Burns and Rehabilitation Detroit Receiving Hospital Burn Incidence The Numbers • How often? • How many injuries? • How many hospitalizations? • How many “major” injuries? • How many deaths? Gender* Male 69.9% Female 30.1% *Total N=126,642 Race/Ethnicity* Missing 2.9% Caucasian 62.3% Native American 0.6% African American 18.0% Other 1.8% Asian 2.0% *Total N = 126,642 Hispanic 12.4% Age Group* 18,000 16,000 14,000 No. of Cases 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 0 0 - 1.9 2 - 4.9 5 - 19.9 20 - 29.9 30 - 39.9 40 - 49.9 50 - 59.9 60 - 69.9 ≥ 70 Age Group *Total N=107,685 (Excludes Unknown/Missing) Etiology* Other 2.2% Chemical 3.2% Scald 32.5% Electrical 4.3% Skin Disease 1.4% Contact with Hot Object 8.1% Unknown 1.0% Other Burn 0.7% Radiation 0.3% Fire/Flame 46.0% Inhalation Only 0.3% *Total N=76,659 (Cases Where Etiology Was Included) Place of Occurrence Other Specified 4.6% Industrial 8.4% Recreation/Sport 4.2% Public Building (school) 1.8% Street/Highway 16.8% Unspecified 19.2% Residential Institution 1.0% Farm 0.7% Home 43.2% Mine/Quarry 0.1% Circumstances of Injury* Other 5.1% Accid-recreation 4.9% Accid-unspecified 3.2% Accid-work related 17.0% Accid-non work related 64.8% Suspected: SelfInflicted; Child Abuse; Assault/Abuse; Arson 5.0% *Total N=72,324 (Excludes Unknown/Missing) Hospital Disposition* Lived 94.6% Died 5.4% *Total N=126,645 What are the functions of skin? Conservation of body fluids Temperature regulation Excretion of sweat and electrolytes Secretion of oils that lubricate the skin Vitamin D synthesis Sensation Cosmetic appearance and sexual identity Burn injuries cause loss to some or all of these functions Types of Burn Injury Thermal burns Chemical burns Electrical burns Radiation burns Thermal Burns Two factors are related to the extent of thermal injury: •1) Degree of temperature •2) Length of exposure Scald Burns Common particularly in children Accidental versus Abuse Chemical Burns Caused by exposure of the skin to noxious substances Amount of tissue damage is dependent upon: 1) Concentration of the agent 2) Length of exposure 3) Mechanism of chemical reaction Chemical Burns Caused by acids and alkalis Chemical agents continue to cause injury until inactivated 1) Inactivated by local tissue reaction 2) Neutralized by external agent 3) Diluted by water Electrical Burns Thermal injury incurred via electrical contact depends on: • 1) Type of current-AC more damaging • 2) Pathway of current • 3) Local tissue resistance • 4) Duration of contact Electrical Burns Death rate and voltage are variable Electrical current follows a path of least resistance Electrical Burns Severity of injury can be deceptive Complications often occur: 1) Tetanic muscle contractions 2) Fractures/ dislocations from falling 3) Cardiac dysfunction 4) Internal organ injuries Radiation Burns Occurs as a result of a local accident • Laboratory • Exposure to therapeutic radiation (cancer) Dimensions of Burn Injury Zone of coagulation (necrosis) Zone of stasis Zone of hyperemia Degrees of Burn Injury First Degree Second Degree (Superficial and Deep Partial Thickness) Third Degree (Full Thickness) Fourth Degree (Subdermal) First Degree Burns Cell damage Epidermis only Perfect example: Classic sunburn Red in color Skin is dry Delayed onset to pain Desquamation=peeling Heals spontaneously Superficial Second Degree Burns Cell damage through epidermis and upper dermis Epidermis completely destroyed Mild-moderate damage to the dermis Blisters are common sign=superficial 2nd degree Superficial Second Degree Burns Blisters removed for applying antibiotics Bright red in color Blanching occurs Edema is usually minimal Superficial Second Degree Burns Extremely painful Highly sensitive Heals spontaneously Color change from destruction of melanocytes Scarring is minimal Deep Second Degree Burns Cell damage Through epidermis Deep layers of dermis Mixed red or waxy white color Surface is usually wet=interstial fluid Edema is moderate Deep Second Degree Burns Painful Sensation Intact to pressure Diminished to light touch Healing occurs with scar formation and reepithelialization Epidermal cells (follicular) assist with reepithelialization Deep Second Degree Burns Surgery or no surgery? Spontaneous healing often results in: • 1) Thin epithelium • 2) Dry, scaly skin • 3) Decreased sensation • 4) Lack of thermoregulation Deep Second Degree Burns Healing in 3 to 5 weeks (if NO infection) Wound care is critical to avoid conversion (getting worse to 3rd) Hypertrophic scarring (raised scar, confined to area of wound) is common Will still have hair follicles. Third Degree Burns Cell damage Complete through