for Loan Losses/Delinquency > 12 months 100% P2. Net Allowance for Loan Losses/Delinquency of 1-12 months 35% E1. Net Loans/Total Assets 70%-80% E5. Savings Deposits/Total Assets 70%-80% E6. External Credit/Total Assets Maximum 5% E9. Net Institutional Capital/Total Assets Minimum 10% A1. Total Loan Delinquency/Gross Loan Portfolio <= 5% A2. Non-Earning Assets/Total Assets <= 5% R7. Total Interest (Dividend) Cost on Shares/Average Member Shares Market Rates>= R5 R9. Total Operating Expenses/Average Total Assets 5% R12. Net Income/Average Total Assets Linked to E9 L1. ST Investments + Liquid Assets – ST Payables/Savings Deposits Minimum 15% S11. Growth in Total Assets > Inflation 22 Conclusions • To reduce the risks of spillover to the financial system in the event of shocks, there is an urgent need to strengthen the regulation and supervision framework ▫ by making operational the SRUs ▫ greater information exchange and collaboration between the ECCB, SRUs, and other regulators • In the short-term: supervision of systemically important credit unions should be integrated with bank supervision • Merger and consolidation of the smaller institutions would offer benefits • To make available comprehensive and timely data on credit unions • Continued technical assistance from the IFIs, regional and development partners, CARTAC 23 Thank you