Sole of the foot

Sole of the foot
Superficial fascia
Deep fascia
Cutaneous nerve
• Medial calcanean
branches of tibial n
• Lateral planter n
• Medial planter n
Sole of the foot
Plantar Aponeurosis
• fixes the skin of the sole
• Protects the deeper str
• Maintain the longitudinal
arches of the foot
• Origin of the muscles of
the first layer of the sole
Sole of the foot
Muscles of the first layer
Flexor digitorum brevisOrigin- Medial tubercle of the
calcaneum, plantar
aponeurosis and medial
and lateral intermuscular
Insertion-4 tendons for 4
lateral toes
Nerve supply-medial planter
Action- flexion of the toes at
the proximal
interphalangeal jts and
metatarsophalangeal jts
Sole of the foot
Abductor hallucisOrigin: medial tubercle of
calcaneum, flexor
retinaculum, deep fascia
covering and medial
intermuscular septum
Insertion-medial side of the
base of the proximal
phalanx of the great toe
Nerve supply-medial plantar
Action- Abduction of the
great toe away from the
second toe
Sole of the foot
Abductor digiti minimi
Origin-medial and lateral
tubercles of the
calcaneum, lateral
intermuscular septum and
deep fascia covering it
Insertion-lateral side of the
base of the proximal
phalanx of the little toe
Nerve supply- main trunk of
the lateral plantar nerve
Action- abduction of the little
Sole of the foot
Muscles of the first layer
of the sole
Sole of the foot
Muscles of the second layer
Flexor digitorum longusOrigin: upper 2/3rd of the medial
part of the post surface of the
tibia below the soleal line
Insertion: 4 tendons each into
the planter surface of the
distal phalanx of 2nd to 5th
Nerve supply- tibial nerve
Action- Plantar flexion of the
lateral four toes, planter
flexion of the ankle jt and
maintains medial longitudinal
Sole of the foot
Flexor digitorum accessorius
Origin: medial head from the
medial concave surface of
the calcaneum and from its
medial tubercle and lateral
head in front of the lateral
tubercle and from the long
planter ligament
Insertion- lateral side of the
tendon of the flexor digitorum
Nerve supply-Main trunk of the
lateral plantar nerve
Action- striaghtens the pull of
the long flexor tendons and
flexes the toes through the
long tendons
Sole of the foot
Origin: long flexor digitorum
Insertion:medial sides of the
metatarsophalangeal jts of
the lateral toes and then
dorsally for the insertion into
the extensor expansion
Nerve supply- 1st by the
medial plantar n and other 3
by the deep branch of the
lateral plantar nerve
Action- maintain extension of
the digits at the
interphalangeal jts ie in
walking and running the
toes do not buckle under
Sole of the foot
Flexor hallucis longus
Origin: lower 3/4th of the post
surface of the fibula and
interosseous membrane
Insertion: plantar surface of
the base of the distal
phalanx of the great toe
Nerve supply-tibial nerve
Action-plantar flexor of the big
toe, plantar flexion of the
ankle jt and maintains the
medial longitudinal arch
Sole of the foot
Muscles of the third layer of the sole
Flexor hallucis brevisOrigin: Y shaped, lateral limb from
the medial part of the plantar
surface of the cuboid bone,
behind the groove for the
peroneus longus and from the
adjacent side of the lateral
cuneiform bone and medial limb
direct continuation of the tendon
of the tibialis posterior into the
Insertion:2slips into lateral and
medial parts, ends into
corresponding side of the base of
the proximal phalanx of the great
Nerve supply-medial plantar nerve
Action- Flexes the proximal phalanx
at the metatarsophalangeal jt of
great toe
Sole of the foot
Adductor hallucis
origin: oblique head-base of the
2nd,3rd and 4th metatarsals, from
the sheath of the tendon of the
peroneus longus and transverse
head-deep metatarsal lig and the
plantar lig of the
metatarsophalangeal jts of 3rd, 4th
and 5th toes
Insertion: lateral side of the base of
the proximal phalanx of the big toe,
in common with the lateral tendon
of the flexor hallucis longus
Nerve supply-deep branch of lateral
plantar nerve
Action- Adductor of the great toe
towards the second toe and
maintains transverse arch of the
Sole of the foot
Flexor digiti minimi brevis
Origin: base of the 5th
metatarsal bone and
sheath of the tendon of
the peroneus longus
Insertion: lateral side of
the base of the proximal
phalanx of the little toe
Nerve supply-superficial
branch of the lateral
plantar n
Action-flexes the proximal
phalanx at the
metatarsophalangeal jt
of the little toe
Sole of the foot
Muscles of the fourth layer
of the sole
Interosseous muscles
• 3 plantar interossei
• 4 dorsal interossei
Action-plantar interossei
are adductors of the 3rd
4th and 5th toes and the
dorsal interossei are
Sole of the foot
Sole of the foot
• Medial
• Lateral
Sole of the foot
Sole of the foot
• Lateral
Sole of the foot
Sole of the foot
Plantar arch
Branches• 4 plantar metatarsal
• 3 proximal perforating
• The distal ends of the
plantar metatarsal
arteries gives off a
distal perforating art
which joins with distal
part of the
corresponding dorsal
metatarsal artery