epidermis Complete through dermis Characterized by eschar Hair follicles completely destroyed Nerve endings are destroyed- What is the result of this? Third Degree Burns Pain from surrounding areas that are only partial thickness burns Characterized with complete vascular occlusion and edema • Occlusion of blood flow of even deep vascular branches • Distal pulses must be monitored, because edema can occuled. Third Degree Burns Highly susceptible to infection Wound care is extremely important No sites for new skin growth Skin grafting is required Fourth Degree Burns Cell damage • Complete destruction tissues from epidermis to subcutaneous layers • Muscle and bone may be damaged Occurrence • Prolonged contact with flames or hot liquids • Result of contact with electricity Extensive surgical management=amputation Extent of Burn Injury Rule of Nines developed by Pulaski and Tennison Segments are approximately 9 percent of total body surface area (TBSA) Rapid assessment of TBSA injured Extent of Burn Injury Altered the percentages of body surface for children Accommodates for growth body segments with age Permits for higher accuracy Feasibility in emergent care? Wound Debridement Purpose: • Remove dead tissues • Prevent infection • Promote revascularization/ epithelialization Mechanical • Whirlpool (non-selective) • Sharp (selective) Enzymatic • Santyl Burn Wound Dressing Purpose: Comfort Maintain a moist, healing environment Protective barrier towards microorganisims Debridement of eschar/necrotic tissue. Burn Wound Dressing Topicals: • Bacitracin (triple antibiotic) • Silvadene (inappropriate to be applied, outdated) Gauze/Film • Xeroform • Aquacel Ag (gel Matrix)=great stuff, comes in rolls, has petroleum so wont stick • Acticoat Ag Foam: • Aquacel foam • Mepilex=for ulcers/wounds Burn Wound Dressings Superficial burns • Use an occlusive dressing Xeroform gauze=mosit, does not stick. Dressing to cover • No need for antibacterial agent • Silvadene only used for minor burns Burn Wound Dressings Mild to Deep Dermal Burns • Most common treatment: Use a topical antibacterial cream such as a triple antibiotic (Bacitracin) or Santyl (use till there less the 50-40% necrotic tissue) Cover with a dry occlusive dressing once or twice a day (to absorb interstial) • Skin substitutes provide best protection Ie: Alloderm, Epicel, Integra (~Shark Skin), Oasis (Pig Intestines) More expensive Burn Wound Dressings Full Thickness Burn • Topical antibiotic cream for protection • Skin substitutes also used for coverage until surgery • Surgical excision and grafting Surgical Management Skin Grafting: • Autograft • Allograft (Homograft) • Xenograft (Heterograft) • Cultured epidermal autograft Surgical Management Skin Grafting • Extent and depth of injuries determine grafting needs • Donor site • Split-thickness skin graft (STSG)-take epidermis and top layer of dermis. • Full-thickness skin graft: Surgical Management Sheet graft: Applied to recipient without alteration of donor skin • Cosmetically the best results Mesh graft: Donor skin is stretched prior to placement on the wound bed Surgical Management Survival of the skin graft depends upon: • 1) Circulation • 2) Inosculation=penetration of vessels into graft • 3) Penetration of host vessels into graft Surgical Management Deeply burned areas will develop eschar Eschar has poor elastic quality of normal skin Edema forms in areas under eschar Escharotomy may be necessary Surgical Management Escharotomy: Surgical incisions made across joint lines Depth penetrates the eschar Done without anesthesia Z-Plasty P.T. management Z- shaped incision- to open up and allow better cervical mobility. Grafting post procedure SPECIAL TOPICS INHALATION INJURY 3 Types of Inhalation Injury 1. Damage from Heat Inhalation 2. Damage from Smoke Inhalation 3. Damage from Systemic Toxins Damage from Heat Inhalation Caused by hot air or flame, or from a forceful high pressure source The thermal injury is usually in the upper airway only If steam is inhaled, patient can have secondary airway involvement because the steam has a higher thermal capacity than dry air. Damage from Smoke Inhalation Can be hidden in patients without obvious burn injury Can be overlooked in patients with burn injury In 1997, 4675 firefighters suffered burn injury as part of their duties. Of those, 3770 also suffered an inhalation injury. (National Fire Protection Association) Damage from Systemic Toxins Systemic toxins impede our ability to absorb oxygen Symptoms include confusion or unconsciousness A primary example is Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Indications of Inhalation Injury 