9/23/14 Utredning og behandling av leddbruskskade Idrettsmedisinisk kurs II-22 September 2014 Hvorfor skal vi kunne noe om dette? • Pasientinformasjon Asbjørn Årøen MD,PhD Professor Ortopedisk Klinikk Akershus Universitetssykehus Medlem HelseSørØst Rek B Lægeforenings Forskningsutvalg • Riktig behandlingsvalg ut fra det som er publisert pr dags dato • Forsikringssaker Lecture Outline • Cartilage biology • Cartilage injuries Leddbrusk • Nødvendig for et velfungerende ledd • Overfører kraft over ledd • Demper støt og forbygger brudd • Treatments • Treatments commonly used • Critical appraisal of the evidence • Future perspectives • Holder i mange tilfeller livet ut • Vanskelig å reparere = Utfordrende Causes of cartilage injury • What are the causes? • How frequent are they? • Do they hurt? • What is the natural history? TRAUMA OSTEOCHONDRITIS OSTEOARTHRITIS DISSECANS (OCD) REPETITIVE AND MINOR JUVENILE OCD PRIMARY ACUTE AND MAJOR ADULT OCD SECONDARY Destruction of subchondral bone leading to subsequent damage to the articular cartilage Generalised degenerative disease affecting the articular cartilage (and the rest of the joint) Direct mechanical injury to the articular cartilage • Take home messages Orthopedics Trauma Trauma THE JOUR NAL ACUTE AND MAJOR REPETITIVE AND MINOR BONE & JOINT SURGER Y · JBJS.ORG VO L U M E 85-A · S U P P L E M E N T 2 · 2003 OF Classification • Enough force to directly lead to a chondral or osteochondral fracture • Typically direct trauma to the knee or luxation of the patella in younger patients Normal but a lesion with extensive cavitation into the bone may require bone-grafting. Grade 1 OCD Lesion Classification steochondritis dissecans is an osteochondral disease that can be diagnosed with radiographs, which can be used to Grade 2 determine the extent of osseous involvement and the depth of the lesion. However, an arthroscopic description of the osteochondral fragmentation is needed, and the ICRS has suggested the following classification system (Fig. 5). Stable lesions with a continuous but softened area covered by intact cartilage are classified as ICRS OCD I, lesions with partial discontinuity that are stable when probed are classified as ICRS OCD II, lesions with a complete discontinuity that are not yet dislocated (“dead in situ”) are classified as ICRS OCD III, and empty defects as well as defects with a dislocated fragment or Grade 3 classified as ICRS OCD a loose fragment within the bed are IV. Subgroups ICRS OCD I-IVB are defects that are >10 mm in depth. O Nearly normal Grade 1 Abnormal • Less force, but enough to damage the cartilage, and/or affect chondrocytes (death, degradation) • Typically in conjunction with or after injuries to menisci and/or ligaments. EV A L U A T I O N O F C A R T I L A G E IN JU R I E S A N D RE P A I R Grade 2 Severely abnormal Grade 3 Grade 4 Fig. 4 The ICRS cartilage injury classification. (Reprinted from the ICRS Carti- lage Injury Evaluation Package2001) [www.cartilage.org], with permission (Brittberg,2003. Poole, from the International Cartilage Repair Society.) subchondral bone plate. While débridement of unstable edges (as is suggested for ICRS-2 lesions) is suitable for ICRS-3 lesions, further treatment is recommended for these more extensive lesions. A simple treatment is to imitate the vascular tissue inflammatory phase by opening the subchondral space with use of drilling, intracortical abrasion, or microfracture techniques. A combination of drilling and perichondral or periosteal grafting is possible. Allografting or autografting with osteochondral grafts is another treatment option, as is the use of autologous grafted cultured chondrocytes. Joint trauma may create cartilage defects that extend into the subchondral bone. These full-thickness osteochondral injuries are classified as ICRS 4 (severely abnormal). Excluded from this grade are defects that are classified as osteochondritis dissecans (OCD), which have a classification system of their own (discussed below). ICRS-4 lesions can be treated in the same manner as described for ICRS-3 lesions, Grade 4 Transfer of the ICRS Classifications into an Imaging Evaluation ore active research is needed in order to correlate magnetic resonance imaging findings with the ICRS cartilage lesion classification. However, the available clinical and research data allow some preliminary observations. As in most magnetic resonance imaging studies with the clinically used acquisition techniques, very little morphologic alteration in ICRS-1a lesions have been reported and therefore it is difficult to differentiate these lesions from normal (ICRS-0) cartilage. In one study14 involving fat-suppressed fast-spin-echo imaging, areas of softening were detectable as regions of cartilage signal abnormality without detectable morphologic changes. dGEMRIC, a magnetic resonance imaging technique that is beginning to be used in clinical studies, is sensitive to the concentration of glycosaminoglycan within the cartilage matrix and shows great promise for the detection of cartilage softening and superficial fibrillation (i.e., ICRS-1a lesions)20. Since ICRS-1b lesions (superficial lacerations and fissures) are deeper, they should be more easily detected with magnetic resonance imaging. However, the differentiation of ICRS-1b lesions from ICRS-1a and ICRS-2 lesions may be difficult. The spatial resolution of magnetic resonance images is usually adequate to determine whether a cartilage defect involves >50% of the cartilage thickness (ICRS 3) or <50% of the cartilage thickness (ICRS 2). However, if the deepest part of the lesion is very focal and narrow, the grade of the lesion may be underestimated with magnetic resonance imaging. The deepest layers of articular cartilage usually appear dark on magnetic resonance images, similar to the appearance of the subchondral bone plate. Therefore, at this time, it is unlikely that magnetic resonance imaging will be able to differentiate among ICRS-3a lesions (which do not extend into the calcified cartilage layer), ICRS-3b lesions (which extend down to the calcified layer), and ICRS-3c lesions (which extend down to but not through the subchondral bone plate). Blis- microfracture the patient undergoing fragment removal is highly individualized, with considerations of defect location, defect containment, the condition of the bone, and the size and depth of the lesion. Given the rehabilitation required following microfracture, the decision is not taken lightly. Even beyond the initial period of protected weight bearing and continuous passive motion, if one truly follows the existing recommendations about return to sport for these patients, they would not be allowed to return to high-level activities for at least 6–8 months. Thus, it can be challenging to hold an active patient back when all that might have been required was fragment removal to render them symptom free. We only microfracture the bed (of a recently removed fragment) if it includes the ideal defect characteristics, assuming the patient understands and consents to the postoperative program (Figs 4 and 5). Although this decision-making is somewhat intuitive, it is not supported by any literature that demonstrates that, with this exact clinical scenario, the symptoms will be reduced further than fragment removal alone, that symptom onset will be prevented or delayed, or that the natural history of the defect will be altered in any way. FIGURE 5. After fragment removal, microfracture was performed. Note the lesion is ideal for microfracture, with chondral defect with good cartilage shoulders. Miniaci and Tytherleigh-Strong [23] and remains a consideration for a defect that has an intact, relatively stable fragment within the defect bed. Gudas et al. [22] reported a prospective, randomized study comparing microfracture with osteochondral autologous transplantation in OCD and found that both groups demonstrated substantial improvement initially in clinical symptoms and in their International Cartilage Repair Society scores, but the microfracture group deteriorated over time, with 41% failing (based on pain and joint swelling necessitating a second-look surgery) at 4 years compared with none in the transplant group. Osteochondritis Dissecans (OCD) Osteoarticular transfer system • Pathology of the subchondral bone with secondary damage to overlying cartilage. Autologous chondrocyte implantation Autologous chondrocyte transplantation may be • Unknown etiology: genetic a good choice for large defects. Bentley et al. [24] predisposition, microreported good to excellent outcomes in 88% of the cohort from a large patient population undergoing trauma, disturbed bone ACI for OCD lesions [24]. Kon et al. [25 ] recently published second-generation ACI, together with vascularisation after single a bone graft in patients with OCD. Interestingly, injury? female sex and older age were related to the worst prognosis. • Juvenile: In adolescents allograft withOsteochondral open growth plates Osteochondral allograft transplantation should be considered as a salvage procedure and should rarely • Adult: lesions be usedJuvenile as first-line treatment. Garrett [26] reported outcomes at a mean follow-up of 3 years thatsuccessful did not become in 94% of the patients. McCulloch et al. [27] studied the clinical outcomes in 25 patients who underwent apparent until after closing prolonged fresh osteochondral allograft (these of the grafts growth are harvested plates. and are typically maintained This technique is ideal in those case scenarios wherein the underlying subchondral bone integrity has been significantly compromised. It could be considered as a second-line treatment after a failed microfracture or as a first-line treatment of highdemand patients with small chondral lesions. A novel technique of using an osteochondral autograft plug as a biologic splint has been reported by & M (Pascual-Garrido, 2009, 2013. Hergenroeder, UpToDate). FIGURE 4. Typical osteochondritis dissecans lesion located on the medial femoral condyle with loose body. 50 www.co-pediatrics.com refrigerated at 48C for up to 28 days). Six of these patients were diagnosed with OCD. They reported 84% patient satisfaction and 88% radiographic incorporation of prolonged fresh allografts to the Volume 25 ! Number 1 ! February 2013 Copyright © Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. 