Sea Lamprey Dissection Guide

Sea Lamprey Dissection
Petromyzon marinus
MAJOR duties of various TEAM Members!!
Head Dissector
1. acquire tray & specimen; prep for specimen dissection
2. incisions with direction after conferring with team members
3. identification & tagging of required structures
4. assist with clean up of table and materials (cadaver & tissue
Assistant Dissector
1. assist with prep & organization of tags/labels
2. assist with determining incision locations
3. “hand off” of required tools from the dissecting kit
4. assist with reading of lab procedures & specific organ system
5. assist with clean up of table and materials (cadaver & tissue
MAJOR duties of
various TEAM Members!!
1. read lab procedures & specific organ system directions
2. keep field guide, lab papers, computer and table dry &
3. assist with reading of lab procedures & specific organ
system directions
4. assist with clean up of table and materials (soap, rinse,
& thorough drying of tray & table - including sink)
Clean Up
1. assist with prep & organization of tags/labels
2. assist with reading of lab procedures & specific organ
system directions
3. assist with clean up of table and materials (soap, rinse,
& thorough drying of dissecting kit instruments)
External Anatomy of the Lamprey
CHECKPOINT #1 – External Anatomy
External Anatomy
Internal Anatomy of the Lamprey
CHECKPOINT #2 – Internal Anatomy
Internal Anatomy
Internal Anatomy
ad - anterior dorsal cartilage
au – auricle
bp’ - basal plate
cd - cardinal vein
dm - dorsal muscles
ft - fibrous tissue
hp - basal plate to fontanelle
I – integument
int – intestine
lg - lingual cartilage
m - buccal cavity
my - spinal cord
na‘ - pituitary pouch
na.c - nasal capsule - spinal canal
oes – gullet
ov – ovary
pd - posterior dorsal cartilage
rmt - retractor of tongue
ss - lymph sinus
t – tongue - ventral aorta
vm - ventral muscles
an - annular cartilage
bd – bile duct
br – brain - dorsal aorta
ea - external gill aperture
gr - groove canal
hv - hepatic vein
i.ju - inferior jugular vein
ju – jugular
lr – liver
mv - median ventral cartilage
na - olfactory sac
na'‘ - nasal aperture
nc – notochord
oc - cranial roof
o.f - buccal funnel
pc – pericardium
pmt - protractor muscle of tongue
rt - respiratory tube
sv - sinus venosus
v – ventricle
vl – velum