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Patient is confused or becomes unconscious Patient is found, or evidence of, smoke and/or fire in a small or enclosed area Soot is found in, or around, the nose and upper airway Eyebrows, eyelashes or nose hairs have been singed Facial or neck burns Patient exhibits upper airway distress (stridor) Carboxyhemoglobin (COHgb) Test Blood test to measure the amount of COHgb in the blood Carbon Monoxide (CO) replaces oxygen on red blood cells forming COHgb This causes oxygen deficiency COHgb Values Less than 2.3 %: normal adults 2.1 – 4.2 %: adult smokers 8.0 – 9.0 %: heavy smokers (2 packs plus/day) 15.0 – 20.0 %: critical value (toxic signs/symptoms) More than 40 %: shock Treatment of Inhalation Injury Elevated COHgb levels: Hyperbaric Oxygen treatment (HBOT) Evidence of possible airway involvement: early intubation Bronchoscopy: irrigates soot and toxins from the airway Hyperbaric Oxygen Tx (HBOT) Enclosed environment, monitored by specially trained staff Can be single bed (critical patients) or full room size (multiple patients) Oxygen delivered at high concentration, higher than 1.0 atm pressure Bronchoscopy Video http://www.youtube.com/wat ch?v=esjI3jzXO7Y SPECIAL TOPICS STEVENS JOHNSON SYNDROME TOXIC EPIDERMAL NECROLYSIS SYNDROME (TENS) SJS: Characteristics Presence of purpuric macules Full thickness epidermal necrosis Mucous membrane involvement Less than 10 % TBSA involved Most often caused by medication reaction Mortality approximately 5% TENS: Characteristics Presence of erythmatous macules Full thickness epidermal necrosis Mucous membrane involvement Greater than 30% TBSA involved Nearly always caused by medication reaction Mortality can near 40% Pathophysiology SJS and TENS are drug induced, pathophysiology remains unknown Theories: • Genetic Possibly a predisposition for toxic metabolic accumulation • Apoptosis Possibly a cell-mediated cytotoxic reaction of keratinocytes (keratinocyte apoptosis is known in TENS) Apoptosis = programmed cell death Necrosis = uncontrolled cell death (inflammatory septic response) Drug Induced Short Term Exposure (1-3 weeks) • Sulfonamide Abx (Trimethoprim, Prontosil) • Aminopenicillins (Amoxicillin, Ampicillin) • Quinolones (Cipro, Levaquin) • Cephalosporins (Ancef, Keflex, Ceclor) • Allopurinol (Zyloprim)=Gout Allopurinol most associated with SJS and TENS development Drug Induced Long Term Exposure (first 2 months of use) • Carbamazepine (Tegretol) • Phenobarbitol • Phenytoin (Dilantin) • Valproic Acid (Depakote) • Corticosteriods (Prednisone, Methylprednisolone) • NSAIDS (Advil, Motrin) Mortality and Morbidity Mortality • SJS: approx. 5% TENS: up to 40% • Sepsis, respiratory distress, complications • Inc. TBSA involvement = Inc. mortality Morbidity • Disease course can be completed in days but usually up to 3 weeks Mortality and Morbidity Long Term Sequelae • Eye disorders Photophobia Corneal and conjunctival revascularization problems As many as 40% TENS survivors may have some blindness • Hyper- or Hypo- pigmentation of the skin post healing • Finger and toe nail regrowth abnormalities • Internal mucosal abnormalities (respiratory, GI, genito-urinary) Prognosis Specific prognosticators • Increased age Although reported in all age groups • Increased TBSA % involved • Abnormal lab values SCORTEN • Severity of illness score (reliable and validated) • Calculated within 24 hours of admission SCORTEN Treatment Discontinuation of causative agent (medication) Burn Unit Admission • Fluid replacement • Wound care with sterile technique Avoid sulfonamide inciting drugs/dressings (Silvadene) • Opthomology consult • Critical care as medical status warrants SPECIAL TOPICS FROSTBITE Frostbite Cold related injury, actual freezing of the tissue seen in: • Homeless • People who work outside in the cold • Athletes who are outside for training or competition • People who enjoy outdoor winter activities Frostbite: Pathophysiology Cold exposure leads to: • Ice crystal formation • Cellular dehydration • Protein changes • Capillary damage Frostbite: Pathophysiology Re-warming leads to: • Cell swelling and edema • Platelet aggregation • Endothelial cell damage • Thrombosis • Tissue edema and compartment syndrome • Local ischemia • Tissue death Frostbite Long term damages: • Parasthesias and sensory deficits • Vasospasm • Cold sensitivity • Joint pain and stiffness • Phantom pain of amputated extremities or digits Frostbite Signs and Symptoms • Coldness and firm tissue • Stinging, burning and numbness • Clumsiness of digits/extremities On re-warming: • Pain, throbbing and burning Frostbite: Degrees of Injury First degree: “frost nip” • Erythema • Edema • Hard white “plaques” • Sensory deficit Frostbite: Degrees of Injury Second degree: • Clear or milky blisters • Blisters appear within 24 hours • Erythema • Edema Frostbite: Degrees of Injury Third degree: • Blood filled blisters • Blisters turn into black eschar within a few weeks Fourth degree: • Full thickness, involving muscle, bone Frostbite: Treatment Initiate re-warming, no rubbing or trying to thaw with snow Once under medical care: fluid resuscitation Thawing can take 20-40 minutes Debride clear blisters, leave hemhorragic blisters alone Admit to a burn unit if necessary Frostbite Demarcation can take 1-3 months to complete Tissue often heals or mummifies without surgery, so delay amputation Lower extremity injury and those who delay treatment have a higher incidence of surgical intervention HBO: studies are still case specific Frostbite Complications: • Infection • Tissue loss • Gangrene Frostbite: Prognostic Indicators Good prognosis • Early sensory return with good pinprick • Healthy looking tissue • Clear blisters Poor prognosis • Cyanosis • Hemorrhagic blisters • Skin has frozen appearance Topics Requested 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Stretching and scar management Mobility training Pressure garments Positioning Splinting/Orthotics All topics are related across the continuum of care! Rehabilitation Services for Burns: Who needs Therapy? Acute Hospital • • Inpatient Rehab • Patients who meet Burn Unit criteria Patients with decreased mobility Patients who require functional re-training Outpatient • • Patients with scar/contracture evidence/potential Patients who require pressure garments Burn Unit Admission Requirements 1. 2nd and 3rd degree burns > 10% TBSA in patients under the age of 10 or over 50. 2. 2nd and 3rd degree burns > 20% TBSA in all other patients. 3. 2nd and 3rd degree that involve face, hands, feet, genitalia/perineum and major joints. 4. 3rd degree > 5% TBSA in any age group. 5. Electrical burns, including electrocution. 6. Chemical burns. 7. Inhalation injury. 8. Patients with burns and concomitant trauma. Rehabilitation Management Team Physical Therapist (PT) • Lower extremity splinting • Lower extremity ROM exercises • Functional activity • Ensures oral motor skills are adequate for speech and swallowing • Treats concurrent injury issues (i.e. head injuries) Occupational Therapist (OT) • Upper extremity splinting • Upper extremity ROM exercises • ADLs training and management • Functional activity Nursing (RN, LPN) • Medical management • Direct wound care-dressing changes, debridement • Hydrotherapy Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP) Orthotist (CO) • Performs fitting for custom pressure garments for scar management • Evaluates and treats patient for advanced orthosis needs (dynamic splints, custom lower extremity orthotics, face masks) Rehab Management Rehabilitation occurs concurrently with wound healing Rehab Management: Acute Early stages consist of: • 1) Positioning and control of edema • 2) Maintenance of normal ROM and strength (prevent contractures) • 3) Prevent functional loss • 4) Maintenance of cardio-pulmonary system Rehab Management: Acute Edema control • Elevation • Early, frequent active motion • Prop extremities correctly Rehab Management: Acute Positioning in Bed • Position of Comfort = Position of Deformity • Contractures and neuropathies • Individualized to patient needs • Sustained stretch positions • Pressure Relief Ankle Foot Orthosis (PRAFO) Positioning: Acute Burn Rehab Management: Acute Maintain ROM and Contracture Prevention • Encourage early AROM whenever possible • Assist with PROM/AAROM for patients unable to complete full range themselves • Splinting early encourages proper positioning • Discontinue active exercise 3-5 post graft • Self-stretching for donor site areas: ok to begin 24 hours post op. Early Splinting: Acute Early Splinting: Acute No splints: loss of function Rehab Management: Mobility Bed Mobility • Can be very painful, especially with back or buttock burns • Exudry utilized for comfort • Bridging on heels Transfers • OOB as soon as possible • Use of cardiac chairs • Abdominal and anterior thigh burns can impact sit-stand Rehab Management: Mobility Ambulation • Use ACE wrap on LE’s to control edema and decrease pain • Discourage flexed posture: trunk positioning, use of AD Exercises for posture • Trunk rotation and extension • LE self stretches for donor sites Scar Management: Healing Healing in 2 weeks: • Minimal to no scarring • Superficial second degree burns Healing in 3 weeks: • Minimal to no scar except in high risk groups (AA