1 9/23/14 Epidemiology – cartilage injuries • Osteoarthritis (OA) • • • • Degeneration of cartilage (with effects on the whole joint) Limited inflammation Changes periarticular and in subchondral bone Major cause of disability (Guccione, 1994) Prevalence: Age > 60 y: 47 % (Leyland, 2012) • Of 993 consecutive arthroscopies (Årøen, 2004): • 66 % with cartilage changes incl. OA changes • 20 % had localised cartilage lesions without OA (mostly younger patients) • Most frequent on the medial femoral condyle B • Frequent concomitant injuries to menisci and ligaments A • Corresponding results in prospective and retrospective studies (Hjelle, 2002 PRIMARY SECONDARY • Trauma Diagnostic criteria (Altman, 1986) Knee pain + at least 3 of 6: Age > 50 y Bony tenderness Stiffness < 30 min Bony enlargement Crepitus No palpable warmth • Knee injury: Relative risk of OA 5.17 (Gelber, 2000) • ACL injury: OA incidence 51% 12 years after injury (mean age 31 y) (Lohmander, 2004) • Cartilage injury (incl. OCD): Affected knees higher incidence of OA 5-6 years after diagnosis (Loken, 2010. Knutsen, 2007) • Reconstruction of ACL does not prevent OA (Lohmander, 2004. Von Porat, 2004. Daniel, 1994. Frobell, 2013) • Unknown if treating cartilage injuries prevents early OA. • Other risk factors: Congenital joint disorders, malalignment, obesity, diabetes, hemophilia ++ (n=1000). Curl, 1997 (n=31,516). Widuchowski, 2007 (n=25,124)) • ACL-reconstructions: 17-27 % of patients grade 1 or higher cartilage lesion (Granan, 2009. Røtterud, 2011) Diagnosis and symptoms 9% 44% • Acute onset of symptoms in conjunction with trauma • Sub-acute onset (or lack of improvement) with or without known past trauma • Symptoms 47% • Knee pain, swelling, (pseudo-)locking, catching • Clinical exam Grade III-IV Vol. 32, No. 1, 2004 • Idiopathic • Multifactorial incl. genetic and acquired risk factors • History OCD Grade I-II Articular Cartilage Lesions in Knee Arthroscopies 213 • Effusion, evidence of ligament or meniscal injury 4% • Imaging 11 % • X-ray: osteochondral fracture, large OCDs, malalignment, OA • MRI: chondral fractures (ligament/ menisci). NB! small lesions may not show 43 % C • Diagnostic arthroscopy • Rarely, normally only if ligament or meniscal surgery is indicated 23 % Figure 2. Different types of localized cartilage lesions (n = 203) of the knee. A, Localized partial-thickness cartilage lesions 44%; B, Osteochondritis dissecans lesions 9%; C, Localized full-thickness cartilage lesions 47%. 6% 9% Chicago, Illinois). All percentages are given without any decimals. Figure 3. Anatomical distribution of the localized full-thickness cartilage defects of the knees (n = 203). RESULTS most frequent (Fig. 4). An x-ray examination was performed in 93% of the knees, and radiographic degenerative changes were noted in 13% of all the knees. Previous arthroscopic procedures had been performed in 28% of the knees, most commonly a meniscal resection or an ACL reconstruction. Median time period from injury to the current arthroscopic procedure was 296 days. The performed arthroscopic procedures are shown in Figure 5. Pain was reported with a median value of 40 on a Visual Analog Scale in which 0 was no pain at all and 100 represented the worst pain the patient could imagine. Seventythree percent of all the patients reported to be preoperatively very restricted by activity pain. Compared to their healthy contralateral knee, half of the patients assessed the function to be more than 60% reduced. Still, 82% of the patients were preoperatively regularly doing exercise once or twice weekly (Table 1). Table 2 shows the different diagnosis groups and the number of cases with concomitant localized cartilage lesion. Patellar dislocation had the highest frequency of associated cartilage lesion (57%) followed by older anterior cruciate ligament ruptures (29%) and partial anterior cruciate ruptures (27%). Most of the patients with localized cartilage lesions were in younger age groups (median age 30 years), as illustrated in Figure 6. In the patients younger than 45 years of age, the finding of articular cartilage changes as a total was 54%, but the percentage of knees with localized (partial and full thickness) cartilage defects was 27%. Articular cartilage changes were noted in 66% of the knees. A localized cartilage lesion in combination with degenerative changes was diagnosed in 5% (n = 47) of knees. Localized cartilage lesions without degenerative lesions were observed in 20% (n = 203) of all knees. Localized cartilage lesions on opposing articular surfaces, so-called “kissing lesions,” were diagnosed in 5 of these 203 knees. Figure 2 illustrates the different types of lesions of the localized knee cartilage injuries (n = 203 knees). Full-thickness cartilage lesions were found in 11% (n = 113) of the knees. The most serious cartilage injuries, grade 3 and 4, were most commonly located at the medial femoral condyle followed by patella, as illustrated in Figure 3. A full-thickness cartilage defect with a square area of more than 2 cm2 was observed in 6% (n = 62) of all the knees. Thirty-one of these 62 patients had a cartilage lesion as their only pathology. Fifty percent of these larger lesions (grade 3 to 4 and > 2 cm2) were localized at the medial femoral condyle, and 13% were localized in femoral trochlea. Ten cartilage lesions were classified as osteochondritis dissecans. Of all patients (N = 993), an acute traumatic onset of the knee symptoms was reported in 59% and a more gradual nontraumatic onset in 41%. Sports participation was the most commonly associated activity (49%), with team sports such as soccer and European team handball as the Downloaded from ajs.sagepub.com at Universitet I Oslo on February 4, 2010 Natural history Symptomatic ? Asymptomatic Symptoms or no symptoms? • Equal impact on quality of • 8 out of 10 endurance life to patients waiting for a runners had cartilage total knee replacement (Heir, defects on MRI (Stahl, 2008) 2010) • 50 % of asymptomatic knees • Poorer self-reported in 40 NBA players had function in patients with cartilage lesions (Kaplan, 2005. reconstructed ACLs and full- Walczak, 2005) thickness lesions 2-5 years post surgery (Røtterud, 2011) • Cartilage abnormalities in 8 % of asymptomatic triathletes without prior knee • Less return to sports if concomitant cartilage injury injury and 31 % with prior (Steinwachs, 2011) injury (Shellock, 2003) Idrettsutøver med bruskskade i kneet-hva trenger vi • Anamnese – Smertedebut – Skader – Idrett-funksjonsnivå-ambisjon – Lysholm score – Alder !! • Of 28 athletes (severe lesions and minimal surgical intervention) 12 patients had no evidence of OA after 14 years. 22 patients had excellent or good knee function (Messner, 1996) • At mean 15.3-year follow-up there was no difference in presence of OA between injured and uninjured knee in patients with a untreated single isolated grade IV lesion (Widuchowski, 2011) • Osteochondral injuries may heal with (fibrous) cartilage and clinical relief of symptoms • Not all chondral injuries progress into (early) OA Klinisk undersøkelse – Bevegelseutslag – Knestabilitet • Lachmann • Skuffe test • Patella stabilitet – Patella Grinding test – Hvor kjennes ujevnheten – Palpasjonsømhet – Kjenner du et fritt legeme? Hva trengs for samtale om behandlingsalternativer • Bilder – Stående bilder, helst Synaflex – MR- kan miste bruskskade – Tvil om akser-bestille HKA – Vurdere CT artrografi ved OCD 2 9/23/14 Hva må være på plass før behandling kan diskuteres Behandling Behandlingsalternativene • Ikke artrose kne • Aldri bruskkirurgi “by the way” • Pasientinformasjon • OSLO CARE (Cartilage Active Rehabilitation and Education) Treatment Treatment options THE ULTIMATE GOAL CONSERVATIVE MEDICATIONS Training SURGICAL FIXATION OF LOOSE FRAGMENT • Immobilisation leads to cartilage thinning, but increased loading on normal cartilage does not lead to thicker cartilage (Eckstein, 2006) • Patients with knee pain often have poor quadriceps strength and control. • Preoperative training has proven very beneficial in ACL reconstruction surgery (Eitzen, 2009) [ DEBRIDEMENT To reconstitute cartilage defects with repair tissue with identical properties to normal cartilage, with perfect integration to surrounding tissues, and with no changes to subchondral bone! MODIFICATION OF ACTIVITY TRAINING BONE MARROW STIMULATION OSTEOCHONDRAL TRANSPLANTATION CELL BASED IMPLANTATION ] RESEARCH REPORT 300 100 Strength, Nm • Pasient med tid og ressurser til å gjennomføre behandlingen • Mikrofractur • ACI • Mosaikkartroplastikk • Scaffold 90 BARBARA WONDRASCH, PT, MSc1 • ASBJØRN ÅRØEN, MD, PhD2,3 • JAN HARALD RØTTERUD, MD2,3 TURID HØYSVEEN, PT, MSc4 • KRISTIN BØLSTAD, MSc5 • MAY ARNA RISBERG, PT, PhD1 80 The Feasibility of a 3-Month Active Rehabilitation Program for Patients With Knee Full-Thickness Articular Cartilage Lesions: The Oslo Cartilage Active Rehabilitation and Education Study 60 250 +29.9% +2.5% Injured Noninjured 200 150 100 50 70 0 Preintervention Postintervention 50 40 FIGURE 6. Average ! SD isokinetic quadriceps muscle strength for the injured and uninjured limbs preintervention and postintervention (n = 44). 30 20 10 200 0 Pain Symptoms ADL Preintervention Sport QL Postintervention Strength, Nm • Ikke major malalignment – Grundig gjennomgang av alternativene – Hva som kreves av dem ved bruskkirurgi – Hva som kan forventes til slutt – Hvor lang tid det tar; 12-18 måneder KOOS (0-100) • Ikke instabilitet i kneet 150 +31.3% +13.1% 100 50 0 ! STUDY DESIGN: Prospective cohort study. ! OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the feasibility of an active rehabilitation program for patients with knee full-thickness articular cartilage lesions. ! RESULTS: The average adherence rate to the rehabilitation program was 83%. Four patients (9%) showed adverse events, as they could not perform the exercises due to pain and effusion. Significant and clinically meaningful improvement was found, based on changes on the International Knee Documentation Committee Subjective Knee Evaluation Form 2000, the Knee injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score quality of life subscale, isokinetic muscle strength, and hop performance (P<.05), with small to large effect sizes (standardized response mean, 0.3-1.22). K FIGURE 5. Average ! SD KOOS scores preintervention and postintervention (n = 44). Abbreviations: ADL, activities nee articular cartilage of daily living; KOOS, Knee injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score; QL, quality of life. lesions occur frequently and are a major clinical ed. The reason for implementing both program, and 54% for an 18-month challenge in orthopaedic the online survey and the training dia- program) as the intervention becomes and sports medicine, as well as ries was to gain more information about longer.24,54 in physical therapy.2,59 Patients adherence to the rehabilitation program. The high adherence rate in our study • 65 % of the patients enrolled opted to postpone surgery ! BACKGROUND: No studies have yet evaluated the effect of active rehabilitation in patients with knee full-thickness articular cartilage lesions or compared the effects of active rehabilitation to those of surgical interventions. As an initial step, the feasibility of such a program needs to be described. ! METHODS: Forty-eight patients with a knee full- thickness articular cartilage lesion and a Lysholm score below 75 participated in a 3-month active rehabilitation program consisting of cardiovascular training, knee and hip progressive resistance training, and neuromuscular training. Feasibility was determined by monitoring adherence to the program, clinical changes in knee function, load progression, and adverse events. Patients were tested before and after completing the rehabilitation program by using patient-reported outcomes (Knee injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score, International Knee Documentation Committee Subjective Knee Evaluation Form 2000) and isokinetic muscle strength and hop tests. To monitor adherence, load progression, and adverse events, patients responded to an online survey and kept training diaries. ! CONCLUSION: The combination of a high adherence rate, clinically meaningful changes, and positive load progression and the occurrence of only a few adverse events support the potential usefulness of this program for patients with knee full-thickness cartilage lesions. This study was registered with the public trial registry Clinical Trials.gov (NCT00885729). ! LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: Therapy, level 2b. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2013;43(5):310-324. Epub 13 March 2013. doi:10.2519/jospt.2013.4354 ! KEY WORDS: chondral injury, neuromuscular exercises, strength exercises, tibiofemoral joint often experience restrictions of daily, recreational, and sports activities due to functional impairments and disabilities. Clinically, patients often present with pain and effusion,31,33 as well as muscle weakness, poor neuromuscular control, and low self-reported knee function.40,45 Joint effusion reduces range of motion, alters proprioceptive input, and potentially leads to muscle reflex inhibition.4,8,25 Knee function has been shown to be significantly worse in patients with articular cartilage lesions compared to patients with anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury. Furthermore, quality of life has been shown to be affected to the same extent in patients with articular cartilage lesions as in those with knee osteoarthritis (OA) Norwegian Research Center for Active Rehabilitation, Department of Sports Medicine, Norwegian School of Sport Sciences, Oslo, Norway. 2Department of Orthopaedics, Akershus University Hospital, Lørenskog, Norway. 3Oslo Sports Trauma Research Center, Department of Sports Medicine, Norwegian School of Sport Sciences, Oslo, Norway. 4 Ullernklinikken, Oslo, Norway. 5Norwegian Research Center for Active Rehabilitation, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Oslo University Hospital, Oslo, Norway. The study protocol was approved by The Regional Ethical Committee for South-Eastern Norway. The authors certify that they have no affiliations with or financial involvement in any organization or entity with a direct financial interest in the subject matter or materials discussed in the manuscript. Address correspondence to Dr May Arna Risberg, Department of Sports Medicine, Norwegian School of Sport Sciences, PB 4014 Ullevaal Stadion, 0806 Oslo, Norway. E-mail: m.a.risberg@nih.no ! Copyright ©2013 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy 1 310 | may 2013 | volume 43 | number 5 | journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy Most patients reported that the training diaries were easy to complete, and that the online survey would likely not be needed to monitor adherence during such a program. The total adherence to the rehabilitation and return-to-activity phases was 83%, which is comparable to a previously reported24,54 adherence rate of 85% for a 3-month exercise program for patients with knee OA. Adherence to rehabilitation has been shown to be crucial to preserving physical performance, self-reported knee function, and pain reduction in patients with knee OA.50 Adherence to a rehabilitation program also influences pain, quality of life, and physical performance in patients with knee OA.50,62 Few studies have been designed to investigate factors that influence adherence to a program.50 One major factor seems to be the duration of the program, with a progressive decline in adherence (85% for a 3-month program, 70% for a 9-month may also be attributed to the study’s focus on patient education, which has previously been shown to be an important factor to increase adherence in patients with knee and hip OA.50 Qualitative studies have also demonstrated that some patients express doubt as to whether exercise will be beneficial or detrimental to their injury. Such doubt could reduce patients’ willingness to exercise.11,63 Clinically significant improvements in both quadriceps (41.3 ! 33.8 Nm) and hamstrings (23.3 ! 21.5 Nm) muscle strength were found in this study. The MDCs for quadriceps and hamstrings strength have been reported to be 22.76 and 15.44 Nm, respectively.45 To our knowledge, no previous studies have reported changes in isokinetic muscle strength after exercise interventions in patients with articular cartilage lesions in general or in those with full-thickness articular cartilage lesions in particular. However, studies evaluating the effect of Injured Noninjured Preintervention Postintervention FIGURE 7. Average ! SD isokinetic hamstrings muscle strength in the injured and uninjured limbs preintervention and postintervention (n = 44). resistance training have been reported in patients with knee OA.40,42 King et al42 evaluated the effects of a 12-week, highintensity muscle strength program for patients with medial knee OA. They found an improvement in isokinetic quadriceps strength (60°/s) of 33.6 Nm and in hamstrings strength of 23.5 Nm after 12 weeks of resistance training.42 Another study40 compared the clinical effects of high- and low-resistance training for patients with knee OA. The high-resistance training group demonstrated an increase in isokinetic quadriceps strength (60°/s) of 6.7 Nm and hamstrings strength of 14.4 Nm. The low-resistance group had an improvement in quadriceps strength of 11.5 Nm and hamstrings strength of 14.2 Nm.40 Our patients with full-thickness articular cartilage lesions had a larger improvement in both quadriceps and hamstrings muscle strength after a 3-month exercise program compared to these patients with knee OA. journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy | volume 43 | number 5 | may 2013 | 317 Fixation of loose fragment(s) • Typical: • Younger patient • Patella luxation or other trauma (could be judged as relatively minor) or OCD • Lack of clincial improvement • Locking or pseudolocking Debridement • What it is: • Removing loose cartilage bits • Cleaning up the defect to get stable edges • Indications: • May be the sole treatment for very small lesions • Usually the first step of more invasive or more comprehensive treatments • Often done “en passant” on chance findings • Treatment • Fixation with screws or anchors combined with microfracture • What it does and does not do: • Symptom relief in localised grade 3-4 lesions (reduces pain, locking and swelling) (Hubbard, 1996) • No stimulation or introduction of repair tissue in the defect. • NB! Does not really provide anything more than placebo surgery in OA (Moseley, 2002) • Good prognosis if diagnosed early • The patients´ own cartilage is much more likely to constitute a good repair Bone-marrow stimulation • Rationale: • Osteochondral injuries heal because of bleeding and cells from the bone marrow • Allowing access from the bone marrow into chondral defects could promote healing • Blood clot • Allows for a “normal” repair process • Stem and blood cells (release of cytokines – inflammation) • Fibrin www.shoulderkneedoc.com 3 9/23/14 Treatment of articular cartilage defects in athletes: An analysis of functio... Field T Blevins; J Richard Steadman; Juan J Rodrigo; Jim Silliman Orthopedics; Jul 1998; 21, 7; ProQuest Medical Library pg. 761 Microfracture • Rationale: Bone-marrow stimulation Bone-marrow stimulation • Osteochondral injuries heal because of bleeding and cells from the bone marrow • Allowing access from the bone marrow into chondral defects could promote healing Pain • Developed by Pridie in the 1950s – drilling (Pridie, 1959) • Questions about heat necrosis of subchondral bone • 38 high-level and 140 recreational athletes • Full-thickness injuries (down to bone), many with associated ligament/meniscal injuries • Re-thought and popularised by Steadman in the 1980s/90s – microfracture (Blevins, 1998. • Blood clot • Allows for a “normal” repair process • Fibrin • Stem and blood cells • Release of cytokines – inflammation Steadman, 1998) • The most commonly used treatment option Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Microfracture Pro: Contra: – Repair tissue is fibrous, not hyaline cartilage – Long track record – Easy and arthroscopic surgery – One step surgery – Inexpensive – Relatively fast recovery Autologous osteochondral mosaicplasty for the treatment of full-thickness def... Laszlo Hangody; Peter Fules Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery; 2003; 85, ProQuest Medical Library pg. 25 Osteochondral transplantation • Circular osteochondral plugs transferred from uninjured parts of the knee to the defect • Developed by Matsusue and Hangody in 1990s (OATS, mosaicplasty) (Matsusue, 1993. Hangody, 1997) (Knutsen, 2004. Saris, 2008) – Increase in failures over time? (Mithoefer, 2009) – Changes subchondral bone (sclerosis) (interference with later treatments?) (Arøen, 2006. • Similar method used for large osteochondral defects (complete condyle) with allografts (Mankin, 1976) – Deceased donors, grafts fresh or cryopreserved – Rarely used in Scandinavia Minas, 2009. Pestka, 2012) Osteochondral autografts • Review of 831 mosaicplasties at one institution • 92 % good-excellent results • 3 % donor site morbidity • Donor sites filled with fibrocartilage • 69 out of 93 patients with second look arthroscopy showed congruent joints Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation (ACI) Osteochondral transplantation 32S Cartilage 3(Suppl. 1) and players who underwent ACI early (<12 months after injury). In fact, the ability to return to playing football was 4 times higher when ACI was performed within 1 year after injury (Table 1). No significant association was found between return to football and gender, defect type, defect location, defect size, or number of prior surgeries. Concomitant procedures such as ligament reconstructions or osteotomies did not decrease the ability to return to football, as 56% of players with osteotomies were able to return to play football. Interestingly, postoperative participation in athletic activities improved the long-term functional results after first-generation ACI.11 The failure rate was 13%, with half of the failures resulting from traumatic delamination of hypertrophic grafts. 1st generation Evolution of ACI Pro: – Fills the defect with hyaline cartilage (Hangody, 2003) – Subchondral bone defects is treated as part of the procedure – Inexpensive – One step procedure – Smaller lesions may be done arthroscopically – Allograft is possible Contra: – Donor site morbidity (Matricali, 2010) – Limited number of plugs – If failure the damage to the subchondral bone interferes with later treatment – Allografts pose (viral) infection risk (CDC, 2002) • Autologous chondrocytes in suspension under a sutured periosteal flap • 23 patients with full thickness lesions (16 femoral, 7 patella) • Mean follow-up 39 months • 14 of 16 femoral transplants good to excellent • 2 of 7 patellar transplants good to excellent • 12 of 23 biopsies showed hyaline like cartilage – Hypertrophy – Need to harvest periost – Sutures – Leakage of cells? – Uneven distribution of cells? (Mithoefer, 2011) (Cole, 2009) The New England Journal of Medicine Downloaded from nejm.org at HELSEBIBLIOTEKET GIR DEG TILGANG TIL NEJM on June 9, 2014. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright © 1994 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved. Figure 1. Intraoperative image of a football player treated with first-generation autologous chondrocyte implantation, demonstrating a full arthrotomy and sutured periosteal patch. Technical Evolution of ACI First-Generation Technique With this original ACI technique, cartilage harvesting was performed in a primary procedure, followed by cell isolation and expansion in vitro. Implantation of the cultured chondrocytes was then performed in a second open procedure under a periosteal patch acquired from the proximal tibia and sutured to the surrounding stable cartilage margins with the cambium layer facing toward the defect.7 The periosteal rim was sealed with fibrin glue, and the cultured chondrocytes were then injected under the periosteal flap covering the articular cartilage defect. This procedure often required a large incision for access to the defect and periosteal harvest (Fig. 1). The results of this first-generation technique have been described specifically for football players.9 Good and excellent results were reported in 72% overall, in 85% of players with single cartilage lesions, and in 93% of single defects located on the medial femoral condyle. Postoperative Tegner activity scores improved in 82% from an average 3.6 ± 0.2 points preoperatively to 6.1 ± 0.5 points at last follow-up (P < 0.001). While overall rate to return to football was 33%, return rate was significantly better for competitive players at 83% compared to 16% in recreational players (P < 0.001). Best return rates were observed in adolescent athletes with a return rate of 96%.10 Eighty percent of returning players returned to the preinjury skill level. Average time to return to football was 18 months (range, 12-24 months) for first-generation ACI. Time to return was shorter in high-level soccer players (14 months) than in recreational players (22 months) (P < 0.001). Of the returning players, 87% continued to play 52 months after ACI. Return to football was significantly better in players with single cartilage lesions of the femur, younger age (≤25 years), Characterized Chondrocyte Implantation The in vitro culture and expansion of human chondrocytes for ACI have been shown to result in a dedifferentiation of the cultured cells with a shift from a predominantly type II collagen-containing hyaline matrix to a fibrocartilage-like type I collagen-rich repair cartilage.12,13 To address this aspect, characterized chondrocyte implantation (CCI) has been developed to improve hyaline articular cartilage regeneration through the identification and selective expansion of specific chondrocyte subpopulations capable of producing more hyaline-like repair cartilage tissue. CCI uses the firstgeneration ACI surgical technique with a periosteal patch. Prospective, randomized, controlled clinical comparison of CCI with microfracture has shown superior structural repair and histomorphometry with CCI at 12 months.12 Clinical results at 36 months have shown significantly increased Knee injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score (KOOS) sports and recreation subscores that were higher than after microfracture.13 Better KOOS sports subscores were seen when surgery was performed within 3 years from injury. Recently discussed results show a persistent good outcome at 5 years, and prospective cohort data using CCI with a synthetic membrane clearly demonstrate a reduction of hypertrophy compared to periosteal coverage.14 The same authors found significant increases of the Activity Rating Scale after CCI and that low-level joint-loading activities after surgery had a beneficial effect on postoperative recovery with both faster return to preinjury activity levels and significantly better overall knee function. Graft hypertrophy was observed in 25% after CCI, with a failure rate of 4% at 36 months.13,15 Second-Generation Techniques To avoid the frequent complication of graft hypertrophy and the associated risk from delamination or requirement for surgical chondroplasty of the hypertropic graft, bioabsorbable collagen membrane was developed as an innovative Downloaded from car.sagepub.com at Oslo universitetssykehus. on June 4, 2014 The New England Journal of Medicine Downloaded from nejm.org at HELSEBIBLIOTEKET GIR DEG TILGANG TIL NEJM on June 9, 2014. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright © 1994 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved. 4 9/23/14 1788 THE JOURNAL O F B O N E & J O I N T S U R G E RY J B J S . O R G V O L U M E 9 1-A N U M B E R 7 J U LY 2 009 SU RGI CAL MA NAGEMEN T DEFECTS IN THE KNEE d d d OF ART I C U L A R CA RT I L AG E ! TABLE IV Demographic Data and Clinical Outcomes in Studies of Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation Author(s) No. of Patients 34 126 with autologous chondrocyte implant. after other failed cartilage proc. (multicenter study) Zaslav et al. 35 Rosenberger et al. 36 Mandelbaum et al. 7 4.7 (range, 1-15.0) Range, 16-48 118 with isolated chondral lesion Knutsen et al. 4.63 48.6 (range, 45-60); all >45 40 37 Mean Lesion Size (cm ) 34.5 56; 50% with concomitant osteotomies Kreuz et al. 2 Mean Age (yr) 4.5 35 (range, 18-50) 40 with autologous chondrocyte implant., 40 with microfract. 38 Steinwachs and Kreuz 63 34 *VAS = visual analog scale, SF-36 = Short Form-36, and ICRS = International Cartilage Repair Society. 1st generation 2nd generation 1st generation • Autologous chondrocytes in suspension under a sutured periosteal flap • Autologous chondrocytes in suspension under a sutured periosteal flap – Less hypertrophy – No periost harvest – Still sutures – Leakage of cells? – Uneven distribution of cells? – Hypertrophy – Need to harvest periost – Sutures – Leakage of cells? – Uneven distribution of cells? – Hypertrophy – Need to harvest periost – Sutures – Leakage of cells? – Uneven distribution of cells? 3rd generation • Autologous chondrocytes cultured in a scaffold and implanted in the defect – No hypertrophy – No periost harvest – No or less sutures – No leakage of cells – Even distribution – Possibility of arthroscopic procedure tightness test is performed with an 18gauge angiocatheter. The chondrocytes are then delivered through the opening with use of an angiocatheter. After the cells have been implanted, the opening gap is closed with suture and fibrin glue (Fig. 9, C). Postoperatively, patients with a femoral condyle lesion are kept nonweight-bearing and use a continuous- passive-motion machine. Patients with a patellofemoral lesion are permitted full weight-bearing with the knee in extension. Continuous passive motion for six to eight hours per day at one cycle per minute is used for six weeks after the surgery. A return to normal activities of daily living and sports activities is allowed six months after the surgery. Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation (ACI) 2nd generation Evolution of ACI • Autologous chondrocytes in suspension under a porcine collagen type I/III membrane (Chondrogide) Evolution of ACI first passed into the patch approximately 2 mm from the edge and then passed through the cartilage at a depth of 2 to 3 mm below the cartilage surface. Sutures should be placed approximately 4 mm apart, and a gap should be maintained in the upper edge to allow chondrocyte implantation (Fig. 10). The edges of the patch are sealed with fibrin glue, and a water- • Autologous chondrocytes in suspension under a porcine collagen type I/III membrane (Chondrogide) Steinwachs et al. 9 – Less hypertrophy – No periost harvest – Still sutures – Leakage of cells? – Uneven distribution of cells? Pro: – Subchondral bone is left undisturbed – Large lesions may be treated – Later generations have made procedure simpler – Maybe better durability Autologous chondrocyte implantation. A: A chondral lesion in the patella. B: Preparation of the defect. C: After the chondrocytes are delivered, the gap is Matrix Assisted Chondrocyte Implantation 9 Steinwachs et al. Hyalograft-C sutures (hence time of surgery) can be reduced using the ACT-CS technique. The spacing and number of sutures should be sufficient to just allow mechanical stability of the cell-seeded membrane to the defect edges and onto the bottom of the defect. Gaps between the seeded membrane and adjacent cartilage should be avoided, depending on the lesion size, and often 6–12 sutures per defect are sufficient to achieve adequate positioning and stability of the implant. The authors recommend a monofilament suture material (i.e., PDS 6-0, Fa. Ethicon, Nordersted, Germany) as monofilament sutures are considered more compatible and less of an irritant to normal cartilage and membrane. Although the degradation time for the sutures could play a critical role in clinical outcome, the authors are unaware of any detailed studies that have examined this in order to find an optimal material. Hunziker et al. demonstrated that suturing was associated with some local degeneration based on a histological evaluation,32 but it remains unclear if these observations are of clinical relevance. The authors recommend positioning the needle insertion close to the bottom of the defect, in close proximity to the subchondral bone. Positioning the membrane on top of the cartilage should be avoided since this could result in delamination or disintegration to the borders and lifting of the membrane from the defect with any shear force. An example of the preferred technique is shown in Figures 3 and 4. There is general agreement that knots can potentially cause problems, especially in a mechanically active joint. Placing the knots on the cartilage surface increases local shear forces and should be avoided. The authors agree that the best position for knots is beneath the surface of adjacent cartilage, directly on the transplanted membrane. This position also forces the membrane to the bottom of the defect directly opposed to the subchondral bone plate. An example of proper positioning of knots is displayed in Figure 5. Contra: Fig. 9 Figure 3. Cell-seeded membrane is placed on the bottom of the prepared defect, cell-loaded side of the membrane directed toward and in direct contact with the subchondral bone plate Figure 4. PDS 6-0 is recommended as a suture material to fix the cell/membrane construct into the adjacent cartilage. A strict position of the needle close to the subchondral bone needs to be regarded in order to provide a close contact of cells and subchondral bone 10 Figure 3. Cell-seeded membrane is placed on the bottom of the prepared defect, cell-loaded side of the membrane directed toward and in direct contact with the subchondral bone plate Cartilage 3(1) Until preparation of the present manuscript, the authors (M.S., P.V., and P.N.) have conducted approximately 250 autologous chondrocyte transplantations using the ACT-CS technique. Clinical 2-year results of the first 59 patients treated with ACT-CS have been reported recently,23 demonstrating a success (ICRS “A”asand “B” atmaterial 24 months) Figure 4. PDS 6-0 israte recommended a suture