or Asians) Healing in > 4 weeks: • Hypertrophic scarring in more than 50% of patients • Due to prolonged inflammatory phase, increased histamine (fibrous tissue growth) Scar Management: Healing Early grafting = less scar Thicker graft leads to less scar Mesh grafts leave more scarring than sheet grafts The wider the mesh (increased ratio) the more scarring Scars will develop at the edge of a graft in high risk patient groups Scar Management: Stretching Stretching with Burn Patient • • • • • Slow, long manual stretch: up to 60 seconds Contract-relax techniques Lubrication: deep-prep or cocoa butter Blanching of wound: “if it’s white, it’s tight” Contraindications: 1) Exposed joints or tendons 2) Joints with heterotrophic bone formation • Elbow most common in burn population 3) Possible fractures 4) Joints with osteopenia, osteoporosis or osteomyelitis Burn Stretching: Virtual Reality Video www.youtube.com Scar Management: Hypertrophy Occurs in approximately 50% of healed deep burns Males and Females both affected, only seen in humans Characteristics of the Hypertrophic Scar • • • • • Surface erythema Raised from original wound Lack of elasticity Increased collagen Painful and itchy Scar Management: Hypertrophy Scar Management: Hypertrophy Hypertrophic scar development peaks at approximately 3 - 6 months post burn Scar is partially resolved by 12 – 18 months post burn Treatment: 3 categories • Biophysical • Surgical • Pharmocologic Burn Wound Healing Hypertrophic scar • 1) Red, itchy, elevated • 2) Confined to original area of injury Burn Wound Healing Keloid scar • 1) Type of hypertrophic scar • 2) Red, itchy, painful • 3) Extends outside the area of original injury • 4) Tumor-like appearance • 5) More common in African-American and Asian-American populations Scar Management: Treatment Biophysical Treatments • Compression: pressure garments • Ultrasound or microwave heat: possibly increases collagenase acivity • Gel sheeting: silicon sheets held in place by ACE wraps • Scar massage: break down of the scar matrix Scar Management: Compression Pressure Garments • Custom fitted to the patients • Used as soon as wound closure is achieved • Continuum from acute care to outpatient Scar Management: Compression Pressure Garments • Theory 1) Decrease scar blood flow 2) Decrease protein deposition 3) Increase lysis 4) Decrease edema • Goals 1) Decreasing redness 2) Flattening raised areas 3) Increasing scar pliability 4) Preventing contractures 5) Decreasing itching 6) Relieving hyperesthesia 7) Speeding up healing process Scar Management: Compression Pressure Garments • Wearing Schedule 1) Progressive up to 23 hours per day 2) Continue process for up to 2 years until Maturation Phase completed Scar Management: Compression Pressure Garments • Maintenance Monitored frequently at outpatient clinics Measured/refitted with muscle growth and weight changes Observed for skin breakdown 2 sets so that 1 set is always clean Scar Management: Compression Transparent Facial Orthoses (TFOs) • Work under the same theory and goals as pressure garments • Can be utilized prior to complete wound closure • Worn for a progressive schedule up to 23 hours per day • Covers areas of injury only • Conventional vs. Computer generated Scar Management Conventional Method • Petroleum jelly placed directly over face in OR or bedside • Plaster or casting material placed over face • Plaster negative is allowed to dry and filled with plaster to create positive mold • Plastic mask vacuumformed to the mold • Mask fit and trimmed to the patient Computer Scanning • Facial features scanned by computer (15 seconds) • Scanner catches topographic data • Mold created via stereolithography in plastic • Plastic vacuum-formed to mold • Patient is fit and trimmed to the mask Scar Management: Compression Examples of the use of a TFO in a child and a Transparent Neck Orthosis (TNO) for an anterior neck burn injury Scar Management: Surgery Excision • Small scars • High recurrence rate, more than 50% return Laser • Thermal tissue reaction occurs • Improves elasticity, less redness and less itching • 50% improvement in half the cases Cryo-therapy • Similar to laser, causes microcirculatory changes that damage fibroblasts • 50 to 70% of patients report some improvement Cold Laser Video Berns Triplets http://www.youtube.com Scar Management: Pharmacologic Corticosteriods • Reduces histamine and reduces itching • Injected into the scar itself Interferon • Reduces scar forming growth factor TGF-beta • IV or injected into the scar Protein kinase C inhibitors • Calcium channel blockers reduce protein deposited into wound Questions? E-mail: lhall3@dmc.org