to fix the89% cell/membrane the adjacent cartilage. Ainstrict of and a rateconstruct of 94 % into improved knee function the position of of the patients needle close to the subchondral needs to subgroup with single defects.bone Three-year be regarded in order to a close contact of cells and results are upcoming. Noprovide technique-related complications adjacent cartilage should be avoided, depending on the subchondral bone were observed during the application of ACT-CS so far. lesion size, and often 6–12 sutures per defect are sufficient ACT-CS appears to be safe and reproducible. Nevertheless, to achieve adequate positioning and stability of the implant. using fibrin glue (see Fig. 6). The cell compatibility of long-term follow-ups are not yet available and results of The authors recommend a monofilament suture material fibrin glue and the ability of fibrin to support chondrogenic ACT-CS used for the treatment for larger defects are still (i.e., PDS 6-0, Fa. Ethicon, Nordersted, Germany) as monophenotype has been reported in various studies.33-37 This elusive. filament sutures are considered more compatible and less of has also been demonstrated for the combination of fibrin an irritant to normal cartilage and membrane. Although the glue and the Chondro-Gide® membrane.38 Any fibrin glue degradation time for the sutures could play a critical role in Conclusion used in ACT-CS should have demonstrated compatibility clinical outcome, the authors are unaware of any detailed with chondrocytes and the collagen membrane used. In conclusion, although the clinical evidence is limited, the studies that have examined this in order to find an optimal TissuCol (Baxter, Unterschleißheim, Germany) has been present paper provides concrete guidelines to surgeons on a material. Hunziker et al. demonstrated that suturing was shown to have good chondrocyte compatibility,37 and this standardized methodology for using the ACT-CS technique associated with some local degeneration based on a histotype of 6.fibrin also been usedat inthetheinterface ACT-CS for the treatment of symptomatic full-thickness cartilage Figure Fibringlue glue is carefully of 32 has logical evaluation, but it remainsplaced unclear if these observaFigure 5. are typically placed of the study.23 The fibrin glue should bethis limited. There defects. AllKnots recommendations were under basedthe on surface a consensus membrane andamount adjacentof cartilage in order to seal intersection. tionsamount are of of clinical relevance. adjacent cartilage in order to avoid any irritation of the adjacent The fibrinon glue be limited in order to reach an is also consensus theshould fact that the entire defect should meeting of the authors of the present article. The recomcartilage The authors recommend positioning the needle insertion appropriate not be filledsealing or covered with fibrin glue. mended procedures for ACT-CS are based on the authors’ close to the bottom of the defect, in close proximity to the clinical experience in treating more than 200 patients with subchondral bone. Positioning the membrane on top of the ACT-CS over the past 5 years. A standardized methodology cartilageExperience should be avoided since this could result in delamusing fibrin glue (see Fig. 6). The cell compatibility of Sealing and Use of Fibrin Glue Clinical with ACT-CS Geistlich) and represents an adoption of the initially provides a framework for further comparative studies ination or disintegration to the borders and lifting of the fibrin glue and the ability of fibrin to support chondrogenic After fixation of the cell-seeded membrane by sutures, the ACT-CS as described in athe paperinjected uses a beneath porcine described technique using cellpresent suspension between various techniques to identify optimal treatment membrane from the defect phenotype has been reported in various studies.33-37 This 14,15with any shear force. An examauthors recommend an additional sealing of the border collagen type I/III membrane (Chondro-Gide®, Fa. the identical membrane. This technique has been intromodalities, especially with evolving innovative regenerative ple of the preferred technique is shown in17Figures 3 and 4. has also been demonstrated for the combination of fibrin duced as the “second-generation” ACT. For this techmedicine products. There is general agreement that knots can potentially glue and the Chondro-Gide® membrane.38 Any fibrin glue nique and for the MACI technique, which also represents cause problems, especially in a mechanically active joint. used in ACT-CS should have demonstrated compatibility Acknowledgment and Funding an adoption using the identical biomaterial,25 various studDownloaded from car.sagepub.com at Universitet I Oslo on June 9, 2014 Placing the knots on the cartilage surface increases local with chondrocytes and the collagen membrane used. ies report safety, and midterm clinical outcome has been Figures 2-6 have been produced with financial support of Tigenix, shear forces and should be avoided. The authors agree that TissuCol (Baxter, Unterschleißheim, Germany) has been Leuven, Belgium. reported in several case series in the treatment of cartilage the best position for knots is beneath the surface of adjacent shown to have good chondrocyte compatibility,37 and this defects and osteochondritis dissecans.4,11,14-16,25 All these cartilage, directly on the transplanted membrane. This positype of fibrinofglue has also Interests been used in the ACT-CS Declaration Conflicting studies do not report any specific side effects and adverse tion also forces the membrane to the bottom of the defect study.23 The amount of fibrin glue should be limited. There events in context with the application of the collagen memAll authors have received grants for limited educational purposes directly opposed to the subchondral bone plate. An example is also consensus on the fact that the entire defect should by Tigenix, Leuven, Belgium. brane. In addition clinical outcome seems promising and of proper positioning of knots is displayed in Figure 5. not be filled or covered with fibrin glue. success rates vary between 82% and 95%. Using the colReferences lagen membrane seems to further reduce the incidence of graft hypertrophy demonstrated 1. Brittberg M, Lindahlwith A, Nilsson A, Ohlsson C, Isaksson O, Sealing and Use as of Fibrin Glue in a prospective ranClinical Experience ACT-CS Peterson L. Treatment of deep cartilage defects in the knee domized trial versus periosteum-covered ACT11 as well as After fixation of the cell-seeded membrane by sutures, the ACT-CS as described in the present paper uses a porcine with autologous chondrocyte transplantation. N Engl J Med. in large retrospective studies including more than 400 patients authors recommend an additional sealing of the border collagen type I/III membrane (Chondro-Gide®, Fa. 1994;331(14):889-95. with ACT.13 Compared with conventional periosteum2. Peterson L, Brittberg M, Kiviranta I, Akerlund EL, Lindahl covered ACT, as a possible disadvantage a higher rate of A. Autologous chondrocyte transplantation. Biomechanics malfusion of the regenerative tissue into the adjacent cartiDownloaded from car.sagepub.com Oslo on June 9, 2014 durability. Am J Sports Med. 2002;30(1):2-12. long-term lage has been reported, but this observation does not seem at Universitet Iand 3. Peterson L, Minas T, Brittberg M, Lindahl A. Treatment of to be specific for the collagen membrane, and it has also osteochondritis dissecans of the knee with autologous chonbeen observed in other artificial biomaterials.13 drocyte transplantation: results at two to ten years. J Bone Joint ACT-CS represents an adoption of the initial technique Surg Am. 2003;85-A(Suppl 2):17-24. using the collagen membrane for ACT. The first patients 4. Krishnan SP, Skinner JA, Carrington RW, Flanagan AM, were treated using the ACT-CS technique in October 2005, Briggs TW, Bentley G. Collagen-covered autologous and the principles of the technique were described in 2009.22 sutures (hence time of surgery) can be reduced using the ACT-CS technique. The spacing and number of sutures should be sufficient to just allow mechanical stability of the Figure 5. Knots are typically placed under the surface of the cell-seeded membrane to the defect edges and onto the botadjacent cartilage in order to avoid any irritation of the adjacent tom of the defect. Gaps between the seeded membrane and cartilage – Donor site morbidity closed with suture and fibrin glue. (Whittaker, 2005) – Expensive – Two surgeries – Not exclusively hyaline cartilage (long maturation process?) (Knutsen, 2004. (Vanlauwe, 2011) – Maybe more hyaline like tissue (Saris, 2008. Roberts, Saris, 2008. Roberts, 2009) 2009) (Cole, 2009) Downloaded from car.sagepub.com at Universitet I Oslo on June 9, 2014 Future perspectives with ACI The best evidence – RCTs • Better cells? What to choose? A critical appraisal! • Characterised chondrocytes (Saris, 2008, 2009, 2014. Vanlauwe, 2011) • Stem cells instead of chondrocytes (Wakitani, 2002, 2004. Kuroda, 2007. Nejadnik, 2010) Autologous Bone Marrow–Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells Versus Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation Conclusion: BM-MSC were just as good as chondrocytes An Observational Cohort Study Hossein Nejadnik,* MD, James H. Hui,*y MBBS, FRCS, FAMS, Erica Pei Feng Choong,z Bee-Choo Tai,§ PhD, and Eng Hin Lee,* MD, FRCS From the *Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore, Singapore, zNational University Hospital, National University Health System, Singapore, and the §Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore, Singapore • New scaffolds? COPYRIGHT © 2005 • Injectable hydrogels? • Cartipatch, NovoCart3D, NeoCart, ++ Purpose: This study was conducted to compare the clinical outcomes of patients treated with first-generation autologous chondrocyte implantation to patients treated with autologous bone marrow–derived mesenchymal stem cells (BMSCs). Study Design: Cohort study; Level of evidence, 3. Results: There was significant improvement in the patients’ quality of life (physical and mental components of the Short Form-36 questionnaire included in the ICRS package) after cartilage repair in both groups (autologous chondrocyte implantation and BMSCs). However, there was no difference between the BMSC and the autologous chondrocyte implantation group in terms of clinical outcomes except for Physical Role Functioning, with a greater improvement over time in the BMSC group (P 5 .044 for interaction effect). The IKDC subjective knee evaluation (P 5 .861), Lysholm (P 5 .627), and Tegner (P 5 .200) scores did not show any significant difference between groups over time. However, in general, men showed significantly better improvements than women. Patients younger than 45 years of age scored significantly better than patients older than 45 years in the autologous chondrocyte implantation group, but age did not make a difference in outcomes in the BMSC group. Conclusion: Using BMSCs in cartilage repair is as effective as chondrocytes for articular cartilage repair. In addition, it required 1 less knee surgery, reduced costs, and minimized donor-site morbidity. Keywords: chondrocyte; autologous chondrocyte implantation (ACI); bone marrow–derived mesenchymal stem cell Full-thickness, focal cartilage defects cause knee symptoms such as pain, popping, and swelling42 and affect patients’ quality of life and career. Recent large arthroscopic studies have indicated that the prevalence of cartilage defects is between 11% and 63%.1,9,14 Treatment of articular cartilage defects remains challenging8,21,26 because cartilage tissue has a limited capacity for repair.16,27,28 One of the most promising treatments for cartilage defects is autologous chondrocyte implantation (ACI),3,6,10,31 which provides y Address correspondence to James H. Hui, MBBS, FRCS, FAMS, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore, Singapore (e-mail: jameshui@nus .edu.sg). The authors declared that they had no conflicts of interests in their authorship and publication of this contribution. The American Journal of Sports Medicine, Vol. 38, No. 6 DOI: 10.1177/0363546509359067 ! 2010 The Author(s) THE JOURNAL OF BONE AND JOINT SURGERY, INCORPORATED An Analysis of the Quality of Cartilage Repair Studies Background: First-generation autologous chondrocyte implantation has limitations, and introducing new effective cell sources can improve cartilage repair. Methods: Seventy-two matched (lesion site and age) patients underwent cartilage repair using chondrocytes (n 5 36) or BMSCs (n 5 36). Clinical outcomes were measured before operation and 3, 6, 9, 12, 18, and 24 months after operation using the International Cartilage Repair Society (ICRS) Cartilage Injury Evaluation Package, which included questions from the Short-Form Health Survey, International Knee Documentation Committee (IKDC) subjective knee evaluation form, Lysholm knee scale, and Tegner activity level scale. BY Conclusion: Generally poor methodology and only 4 RCTs BY RUNE B. JAKOBSEN, LARS ENGEBRETSEN, MD, PHD, AND JAMES R. SLAUTERBECK, MD, PHD Author (year) Compared Results Comments Bentley (2003, 2012) ACI vs. OATS ACI better at 2 y and >10 y More failures in OATS Horas (2003) ACI vs. OATS ACI = OATS at 2 y Poor follow-up. ACI slower. Knutsen (2004, 2007) ACI vs. MFX ACI = MFX at 2 y and 5 y Younger and active did better. Fibrocartilage in both groups Visna (2004) MACI vs. debridement MACI better at 1 y Cells in fibrin glue Gudas (2005, 2006, 2012) OATS vs. MFX OATS better at 2,5 y and 10 y Bartlett (2005) ACI vs. MACI ACI = MACI at 1 y Mostly fibrocartilage Dozin (2005) ACI vs. OATS ACI = OATS at variable followup Low powered. High degree of improvement after initial debridement Gooding (2006) ACI 1st vs. ACI 2nd ACI 1st = ACI 2nd More hypertrophy in ACI 1st Saris (2008, 2009) Vanlauwe (2011) ACI vs. MFX ACI = MFX at 1 y ACI better at 3 y ACI = MFX at 5 y Characterised chondrocytes Better histology in ACI Basad (2010) MACI vs. MFX MACI better at 2 y Large lesions (4-10 cm2) Gudas (2013) OATS vs. MFX vs. debridement OATS better at 3 y In patients with ACL reconstruction Saris (2014) MACI vs. MFX MACI better at 2 y Histology was equal Investigation performed at the Oslo Sports Trauma Research Center and the Orthopaedic Center, Ullevaal University Hospital, Oslo, Norway Background: Most lesions of articular cartilage do not heal spontaneously and may lead to secondary osteoarthri- tis. It is not known whether the optimistic reports on the short and long-term results of several different cartilage rewww.ungc.libguides.com pair techniques are based on sound methodological quality. Methods: We performed a literature search in MEDLINE, CINAHL, the Cochrane Central Register, and EMBASE and included studies in which the primary aim of the investigation was to report the outcome after cartilage repair in the knee with use of microfracture, autologous osteochondral transplantation, autologous periosteal transplantation, or autologous chondrocyte implantation. We scored the quality of the studies using a modified Coleman Methodology Score with ten criteria, which results in a final score between 0 and 100. Studies were also assessed with use of the level-of-evidence rating used in the American Volume of The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. We collected data on the year of publication, the reported postoperative results, and the outcome measures used to assess the results. Results: Sixty-one studies involving a total of 3987 surgical procedures were included. The average methodology score was 43.5 of 100. Methodological deficiencies were found with respect to five criteria: the type of study, description of the rehabilitation protocol, outcome criteria, outcome assessment, and subject selection process. Large variations in the reported outcome were seen within each treatment modality, and no significant differences were found between each kind of therapy (p = 0.11). The methodology score correlated positively with the level-of-evidence rating (r = 0.668, p < 0.0001), but there were large variations in the methodology score within each level. The linear regression analysis weighted by the number of patients demonstrated a negative yet not significant correlation between the methodology score and the results reported in nineteen studies with use of the Lysholm Scale (r = –0.29, p = 0.19). A total of twentyseven different clinical outcome measurement scales were used to assess outcome. Conclusions: The generally low methodological quality found in the studies included in this analysis indicates that caution is required when interpreting results after surgical cartilage repair. Firm recommendations on which procedure to choose cannot be given at this time on the basis of these studies. More attention should be paid to methodological quality when designing, performing, and reporting clinical studies. Level of Evidence: Therapeutic Level III. See Instructions to Authors for a complete description of levels of evidence. S urgical treatment for articular cartilage injury is of major interest to orthopaedic surgeons because most lesions of articular cartilage do not heal spontaneously and may predispose the joint to the subsequent development of secondary osteoarthritis1,2. In a series of 993 knee arthroscopies performed because of pain, substantial cartilage lesions considered suitable for surgical treatment (those that were >2 cm2 in size and grade 3 or 4, according to the system of the International Cartilage Repair Society3) were detected in 6% of the patients4. Treatment for articular cartilage injuries includes the microfracture technique5, autologous periosteal transplantation6, autologous osteochondral transplantation7, and autologous chondrocyte implantation8; however, much controversy surrounds the best treatment option. Numerous published articles, in which the above treatment options were used, have described good or excellent results for a majority of 314 patients9,10. However, several authors have pointed out methodological weaknesses in the published studies11-13. The purpose of this analysis was to determine whether the optimistic reports in the literature are supported by sound methodological quality in the studies. Our main hypothesis was that the majority of the studies have methodological limitations that may limit the value of the reported results. Our second hypothesis was that studies of lesser methodological quality describe higher rates of success. We addressed methodological limitations by calculating a modified Coleman Methodology Score14 and level-of-evidence rating15 and correlated these to the reported results. We also correlated the Coleman Methodology Score with the year of publication to study trends over time. In addition, we collected the different outcome measurement scales used to assess outcome in order to determine the diversity in this area. TABLE 1. Form of Bias Selection Nonresponder Performance Cartilage 1(4) Downloaded from www.ejbjs.org on January 17, 2006 Table 1. Assessment of the Inclusion Criteria of the 8 Articles and Common Inclusion Criteria 9,10 Knutsen et al. Saris et al.14 Gudas et al.12,13 Bentley et al.11 Bartlett et al.17 Gooding et al.16 Dozin et al.15 Horas et al.18 Common Transfer Number Size, cm2 Age Localization Single lesion Single lesion Single lesion Symptomatic lesion Lesion Symptomatic lesion Focal defect Single lesion Single, symptomatic lesion 2-10 1-5 1-4 1-12 >1 1-12 >1 (3.2-5.6 as descriptive) 3.2-4 18-45 18-50 <40 16-49 15-50 15-52 16-40 18-45 18-40 Femoral condyle Femoral condyle Weight-bearing femoral condyle Whole knee joint Whole knee joint Whole knee joint Weight-bearing condyle Weight-bearing femoral condyle Weight-bearing femoral condyle % Eligibility 31 37 30 74 77 80 45 7 4 RCTs Tablevs. 2. The 8clinical Included RCTs, thepractice 2 Compared Cartilage Repair Procedures for Each Study, and Number of Included Patients RCT ACI > OATS (Bentley) MACI > debridement (Visna) MACI > MFX (Basad) MACI > MFX (Saris) OATS > MFX (Gudas) OATS > MFX (Gudas) Equal outcomes ACI = OATS (Horas) ACI = OATS (Dozin) ACI = MFX (Knutsen) ACI = MFX (Saris) ACI = MACI (Bartlett) ACI 1st = ACI 2nd (Gooding) ACI: Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation. OATS: Mosaicplasty/Osteochondral Autograft Transplantation. MFX: Microfracture. MACI: Matrix-assisted ACI. Procedure 1 et al.9,10 Saris et al.14 ACI CCI Horas et al.18 ACI Original Article Knutsen Knee Cartilage MOAT Gudas et al.12,13 Defect Patients 11 ACI Bentleyin et al. Enrolled Randomized Controlled ACI Bartlett et al.17 Trials Are Not Representative ACI (periosteum) Gooding et al.16 15 of Patients Orthopedic Practice ACI Dozin et al.in Procedure 2 MF MF MF MP Matrix-induced ACI ACI (collagen type I/III) MP OCT Cartilage 1(4) 312–319 © The Author(s) 2010 Reprints and permission: sagepub.com/journalsPermissions.nav DOI: 10.1177/1947603510373917 http://cart.sagepub.com Strategy Randomization protocol; strict inclusion/exclusion criteria; control of patient- and surgery-specific factors Comprehensive patient follow-up (!80%) Minimal losses to follow-up Artifactual findings resulting from errors in diagnostic or outcome measurement Publication Form of reporting bias leading to over-representation of significant or positive studies in systematic reviews Study design Error resulting from failure to identify issues with internal or external validity Measurement Confounding Systematic error in data collection Interference from a third variable that distorts the association between treatment and clinical outcomes RCTs Standardized surgical technique and postoperative protocol; similar surgical experience; surgeon facile in both surgical treatments Comprehensive patient follow-up (!80%) Minimal losses to follow-up Double-blinded protocol; third-party/independent observers at follow-up; objective outcome measures Publication of well-designed RCTs irrespective of clinical results; limitations of multiple publications Designation of an appropriate control group Control for open surgical technique or staged surgical interventions Use of validated patient outcome measures Strict inclusion/exclusion criteria; isolated chondral lesions; limited prior or concomitant procedures; short preoperative symptom duration Number of Included Patients cartilage. However, given the intrinsic challenges of this particularSystematic subject Review matter, the limitations of patient parameters and study consideration Limitations and Sources of Biasdesign in Clinical Knee can be difficult Cartilage to avoid. Research Similarly, comparative evaluations can be difficult to assess based on the differences highlighted later. Table 2 defines the biases Jamie Worthen, M.D., CPT Brian R. Waterman, M.D., MC, USA, present eachM.D., study, and H.Table 3 defines specific Philip A. in Davidson, and James Lubowitz, M.D. 80 118 60 100 91 68 47 40 limitations and challenges highlighted by the authors of each study. Bartlett et al.2 (2005) Clinical Study: Bartlett et al.2 compared the results of ACI with a porcine-derived type I/type III collagen cover versus matrix-induced autologous chon- RCT, randomized controlled trial; ACI, autologus chondrocyte implantation; MF, microfracture; CCI, characterized chondrocyte implantation; MOAT, mosaic 1 1,2 1,2 C.N. Engen , L. Engebretsen , and A. Årøen osteochondral autologus transplantation; MP, mosaicplasty; OCT, osteochondral cylinder transplantation. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to systematically review the limitations and biases inherent to surgical trials on the management of knee chondral defects. Methods:ABLE A literature search of PubMed/ Medline, CINAHL (Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature), EMBASE, and the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials was conducted in September 2010 and updated in August 2011 to identify all English-language, Level I evidence, randomized controlled Bartlett et prospective, Basad et Bentley et trials published from 1996 to present. The keyword search included the following: “autologous 5 al.2 al.3 “mosaicplasty,” al. chondrocyte,” “cartilage graft,” “cartilage repair,” “chondroplasty,” “microfracture,” and/or “osteochondral.” Nonoperative studies, nonhuman studies,vnon-knee studies, ACI vstudies, ex vivo MACI ACI v and/or studies with follow-up of less than 1 year were excluded. A systematic review was performed Study MACI MFX MOATS on all included studies, and limitations and/or biases were identified and quantitated. Results: Of 15,311 citations, 33 abstracts were reviewed and 11 prospective, randomized controlled trials were included. We identified 9 major limitations (subject age, subject prior surgery, subject duration of bias "procedure selection,#procedure standardiza"" symptoms,Selection lesion location, lesion size, lesion number, tion, and Performance limited histologic bias analysis) and 7 common biases (selection,# performance, transfer, NP NP nonresponder, detection, publication, and study design). Conclusions: Level I therapeutic studies investigating the surgical management of human knee Transfer bias #cartilage defects have " substantial identified# biases and limitations. This review has limitations because other classifications of bias or limitation Nonresponder bias defects is controversial, " "" research methods" exist. Optimal management of cartilage and future rigorous could minimize common biases through strict study design and patient selection criteria, larger Detection bias " NP " patient enrollment, more extended follow-up, and standardization of clinical treatment pathways. Level of Evidence: Level I,bias systematic review of Level Publication # I studies. # # T Abstract 9-18 Objective: Knee cartilage defects represent a socioeconomic burden and may cause14lifelong disability. Studies have shown that cartilage defects are detected in approximately 60% of knee arthroscopies. In clinical trials, the majority of these patients 18 are excluded. This study investigates whether patients included in randomized controlled trials (RCTs) represent a selected group compared to general cartilage patients. Design: Published randomized clinical trials on cartilage repair studies were identified (May 2009) and analyzed to define common inclusion criteria that in turn were applied to all patients submitted to our cartilage repair center during 2008. Patient-administered Lysholm knee score was used to evaluate functional level at referral. In addition, previous surgery and size and localization of cartilage defects were recorded. Results: Common inclusion criteria in the referred patients and patients included in the published RCTs were single femoral condyle lesion, age range 18 to 40 years, and size of lesion range 3.2 to 4.0 cm2. Six of 137 referred patients matched all the 7 RCTs. Previous cartilage repair and multiple lesions were associated with decreased Lysholm score (P < 0.002). Lysholm score was independent of age, gender, and time of symptoms from the defect. Conclusion: The heterogeneity of the referred cartilage patients and the variation in inclusion criteria in the RCTs may question whether RCTs actually represent the general cartilage patients. The present study suggests that results from published RCTs may not be representative of the gross cartilage population. whereasfor Saris et al. included than each of the 8referred RCTs, • All patients the most, n = 118, and Horas et al. included 40 patients. We thereforeevaluation believe that we have included cartilage cartilage to aenough tertiary patients to answer our study hypothesis. We also performed a power analysis on behalf of the stauniversity clinic tistical analysis. We wanted to simply match the characteristics of included patients with the same characteristics from • Assessed with inclusion the 8 RCTs. This resulted in a minimum ofcriteria 101 included patients in this study. Figure 1 illustrates the inclusion of the retrieved from 8 RCTs patients in this present study. In total, 46 women and 91 men were included, with their ages ranging from 13 to 58 (median 37). Nine patients • Of patients with a verified had bilateral lesions, 34 had been experiencing symptoms for less than 10 months, and 75 had not been through either defect between cartilage repair or anterior7% cruciateand ligament80% (ACL) reconIntroduction struction previously, whereas 13 had not been through would have atbeen inmaterial, any intervention the time ofeligible inclusion. In this 65 patients had symptoms that could be related to one each RCT specific incident, and the defects were thereby classified Keywords cartilage defect, Lysholm, RCT, cartilage repair • No clear picture • No recent meta-analyses or Cochrane-reports Identified Forms of Bias in Cartilage Research Definition Error in patient selection resulting in nonrepresentative or fundamentally different treatment groups; may include sampling bias, volunteer bias, and nonresponder bias Form of selection bias that fails to account for the outcomes of patients who do not respond or complete follow-up Systematic differences in the care provided to the patients in the comparison groups other than the intervention under investigation Bias resulting from differential losses to follow-up Detection Eligibility is due to the matching patients from our included patients. Better outcomes The choice? 1317 CLINICAL KNEE CARTILAGE RESEARCH 1110 Downloaded from ajs.sagepub.com at Oslo universitetssykehus. on March 3, 2014 may not represent general cartilage patients. The size of the defects and the age of the patients may also result in excluPatients with articular cartilage injuries experience decreased sion of patients in controlled studies. These limitations, which mobility and pain, although their symptoms differ based on are necessary to achieve a high internal validity due to1. theFlowchart of the inclusion of the patients in the study. Figure affected joint. These injuries affect a large number of study design of RCTs, may naturally interfere with the exterRCT, randomized controlled trial. patients. Studies have shown cartilage injuries in 66% of nal validity and clinical applicability of them. 1,2 the patients The present study was designed to evaluate the difference as undergoing acute. an arthroscopy for knee pain. In evidence-based medicine, randomized controlled trials between patients included in published RCTs and the total We performed an independent-samples t test onreferred thosetowho (RCTs) are perceived as the gold standard for evaluating number of patients a major cartilage clinic. The treatmentmatched options. Still,the onlycommon 3% to 6% of published articlescriteria study’s(after main questions were the following: how well cantotal the inclusion excluding the The number of patients not receiving any surgical in orthopedics are RCTs.3 Several studies18with the aim to RCT inclusion criteria be applied to our general cartilage article of Horas et al. ) and those that did not match. This treatment at the end of this study was 7. We obtained measure the outcome of cartilage repair have been performed group, and are results from RCTs applicable when advising yielded a nonsignificant P described value (0.9). information on cartilage lesion size, International Cartilage during the past decade. Numerous articles have 1 good or excellent results, but the methodological quality has Oslo Sports Trauma Research Center, Norwegian College been questioned, as evident in an analysis of cartilage repair of Sports Science, Oslo, Norway 2 Orthopaedic Centre, Oslo University Hospital, Ullevål and studies from 2005.4 Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway An issue that has been less discussed in the orthopedic literature is the heterogeneity in etiology and the anatomical Corresponding Author: from car.sagepub.com at Oslo on June 3, 2014 locations of cartilage lesions. Patients with lesions in only Cathrine Downloaded N. Engen, OSTRC/NAR, Sognsveien 220, 0863universitetssykehus. Oslo, Norway Email: c.n.engen@studmed.uio.no one anatomical location resulting from one specific injury Study design bias T # 2. " Presence of Bias in Selected Cartilage Studies " Gudas et al.13,15 MOATS v MFX Gudas et al.14 MOATS v MFX Knutsen et al.20,21 ACI v MFX Saris et al.25,26 CCI v MFX Visna et al.33 OATS v CP "" # # " # # # "" # " " " # # "" # # # " # " # " " # # " # " " # " " # # NOTE. One plus sign denotes the presence of a particular form of bias within the study, 2 plus signs indicate the presence of a more dence for evaluation, diverse methodology, inadehe current orthopaedic research in the field of extensive form ofHowever, bias, and minus sign denotes the absence orvarying marginal presence of bias. ACI and CCI denote second-generation ACI. cartilage restoration is extensive. quate follow-up, strict government guidelines, CP, chondroplasty; MACI, third-generation autologous chondrocyte implantation; MFX, microfracture; MOATS, evidence-based articularAbbreviations: cartilage research conducted regulatory environments, and the numerous inherent in randomized, controlled prospective trials has been potential biases faced by investigators. mosaicplasty-type osteochondral autograft transfer surgery;Furthermore, NP, information required to make determination of bias is not provided; OATS, limited by difficulties in enrollment, conflicting evi-transfer the presence of an isolated articular cartilage lesion of osteochondral autograft surgery. • All RCTs had substantial limitiation and biases • “Op#mal management of car#lage defects is controversial” • Very strict FDA-rules may limit the number of future RCTs performed in the US From St. Vincent’s Orthopedics (J.W.), Birmingham, Alabama; the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and Rehabilitation, William Beaumont Army Medical Center (B.R.W.), El Paso, Texas; Heiden Davidson Orthopedics (P.A.D.), Park City, Utah; and the Taos Orthopaedic Institute (J.H.L.), Taos, New Mexico, U.S.A. The authors report that they have no conflicts of interest in the authorship and publication of this article. Received October 20, 2011; accepted February 21, 2012. Address correspondence to James H. Lubowitz, M.D., 1219 Gusdorf Rd, Ste A, Taos, NM 87571-6499, U.S.A. E-mail: jlubowitz@kitcarson.net © 2012 by the Arthroscopy Association of North America. All rights reserved. 0749-8063/11686/$36.00 doi:10.1016/j.arthro.2012.02.022 Arthroscopy: The Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery, Vol 28, No 9 (September), 2012: pp 1315-1325 1315 Downloaded from car.sagepub.com at Oslo universitetssykehus. on June 3, 2014 5 9/23/14 Eminence- or evidence-based medicine? 1779 • 75 % of patients reach a good clinical results regardless of the type of T J B &J S . M A C S 9 1-A N 7 J 2 009 D be expected!) K treatment (butV a normal knee cannot HE OURNAL OF ONE OINT OLUME d U R G E RY UMBER d d JBJS ORG U LY U RGICAL A NAGEMEN T O F EFECTS IN THE RTICULAR A RT I L AG E NEE But? Take home messages The RCT(s) we are missing CONSERVATIVE ( = training) versus SURGICAL (= ?) Patients with symptomatic lesions without prior surgery Long follow-up! • Natural history is not clear • Don´t forget that if early diagnosed (especially young patients) fixation may be an option • No consensus on one treatment as superior • Still relying on experts subjective interpretations, but more and more highlevel evidence • Methodology is improving – more RCTs are done • Training is an overlooked option T. T. T. Put up in a place where it's easy to see the cryptic admonishment T. T. T. When you feel how depressingly slowly you climb, it's well to remember that Things Take Time Piet Hein Fig. 1 MFX: microfracture. OCA: osteochondral allograft. ACI: autologous chondrocyte Treatment algorithm for focal chondral lesions. Before treatment, it is important to assess the implantation. OATS: mosaicplasty/ osteochondral autograft transplantation presence of correctable lesions. Surgical treatment should be considered for trochlear and patellar Cole, 2009 lesions only after use of rehabilitation programs has failed. The treatment decision is guided by the size and location of the defect, the patient’s demands, and whether it is first or second-line treatment. ACL = anterior cruciate ligament, PCL = posterior cruciate ligament, MFX = microfracture, OATS = osteochondral autograft transplantation, ACI = autologous chondrocyte implantation, OCA = osteochondral allograft, AMZ = anteromedialization, 11 = best treatment option, and 12 = possible option depending on patient’s characteristics. cifically, patients often express concerns about whether it is safe to remain active despite symptoms and whether a delay in surgical intervention precludes certain treatment options because of disease progression. In addition, knowledge of the specific marginal improvements that a procedure should provide gives the patient a reasonable expectation regarding the outcome. Unfortunately, the lack of understanding of the natural history of these defects makes it difficult to advise patients, and it is best to carry out careful discussions on a case-by-case basis. Patient age, body mass index, symptom type (weight-bearing pain, non-weight-bearing pain, swelling, mechanical symptoms, giving-way, and aggravation of symptoms related to walking on level ground as opposed to stair-climbing), occupation and/or family commitments, risk-aversion (desire to avoid subsequent surgical procedures), responsiveness and rehabilitation after previous surgical treatments, and the patient’s specific concerns related to his or her problem are all important preoperative considerations. While chronologic age is often cited as a relative indication or contraindication to cartilage repair, it is really physiologic age that determines the patient’s eligibility for a non-arthroplasty solution. Typically, patients who become symptomatic in the fourth or fifth decade of life have concomitant chondral and subchondral disease involving apposing articular surfaces that precludes a biologic treatment option. In addition, the results of partial and total knee arthroplasty are predictably gratifying and satisfy most patients, even those who are relatively young. Finally, one must carefully search for associated pathological conditions, such as malalignment, ligament insufficiency, and concomitant meniscal deficiency, that may contribute to treatment failure and should be corrected before or during the surgery to treat the chondral lesion. Defect-specific variables include defect location, number, size, depth, and geometry; the condition of the subchondral bone and surrounding cartilage; and the degree of containment. The condition of the apposing surface, which is often overlooked, is also an important variable. Even minor areas of early degeneration make achieving a satisfactory clinical outcome challenging. Specific management of each of these defectspecific variables increases the likelihood of a good clinical outcome. Fakta om brusk behandling – Rehablitering kan i mange tilfeller gi like bra resultat som kirurgi – Mikrofraktur er ikke bra sammen med ACL kirurgi – Store skader behandles best med Celletransplantasjon – Chondrale frakturer kan i mange tilfeller festes tilbake Aktuelle scenarioer Svømmer 12 år-fulgt i to år • Ung idrettsutøver med knesmerter over lang tid • Økende knesmerter over 3-4 år • MR viste bilaterale OCD forandringer • Behandlet med ro og avlastning i tre måneder • Retur av smertene etter aktivitetsøkning • Høyre kneet som var værst ble behandlet med arthroscopi og oppboring • Kontroll nå, ingen smerter I høyre kne, men av og til litt ubehag i venstre kneet, bestilt ny MR • Voksen idrettsutøver med kjent leddbruskskade • Kombinert med annen kne skade som ligamentskade ACL,MCL,PCL,MPFL • Chondral fractur • Artroseutvikling A- Fotballspiller-elitenivå B-Fotballspiller elitenivå C-Fotballspiller på vei mot elitenivå • OCD forandring i venstre kne • Langvarig problem med kneet etter kollisjonsskade • Økende smerter og ubehag med kneet • MR viste menisk + bruskskade • Arthroskopert • Skopert behandlet meniskskaden og stabilisert bruskskaden • Fjernet OCD 10 mm stabilisert bruskskade • Retur til full aktivitet i løpet av få måneder • Knesmerter over 3-4 år • MR viste en OCD som innbefatter store deler av mediale femurcondyle • Skopert og festet arthroskopisk med Herbert Whippel skruer • Tilbake og spilte på toppnivå etter 1 år • Økende plager og ubehag • Skopert på nytt-desverre viste det seg OCD fragmentet var gått i oppløsning • Rehabiliteres • Skal vurderes i forhold til celletransplantasjon • Opptrening 9 måneder • Retur til elitenivå men merker problem med kneet 6 9/23/14 ACL skade og bruskskade ACL skade og bruskskade • Aktiv håndballspiller Patella luksasjon • Bruskskader i 97 % av de med gjentatte patellaluksasjoner • Vridningstraume • ICRS grad 3-4 I 37 % • ACL skade med fritt fragment • Rekonstruksjon av ACL skaden • Fjernet fritt fragment • Gitt seg med håndball • Velfungerende kne • OsteoChondrale og chondral frakturer forekommer ofte sammen med patella luksasjoner • Mistanke om dette en av de få indikasjonene for MR i løpet av få dager Straume Nesheim et al 2014 Bevare det som er mulig Hvordan fiksere et slikt fragment Hvordan fiksere et slikt fragment 7 9/23/14 Hvordan fiksere et slikt fragment Hvordan fiksere et slikt fragment Praktisk tips • Aldri metall skruer på patella/trochlea Praktisk tips • Aldri metall skruer på patella/trochlea Hvordan kan vi best håndtere disse skadene som idrettslege • OCD hos pasient i vekst – Igangsette fullstendig ro og avlastning 3 måneder • Chondral fragment Take home message • Vi kan ikke ennå gjenskape normal brusk • Et godt resultat ved bruskkirurgi er en Lysholm på 75 poeng, kan sykle, gå klassisk langrenn, svømme crawl uten problem samt at det går rimelig bra i dagliglivet Henvise til brusksenter d.v.s som gjør bruskcelletransplantasjon • ACL skadet kne – Ikke mikrofraktur • Store lesjoner og stabilt kne – Henvise til vurdering ACI 8 9/23/14 Brusk i forskning Bruskkirurgiens tre hovedregler Hva har vi lært ? • Stabiliser kneet • Beinmargsstimulerende prosedyrer som f.eks mikrofraktur gir permanente forandringer subchondroalt lik begynnende artrose • Korreksjon av kneakse (HKA maks 5 grader) • Bruskkirurgi kun med forberedt og fullt rehabilitert pasient Hva har vi lært ? Hva har vi lært ? Hva har vi lært ? • Beinmargsstimulerende prosedyrer som f.eks mikrofraktur gir permanente forandringer subchondroalt lik begynnende artrose • Lokalisasjonen av bruskdefekten er av betydning i eksperimentelle modeller • Beinmargsstimulerende prosedyrer som f.eks mikrofraktur gir permanente forandringer subchondroalt lik begynnende artrose • Lokalisasjonen av bruskdefekten er av betydning i eksperimentelle modeller • Periost-mikrofraktur-mosaikk er like dårlig eller bra • Beinmargsstimulerende prosedyrer som f.eks mikrofraktur gir permanente forandringer subchondroalt lik begynnende artrose • Lokalisasjonen av bruskdefekten er av betydning i eksperimentelle modeller • Periost-mikrofraktur-mosaikk er like dårlig eller bra • Periostlappen sitter kun i to uker Hva har vi lært ? Hva har vi lært ? Hva har vi lært ? • Beinmargsstimulerende prosedyrer som f.eks mikrofraktur gir permanente forandringer subchondroalt lik begynnende artrose • Lokalisasjonen av bruskdefekten er av betydning i eksperimentelle modeller • Periost-mikrofraktur-mosaikk er like dårlig eller bra • Periostlappen sitter kun i to uker • Mesenchymale stamceller er et mulig alternative for denne type kirurgi • Beinmargsstimulerende prosedyrer som f.eks mikrofraktur gir permanente forandringer subchondroalt lik begynnende artrose • Lokalisasjonen av bruskdefekten er av betydning i eksperimentelle modeller • Periost-mikrofraktur-mosaikk er like dårlig eller bra • Periostlappen sitter kun i to uker • Mesenchymale stamceller er et mulig alternative for denne type kirurgi • Bruskcellene liker best autologt serum i dyrknings prosedyren • Beinmargsstimulerende prosedyrer som f.eks mikrofraktur gir permanente forandringer subchondroalt lik begynnende artrose • Lokalisasjonen av bruskdefekten er av betydning i eksperimentelle modeller • Periost-mikrofraktur-mosaikk er like dårlig eller bra • Periostlappen sitter kun i to uker • Mesenchymale stamceller er et mulig alternative for denne type kirurgi • Bruskcellene liker best autologt serum i dyrknings prosedyren • Bruskcellene produserer mer brusksubstanser ved biomekanisk stimulering 9 9/23/14 Bruskkirurgi krever • Gode artroskopi ferdigheter/ ligamentkirurgi • Utmerket bildediagnostikk • Rehabiliteringsfokus • Cellelaboratorium • Bruskpatolog • Osteotomikunnskaper • Protesekirurgi Fremtiden ? • Samarbeid – Andre sykehus – NAV – Industrien • Pasientomland • Tid 10